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April 27, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-04-27

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Published Daily (Sunday. excepted) during
the College. year, at
DreaCE: Times building N. Main st., opposite
peat oiier.
J. A. LE~oiv, '9i6, Manauging Editor.
C. B. lianumos, '96i L, Assistant
A. W. SMor, Special, Assistant.
W. A. SPIt., '96 L, Assistant.
H. 'LEMANa, '57, Athletic Editor.
J. S. PEARL., '9 L, Business Manager.
Associate Editors.
H. A. Duster, 'V. E. L. Evans, '95 L.
E. R. Sainderland, '96. Carrie V. Smith, '00.
L. A. l'rait, 'PC L. R. liamblen, '96C L.
C. A. Houghton, '96 D. G. A. Heath, '96 P.
Minnie Thompson, 'IC. ii. B. Gammon '98 M.
C. Hi. Farrll, '98. S. E. Knappen, .08.
J. A. ielay, '94.
Subscription price $25CC per year, invariably
in advance. Single copies 3 cents. Subserip-
tions may Ccelitat tie offic of the iAsLyx,
at Stollct's, at Williama st. sees stand, swith
any of tie editors or authoried aoiiciltors
Communications should recacho the aofice by
7 o'cloch p. m. if: they are ta appear the next
day. A ddress all matter intended lee pubiC-
cation to thoc Mlnaging Editor. All business
communications should be scat to the Bust-
ness Manage.
Ann Arbor, lDlich.
Agaiin IliCiigoan is Coiipelled to
gracefully (yiilo ht pasin, Cudebaite Co
Northiwesen. We* took coniolaioni
Gist yearinusthe closeiness of Ctsele-
eiioii aiad in atitiiiloiig Nrthlas-
ein, in argilincaf. 'Tub:5 ye'ai, row-evco',
-wo moist acknowledlge Nartiwesleri's
supieriority. f lie debters dilot,00
attenipt Co attaek *Nicliigan'a presenfa-
tian of Cue broadpricipile'siin favor

A KANSAS CLUB G1{GAIZEI) At. Yalta's afirst ringgaeTu.
day licl ok brille lwv collig;e records,
A MOVEMENT WHICH SHOULD BE throwing the lialilier 130 ft. ,5 in. ad
IMITATED ,BY OTHERS. lplItinig lithelsot 42 ft. 1(1i i,. Tiorall.
Designed to Increase the Number O eriboete olg eodi
of Kansas Students in the Univer- Cues mile walk by doing it in 7 ci1. 2?a.
sity and for Bettor Mutual Ac- Colneely Club AChleiec'Beniefit, I9209
qumintance. 21
A rmnn ttsnniceie ii ntheassertion thaot "Kanll pe oa-THE MAIRCH N BICYCLES,
plaaenothing if hot originial," adteKnassueton h ~iesusol
arc bearinag hisoeta-tement out, in liie
inaulgturation, of a lania which is oa
idcsirable iinovation.'T'hey lpropo~s'
Co farm a "Koansas club" comiposedC of
stnudents fronm Clottstate', poartly for_
soacialiiurpoose, buftiolinly to oadvance
Cue interests, of flit Univ-ersity Coo Chiir 21 POUND ROADSTER. 18 POUND RACER.
osvn soate..Manufoactuedo by the
CIntaccordiinces with CubnuplaniCteMARCH-DAVI S CYCLE CO.,
followss las00beetlacirculoited anionig (1N. ('listen St., C.llrgol, all.
the Koaosa stuentio.: "We, Cte11011 - APMADOC & MANCHESTER, Agents,
signerdstudtils aat CtheC1itao ity od 42 S. Stotats
9Ilfielolire-sieliuag ia theo SItiteof T O M S C
Koisasole, ilig desiroiua of bcealin., D TS I I IIJSC
whilelot Cte iiversit~y, a1001of 11100 "Six Love Songs,"
ioofin Clp' litrcaa o Ol' Clol~raC9- By I-'ranko E. Sawyer. Traoosloations of Ss
in 0ou1 Statfe, tuniitin coilinog a Mit-t.of BelooroIfioest-lyrics ino esolisile masital
settingsa. Heavy Paper, 70 cents.
lug of fthe Iaui'so: ie tide lifefor thCli( {
lurpose aStlierfecfing suhllill or.-io"COLLEGE SONGS."
lzation is will acconmplishi Cheste 'Gus. Thoe standoord coiled ion of College Songs.
The imeandl~lae! f hldin su DeOer i300,000 solod. Heavy Paper. 50
Thefilie ouodp1cc-ofloooloogcuiocents; Cloth, Gilt. $1.00.
noln lt o blaounO~lced i C' . o ''COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS."
92. Doilyly iid 0Cont leplrtinlO't blile-
tinboadsDeOly bockl of the ind? poblialoed. The
till oioro."sons of theoleinog eoletes for names.
This Ce a planliwhoichlhaslois10 been Heavy Paper. $1.00.
lorohatot atCte,'iniversity hitherto, bl3OyAL ELLECTID AISTEINETE [EHIM MUS1,

E .
G 4

O"The Peretc" Celoolable Saddle, prevens-
Chofing, Numboocss anod Saddle Sorenss. Thee
CheapetEasiest iinog Saddlin te rWorld..
Foe Men.'WComoeno and Choildoren. Circulars,
Free. .Address,
107 Chanohre s St., Newr York.
SATUAY, APRIL 27,13895.
"The Sucress of ao draooatic generatien."-
New Yora aldHid t.ooAMSta.A. BEREs
Beautoful ploy.
Preseooted withoestirerewScooer. Orignal
MelrchieIl Effectsanod. Properties.
Unlder tile Directions of
ITSV FlCRllI 2507 lights ist1'-ru' York
Cily. a14 N~ighots in o Husos.
Prices, 35c, 50c, 75c and $1..
Rteserved seaots ao aleatWaotts'Jewelry
Drganized l1863.
Capital, $100,000. Surplus aood Profits, $40,000.
Tranoacts a geseroo bankinog business.
Foreign exchan~ges bouglotadroid. Furnish,
letters of credit.
P. EACH i'res. S. IV. CLAROCSDON,.Cashier.-
To arange for private or
lesons in Danicinot, cail at
Crange "b Aoad 0.y.
Office hours 11 Ic leand 4 to S.
No stalls 1to ilotlnt.
School of Dancing, and. Delssrte.
Saturday, 10 a. m., Gentleman beginnerseclass..
Saturday, 4dp. in., Ladty beginners clams.
Slioaday, 1:30 p. am., Advanaced Clans aLadies'
Tuesday, 1:0 p. mn., Beginners Class (LIadls
'uaa estlroars).
Prisate lelssa b ly appoIntment.
Lovell Diamond Cy'les.
Are unsurpassrd for
Good aloweancenmade on 8eoond-
bandoel oes.
GEO. FFISAR, Agent, 500E. Univ. Av,

adopt a very clever hune of debtelinu beatsoucles. A splendid eallieti
theros' f bs~alh~hi~~saus de Oo.atvantaoge s, s itendeod to result Cinill- omesov aer. 50cents.
noefhae l~eshel ~r~nlyCou c reasing Ctohe oituber of Koliessis,~ll- Anoy book sect postpaiad en recea
reasoning fel c f0stjige ob at the Uuiversity. Theo'till'Om VE DT O
__________________ of lhoighc uieeting fororOegollibIai
___________453-463 Washing5ton S.11
The Kiasas stuude: inoothle!Fool-tionl will probably beonexCtaweek wn-h:iiH. s itsoes&
versity deaseve credit for loaviiog in- a peromnent orgonization. of thClo-ub
trdue anw ~n'veyproust- swill be.ucmade. Tem.ple SpcE
worthy plan hetre. IC hosa long beavsa Woman's League Entertainment.
the chustomon mo 10sfather' universitie
far studenota frouoo preparaoryscools That bloc!ipreselntatioun at "AuiitoosSV
Trial" at iCgho School ball lbetIightil
ta argahoice-scloo clubs for the puilr- wsasoea oo hwob lte'-fit
lootvof Caosoccesgsswhaslshownfrbu ttoe r i- UU
pos o iduin sudetsfrm he l ent applrecoation of thla orgeaui- 0 ____ o
partictolar sehool to tlohr hniersi1t'. .
'act of hlolies saha isleeltoo it. The i'
Vale and Harvard heave falloseeshtlhs Hy baying a Temple Spec
place at Miss A Wadoavorti, wseaisr a:e
pl101 thor usost, ah-lte at Coruell there SRCL IH G
alpeared on Cte prograsti as ably SRC LY HG-
is cvrn a Michaigaon Military Acadeinly FPasise this wheel before pure tknb Li~ ln, ~nfa e'5mut
clouh, which see-ls to hndlucesthudenthole CTC
1110aa"Anitla " -aathe centraol figurce J .ME& .R C
fraouisthat Iacademyo- Co g o toConneoll 1 ORESRE.
andllwoos well atuitedl Cnopeaso001 1Ma censes'
instead at coning og ' icig ai. it,.oh ofo haoth.Mb aoo TS H R O D
wsooulad seems. Iliat there, Cu excellent I AR 'T-
Gsoodinnnd01Barney, in the cloarolo-CE
aopportulnity' here foil'stoch orir.olz-
flas; au uhie! hepla o ,oteclbsters at "M~re. Deacon ippin" anod
is ilabibl ~ nss-oleit s eroo~o taughters, aund "tOur Athletes," Rtutha
is pobaby a ew oe, i is ertanly uttlTeYor dealer isli.ely have them, if
Tsoittle, and Agnecs -Iorhey, svere parlic- our hansome illustrated catalogue fe
a good one and deerves success.
__________ larl9- amusing, shle Pbi-a:s Snnder- SHEEHAN & CC
Social Tonight at Newberry Hall. hadHleePsanTyorfieo
thoeir marts wsan 10eases:swlici apar-
Every Mchigan student is insited to ently Thood nothing at thor amoato'ur in CO.
offend the social at2:Nen'berry hail to- Tho. "Yellosw cld. BMice" as a canop
night. Cameswhetlier your invtation shgi ht ioh.gtwa sdnhl
reaches you or not, An excellent pro- pesn f:c.Mscb isCuo
gram swill be rendered as folloss:r. Iladsitz filled thotime . bestso-eni acts,E
auho"bri" Prc. ,h;ms and Ohio whole cnteetainn lnht 5Osse'd
"Laws;' Proft, Carhart, "Lila"' violin i
fdsmoeothly swith nothing to mar its -
solo, Frank Smith ; piano solo, Airs. toll succesa.
Beaan. :,.. a
_____________ e have tbe celebrated Swan Linen . -

Lion. hdand-
lo t of prie.
Co. N V.
$18 0
;basing your

l! ITOI',O.UTsconrvd
fhe hasn't, write us ' e'll sead C e inflo ralu yu iveianda
one. PARKHER PEN, OMPNY, e neiWI..
). Exclusive Agents for Ann Arbor.'
11 01 FI3k& cull
rQSend fer Agency.
Manual. ,

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