TIE U. OF M. DAILY. eca i~ ostor's! Formerly with Gehor'ge Wahr, 19 5.Washington at. Headquarters for everything a Student needs in the uoof Text-Bunks, Stationery and '<""icellaneous Stack in general. MARTIN SCHIALLER, ""E D } uTOW11 BOOKSELLER, 0iiE. Washington st., one block east of Main at. rF ''TUFLIIS H ICYCLES. BAT SOAI ® ~FOR 5 CENS ACAKE. Sev eral other varieties of go, ARE THE HIGHEST OF ALL HIGH GRADES. to let snaps at the same prices. aP Warrnesu peror to any Bicycle built in the warld, regardless of price. TTT tonottbe inducedtapav more mosey for ae inferior wheel. InestSoas BAT H1 SPONGB having tie Wa verley. Buailt and guaanteed by the Indiana uicycle Co., G ' a million dollar concern, whose bead is aso goad as gold. from l0ec.op to $1.2a each at 21 lb. SCORCHER, $85. 22 lb. LADIES', $75. A. E, MUMMERY'S DRUG STOR H. J. BROWN, Exclusive Agt. ! Car. Faurth Ave. sod Washington St. p aod ;S ,.,. "WMi. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. For Men and Boys, .1 AOKIi LAMBS WOOL SWEAIH~S inbarnl' navy, white, gant1dgray, Y4 for Boys, op to 32 inch sizes, For Men, all sizes, Strawbridge & Clothier PHYLADEZ.PHZIA. Sweaters, -AT- dieelan &Co.'s STEAM LAUNDRY CO. High Gilossad Domestie Finish. WA AM /AKER tailors 20 miles of cloth per day. lHe huys at enormous disciouts. You buy of him anti you ovoid the profits of the wlioletsilei, the johber, the middlemian. 500 saimpleso Up-to- itat ooing. .Pit guaranteed. Swvell Suits $18. NV[LSFX;'S OLD islAND. STATE STREET. HOWI TO ECONOMIZE. Buy Dean & Co.'s Family Flour for $3.00 per Barrel. Buy Best Western Patent Flour for $3.75 per Barrel. Bony Bolted Corn Meal for 23 cents per 1-16 Barrel. Buy Hulled Buckwheat Flour for 31 cents per 1-16 per Barrel. Bouy Six Pounds of Crackers for 25 cents. Buy 7V4 Pounds Bent Rolled Oats for 25 cents. ]DE-AN z& QOM:EA'NF3-. 44 South Hain Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Win. Bt. V oori a, '93 IL, is practie- iiig in Toledo. Tames Crosby L~ewis, 'l13 L, is pea.- ticilog his tirofeosion in Tilt. tIle no, Arthuor II. Seymouor, w3o tpiltcedi for the 'varsity team i in the season of 13, is ieadtng low rini this city with lion. Chos. 11. Kline. The '9t6 and '97 baseball feeame played a closely coittested genie on the Cillmiis, yesterday afternoion), which resulted iii a score of S to 6 for the forime. W. E. DeWitt, muanuager of floe '9ti base ball team, who hurt his arm lie- lore vacation, is back at college agaiiii but swill toot be able to play again tis The senior lass' baseball tain de- feated the hiigh ochool team easily yes- toriday afterionon at the fair gr-ust by a scoreof 13 to 13. The gaine did not preosint any billiaiit playing on account of the grounds being so rough and uneven. Tile errors were WtpON BY NORTHWESTERN. CONTINUEDnFROMotFIR- T PAGE. thie great interests thit demiuandetd suci coinstruction. Micheigansiniaps camiii, good la~lty. 'they hail one lrge our 10 ft. by 0 ft., showsitig the trade reoutes of the wvorli; another sheewing the locality of the cainal route, atnd st ill a thirdi to tpoit out the British eucroacliii-tas i- lice. U. OF 1I. CALENDAR. Sat., April 27.-Annual election of the Studlents' Lecture association. Sat.. Atpril 27, S p. in.-theceptioli to 1Elelligllai stuideiits, New-l-ry nall. Sat., April 27.-Varsity ninte vs. D. A. C. at Attn Arbor. Caine called ai :3:30. Moni., April 29. -"Scltiiianu Eveti- lug' 'at the Unity club, closing ibis season's course. Wed., Miay I.-Kensyon College base. ball train vo. 'varoity tune at athletic field. Thurs., May 2.- Senior social at Crangers acadeisy. Thurs., May 2.-Chauncey M1. De. pow in University hail before the F IC As G. SPALDINI3O&BROS. Athletic Supplies. BASEBALL, LAWN TENNIS, Uniforms for All Sports. RIDE THE SPALDINC BICYCLES- THE LEADER FOR 1895. HANDSOME ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE SENT FREE. NEW YORK, CHICAGO, PHILADELPHIA. B ICYCLES .I KENWOOD, The IMPERIAL, MARKU *Big RELAY, E '95' LEADERS. Highrst Fosnihir Graie snd ruily guar- anteed. nont beydeceieed toy usorupulos agents ini~tosying second grade rereented as high grsde) lity-fles whlen we ore offerinig wheels kneen theworld over as hteot in strength, beauty: and easy running. Wye can oave youn$ $S. AIPMADOC & MIANCHESTER, 42 S. State at., near car. William. MOORE & WETMORE 65S Main st., and -State st., cor- nor, of William st., have a # complete stock of P. UiNIVERSITY I[EITBOKUS _____utureinaiteliti mantot eoss, nosiOratorical associafion at 5 p. in. New and Second Hand. ES. S. SERVISS, Manager, caused thie spectators to hose their in- Fri., Mtay 3.-Northern Oratorical -Ed SOUtTHI OURTH AVENUE. forest in thegaume. League intercollegiate contest, Iowa Note Snake and ether Students' Sspplies City Ia.Finn Stationery, Sporting Goods, etc., which 'EAN ARO SAIG BAKLaw Notes. Fiiy. a a :Lcueo eao they offer at the Lowest Prices. An A riot i. Capital Stock, X5,000 Prof. Thonmpson wiii lecture Men-Jahn IV. Daniel in S. L. A. course. aledsesbfoeprhin SuAtir. phus, et-,00. Subject, "Americanism and the ;Lton- Cl n e sbfr ucaig Oranteed under the Generat BankinagLawo dtay. ; ioSae eeve eois usadroe Doctrine.' :5exch-ange on thie pincipdal cities of the Instructor Dweyr will juiz the G..K.H r ,D~ a tn 50-ate..Drafts cashed upoa proper S S at.May 4-Entertainment by Piofs, 9. o, c.ie the. Safety deposit bases to rent. juniors next week on the first neven -esyad asn nPebtra O encal Cc-isanMack, Pres.; w. a esyadLusni isatna t: iter, M. J. Fritz Asistant Cashier. ________ THE, LEADING TAILOR The Partnership examination will be BICYCLES. and Importer has received the Wg d.It.. ' IDE held in the lawv lecture roonm next largest and most select stock of FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING weeok at 8 o'clock as followts: Sectiomns The Cut Pate Cycle Co. will be here next week with a full line of Itigh IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS Coner of State and Wililam sa., 3 and 4, Tuesday; Sectiono 1 adIGaewels nos a- frSra and Sumr2f'6i William st. enSrance.Gaewel uha nasMn o pigadSme f15i _______________________Thtursday; Section 5, Saturday. Prof. arehs. Warwicks, . Ariels, Sinalleys, the city, and would be pleased Mechem desires the exanmination to be Linfisays, Marchs, and many other. to have you call and examine 130 t , I n t ypesTrte i h eglrbuecvrd l 95pten hes-adwl b od the same. ~~written in the re icr blue cover ex- Al'1ptenwel n ilbsl amination hooks Inik. at greatly reduced prices. Pull Dress Suits a Specialty. Theniatest thing hn PHOTOGRAPHY If you are, going to, buy a Bicyole E+ Washington st.. near Main. at Contestant who care. for their con- this sasn It will pay you to see than. SBR.R .'Y)tMA AN'S.'Stestoiationsples call for them. at Plaroof busines 1il be announced jffl UBRIB O If A E. faron st. Special aes t Seniors once.3. H. QUARLES. in Monday's Daily. 100 U BSR uE o 10