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October 13, 1894 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1894-10-13

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M"akeN It Your Business.
When yiohuy AMusical. Instruments, mrade it your business to get Value for Your Xoney.
Its ra y to tray somne music goods low, hut that kind is not always "1Cheap."
Thle best is lie clrealwest, always wvas, always will he, you know it and so does the entire World. We sell and recommend the best.
A\V L C L YOU NV ANU DOLIN for.$7.50-not the hes -a Washboro or a Rticca will root more.
+ C ' N LL YOU N GUVP t r i6.0-no the best, hot good-a Martin, Washborn, or IT. of M. cost more, but they are
'WE CAN SLLL YOU A BA NJO for $6.0 -hobt ra Stewart, 1{airbanks, or Waldo is better value at $15.00 to $40.00.
We want your ttade and will mi} n .A 1X ,

make prices and values to
get it.

I 11i CAlAII1%XiOL U1rd11 UU.,
51 South Main St.,cour. Liberty.

11rrfi llan t.,111v i i ~44IiIt -U nu~u~~ uIo~
eoejiSweaters to measure, all colors, woclen, $3. Sox, all wool, fast colors, 121'c. Formerly wi th George Wahr, 19
Yu t Y ' Linen hrs ,md t esr,7c aio YaeSis .Waslrirtiuroi et. Headqnarters for
lit 111 ~9hi~s mad tonn sre,75c.Tailr a Suis, erything aStridesnt ieerds in tire
25 per cent under Ann Arbor prices. Tine of Text-ltorks, Stationery anti
News and Second11Hand. Aioid joii-rs.i,l wiswhote:;iler's Wzoils. Sils $10, $12, $15, $16, MiNseiliareirs olck ini general.

Ni iiitu oo4 ik. di othir Suets,,m i
Call and see us before purchasing.
FLAG PiNS $1.50,
f Yellow and Blue But-
tons 60c.
With U. of M. or the
WM. ARN OLD' S, Jeweler.


Second Hand Books,
College Text Books,
Law Books,
Medical Books,
iii cut rate pricies at lire
Bargains irn Stationery arid Note
Biioks. special reductions this week
on K. & Es Drawin y Instrurtenits.
W~e rave the best.
and Sporting Goods for tire new
gymniasirir. (onne arid see rio. We
are tire largest tdealers in tie city
and our prices are tire lowest.
Vholesale and Retail Booksellers
Reproe'cuts ,Every Departiment
srf the University:
$2.50 PER YEAR.

Mlenouike. IDo ynou 0wantl ampiri? Wican shineyousinreat 190 . Warshinrgtoni si., tire block
var iety rid ginveyou liiowieiprice~s thanisairy irrusin itisa rkert. east nofSlain st.
Air exarinra tirn irtousr stoctk dmronistriatethiist it cointains' liie-best
rind rmorst imniroved larirp rmadei. irry-trren years expeiriernce inilie A. E. MUMMERY'S,
Lrip it rsirress is swcrrh somrerin rg. l rry offus rind get tin reefit i f it. ) EPYUREFNA
44 South Main Street. o M~v Y EPYUREFNA
-- iWe miii help yen with U2
UNIVERSITY NOTES. liii last reherr orrf Proft. Stiiriys 3i Hair, Pt
(-horus mwiii rike pliare' i in eleur-t i g iii ~ in~ff o al fjl
tirriirirw ire iiiii~C~mviihi' is (neiinig at.7 o'cloek. 15 is0
lire bordri of conriorrl iret list night A (iiulin
_irhe toleowirigis lire juirrr i ivil: , ,, 1 FN
Skiy iiliki-it kieixt Wednesiday, ir! ~AND SPONGES.
Sleirini-Ninety -Six Lawr!kltir etWriish~
"A Vting 1Maiss Drrenmrwill th e liir- E_ _ _ _ TOE
iiiiirrimmiriiediaitely, fisirdt ephliciir- n
trier ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~M tr1iewr7iilr urete ii n. F. nrireitomnorrow irrorirg. U lID ~ + 1ri fh
T. E. tirottrici, IWt!lit, whoi s~ i~iitTal riorrsrrtsitan-+ ] rvv rIL
itihiirfir rgiti itdetsii i~iiiit eesriritbetraildtbefore' Mondahy, ULILL.I
ilaefrieritroredsiiunc fe i nty, trisirturnedri iorienirrtilato Oclt. 15-.Dleinquoents will be deiedc
theeini lrinTiiet;es of the tiniversity. eeto.4 .M I T E T
Irs iihe n rimaterial for tire track4t: AN STET
ID. B. (liecrer.itt Jleriirirr, ha:: rsi-G
tereri the haw deteirtirenti. Sinre gradnt eain is A. L. "MeGougi, rin -_t. D. of
uratig, Mr. Clieci-er uris ireen to- Detroit, w-ho is here for a uost gerdurate
rd in Cicao.rorrseiii tire riedicral departmrent. Its'
throws tiii hammirer Il0 feet. I
lire Castriair board it l nut to-
A iclass inlprepiaratory Lattin ill be iiiJ
lay- at 2 1p. i. in rooms9, for lihieirrr-
irrsooforarimtrin.Firyirenobrirganizeid aguitli tis year torenable reiicar IIU OL
of tire birrurri is rirgedt to be prresrsi. itertal, mrediceal iiorlihracirseturdentis
Slt ektefebnrnrersirto resmoienraIrnice cnito slus Corner Washinigton st., and
Thir eekg axtotfresshmen deof arewill inset inntire denrtal unoipiiteatre, Ashley st.
othr'smonhs.Asareslt ostof Moda, 1ct7. it 4 ocloek. flours ytr
csrrrirngosoetrgrs.for holdingc lassiewill be riranred toR a to s c$2 a n cd $3.
suit all.
Tire senior hams arc held aceountali' N X3
for any wock they are niotifieid to do ! Miss AgnensSi. Hilh, sine of lithe 'ravL- 23
by niotices tpsted otire board, arid it elinig secrretres of the sturdent iolun-
ill be iwell for thremrrthat theryvnorrtietee nriouennuenrt.u-ill esneak to tire 1. STAX3LE
its eontcents daily, young woioen if tire University and
Prof. Thonopson iriil lectirre to tihe city at Newberry Bahl, Monrday eviii-______________________
edisonStnaTesir nu W n-lo, Ot. 15at 7:3t0. Siss Still is ri G. IEl. NTIiLI
nesitay of next meek. To seniors onir graduate of tire Uiversity of fIlinrois, 7
"Rteal Protnerty," and to juniors onciiafss of '92. . A ~ T~ l
"Fixtures and Easemreiits." The practice court bulletin boarid IHI L L 11 Il11U IAILUII
Tire hour for this jnnior larriz is in iwrs placsed iIpositionthSits afternsoon.
D~omestic Relationrs has beenr chaniged It ivililibe founidsin theo eft hand side Hass the newest Fiall and Winer;
Woolens and largest stock in tire
fromm that previouisly announced. Tire as yonuascenrd tire last set of stairs city. You can get any selec-
recitation il-l begun at 0:20 ai. mr. for lihe lamw lecture room. It is nmade lion you are lolting for.
See, 5, Mtonday; See. 1, Tuesday; Se. u-holly of oak withn a glass door, and
3, Wodecneeday*; Scc 4, lsutrsdrry, ndiaoed iliprovenrent over the onre OM AN SE US
Sec. 2, Friday. utsed Inast year. 2 E. Washington st., near Main 5t.

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