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April 25, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-04-25

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Published Daily (Sunday excepted) dring
the College year, at
OrFICE: Times building N. Mdin n xl opposite
post oice.-
J. A. LERoY, 'I, Managing Editor.
G. 13. ilAc~nsiil,'O L, Assistant
A. W. Suav, Special, Assistant.
W. A. SILL., 96i L, Assistant.
H. Occasin, 'i,Atleie Editor.
J. S. PARsL, '5 L, tusines Manager.
Associate Editors.
H.SA. Dancer'55 E. L. Eas,'95 L.
E. 5. Ssaderland, (i. Carrie V. Smit, 'S.
L, A. Pratt, 'W. L. It. Hamblen, '6i..
C. A. Houghton, '6i I. . A. Heath, 'IS6IP.
Minie Thompo, '7. I. I. Cmmon'55 M.
C. H. Farrell,'5. S. E. Knappen, '5.
J. A. Filay,'I.
Subsriptios prier2 50 per year, invariably
In advance. Single copies 3 cents. Subscrp-I
tions may be left at te ofice of the DIY,1
at Stoihet's, at State st. neis sandith any
of the editors or authoied solicitors.
Communicationsshaold reach lie office by
7 oclock cp. m. if they are Is appear the net
day. Address all matter itended Cr publi-
cation to the Maagig Editor. All business
commucnications should be set to t1hc Busi-
ness Manager.
Ann Arbor, Mic.
hn ayiing atietion Ito lisle clieis'
contests we r apt to lilac sigtiof
oilier it,reollegiae intress of fily
s great, if cnot greaiter, imipotaicie.
Mihilgac s lois a sl et forhceri i'
teamisof ideaters to iseci Nortiwsc-l
erin onstheliiield of foencsic oatoriy, ii
even ct which should dee'ply easceci
eveerysudniithie Unirst'eiy. l'ire
dlangers ofcxcs inco'llgc thl'ics
will1be' geatily less: ccciiwicnitheic-
tl'lli'c'l as well ass lie phyiclal siec
ofl life in Ilic uiveisrsitislos aneqeiual
chancce fill' display and fori wiliu i;(
hiosors. Mesrs-. Sdler, Oxoly and
Kimcball, ouri- epriesen tativseoicc tmoir-
row's debai' wihc Notlwsern, hav'
well ernsed the ight to bear osr
colors in. thiacocuest, and 91cc el
wishes of lie whole U'nivriy go
wvifithIiemicfor sceiss.
"Anitans Trial" Tomorrow Nlight.
The SWoncaa'a Laguec will gie is
thired e ntert-hilciect of liii'yar to-
morrow cnight. 91 will ake 11e formi
of a draimactic presentatiionc of 11cc
ibre-act farce cociedy "Acia's Tril."
Thliseast of caractera is as folws:
Anita. (An Italian waif)... Siss enan
Mrs. Deacon Pippinh (Wihc usc eye
foe businesS)......Miss acon
Larella Ann sand. Dorohy ipin
(Daughters of Mlrs. Pippin)..
M.liss Baney and Sis(oociccan
Aunt Matilda. (Everybody's on) ..
........ ilsSnderlanld
Clover Wells (Aunt Mtildf)s rigt
handc....... ...... ... Miss ticlick
Ethel Manning (eady foe any-
thing ................. Mis ost
KaletIortesiue (A bride of tlree
uonlis)... Miss Wadworh
Nan F ortesque (A victim of lie
camera .............MissTylor
Stoy Hyde and H-elen Joy (Otur
atiletes").. .,Misses Sorle, Tutle
Thce play is-opnc olyts womien.
Stembers of the W ouan's Leage are
admitedĀ° without etra charge.
Others pay an admisscion fee of 25
Comedy Club Athletic eneit Say
il.; .


Students Will No Longer Be An-
noyed by the Handbill Fiend.
Theii'tnix'i'rsily actiticiiis'a s xv lit

Sprained Ankle-League Team Is eyi f rlly lelan rlsiie~,
Strong-Make-Up of the Teams. ro nd te caycthe mandil si ctei'ci'iry
Thi atilliitli ll4:5 oclck ic' aud e odd 11cc henSctar y i
'sti t~no A41 'lc h 1heefudte<nu tfoto rsity xwilciieetithe Deot we ste rn Liver Usity hacll cierediwiths ll ce
Leau ateam.ici Nolsitiiauidisig lie advertisisig bills yesterday, iii' dicidid
fact that Michilganiis sonic' 510tcii- liat thieicirig of iiienito keei ihe
pledi cas ,resulttifflie sprinig trilp eicicins icc giooid cosciliiiiilrsuirschli"her erft" ioflatableSde~, pevecits
they will macket asrolig fori is will eirc'ocictaacc'. as is lSless c V~ica- lCainNccii aies e addle Sercess. Te'
l"'.heapeest asisi 0il adic e il stict' iorlil.
ircici lii'e laguers''an cscind ccoirigy lis a ciciccusicd Feeo irs.ntWomaenaciiCicileec. Cirealcrs
T'he Detroit Peasichas ben out fr Ihis itention ofut 5tti he FreeiiAdreU~sATCSDDE,.
prictiice abiiut two xi' sts, ic 'ishg Bys ivho pltll'bills wsill ierafter'
GranidtRapids aii otercitesicof e iiroibitedclfiori lihrusig thicsciChanesS e o
strosng baseball ripresetaionlil. 'Thiey cioliii'hands and ocskts cifstis- TlE GRAND) OPER-lA.HOSE,
iic~ strerithiasn iever this t'ir acd dentsOil ccilii'cmpsciicat leas.
wiltunoubteidilciy imake it ihic,,e' t- (ostesfns xwhioicare frtics' cii' - Thursday,April 25th.
isig fori'oure ui. lst oaitionsalicicical ric ci'themcat Oly cppeara cnce tickseaso of
'Cicc- 'variy were- giveni spiried oncie. J. H. QUARitLES. THlE TRAGEDIAN,.
practice ye stercday canicisevercl s new_________ y___
mesisiiiwre' trie for tleiiifhilditposi- tomledy ClisbAtheic Beili, Say RIobert JD o'wn ing
hullns, which iare' stil op'i. Muki'rI(). Accimpanieid'ibiy thec' iai ilciacd ac-
isas giv't'n a trial at seciindhacd shociw- -- cmlisedi artie
ed upii l coii n'sidiering isiia hck cit J1IrfSO MUSIC BEUGBENtA BLAIR.
prcie. 1e is It srei llcccc'buci
i oe wha csw i hiandlig liithe_______"___THE + G A IATOR'(
baroh.N a. so is'ckdccil tishpcitiong."Six Love Songs," Prices, 36c, 50, 75G and $1.
aid scakit c favorcle' showcsig. Hte By Fcank E. Sacyr. Tracslatios of Sis Reservec seats occsire at WaV~tts Jewely
af Ieice's finest lyrics icc eciisite mshal stre.
Is a fcir fieldie, shawinisgexcepioniii settings Heavy Paper. 75 ents.
aliiyi' c iintahwiiiihB'tlrl SCLLEGE COLEESONGS flFI RST NATIONAL BANK.
cupied pairt f liii'liii)hiusssloisiii The taedard olection f College Songs.OFANRB .
sameic:priioivemciiest ca s ecult cit Six- Over ;3co,00i sad. Heavy Paper, 5o Oraniczied 163.-
tons scoachincg. Captcain Sihids "as cents; Cloth. Gilt. $1.00. Capital,l$10,000. Srpus and Prefits, $d0,t00.
out bu hi vt~lepreentd hs Ilay- I rt Tcasacs a geercl banig business.
icctlcc li 'mcse cev'stcllii dii'"'COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." Forigaecanges bought andsld. Furnish
icc"tiewil s''soice issidiclis ~ Osly oil: of lie iid' pblised. Tde
todiay"'sic xcii and los to ie cit':Icc scngs at the leadiigscolees for women. P. BA: l'ie. S. i. CLARSON, Cashier,.
ply hi'trouhut'la the ecictest. Heavy Paper. $1.00.
Thcc sic-ki' Oldothlie tireteamsi iwhlil 1YAL CLCTH MlTR[MNTI UITA YXl ISC, To asrange oc privae or
tdc' ns tc~~~hioxxs igty-twto pieces for the gutahr rm the S iC'AL L5AS
'VARSITY. Devnos. best sicrces. A spedid calleton. Hand-
Conon ----- _____-Loicber a edover. 50 cents. lessons iPancho ,call at
Rll-----u--- S.SC---- aoccaAny Saab sent pspaid on recep of prhcee rne' 3-----SrotesCrne' ~~e
Bule --- ------- 2 B__.-y--Gl5l OLIVER DITSON CO., ~ e~A ae~y
Bloo ington------ . F---------- DuganOffice ors 11to 2 and 4 to .
Shieds..-------- .F . ..-----..Newmasi 413-4631 'iiasims'sntmSt,mnnostn NO SLcisto mtisoumiL.
iWatins.------Rh'.... .Freemani C.1.Drsnn&C. N Y
Iicacddition to tice' ciciss c isicidabooeeMRS. ANNIE WARD FSTER'S
iHolmsb Saive, lie cand GlildupT IJ" ' T ~ " ' Scol of Dancing and Desarte.
wilhl rdpatat lice trainig tablcor01111r j E_ - ID S Satudy, 10 a.m., entemsn beginneenlas.
at Stctc ansiiAnnlts., teginig i- Saturaay, p. i., Lady begsnners class.
daiy Mnday, 70p. ., Avaned Clas Lades'
Tus'ay, 7:1c p. c., Beginner Class Ladie
______Private lesson by appintmenet.
Seniors Will Attend Vespers in Cap .cCI OL 6,S SAT S
and Gown.' ? yTHB
T1he chsrsxxiresder speCihl si- - Lovell Diamond C cles
sic at this aftternooun s'c'esper services, .Aensrpassed Cr
at whiicheheliisueior swinig-ut (cceccs. The only wheel henlie make whib has BEAUTY SEED AND WOKEMANSHIP.
hedu ,o t atyear's prices.i'cyBe
Tunre amciiesmss iill ti.etsug iseicihldcause iseeryonelscof themcn ub ie old hccih e -t;Good aoaeecdeasco-
01c'ccipse y 'at tacss. pede and they are erth it. Pease cll and FIHEad chees.
'lise eagrccim ii dela l a oius:icspct my line and e lie musy decided GOFFS
Theproramilldetil s a. fllos:im provemens overalie scaled iigegrad EO. ER.SH Agoet, as . Univ. Av
I~egn Hcimm. . . ash 'sttliwheels. See tie Ellipti cras.
"The Mtrai.Uprse" _...r A. arlSta ish ey W. P. DIS TLER, HAN STR~R
G=loria .........Beethovenii31 N. University ave Il I tonbus
ilysin.... ....... . ' A D T O W T O Ttet~neflTblrFe-h efc
Unfold, ye verasthit Portals... IT'S H R TcO'WT O To"ived naredIc ~
iWithi lory Clad........Wge "", -'i- mses
Gtranid Starchr.........' Dubos vc _r s
Toran clmisliclcstobnxmcnhem, f5hesn', wrt sand wciilsd ynarhsac omaoessamyu wnd
JUST A SCONENT. oue hansom isrntd cai zessi fre. pAM HEN F 'N0051 AY, Ja.ueleh, I
H-ave yatu ever tred to ct a real SHEEHAN & CO. Exclusive Agcola for Ann Arbor.
good, honest writing paper that: just -
suhtrd you? The next time yu iwant C
paper ask yotur denler or priner to.0+ 1
show y5ou tics Swami Line. Youcmi
get it ini light, iiediumo or heavy 1.000
iveigits, ruled or unruled, whbem-
velopes to maleh. Yan canl get it ii - , M a, POSITIONS FILLED
sicets, 8x10 incies, so that when it is IN i.894.
folded it mlakes an elegant sheet of I n
note ppe, which whlen folded aguin, -
xill Sit, a.square Swan Linemi envelope. . . Snd frl Aenc
This makes a handsome amdinex-
pensive picce of sationey. 'Sntn NwTh
Comedy Club Athletic MI ,eit, My 'Cicag LeAngeles'
Ill. Trono Wasigoni


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