THE U. OF M. :DAILY. MICHIGAN G N2 ML Time Table (evaed) Nov. 18, 1894. EAST. WEST. Mail and Ex-__35 Mall-.....8 43 N. Y. Special--.-5 5 N. Y. Special... 7 10 Eastern Ex- iS--1 25 N. S. Limited..- 5 25 A. M. Pacific Ex-----12 15 Atlantic EX._747 P. M D. N. Expres.3 40 Wenterrn .2 1 G}. . Express __11 05 Chi. Nt. En_--iS 25 G.itEs .----5 57 0.. 330 i RSoe, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. At., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor. T., A. A. & N. X. RY. Taking effect Sunday, April 7,9894. Trains leave Ann Arbor on Central Stand- ard time. 7:08 a.m.n, 7:la.. *12:25 p. im, 11:0a.. 4:15 p.m. 9:00 p.. *Trains rn between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. All trains daily except Snday. . S. GREENWOOD, Agent W. 11. HENNETT . P. A. Toledo u. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI S, BY. Time Table, October 7, 184. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress St., 7:0, 9:0 and 11:00 a.m.; 12:45, 2:15,5:00, :45, 90 sd 10:30 p. mn. Leave Arnn Arbor Junction, 7:0, 9:0 and 11:0 a. m.;1:15,2:5,5:7:5,:andilssp.m. SCNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilati from Cogres st., 1:30, :0, 5:0016:35 and A:0p. m. Leave Ann Arbor ,Jction, :0, 4:0,5:0, 7:0ad 5:3 p. m. Cars run ono city time are: single trip 15 cts; round trip ticets 25 cets. Wu. . PARKER, ,Spt. FLOWERS, FLOWERS Psor Everything and Everybody. COUSINS & ALI irilltli26 5. tnieonuity r DIETAS & SCHANZ, Or prin.. and Sumner Woolens are now on sale. Prices Low Call and se us. 48 8. SaerSt., Secnd Floor, An Aror. 22 Years in the Bsines,-'51. CITY LAUNDRY, M. X. SEABOLT, No. 4,P-'A 4 ave. MERCHANT TAM IDIG! Cleaning, Sreemng and IEpslirlg done neatly by ~- AVG U, 0.5095 iWALI,, 258,1. !o,7i~ tn, EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY! 20 EAST HUCRONt8STEJIT. Good Wor t ed Gaanteed. Gode caled fr and delivered. A.P. ': btt7,r ,p. ANN ARBQR-' >: . STEAI D O ,' RKS. Ladies' and G ' C)hI Cesed 3 W. HURON - ,A? A [t n, Members o Gurae teeTicet llirik s' Ao- Coby & Mie~esieI,:?icku' ncy 0 Adams st., Cbago. ,C Ms c001rates tn all pint. Hranch Te indr-art~n No.3 N. Sain snL Ann AbY b~l : $255.00 for a 51 fLas Eutro- pean Tour. We are or.aniing a sl t ,arty-fora sum- mel tor eoiEurope leu-dide'ew Yr, June 22nd, for London, Autwere, frnenelasClogne, Colblesstz. raublort, hi delerg, Srasbeg, Badeno-Baen, P,rn uAod 11lpp, rerrning, sailig frm London Auunt. 2nd The Sry ill lbc coducted b and amnder the perenos charerof M.O-ro NERSnON, of Columbus, well known uu'on.oP0 heretmusical in- sructors of America. anda genll gentleman of large trant, Ech paton wihave a berth3 in telarg p~mende deck staternoom, and:the afitpy slcledare nw 8,1 10toa twin screw utteaner. provided with electric lights,and steam heaL. Complee Itinerary and nformaton .maled on reept of sef-addressd stam ped envelope. $55.0 pays everyenpeue of sights, travel od hoels.-hll :inorma~ion and-.tterary malerd on retecept of selfaddressed envelope Menton thin paper. e- '-WARD])BRTHEk, GJn. Tourist and tesspihp Agl., 272 N. High s., {Low rates everwhere. Columbus, Ohio. At the Grand Opera Houe. "Shocc Acre," onie of lh iregh.test1 plays cdye seeniitpiiithe stag-192 this city, will lbc gveli a0linsmpoiil:n: 0- iductiou citIlieIGranid opr ousl~lce, Saturda~y, April 27. "Shor01cres"- is true1o nltllli-. Tieslow iiovig ille-surcs of the Maine pastora11lre full1)f terfumlie of usie-iitie opin ai-tile oeln breeze. Mi. 1 ne los do0111 a1greltitinlg f:r Ailei,:nl stag lt ill present1ing such011a0e01m;011t;-r 5. Uncle0 Nathaiiel. Tepiture of an mianli unitinig in hit so 005n iiiimci thalt is ulfish, olim1u11h111talt islo- ab,o Imucehl pu1rellhimanity, 01)oUnitil of ftsfemlininle inihis 10o--etfo chil- d1ren, for the weak and thie oiiirsed, tannont fal to makle an11impllressiol (31 all whocalilisymipiaizlie wihi the. oys anid orows of the humanl llrae. Tie eompan~ily enragedgcit10 prod1l-e-"Shore AcrIes" illthis cit, islthe, smein-a11 will le 5ev12 in aliiitiiila-ingiigtilt Comedy-ilyhub Atlieti:cB--utitSay 10. Miss Jaiia Adils, wttIis promin:11- ent in the- Soeial Stle:in :010k111 Cult-cagoandilwho isat1 110: ii 1:1 of 11111 losi- iiisi:l, has liee-ilap- t(iitli 1011rd iniicaliigo. ls-iAt- teron 111hii S)(il -ttleiiu-t wsork Allexminatii~ioin for tilt-removasrl (f codiltins reeti ti i y si-tiols of roo(1191 at 2 9. l Ill. uStiiriayiAiril ". AIfTIL 1G0. 1lk.L. Prof. C. i. lGrenll 3311ook1:1atiiIlh Eiile1110- soieity Saturda21y, Ale-it 'ii:lil vt hg wi-111 is:- irooiii1it, n- gilicering tuildiing. S~tlll-7lA Ill. The'le12i's clsssinShetllaftrnoonl 'it us1e gyml. 3ill 1)0 reduced to one1)11, wihill3311be h111(d lt.5:10 olotk Tho soseee tt Of pic~~tal oaili- tiisis of those taking the: work 3ill tolulleilce Alay 1. DR. F-ITZERIALD, Dir01t1r. CIt0AL UNION. Thiele 35121 le aec 11il rhearsl of tli- 1ma) l~lehrs (f theIChoal l Union today at (:-i5 Osharp. It is atsoslutely ' iectsnaiy to ha113e- a full atendracee s the swork1is11ard1 .111)1n11d(11ratiice. 1.et1thin 111 isome(1r11 mtlyH1,aid1( 'tei they w3ill liet exused in attenid a115 010the eveiniigs elitct,, +rnits. P. i. delONT. STAMP' COLLECTIONS. We wat oit1 buy sttmp ecolletios aliid3will pay casI fo' the 9001e3on Ireceilt if riee lasedis15satifactory. Colectosnshouldi be set by reils. tered nanil or expsiess 'withi lettr' 1va)n hng price uidr csepara-tll.0over. VWe seid superior approval sheets to re- sponsible palries. S V. J. LAWRENCE & CO.. - Kalamaogo, Micl. JU'ST A MIOMENT, ILE;ASE. 'flitprogresstie 111(9aggessive ralii- way inl thiesline o fhItrhaniigealelO M Sileage is lb- Ohio Cnita1l. Amlog 1tillsfirst to issue- tii o tookit 11115aci t ways been lbthteleae. .It 1nowV11p2b- 1lisheo 167 eisint s13t-mlls of .tas or (n eprtdi toos. lhues, as i5 donetby manily, i has 12.1 trasporttioni lines repesented. A *full list will be mailei u1101n ipliieil ion to any agent of the Ohio Central Linies. NOTICE TI)- fLASK"Ii N S CY LO T All euinidhul s ifor lie-"varsity tic lh leanst 1111Sf o cliet 01 lia ailli:-fiezld for 1rateo03115r1:d5ybetweenIl 3 121(1 (1 p. m1-or00 heeling ,'(11111-0 11,111C w1:: i/ / Sit'. itzepatri(,k. It iimprtie iesartt lllle ll t let r ~~j' j 0OO1J~~~~~ (1)aol 1)301 J. A. L.E ROSY, CaIpt. - - 1{t< Youseethe evrywere 10000 MILE~S PRICE $3.00.. 10 -1 9 --- ONE OUNCE.0ONE INCh I (Mr-K. ° O0 26, 28 and :0 inh.oeb ~he-eso--)iht: " . . " s~~~~ie by n-win- xn r ice ticer 701~Um la * ccls.NCINESE P ZZLETO SQLV: 0.e cy "e 1Rooms u5 tnly froom adl. 10 10 C. 10)as i lm c i,:-.:iycr lamsotot rp 10 T'H-ER'S a wholc scrnioii in non :oero ivme (mtatnd % mm)roomnnut r151l100 10 1EvLety noi 0-imt< l .t b60mles pcrrLimvos- g the abovc. Ii prcachcs thic (o) amid -- 1)-mmtees 1ill11lsc :mpiitmtoa ecomy nf buying thic bst-a P:tetltbommel ° w-isc ecO-ooy thaiteery oe c '10 BEAN & ILANG,__MOOFRS. r-in gractie with Coloambian 1 69m7-t701 1 .m8's).i) Io1.501r3, Fas-os.. at $100. Thl ee Colil bias are "s.rz::casis=w~vn~tr:oxnawsi,.nts r 10 marvels of slrec:-1hlihi:ltss, 100 n~ sycsmatry, bcaaty aiid speed. 0 r 10 POPE T IG. CO, Hartford, ClGo1___ Botn son w orhIi Chicago,__ /"An Aut fatlogueof oh (bi an 10e had_ "! ___ agency or itnwilllbe 115ARTF lm.cYCt a C"Istime LEiDI liCOL F BUINESS and Slr.z " $80(0, o. 10HASID. Magnifitulding;1m eteahonh, oiattmndane; gocddmscpline;5superor wnrh'++ AGEEV &o ®C0A.0"°supcpledreodimg romt ailyly ~ers ab!z > oeein cetins;11000theentireyear. iiooal fanilities fr pmaiingsiidnts in p 4-~ixi: iloadadroom $2 os$275per wekin P- il }'amiies.Thseratosreduedinoi,.5o1 z lag Cun Fr Caogeafeoddress R. CL, ir..- THE STADARD" CY OMETr CO TRELL & LEONARD, V. MURRILL, Locai Agent, 44 30iI ian st. mnm ArbrMih. The Clover Leaf Roste 'Please kenp in mind th~e Toledo, St. Lois & Kansas City R.. , The Clmver Leaf Route, "last Line" fur St. Lo,05,Mto., and thse West and Smouthiwest leaves To- ledo Union Dlepot at 5 p. In. daily, arrives New Unioni Station (thse largest in tile world), St. Louis early next morning. CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR and Michigan Central lines at tToledo. Buffet Reclining Chair Cars Seats Free and Vestibuled Sleepers with- out change. RETAIL PRICE, ONLY $2.00 A De~vice for Accurattely Register- ing the D~istancie Travelled on a Bicycle. htis iasin peecise ~ .inili ati sna 4 w a -is :1i1l out icx ive (leo lili-gem--., wiigl only ; mics sli nsproiof, w:atir peofand xc less; ham-,whitteiInmiil--il, morin asa,'. trh re-gines-c,000iimile ,,n eItret!.-l;tieasilylnJ quick- lly as e -l: aljotmbi:- 55torai friia :, posxiisioin tti x::itdle: in tQrioc 24,;N1, Is :11,91 1i01t-liwhels; nd imli, slisi latly gaaste _-repaired ilillal ( lila:-. Fer dale lay all lRetail I ylet loCfmet - n Y0 9H1J OUINGN00 TO F10 BEU R1fG IN110 IS.OND. ONE THOUSAND MILESOF LAKE 8915 AT SMALL EXPENSmE. Vinit this Hlintorical Island, which insle- gralideut summer resort on the st Lirken. It olhy costs aibout $1. x, r Dtot; 1 frmTld;$1 ,;r Ceveland, fur the rounid trip, includh-n50- ieals alnd berths. Avoid the beat awli lust by traveliug on the D. & C. Iloativ?. pala5)cs.'ihie Satractionls of n trip toW~ Maockinauc regio~n are bllilurpnsaed. Te islai~nd itself is agndiuilromntic upot, 1210 cinnatem os10 tivigorauting. Twoor- stel ipassaeger steameuru have just iea buit iur timesipper lahc route, cosios $300,000 eachl. Threy arc equipped wil16 every modern colnenienice, anfuuncintlognl biathmroomlls, etc., illuinuated tlsrongh;D-Rsu bly electricity, anui are guaranered ho xbn time graeacst, largest anoduafent shening-su yno frcseslaer. Thiese tamersfvrad- co~illmparesithithin greamt oe-niiliners inroAn- - .0rmtiiinand upeed. Four 113119 per wret betweecnhlTol-do, IDetroiht, Alpena, Ilfm kS-- naaen, St.. Igroice, Petoskey, Chicaego,"eis' - 31:rultfr 11n)1Duluth. IDaily betwz s Cteielsnli ainddDetriit, sod Cltvrlsnd ast lrlt-inl-lly. Thec plialI qniipineaiT snIakes traveliisg on lbsn steameru tilsec- -oiuighy enjoyanble. Scnd for illusirgSI0 dhewripthi-e pamhlet. Addrems A A.. ttcHNTsZ, G. P. A., 25.m& C., Detroit, Mict. Slave you rooms to rent?! If so, nS- vertise them in the Daily. MOULTON HOUK, G. P. A. - - ENKIN - Toledo, 0 . General Passenger Agt., Toledo, 0