THE U. OF M. DAILY. Formerly iiwith(Gerge astrr 19ES A T S A _Washington at. Headquarters for FO 5CETSA AK verything a Student needs n the Seealohe areieolgo lir of Text-Books, Stationery andSeraotrvriisofgd iscellaneous Stock in general II ARE THE HIGHEST OF ALL1 HIGH GRADES. toilet soaps at the sme prices. v-i To{V Vroated spror to any Bicyce built in teold, reodef rc MARTIN SCHALLER infr, na ernoiooeelnocysou o, B T H SPO GE gCE DOWN-TON T OOSELE, avingh aely ul n urnedb h nin iyl~u AHillio odollar cocrn, atoe bond i an good on gold. from 10c up to 1.25 each at 19 E.JWahington soneI blockI 21 lb. SCORCHER, $95. 22lb. LADIES', $75. A. E MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE, eatof Min t. H.. DBROW , ELxcuivS9 CrForth Aeand Wahnton aSt 5LAWI!O _ITERDIOTA" C d A E Y L r Wl T M K R t i o s 2 0 m l s o l t x a l a A N E NF G R A V E D A t e no r mo o us d i sc o u no t s . Y o n b y o f h ilo a nrd y o uo a v o id t h e p ro fi t s o f A1W -A- the wholesaler, tho jolduc, the middlemuan. 600 aip Co Upto WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. olt, tailoring Fit gornted Swell Stits $1. W1IL.SEY'S O)1D)S0T1ND- STAE STREET. TRDE .AR For Men and Boys, HOW TrO EOONOVIB A0.SLDG&BRS IIA(I LAMBS Buy Dean & Co.'s Family Flonr for $3.00 per Barret.T ttt OK LAM S Buy Best Western Patent Flour for $3.75 per Barrel. FOO SWARS Buy Bolted Corn Beat for 23 cents per 1-16 Barrel.Ahei upis DBD Buy Ilulled Buckwheat Flour for 31 cents per 1-16 per Barrel. titc upis r Buy Six Pounds of Crackers for 25 cents. s 1; ini black. navy white, Buy 73,1 Pounds Bot Rolled Oats for 25 cents. BASEBALL, LAWN TENNIS, garnet andu gray, JlBAiN e& COMA:.ANY for Boys. op to 32 44 South Main Street. GOLF inch sizes, mp 7 SZe3 - LECTURE BY JUDGE COOLEY pato of the teachigs he1 thdrreeivedniforms for Al Sports. IuildRyeithgra ult- [ ' 0For Men, all sizes, CONTINUEDO FROM FIRST PAGE. catioodeote oowos teito n onlooinoiso - tooohttl rluioiro roonliouroiIli euru 000 aid ooo nunftlul reioogRIDE THE SPADINO 1BICYCLES- nlsrog,tandi graondlost gooentrronooroth iroughoout lbe ountilr or acrutlof or THE LEADER FOR 1895 $trawbridge & Clothier the iart. Aod yri lie inuorcpo'snrloi led nonewlpotectivoiolio. Beriiiolnd__ PHILADELPIA. as t tliig fo the crieor nc~ornebtoefr wos ilb-setled ot rutioniHANDSOEILLLSTRATED CATALOUE ___________________________________ in 10115. lie eentsof is aobooinro- or h roonitotiolanouthoi e rrnn'lro- SENT FREE. tioo showdtihaot tho fiing gowi g sooilnot oof tie conrtry, ando 4.. te li ain01 lh is adhlernts thoothfle oor tanoluol, ltoe irurrose ltO'of NEW YOR, CHICAGO, PHILADELPHIA. natI~ oinaool l govtropacot Sioulol loT'eom oore Andrrow Jooksou ono uhoolfle i-ann 000010 and opnact o 'ii ' lfulr- he ioricrine of Hohnylo" TN Otoe- B JCi Y CIL..S I So heaaid o n: rd:obi ngad ad ueteethett ilfyN111haily on fle New Englondl luople,usnfortunately gewitotKENssras WOi, The IMPERIAL, ;o io-loio co rolin itu u meao riol t woe asnoosme hoo ito n tlifyh orlo:Bi ers owrriicane y n~ osftt 05lion. 0"'nonoe a oplohat toChifnutoitceuola- to a'y evn tooted of rnoct rsiaoicc sall falndsettleo rorte Regal oiol 95 LEADERS. allothfiolseeesiona of Nonwlnol. ,tieont'iotonol sirif of unior in te fou- Higes Possble Grle aodrlic ga. anlothiis tolk grewn ~ig our warourtal cntiutfion." saild. no"' e dloceied byuy cruousoo ______________ agets istobyi sec-onsi grade repeseted.: with Eoglaood. 'fle rsult-wa t wNtes. - a iganlollo Iiyle hnrowe tre oierooo O F F Lw Noes. heels tronte old oer, alost ooo ttoorffordcrnent ion. Now',ofoserve stregt. 5eary and easy runing ea". Alm+ sve von6's 5.timrewos oo ilrationa of lis ao't'es- Iloofrnnrtor Hogls will oguithe noes e OC GMA.ESE sotaflkedotby Jefferson anol teo'stotls jnior nexf rt w 000onte llOtiil0l' 00 AMAOonMACESE, -A -rights paorf. Jeffertono woos 010ry'lurts dlierdiths wokoatdalso S0. Site st., ear o. Wilon, agry of it autd rsened tflote nuot te reviw. tatthe conduci of fle New Ronglotc- Prof. Meemnooill cto to he f9nMORE & 'W TMORRS H erfou l toonthe Ketuky-seios5Frida 'eunningot T:0, 00n IJIJ C .s Vigoni eotuios of 178. Te Tb e 'Floet's anod Ter asos." 6 S. Main St., and State st., or- H____________________arutfod conventionawos eoalld thc unors nihing thf lode:o in ner of William st., have a DA-WIT .AXZBO.E. otgron't of treaonnd oo Iit te Ageny lcan obaiitIfron Pof Me copeesckf Cnnervo srogleet idet. ________ Il[~ T U FT R gyHp "TA L U DR O te stolen rights party coone directly LUSIVORSTTYCTSL'OTtI'BOUUU Iblgh Glas sad Domes il tic Fisi. to oadopt federal docrine. All thrughlo T F- H SEIS -th southo fle calling of this convel- Tuesday, April 00o. New and Second Handi. Iv. S. SERVISS, Manager, tion lad toe effect to srungten very Ifone Seekers Exeursion to Vriniaotal eatkssoadlter Students Sppien 3SOUTFH FOURTH AVENUE. cosiderably te national sentiet vt Ohilob Central Li .&(O10 fain for FossSationery, Spoting Good, etc., which Iteanitinno toefderal spreme, cort rosnd trip. Tickets good for 30) days. they offer at the Lowest Prices. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK lad bon delarig vinws suppoting Tickets at one far for rouooultril,-- Aria Arbor, Och. Captal0Stoc,$,00. 20tdays also onllsale t. otloerICaladsexsbfr Surplus, $150,0W. le national cnstruction ond the clns 0Cll.n-oe 0 beorepurlebsing. ranisedunder the Genera Basing Laws ty lad oacceped Item. points,__intheSou____Consultagents of thin State. Receives deposits, buysand IorfrboeI.taiO. .Iinils i h ot. osl gn ,stit exctange oa thoe princpl cities of the 'When, t0.efC., LaaiH.eHyneG. H. V I L' D Uidi Sotioes.afety Orahe uontOoeritdeclared Itho proper renody against MOULTON HOLK.P A dOricrsasof Christian lak eooit, Makrses.o . I0t. federal authrify -avonuiolliiction, lre Toledo, Ohio. TE LAIG T IO FareisaFlePres; Cha. E. IHiscoc, Ceashliero Rs J. Fritz OAsistat Cashier. was attacing setled construcion. 1 '5 literary ,sidnts are requestedd n motrhsreied the sy this beause it is sal that it will meet into chapel at 4 o'clock anImotrhseeldteWbtradntHyuWowsa- today largest and most selet stock of ~ ~ 'UI~E, ebn orand ot ayn whowasad-with caps and gowns. FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING vancing nnowr doctrines. nIt~r oe . IR. LYMAN, Prs. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS Cornr o Stae sid Wllim st. WhrentaWe thedfayne righse ohave tecelebrated Swan Linen for Spring and uIisser of 95 in artyandIto iscplenf Jfferon ndpape and envelopes to satch, the city, and wold be pleased part an thedisipleof effesonandGEOGE WAHRI. to have you call and examine "'g e j Madison, Andrew Jackson, was prss- ______ the same. k a L1UOtv'ueS dent If there tad teen anyone Come Club Athletic Benei, May _______________brought. up to .support the Virginla- 10. Full Dress ~uits .a Specialty. Tie latest thief in PHOTO GIAY. Kentucky resolutins it Was he, and Comedy Club -Atheic tBenfit, May E. Washington St.. near Main. at - ~it is hiardly to e supposed that he -10.- .B F R R Y M AN' 8, would have been so strong in opposi- Comedy Clot Athleti t net, Dity$1e SBSRB NW sto SE. Hru t. Special ates to Sealetse,. fleaio to nullification if it had been a 10. -$.0SBCIEN 0