. , THE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFICo: Times building N. Pain St., opposite post office. EDITORS. J. A. LeRoY, 'S, Mtanging Editor. G. B3 I.MSONso, 'i L, Assistnt A. W. SuIH, Special, Assistant. Wt. A. Oroos, .00 L, Assistant. II. COL~euAN, 'g, Atheic Editor. J. S. PEARL, '5 L, Business Manager. Associate Editors. I. A. Ilocer,'.5. E. L. Evans, '10 L. E. R. Sonderand, '0. Carrie V. Smith, 'S. L. A. Pratt,' OS L. R. Hmble, '10 L. C. A. Roughton, '6 1). . A. Hath, '00 P. ionic Thompson, '7.iH. i. G mmon 'S81M. C. I1. arrel,' OS . E. Kappen'9. J. S. inlay, '05 Subscription prite S2 5l per year, invariably In ad vace. Sigle copies 3 cents. Subscrip- tions may be left at te ofice og the DALY, at Stoffet's, at William St. ness sand, sith any og tie editoro or athoried solicitors Communications sould reach he ofice by 7o'clock p. m. ig they are to appear the net day. Address all matter inlended for publi- cation to the Maaging Editor. All business commnicatios ssou d be sent to the Busi- ness Manager. THE U. OF M. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Mich. Oil osr first iace ill bc, foud an article rviwinig thic debate of last Friday' night witi Noriirsvstri. As to what is tiicc' sttd, 1theDaiy- Wiois to say111a01 it cmson from a thiorouigly authinicicsourceinditic Daily ix williig to vouch for it. In ,writing up liei'dbotc for Stsrtay's isuic tiicAsociatdris disatcbs and a short tlgriiiiifroii the dba- ti's were all testicw s orly pe. Oin the strcngtih of ths, nothing was ift to sy but to acknowiedge ens dfoat as gracfully as iposbile, Tec Daily dlid so, it many be said, oss-oer, wih cosiderabic 'surtri, as a si- tory for Northwestrn, and Oat too aniieay on, was crtaiy uexccted. 'Wiho no iformationi to the citrary, howvr, it wis ncessay to reict- aiily toucede to Northwestern a som- igly laa' spriority. Sineitic facts iavc comie to or kiowidg, we alish to rtract any sci broal acknowi- edgeient of dfeat. Northwcstri has, it is tru. wotrheIic iimiiiiii ic- lor, but that isaliiithatcunte. con- cdd to isr-The cliii her rctporters senut throughout tiic coutry ilatioon victory wao aii thit po1revaluable be- cause welt by two against tirecfd- aitesoeno tipescitus froisn the first Witih nearly ten mninutes extra api1cc, would not the two 'strongest debters and best orators in Northwestern Unis- v-ersity make a better shooing Ila if that extra tiim were taken up by a tird spaker Who was weaer tban either of thie otitrs? There are imaiy tings .also about the debatethat Secnn queer to say thie least, for instance, the moter of the judge. .Soso rouble, it will be i'oembered, -was hd in securing judges acceptablo So both univer ii~esy .Nrthw trobo- eg, to 'one or two minprposed byt' Belogan. At last m cenwere f ud night of the debate,, others are subti- tuted in their plisets, wiles there was no chance for our represetatives to exercise any cioce. in the mattr. we hare otinug furteitlic10saylabou the niatter except that mxany things about it so cc to say the least strange. Mich- gal's relations withi Norlllsterls hiave asays bein most cortial in eresy say, anid it is our wisithflat they masy1remomn so. As far as this idebate' is concerned, so- again concde it 10 Northiwesterix. to so-ih course the de- cision of this judges compels ts. Let lies- then oejoice ii the victory as muchel as she pleases. For our part ii canoot be called in any resect sisfbactory. THE D)EBATE AT EVANSTON. CONTINUED FROM FIRST PAE. hetosecos the stek(rs. Te Michiga alsiakers do not dtoly that they ao', sore. 'They belies-cthit the acouts of the sdeate swrittens ty Evaoso studnsts for lihe Chicago Ipapors do them great injostice. on ty (ilt nt oesribe just lihi conditions smier swhichl the debte took pl1acc. If Northssesteri i shieis to cress'oer her bia iiieotry, she has tieCprivle'.g; a statement of the facts is ill jtice duto to tile'Miciganlsebttboer. They arty ready to stanid Iby temiiaoddal- leinge refutatis. They apptt to their ecrords andt those of their conipeti tos as plain esidecithtlt hes oecisioi sas a' biased oie. tlad cseu oe ichi-igans manl5stoodt abos-i'either of thet: Northisestern mienon ileither of their sieechles it swold not selii so strosug- - lot they altswrt downm togther. tollosoing are the marskiigs given: Dliv- Arg- ry. mont. I ader-------------84 95 McLean toy ------ 51---- 't8 Ifimnstis ------- 5 8 ISdei---------- 01092 hloward Oxtoby- - -55________8 59 Kfimball--------70O A00 j asier . - - - Si.......8 SO8 Winler xtby----------t!7 58 Kimball... es.........89 9 RBeoe~t-0----- 7 900 MceLean j:Benneitt-WardS2% to lOaord.-_----0--2 01 'Bennett)------- _0 8 Roward Bnn't ao - 0------ SIR97 warsd---------100 itt ( Bennett- ......00 0 Winkler hBenett 1 - 90 tard ----- 190 55 Our New Scholarships Commnostiiig 011 Mr-. trana's geerous gift to the' Uniersity, the Brooklyn Eagle says: "Mrs. Stranahan's gift of $2,000 to the' Uniiversity of Miciigani,i ineml- ory of her distinguised father. the lamnenteot Sellsitarrisoin, is asgeser- osnis it is wise. Her acio swits re- gard to the Uiviersity of Micign is lot oly us itself creditable to e humnality aind to hero'judgent, bot it is also a means of strngtheig one of the bet foundations of learn- ing in the sword. It is a grcious ad grateful testinmonial that will ideitify her father's nane and her own with -a benefactiocftat will be' actie for- ever in its outflosw of god to men and women who, in getting education for themnselves, will e acquiring .i to spread Its blessings among, the ATIC BICYCLE SADDLES., You see them everywhere. 1895-- (Ciumbia l 6icycies " THERE'S a whole sermon iou " * the above. It preaches the economy of baying the bs-a ; " wise ecoaomy that every one " can practice with Columblas " at $100. The neo Cohunsbias are " marvcls of strength, lightness, " symmetry, beauty and speed. POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn. ; Bn orsn, Non' Tort, Chicago, S a rnis, 'rovidenc e Bffalo.a °An Aot Catalogue of Columobiasnsueh be d; Sfre at nyptoolumbia " agnypo itwilbe " maied fotwo 2-cen1t2 sleeps. Tels, too, of" HAnROnDBIYCESen" $8s, $60, $50. " DITSO"N MUSIC. "Six Love Songs," By Franh E. Sawyer. Translations of Sin of Heinoe's finest lyrics iso exqismite musical settinogs. Heavy Paper. 70 centn.- "COLLEGE SONGS." Tho standard collection of College Songs. Over 300.00t0snod. Heavy Paper, no cents, Cloth, Gilt. $1.00. "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." Only boot of the hinill published. The 000(00 of thoe eading colleges for women. Heavy Paper. $1.00. ,,ROYAL ELL[CTION INSTLIIR RiGUITlRMUST., Eighty-two pieces for the guitar from the best soures. A splenidid collection. 1Bund- ome Cover. 5O cents. Any booh sent postpaid on receept of price. OLIVER DITSQN 00., 45'3-4613 WanhingtonSt.,.Boston. c. H. Ditson & Co. N Y. Tem-%pleSpecial. SAVE SAVE By buying a Temple Speciat STRICTLY HIGH GRADE ! Examine thinsowheel before purchasing your 't5 mount. J. L. ME & F. R. CUTCHEOy, It MoONR OsTRET. AGENTS "The Perfect" Inflatable Saddle, prees-oses Chafneg, Numbness and Saddle Soreness. The tCotapent, Easihest Bidinog Saddle inthe'torld.. Poor Men., Women aond Cihidreno. Circulars- Free. Address, PNEUMATIC SADDLE CO., 1e7 ChamboerSt.S., News Yerk, THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE, TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 185 Appearance of tihe original J. C. STEWART'S T*WO JOHNS COMEDY COMPANY. Heoaded by that Goliat of0 Comedians. John: U. 'hFattyi Steowart, who 155l be seen is that concenstrated essence of laughter THE TWO .JOHNS. Utz to date. A great company of dramatic,- musicul and specialty uti-ts. Prices, - - 35c, 50c, 75c.. Iteserved seats ono sale at 'tatts' Jewelry Store. FIRST NATIONAL BANK£. OF ANN ARBOR. Organized 1001. Capital, $10,00. Surplus and Prefls, $40,0005 Transacts a go-seai bashing business. Poreig,. exochanges tbought andnnld. Furnish loessofocredit. P. BACH P'res. S. WO. CLARKSON, Cashier- S To arrange for private or SPIECIAL CLASS, lessonss in Damicng, call at Craanger'5 .&oa~den.. Office hours hi to 1 and 4 to S. No stairs to muount. MRS, ANNIE WARD FOSTERS School of Dancing and Delsarte. Saturday,1its. in., Gentleman begnnersclass. Saturday, 4Op. in., Lady heginnemeelass. Sunday, 7:30 p. in., Advanced Clams Ladies' anaGentlemen). Tuesday, 7:30l p. in., Beginners. Class (Ladies aba Gentlemen). Private lessons by appointmnt. SCHOOL 46 S. STATE ST' THE Lovell Diamond Cycles Are unsurpassed for BEAUTY, SPEED AND WORIKMANSHIP. Good allowanoce made on second- ioand owheels. rGEO. F. FISHER, Agent,;5M E. Univ. Av. HANOSTERFER 'CTER si, ton no IT'S H-ARD TO DO WITHOUT csbotrmer i hT,,bJarFeel.thloepafe5St! CEO. S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN. Tordeaer isliely ohv huemin ehan, wie s and e'lsumnd oxute iformation yoana, our handsome iluosrstd eatalhue.freea PARKER PEN COMe- v, sJonevt~n l. n SHEEHAN & CO. Exclusive, Agent. for Ann Arbor. .LIHl [0 FISK & CO. POSITIONS FILLED, IN 1894. Send for AgenCY manual. Beaten New York -Chicago Les Angeles IToronto Washingtonl'