THE U. OF M. DAILY. ALCGHIGAN GENQTIFL Time Table (Reved) Nov. 18, 1894. Mail adEx-1__350 Mail-______8 43 N. Y. Special... 5 15 N. Y. SpeiaL..._ 7 300 Eastern Ex---10 25 N. S. Limited.... 0 25 A.M. PacicEx -1...215 Atlantic EX-..7 47 P. M D. N. Epres----9 40 Wetern Es-___2 12 G. R. Express ___I1 051Ci. N. Ex ---10 T5 G. R. Es ----- 557 0. W. RGGLES, . W. HAYES, G. P. R T. At., Chicago. Ag., Ann Arbr. T., A. A. & N. M. RY. Taking effect Snday, April 7, 1894. Trains leave Ass Arbor on Cetral Stand- ard time. 7:08 a.m. ':15a. m. -12:5 p. m, 11:0 a. m. 4:15 p.m. 9:0p.m. -Trains ran between Ass Arbor and Toledo Oly. Al trains daily except Sunda. Agn W. H3.1ENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST Y. Time Table, October 7, 1894. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress t., 7:0, 9:00 and 11:0a. m;1:45,2:15,5:0, :45, 9:0 and 10:W0 p. M. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:0, 9:30 and 11:0 a. m.: 1:15,:5, 5:0, 7:5,:3ad1:0p.m. SUNDAY TIME. Leove Ypolantl from Congresst.,1:0,:0, 5:00, 6:0and 9:W p. . , Leave Ann Aror .function, :0, 4:0, 5:0, 7 :00 and 09:0 p . Cars ron on city time Pae: single ri 15 cents; oad trip tckets 25 cets. WM.nGS PAKER, Spt. FLOWERS, FLOWERS Por Everything and Everybody. COSINS & NAULIflorss 1160elphnie rlty are. DIETAS & SCHANZ, V. OF MAt. T.ILO.RS Our Spring and Smner Woolens are now on sale. Prices Low. Call and see us. 48 S. Stae st.. Seond Vlor, Ann Aror. 22 Years in the Busine s-''E. CITY LAUNDRY, 1M. M. SEABOLT No. 4 N. 4th ave. MERCHANT TAILORING ! Cleaning, Preeing and Repairing dons neatly by AU7G. SCOENEWALii 26.E1. Whingonn EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY ! 20 EAST HURON STREET. Bond OWork Guaranteed. ods called for and delivered. A. A. COVERTJrp. ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS. Ladies' and Gent' Clothing Cleaned or Dyed. 3 W. HURON ST.. ANN ARBOR. Members of Guarantee Ticket troker' Aso- eation of U. S. Coby & Mc~Keon R. R. Ticket Agency 50 Adams st., Chicago. Reduced rates to all points. Branch The Kindergarten No.3 N. Main st. Ann Arbor Michigan. $255.00 for a 51 Days Euro- pean Tour. We are oranslzing a select party for a sum- mee ior to Europe leaving New York, Jue 220dgor:Losdo, AntwerA., Brussels, Clogie, Cllent, lrsnfort, Hel fellerg, Srasbrg, liodlen-I~tadent, Pris and Dieppe, reuriiig, siigfrom Londonq August 2d. The pry will be codu~ted by and under the peronal charge of MSn.rvo Eeso, of Col umbus, v. el known as one of the 'fisi muoical i- srocirs of America and a genial genleman of large enprence in travel. Each piero will b~yd a eeh In a large promeade deck steroom,. And the ships seleced are new 8;' 51 ton twin screw steamers, provided with electric lightae and ntr~im hea. Compee itinewiry an(disformndto mailed on receipt of sl-addessed stamped eveope. 955.00 payo eery epese of. sighs. travel ad itpoie uhll informiation and Itinerary mailed on receipt of ef- addeeed envelope. I-.tio tis paper.- WERE GUESTS OF THLE WEST MUSICAL CLUBS GET ROYAL RE- CEPTIONS ON THEIR TRIP. Chicagfo Praiss Thorn-Enoyabe Stay in Colorado-Kindness og tho Cornell Alumni in Pueblo. Special to The, Daly. Colorado Sping,,, April 21-TIhc Glee:a111danj oitibs lft Ann Arbor April 12, givinig thii-firt co ,ir-t in 'outhi U iii.Aft r inecocrt eli mlrel isof lhe clubo wee gien0 a dancei'bygth Iidiaia dob. (n thr followilgy 11upo11111theiir arrivaii at Bention liirbor, lthey wrec riein Tue iconieei:was1well atenddand received. to Ciicago when, the (leeclub 0:111 at Plymo.uih church Snidy mrnng Of tileconcert Mondy night thle'Cii- cago itr OenandsilTribuieiid ll thati it was te 111t. gie:nbay elti this yeari.'he clubs wr gire-li drneiof JMrtCha~rles MJor,-1, 701l Greyiiwooil av. A1rriving in it77 .07110liy sleili trinilit11:'Gl1ee'citbboy sang bel:for tin.'Hoa:rd of rai, 0:and11bthitlubbs c171b. F'romi'St. 0L:7ouisley Atvilt o Teka, K:1 tan'sas, wor hey1117wre driven arounid iihe eity. 'I: :1 1:1.1 iic: thei'woo fair. butt 71:: smalleist so faii. iinieiiigabout 31)1. 'liie trainl left iitelyt(1afee they:eon- rtel for Deinve. Thei' ieceptoin in Colioraiuo iws nist coi'dial. After ithe' oneri illo75:-ni' th::elubs 55ei-c iitediitis 7::' Denvr .Ailletie ichib. Thy r'e11i11(7tle mo:st rioisingy iecep'tion at ft11(e1(o whe:rie thiey were feased1 11n:d le- taliedin 11a:royill nllie. Sc: a iliieiiaso thi'ere, tis not a 71rs::iiin 771eblo persoiialy ognailtted vihally m~em~be of the cubis. Foremost fii 'Ili(, afternooii 0:15slopit iia. die, ainul atreeiliol. Te:oper io', sevas beautifulivly eoiated in yellowi Woeie ltiigans coors. At C'~iolorao Spings. last nigiis 1proramlliw:s gree'1tedi by ilge aIliline. The' Denver.tPue'bl71o ad Cli'ordi Springsipaples speaik of il, ot Cltr-rinlgteems of tiie' onert, Itie- blo devotiiig two columns to thei mo1sf i-ilbouoali' praise. saiying tihat it tws the finest enleela:ii: 111 given ii 711:1 (17t' in ye'as. Te lDenvei- paper''an117 the Cooratdo Spriigs ( octte say lar thie clubs arenmuchi beter fliaui I'iince-' 7111, slio w-ircc h'ri'Chistmas. T7odaiy the clubs bhav'been ihi ae-'winig Pie's ':aS:.the Cardni of tie' Gods andl tii' wndrful sights anionud then- ily. 'tlillI-ow;heylg've11: the seonid eilceel in Devr, aiid -then leave for the east. JU7ST A MNTOIENT, PLEASE. The progressive and lgesivi' ril- wt~iy in tii lime of hit: rri:iigtwbh' Mileasge. 10 the Ohiioii(Centrail. Amng tl~r:fRst to isse this bokihail-i waiysbeen th- leidelr It uo1w 1pub1 lishes (iT distimn't syseins of trns- portationi.Separted: iinto divisioia li1es, as is done by imainy, i hias 12:7 transpottion liiiii's rrs:'ntld. A fuill list will hb'naialed upomi applie:. tion to any aget of the: Ohio Ceitra Lines. MOULTONV HOUK,; . P. A. Toledo, 0. At the Grand Opera House. U. CYCLO 'r7TV Robet Dowviin. the ibrilliaint Amo- eecan trage-dian:irho zspin.irs f111 lii- Grand o :pe-ia:houis-e71171l-llit nhis i- I/4 sil odds :a7 71::-e117-of1the/l:Ith~~ actors ini this. country sinle-- the 0 11:471 of Edwinl7Both, :an11 (iiriiiythii lies- the clahssicl-:icharactier:-s 1tvwicii' I hass deivotedl lis ar5t.Ile his dur1ing; staxriiig in traey, m- novedl to ii: -fronti l{]~i'a!" wt! ,..f.-( ~i' sureoly, and1 not slowsly. Ie hi.:o bn 10,000 MILES. PRICE $3.00. slitiriny in, hisiprodiuctioniiof 1113-, Heeatos or m 1i r eettalcka laisnilymlasteredi lmanly pairts- 0111d:duiieONE OUNE. ONI INCH-tLON(. the7irsiill Fell. WillieO ihai~s 1.1: 260:285a1d:0 i :: Il e h loaooe:le o taiiiy, swvervedi froimiliithe path lid out:11for:size by cgt:::-erapioce-at72..cecnts. .lhiself ini Nb: beg;iniin . ith-elassicail NO CHINESE PUZZLE TO SOLVE. tlr~nx, h ha neerteles -v>>e Road-. p:1ainly tr::m osadlel. dt-:in~, I:- as ::'titl~its gs U(ii Lea:st lias1lent7:: slme. Cltin::oponsfok out nni~r;eiy: 11:11t1o na7t: :yiv l yi:Og~hsoc IheIn s::y a :afe fsrom1:0::a:idenut. Case is solid1 German silne:r. All otii'e lo~jt, and1: thos'e ttho iiavte-worllbiy ~s o 0:nonlcorros-ie. Du)tanwtor cannot ie:111s:Il it. Every cmet te:1 :1at110 mile; per Lour"1 wht ntln: 11 07ly:' lh e tme 71::- u -:ili Egtrotiyies f~rni::oedl::: oniplication. aud co:nsideraition: of tuhe i a , biti BEAN & LANG, MFCrRE. ills:: prouue-d thiniwirii iiiel:- :'scs- 697-70E1 mlsi.:St. iiiiNll iiU 1,AtC, 5[15- lt:ttniiiy osill be suiv:rt :1 by tie: H A C beaul~til :iid laenoi::i)isii::lLu~o:11.1BIYCES Bllair 1011d1astroln nompan::y. OIC~t TO TRACK MEN,. All nidlitles for the 'tarsity tracnk _ teaml lmust stppear onlthe thleticfe ld foe practice ever)-d::y betsvQen 3 an0.in1rara-"ote:ouswt 11-. Fitzp~atrick. It is impjeratily1 nessarmy that nandidates ilpp~eare every (b:y fromntnwosn:i. .1. A. EEOROY. Caopt. 21 POUND ROADSTER. 18 FOJND R'AWEL Manaitu t:rd hy tile Temple Spec i al .MARCH-DAVIS CYCLE CO, 100 N. Cliuton St, thlrctgu., i1t SSAV EAVE APMADGC &MANCHESTER, A1.'-S By buying a Templr Speial STRICTLY HIGH GRADE! Exaine thisohwh:befr purnhas.1igyourl '03 m~ount. J, 1. MEE & F. R. CUTCHEON, 11 MOsiNi-,S-RuET. A lENTS THE "STANDARD" CYCLOMETER RETAIL PRICE, ONLY $2.00. A Device for Acnurateiy Register- ing tiso Distince Travelled on a Bicycle. It is as precise in its operatioass anwatch; will outwea-ue snbicycies, wrhghlis only 174 ounes; isdust proofo wateprooi and noise- less;. has while enlamel dia:l, sae:oc11s atch; rergisters 1,CC3 mies andrespealts; ihoedsily anud quickly opplhe':: adet)ol~u to read Irom a Ov pasithos: in ther sadd c:;1madeIcfoe 04,01,15811n4 10 iwheekWur1: anduis ablsolutely coar-anteed -rrpaiircdih ~ouu chiange. Foe Sole hy all lHr:iiHicyrle Healers. 1ONE TiOUSANDo M~iLES OF *LAKE RIDE AT SMALL EXPENSE. Vioit this IHistorical Island, which is bh grindest summer resort omitime Gonla. lbes. It only costs abont $13 from Detroit ; $15 from Tohedo ; $103:froro' Cleveiland, for this rond trip, fintadiog meals uad berthisAvoid the heat amn hoot by troveling on iii, 1. & 0. d iiug palaeo.TOli attractions of a, trip, thu tAle Msackinaic region atireunsurpassed. thin. island itself iu a granuoumrhiantic sipatufS climate most invigorating. Two new steel pmassemnger steamemrs hive just bs'a2 built fuor the uppem' luke miute, cosling $300,000 each. lhcy nrc equipped ithia every modern convnenhe, annunciawr , b iy electricty, and tyre guaraniteed toli the gransto, largest 1and:1safest ateamcmerm 011 fresh swster. Thns-c strainers favorably coumpare wiith thucgreaut oceaanlimeic e m-- strucntioln asopeedl. Four trips per week, between Tolendo, Dctroit, Alpena, Mac i- (mie, St. Ignae, Pctoskey, Chinago, "Soo, Malrquiette and Duluth. Da:ily betweten ClevelandilasmidDetroit.,:aid Clcvelhndoaned Out-iii-lhy. The7 palatiial equipmenut lmakes traveling on tlese steaersts ioa omrgily enjoyable. Send for 1iiusiratled descriptive pamphlct. Address A A. hCAISeTI, G. P. Au., . C., Dntroit, 19iida,