THE U. OF M. DAILY. Time Table (Revised) Nov 18, 1894 EAST. WSr. Mail and Ex-__350 Mail ......8 4 N. Y. Special-.,. 5 15. Y. socal.._ 7 30 Eatern E---10 5 N. S. Lismted--- S92 A.. PaifcEX..-12 15 Atlantic Ex....7 47 - . M D. N. Epress--- 5 4 Wstern Ex-2 2 G. R. Express _.11 05 Chi. Nt. x-..10 25 G R.Ex---- 5 5 . W. EcootLES, H. W. HAYE, G. P. &c T. At., Chicago. Agi., Ann Arbr. T., A. A. & N. M. RY. Taking effect Sunday, Apr11 7,1894. Trains leave Ann Arbor on "Cetral Stand- ard time. NRTHnv.-SOTrH. 7:08a.m. *7:15a. m. 12:25 p. m. 11:3:a M. 4:15 p. m. 9:00 p.. *Trains run betweeAA Arbor and Toedo Ai trains daily except Snda. R. . GEON FODAgent W. H. ENNETT G. P. A. Toledo . ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. Time Table, October 7, 1894. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., 7:0,9:0 and 11:00 a. i.; 12:4,2:15,5:bi0, 645, 9:89 and 1:0 p. m Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:30,9:0 and 11:30 a. m.; 1:15,2:45,5:0,7:5,snadi:0p~m. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from ogresst.,1:0,13:M0, 5:00, 030 and 9:0 p. m Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 1:8,4:8,5:0, 7:00 and 9:0p. sm. Cars run on city time Fare.inge trip 15 Cents round trip tickets 25 ens WM. F.PA~SEnSupt FLOWERS, FLOWERS For Everything and Everybody.' 1101 0S. Unierity avr CUSINS & HALL, f,,ls,g2 Telephone j. DIETAS & SCHANZ, 17. OF IA. TAIZLORE~S Our Spring and Stmnmer Woolens ate now on sale." Prices Low. Call and see us. 48 . tate st..Second Moor, AnnArbsor. 22 Years in the Busains.-y CITY LAUNDRY, M. E'. SEABOLT. No. 4 N. 4th ave. MERCHANT TAILORING! Clening, Pressing anda Repairing- done neatyby - ALG.,SCHOENENWALP), 26,. Washngton EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY! 20 EAST HURON STREET. Good Work Guaranteed. Goods called o and delivered. + A. F. COVRiT Prp.p ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS. Ladies and Gents Clothing Cleaned or Dyed. 3 W. HURON ST.. ANN ARBOR. Miembers of Guar.ntee Ticket rokersAno- elation of U. S. Cosby &c MKeon R. R. Ticket Agency 50Adams St., Chcago. _Redced rt to ar poists. Branch The Kinderaten No.' N. lain St. Ann Arbor ichi an. $255.00 for a 51 Days Euro pean Tour. We are organiing a select p.ry for a nn- tmer tour to urope leising ,New York, Jun 22nd, for London, Antwrp, rses Cologne Coblente, Frankfort, Hie . ., Siansterg aden-aden, Paris and Iipperturnig snllung from London Aigutnd. The part will be conductd by and under the peroal chare of MoTo Eown omN f Colmbss vel known as one of thu ,Srt muea) in structos of Ameita. and a genin genlem of large eperience in travel. ank. patros will have a berth hInn large promenad edec stateroom, and the ships seleced "are ne 8,01 ton twin srew steamers, provied w101 electric lights and.-steam heat. -Cmpe tnrr n nomf~nm~e nrcies: of slfaddressed stampd enelope. 9 230. pays evey expense of Sighs, travel an hoeles.Ful linformtion and itinerar mied on rece Itosg.5 dressedenvelpo Isentlon h~s paper. WARji BRQTHERS,. Gn. Tourist ad Steamship Agt., (Low. aes everywhere). Coumb us Oi Paper From Korea. Something of California. UTy . CYCLO TER u . ite Mary M. Cutler, 1. D., '88 M.. Manager A. W. Norili, of the IM'- ; sends to the library fromn Seoul, kosreas, verscity of Califo:rnia track teoani, 1:ef) wheitrensie now is, copies of tie "Seoul Sails Irancisco for New Y(::k Oef:'l I e1 / News. Bosides tse Koi'ean character, tdays ago. Oil l1: waly lie wil0)s:11 1 the Chinese isti Japani5~eseiaraeters in An:: Arbo:r to comsplete. arranege- aere also tusetd in this paper. Dr. nule ssexilts, if possible, for a dtial ieeet-. will tend this regulanrly ins the futiire log with na on .Tt::se S here or in T: and irusts that itissay be of iterest Detro:it. It io the desire of our At:- P; to Chineso aid~ Japaneese stun.;. letic associatiotn to brin:g abotit suc: The librarhin will b~e glad 0::stipply a. meeting and: to hold it hero if i::ot- Farsi:i stsnridi5iml. hitse with the paper whieonever they hle. Oil June 8, however, Purre ts a 10,000 MILES. PRICE $3.00 . may destre to see it. ganme sceld'dhere' with) "ieloit, Repeats or ser ry sent harck At the Grand Opera House. whieh Manager Weeks is attempting ONE OUNCE. ONE ItNCH LONGI 2:) 28and it inch. Intecehngeabl eto any to have eihansgti to another date. sizeiby gtting cotta piece at 25 Bent i. J. C. Stewvart's 'Two Johns" is just It ts oublntful whether (lio imeef wvill NO CHINESE PUZZLE TO SOLVE:. as funny now as whens it wade _toLRead,, plainly from saddle. adjg-be held in Detroit, if a date e annot Loast liable to injury. Ciampi on fork out; fist appearanee years ago,an u - of the say asd safe fromi aceident. ing hy last nightos perforinaisee, it is be seeured for Aisii Arbor. Case is solid German siliver. Ail other parts, soncorrosive.On,)tiud waterecannot injure going to mnake oine at the best runs The California teaim for tb;,!EaLst it, Leery meter tested at t0 miles per hour of any show thait has been at the hsas been picked and consists of ten and 'satanterd acecurate. Electrotypms furnished on application. Theater this season. Stesvart Wien. Tihey leave Californ:ia: (his. week BEAN &L LANG3, IRONCS. atiid Philipis are the same teaml that and go directly to Philadtelphia, wihere 097-701 Mtaiss St. FOND D(OiLtAC, giave to (lie play thse isame andl famse that rightfully betloigo 0:: it and~ if they mak01e their heatdquarteirs wvile yeers do biring wisdoin: to sousei peo- ini the Last. Mlay 11 they meet tPrine-y pie they certaillhave birotught wvtt ton l1 inadtual constest, andd May 18, to tistndo. 'fue genlerailitiemsicis Ien'Ilviio>Te oMm 2 _e the same se1 ever, bittuesv jokes ands it eompete, i the Amserican intercuiti:'g niew tsittuations have becin introdueed, and a numbaler of specialties are work- aeeaeinit~ tNwYr nio ed in with excellent effect All of tune 1 in the Westerni intercolleg- tithe actors in the:'cast are good ini: ate champstionsohip at Chiceago. IL- thmeir istrtietular wiays and the Lyeeumn sides th~ese. contests, thely hope, to m:eet G -n HR las evnig wisIs the LEADING SCHOOL OPf5iiS~IF.S 55051i~i last venin was iled almost to us[June Saiid the Delnver A. C. at0,HAND. Magnificenithbuilding; sen techer-n;tare "standting oog oly"BufaoCor-Dnvilun,15sondnc;goud discipline;s;peri'rwork; welt room onl7'-ttilfsioCone DeverInn' i-.suppliedi reoding room: dailylycure ; ra;turdal ir. Al tse Grand opera hose, Tuea_____________even_____ c insgreceptions; open the entire yrar.ExepS day Aril 3. tioat failities fcr placng niudentsin pensess dayd Apriloo0.$2eto $2.7$,per ee uprivat lem:iion . . .. ..awtno u 55 9 .9...,1-... 9J r b t 1 ti J y n >!tY PW+ Aw °i i f t r t 7 e , r e r 61 n n k . h e ti b d Y GOuting for May. iiTjh0 r:cent fifty-seconti inter-C~si. versity raice btwseen: Oxford and lCam-:: biridge brings agiinitoiproinenicie three pointls vorthy of notice' by nine solewvilat perf~rvid contestants. lot, The Oxford boait vas, coach'eI by a Catmbridge mnail, tir. I. C. Lehlmann, a gradutate of Liingo College, t'1,i- briige. Is the isixt plae' every itt::: of practice soas in: fle oipen onl tise Isis, tihe Camn, or the Tiloleez, anid itaily cihroiciledl a1111timediup to the laist monsi~t h y scores of lervpap r corresponds~ents 5w110:' i::ossidge andi expliei:'lc'n'able them to comileic table1:s of compiiarison andl contrast of so reliiaibleand: accuraste a inature thsat aill the' worldl migh~t judgi' tse reosective mlerits o:f till rivail cres!s whso, fulrthe:r", oftein passdobt'di: other is th~eir dlaily practice. Aid last, bult nsot le'ast, it demlonstratedl that orrcice, prsovid truliss:, thiatainitelligeist andl p:esistent:(apaplicatioi: to athletisni is inot incons~sistenlt witih thse.higilest schlstic' hoisors, for amilelgot thse Canblgi' crew u-as tile Seiior W~ranigler, the tirst ima~themi:atician of the ycar."-Outiisg for ::y. AVe have(iso celebrated Swan Linen p)aper and ensveioples to ma5:tci. (2IEORIOO WA HR. T:s:-o ill be a summe:s:r op~einiig of fuse ssoole'ns at til:'Coo:hos::o:,fi'e' dlay ai:: Wedn~esdasy of this ss'-(ek, b A. E. those,. re'preseintinlg lomoldi~ieni Eagle Clothing (Co., of Detro:it. All tile latest inosveltie' s madin.iit01::most applros-ed style at popularir Iices. NOTICE TO TIACE MIEN. All caindidates for th~e'varsity track teains muist aippear on til thetiicfield for practice every 'day betsveeu 3 andl f1>p in. or arranige other hiouro aiti: i11 r. Fitzpatrick. It is imperatively necessary that cafflidaten appear every day ffrol n5oa'o. J. A. _Ll~r ROY, Capt Stnbscr iJe forth(le Daily. COTRELL & LEONARD, ALBANY., NEW YORE, Makers of too:ps:ndGom::' to the Universeity of Miclilgasi. V. HURRELL, Local .Agent, 44 Wfiliam o '.. Ann Arb:or, ich: The Clover Leaf Route £W Please kep in mind the Toledo, St. Lonis & Kansas City 1R.1)., The Clover Leaf Route, "Fast Line" for St I ois, Mo., and the West and Southwest leaves To- ledo Union Depot at 5 p. mn. daily, arrives New Ulnion Station (the largest in the world), St Louis early next Imorning. CONNECTION ITH ANN ARBOR and MIichigan Cenitral lines at Toledo. Buffet Reclining Chair Cars Seats Free and 'Vestibuled 'Sleepers :with- out ceange. Gtenerail' Passe dger Agt., Toledo,; 0 bf :-ding. Put Caialouesraddem P Rirmi"AEY, PAMs HE i"iSTANDARD"11CYCLOMETER RETAIL PRICE, ONILY $2.03. A. Device for Accurately Rtegister- ing the Distansco Travelled on a Blicycle. It is as .precise is it-. .p,'eii sm-saiSwpF"-11; rill oumtwear e c:ey, wotts only 31! ::ie:le;is dusttpoofter:irli'e iiAi~se~- es,; a whie:':mani,.ilsame imoaa watchl;, (-' atnsl,000milesi andreeat:; o aiilyisand aulelily 1119lea: Odjustoali', to rexiifrorn aly- )ii uhoe sdt e; :ode fort21, 2, lO aol i:Weli wlfeele;atimisleabsolutely giarastaeod. -repaired tithouatechar . lerae bi y allRe)tai lyieiioaiu-7as. t6 YOUR OUTllI900 O T O IJE; IBCKI fiC ISLUIO. ONE THOUSAND MILES OF LAKE RIDE.' AT SMALL EXPENSE. Vinit this Hitorical Island, which lathe'. grandest summer resort. on the (,reat- Lakes. It only colts about $13 from-. Detroit; $10 from Toledo; $18 from Cleveland, for ike round trip, including: mieals and berths. Avoid te ;hTeat and. dust, by traveling on the D. & C. Seating pailaes. The attractions of- a trip to lbs Slsckiiise region arc unsurpassed. The island itself is a grand ronsuntic spot, ita climate most invigorating. Two new steel passenger steamers have just beemn isuilt fur the upper Iake route, costing- $30l0,000 each. They are .equipped witbo every msdern convenience, a:ununciators bathI rooms, etc., illuminated throughout mx electricity,nd nre ;ganrneed to het time "grandest, largest and safestsieamemse in fresh water. These stamerfvorablyv t(ompar~le with the great oQian Hineasin con- aleactinanaid ipeed. Four trips per week Wutween To~ltdo, Detroit, Alpena, Mfackil- mat.. St Iginace, Petoskey, Chiicago "loo," Mairqusette and Duluth, Pseily between. tlheveland and Detroit, and Clc>vela d ,and' -Pii-ia-lloy. The palial rqnln .scmsk"s'traveling .on these isteamers thor- siaglily" enjoyable. Send for . ilutatedr lenriptico pa mphlet. Addrens A A.. 'c HArtI, G. P. ,A., D. & C., Detroit, icle. Have you rogmis ;to rent.El -so, ao-- vertise thme .;in l38 pa~iy. . A