THE_ U. OF. M.. DAILY. jIXGHIGAN GEnT1AIL Time Table (Revised) Nov. 18 1894 EAST. WEST. Mail and Ex..... 3510 Mal -----.8 4 N. Y. Special.;.. 5 15 N vY. SpecIal.... 7 30 Eastern Ex ...... 10 25 N'S. iited.9 2 A. Mr. Pacific Ea---12 15 Atlantic Ex..-1. 47 Pr a 1). N. Express.... 5 40 'Western Es-..2 12 G. R. Express .1-I 05 Chi. Nt. Es-...10 5 GRFx-- 5.57 0. W. RIuGGLES, IL. W. HAYS,. G. P. & T. Aet.. Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor. T., A. A. & X. M. RY. Taking effect Sunday, Aprii 7,1804., Trains leave Ann Arbor on Central Stand- ard time. 7:00a. m. nyllam nil:25 p. m. 1110.m. n :5p . O Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. Ail trains daily except Sunday. R. 8. GREENWCOOD, Agent W. H. BENNETT"1G. P. A. Toledo 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST, RY. Time Table, October 7, 1894. Leave Y psilasti from Congress st., 7:600,19:0 and 12:00 am.; 12:45,21:15,61tO :00,1:00. and 10::30 p. m. Leave Asn Arbor Junction, 7:0,9:30 and 11:30 a.m.;li:1,2;45,5:30,7:1),;30and 1i:00 p.m. SUNDAY TIMIE. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st.,1:30, 3:20, 5:00, 0:30 and 9:00 p. m Loerv Ass Arbor Junction, 1:00, 4:00, 5:30, 7:00 and 09:30 p. m Cars ruo c: ily time Fare: single trip 15 cents; round trip tickets 15 ceiits. W M F. PARana, Supt. FLOWERS, FLOWERS bar Everything and Everybody. MU~~~iNS ~ 5 HAL 5~IS 6. Untvrsity ae. COUINS& ULLIHants elephone 115. v DIETAS & SCHALNZ, Our Spring and Sumnnir Woolerie are flow on sale.. Prices Low. Call and see cis. 48 5. State at.. Second Finer, Ann Arber. 22 Years in the Busines-'"'=ll-. CITY, LAUNDRY, 1M. M8. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th-ave. MERCHANT TAILORING! Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing done neatly by At'(O, SCHOENEWALI, 26,41N. Washington EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY ! 23 EAST HURON STREET. Good Work Guaranteed. 'Goods cdalled for ad delivered. A. M. COVERT. Prop ANN ARBOR STEAMV DYE WORKS. Ladles' and Gents'- Clothing Cleaned or Dyed. 3 W.: HURON ST., ANN ARBOR. Miembers of Guarantee Ticket ileoker' Anno- ciation of U. S. Cosby & M8cKeon R. R. Ticket Agency 50 Adamns at., Chicasgo. Reduced rstes toali points. Branch Thie Kindergarten No.1 N. Sl.ain st. Ann Arbor Mlcian. $255.00 for a 51 Days Euro. pean Tour., We are organizing a select p a~ty for a sam- mer loir 10 Enrope leaving New York, lone 22ind, for London. Atwerp.S Brnssels. Cologne, Coblesite. Frankifort. Heidelberg, Srasnsbrrg. isdes-Haden, liens and Depp,,, retrorslg soiling from London Asgastl2nd. The prly sillberoodocied by aned niirtli.eronai crger, of MnT. vvotaownox~of.olnmbns. veil known as one of the,"in- striuctors of America. and a geniel'iestieman of lorge eaperience is ,travel., Each panroe will have a'bt-ith in a ilsrge prosseniade dei state-room,, sod the ships selected are new 8,:100 ton twin screw steasmers, provided wiih electric lIhbs and tea00 heaL'' Cosiplbee Itinerary and in formation maleldonreeripi of self-addiessed stamped envelope. 0155.00. nole~bilxinformatio find tint'qaryd Wa~lled on-receipt o1 self-addrese envelope. Iileotion thin paper.' WA.RD BROTHER4~S,. Cen. Torist and SteamnhipAgts., IM27 N. igh t., - OLmw ratns evervPhe-e. Clumbiss, Ohio. - e ~- DELEGATES ELECTED. CHORAL UNION. There xvii hr bea.siecial rrliclsr, iosf Eiectors Chonen to Seiect S. L. A. thie nale (-horus of thic Chiorail Union Officers. today at 6:-5sha1:j-I:. It is absolely The aninual imeetiig of thi tudlsentsl eesayto'v ul tednte ~ the ivoirkis ihar-:l aiidlneeds pgo-::elice. Lectreasosociation 10 chcosey members, Let ltoeiii:iimlbci-ocolli: proply :iili of the electoral college. was hi:ldi this then Itiey will be! exctised ini tiilUI::t mornilg. The followiing elecltors w:ecc litenol ally of thieev-cinogs, entertaiu:- chosen: meists. The mceting of ili S. L.. A. mem:ibe'rso.R eOT le thIe litcrairy dlepa~rltment wa: held NO''IC'E TO TRACK IIEN. i . t(:chapel. E. 1C.'.iiialevrlsi-ed All candidaties for Itic 'varsity' trac-k over rthie mee ting;;iaid I.I. A. Dasncer for praetices every iday beAweenIi"') anid acted as click. The tlleres ire C. ('. 02 p. isn. or arran geotiher h:oui-s i-Il Paesoiis and 11". D.- Mertt. J. (x. Win:' Mr: Fitzpatriek. It is imp~leratlively was chairiian aoil W. II. Simo:ns ws niecessalry tiiaitcandidates app~ear clerk of the; laiwmeeting.I1. T:othi ev-eiry dlay firois iow 012. ak~e ha chrge f te mdica met- . A. RE ROY, Caipt. lng, . .7.F.Browny aceiniii s:0clr. . H. Dowdoi gan tpresidedl osv-crl: hi-nioral m::eting. Asine,:of Itie osth:erS:'l5:lrt- 12 isnts 11had1a suillieLmiinumibser of 'i::isib-rsoI: be eniiled to: ain electore. Thie: eleetosral esoll(,eiio'--iiwtMaly 11, swb:en otilecx e f t11:-ais::'i:.l 1:1 ftor tie eisuing yealr will Ihee-lectued. 'lii-pies:enitoffcr, are 'a folloiws: E. C. Linidley, '15pies-elI 1; J. 2B. lBrooks, '95, vie-ptresidenti;l.1. 1B. ow- dig;ais, '95 1), r:eirii gSeer'ielail\y; I E. T1othiaker, '(P-5 1I,trea:sirer; . . . Fr ie, 't I., assoitt: :1-heed C . E. Wikchlold, '105, c::cc:eponini.; ct- 1.iicmcry-. II. Willits 'l95, I1. A. .Dans IN 2), '. E. W'scelielil't)15,.. A. 111:5112'17. La:ir-1I. L. Claxwsoin tr. L.. :f. W. Bligloiim '93 L, A. J. Curria:'(95 L, P. J. Crosb~y '95 IL, A. It. Shanmiin Medical-Il. G. Long '95 M2. Dental--.. 12D1)ssdig~lii 'hi",H. Thel,:lawdulegaites wein istrced ~lto vole for -l. C1. ilykefor the:' icsi- ileisey. 'liie'other d cI ieus svere:tin- instrced:. Ai examniaionl fioc 1th-reimo~valof coinditioins r-eeived'in, miiy n-i-lions of miath -uaties 1 aniila2:1 55ill 1e:-lsd in rooii 19 at1 2 1p- in. oiiSautriday, April 27. AIiTIIR tG. JHALL. Prof. C. E. Gcriii will specak at thei Eiiginingsoociety Satuirday, Apri 27, at ,S p. mi., on "Saind as a Filterer." 'fil ee'ting will be iniroomiii10, Ln- gineeciog building. SRCRETARY. JUST A MIOMENT, I-LEASE. 'frlieprogressi-esasnil gg;r( oivr rail- wayin tihei sline of Int:'claniigcbi' Mileasge IsItie Ohio ('entraul. Aimonig Ilse lirln to issue this boo:sk it hias ii- waiys been thei1,isler. It niiiipub:11- lihebs67 distiunct systeml:s if tiriis- posrtationi. Siparat: : 1110o:disvisionalt 'ses,,110 is done by imanyoistloss 1222 transportastioin liiii's represeite'd. A full list svill be missuled uponapplica-i tisn to aiiy agenit of thue Ohio Centrail Lines. MOULTON IIOURI, C.. P. A. Toledo, 0. LAST OF THE SISl1IIES. Tuenday, April, 11). Homre Seekeis' E clrsloll 10 "irg ilia via Ohio Ceintral L~ines. One far:' for rotind. trip. Tickes good for 30. lays. Ticetes at one far' fo:r. rounil trip, limit 20 days, also: 01 sal"e,:to otier Points in the outh11. Consult uagents 0.. C. Lines. - - NOULTON HVUK..01. P. A.,,;- rToledorOhio. Subscribe foir 9he Pally. Thec only si-le-esIn 11:e market ewbichlia bold nip Io:its last, year's pri-ces. 5Whi:? 5:- ceeacveryoneroftheim c:a:: e soldatlthat price and 01ey a:: re oriiiit. lea':seca:lloand improvemuets over otber so calltd lie trd wheels. See thOlItliptic crankl. W. P. DISTLER, 1. Unesi,a.sO COTRELL & LEONARD3, ALBAN'Y, NEW YORKl, Makiers ofGap'.sindhGows ntothe Uivsity V. MLURRILL, Local A gent, 442Wldliamns'. Ass A r, ink. The Clover Leaf route EPPlease keep in mind the Toloido, St. LoisoL%'lKansas City1R. IR., The Clover Leaf Route, "Fool Lino" for St. Louis, Alo., and tho West and Sosiliwest loaves 'To- ledlo Union Depot at 5 p. ln. daily, arrives New Union Station. (the largest in thse world), St. Louis early next morning. CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR and ?Michigan Central lilles at Tole-do. Buffet Reclining Chair Cars Seats Free and Vestihuled Sleepers with- ont change. - U. S. CYCLONWTER. 10000 MILES PRICE $300 Repeats ore 1012be snt.hals. ONE OUNCE ONE INCI{ LONG 26,28and 20ieinh, :ec'ss'e'sileho sy situlby getin extaipiec at':l'eous NO CHINESE PUZZLE TO SOLVE. Ra~nds plainly fromo sadle Least.lialebtoinijaury.lmeps asfirkot odthe waydsafesitfrom::a(iwdeusi Guswis soldiGemans-ive. Aiotherpats n:on::orro-sive.lDs-t indlatiuecaotsiue it lvery meterrtesed t 6bus aslioper hor lectro:typ~e-sfurn~ished oni pp c tn BEAN & LANG WRS 637-01 Main, St. FUND)DDT LACWIS.- Is the LEADING SCHOOL OF(If 5 iiN adSORl HAND. Mgifien biidig s teacmhes; lhgs- aiitedanoe; 0o03 disiplse; aspeirsaxis:ell,~si suppiedreadinsgroom; dily ecirsexStsrdy eeingoreceptions; open eitiere yer. Fitnee ioeai aiiiiee for pacing sdrnsa is psins Bard and room $2to 2.5 yper week rlnpsits tami::e. These raesoreduced in y hsel. b-sding. o Ctalogn address a R. ClAR. P;. THE "STANDARD" CYCLONETER' RETAIL PRICE, ONLY $200. A Deire for Acrralely Meister- ing; thio Dislaiie 'lravelled onit aBicycle. Iiis :i:press:' iit 1.s p,at}-: aatassiusrt. sill outwiar ive bislyl'-', oei:a4dutye3t'~ onusesisist pro,:water poofse'Ltaani- :-:;ih, wite ei~ias cilisl, saeaiia ec5-cS regiters ,hu rioles and reea"isDasiiyrand qicklly app led;ajsatolectireal Ifmoxe ay pos-itin:i tihe xdIu;um.e: ifioe21, 2,20 soad 30i i iei-ch :: :m ndis alm si:aoy gara-te~f FR YOUR11 DTll1O 00TO IG Kl IIRGINfl ILRO ONE THOUSIAND MILES hOF LAMM E JSIDE AT SMALL EXPENS. Visit this 1Historial Inlandewhih1bi5s th grandest summer resort on the Gret, Lakes. It only cotn about $13 from Detroit; $10 from Toledo; $8 from:, Clevland, fr the rond tip, inclIuding - meas and beths. Avoid the let amd dust by traveling on te D. & C. foatig palaices. The attractions of a trip to lbe Mlackiniac region arco snsurpase. 'lbe isiund itslf in a grand roimanic spot, its- climate most invigorating. Twao new' seel pssenger alteamers have just been. biiilt for tie uppr hake Tgorlge costing. $300,00 eac. They asin itlupped wit. eery modernilconvenince,'rnaciatow," hatti-rooms, et., illiimiated throughout :by elettricity, and are guaraonsesdlto he tiic grnestos, largetanda tsafest sens . : fresh wvauter. These stamems favrsly r:oin(lre-wiltie grat ocean 'tliers in eon.s .irllrtion anedpeed. Four tiln per week :otween Todiedo, Detroit, Alpena, Meki- sic., St. Iglnce, Petoskey, Chicago 180,11 1I~Irqhlcte tnd Duluth.' fy heteen telanul and Ditroit, and (Uc 'n' land leltiillhly. The.- p aal equipment nak's traveliiig n thesoennaestholr- uIgily enjoyable." Std for ltstald li-orrlitoive pamphlet. Adrcal A A. .dCnrANTZ, Qi. P. A., D. & C., I et, iek)ld C.C.J NHaN. veyeu rooms =to rentl it d UGnoeral Passenger Agt~s Toledo, 0 yertuse thoem in the D'aily.