1. of VOL. V. No. 142. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1895. PRICE-TDIEE CENTS. OUTLOOK, IS FAVORABLE. may ined for exeicie, recreation. p}scland social, :and foe special WORK ON WOMEN'S GYM TO BE- taiining and lertires. Pliysical ct- GIN BY COMMENCEMENT. Tu1cm sioul e atided to by ani as- ________sistant to Dr. Fitgrald, who should 'Women's League Expects to Raise b,-,a woiian and a phlysiciai.' the Required $15,000-Addresses "We are ready ad hoping to re- Issued to Alumnae and Students. ceice mt oncec'small coitibtios aiil liege ome. omedollar, or oneIthosanl The outlook foe the wiedii5' gymi- dilelars. We look ti the wonen ofi imasiunm is very favorablie,iid Iil'i Mihigan ciiid liii Alimnemma of te indicatioiis ice that the coer-Stanmmc liversity to iiiak iis investim t will be laiidtat ciiiiiicemciiutli . ina-i tle' physicl idevelopmenms aimilciii corcane wiith the presemtplaniis. I social trainiiig cittic hindeiiirds of odesr to aceoiiillisli this liie'siiiii ii yonig iwumen inow herie and te toms- _$tS,0llt3insst b raisd, aiid the iini- imds et to comie Aiy wianamn whis hers of the Woiiiii's Laguo haline oimistnts $t0loriiriei will iie cn- token up~on thiimselves ihe lask of se- situiledta life member of lii Woimei's cnring that. amiount. Semliciptioms are Icagnie. being espiecially solicited froiiitis- "Coiitibuittionsmiiay be' forwardidlee woimenmiof 3ieliginisid alumniiae ito Mats' tarrisonm Soiule, Teasnrer, lii- whln thte followiing circuslar is issie: versity of Michigan, Aimi Arbor. "Twventy-ivc years have pahsseil Numerous coitribttiois have al- since the adliiissioii of woimei lto this Heady bteii eeived, iegardig whiih, gieat tUniversitty. howeer, ns aiiiouiii-e'i e m ca s "Will you hear the first appeal we made' at prseint. Tie workcof obtain- haec ever mde, anid give ts youriiunbg sboripiois ii Deroit is iii sympathy aisl assistaimie iniielirt- carge of a. commiteecoisisiig of iag this manivirsary ty proviuding tier'Mis. Emerson, Mis. Alxis C. Aigiel woimen shudc'its the lurst special id- amd MissFlethrer. A iii ilig of the vaaitages that have'evrc en issougil? alumnnae' and eotleiwomenm if Dtroit "Akbot t00 of our 2,818 stuiensire iiterest(edliii this intelr will ee lei woin, bounid togthier by tie W- at lien ('adilleic hold soio' timenet x nmen's League, ai volumntary mssocia- imesiel, at which pamms for reisimg Lion whose objects are nutal help- moneaiy for tis- on'mne's gymnaumsii fuliiess, uiiity of inresis aiid social will e aioptei. culture. Ii regar~d to the share'wihii'lte' "At thiebieginiinig of the prsint sdints are askei teotribut, a collcge year the Waetrinu gyniiaiuii iiemiiber of lte advisory coimitee' wais tbh'owiu oplee liii'estuidemnts, itireie iiitim. Womei'sLeagugie hais kiidy hioni's each iiorniiig beiiig mssigneilfunisthed the' Daily with the follon- tote womni.Althoimghmthe'iiorniniiiglg: hones are those imosi, fully oceds'l "'fle tie ocin iterest in lii'eimove- by recittions so that lamrgonuiiibers iieait fi' the' womeni's gymninasiiiinaid could loavail themselves of liii' priv- leagi' rooiis is steadily rising. Coi- ileges offered, 2W1 younmg woimen are, tributioisare already comiinig ii. i'itered oin the dircctor's lioks, prov- "If every persoiiwvho tlkes im log Itiir apprecilatiloiiandi need of suniii bodies aid lipul, beautiful ,pbysical developmenunder wise sup- lives for eulcatell womnm will leaidu rrvision. a. haimd,' success is siii'. "It is also a fact that the gymsnasinim "Ties Ainnnac. association are' de- is neededt all day long to inet ie vising large things in Detroit. Tii needs of 2200 yonng iien. tegeius are geerosly interestid. "During is recent vsit of thie Lt hus, as stuiieits, do what we cii. Legislature President Aingellgadden- "Tiers arc few younug women iii e-d all our hearts by iaunmouning tat collegec who canniot give twenty-ive tRegent Ilebard aiid a. friend taves c'sits or a dollar, miiy wocea-n give- given $10,000 towards the eretion of mioe IWhen this senior girls begi a womna's gyimnasiuim whichmshal to talk of wemrig inextensiv' grad- include roons for the Woman's Lia- ratimg desses, that they may have gu, and that Regent Blarbour is ready mire to give for this good of their to give $2,000, povidedi tat $15,000 smcessors, who can refuse ~o help? noe' be raised by the women of '-Maiy hands iiak light work.' Let Michigan and this alunea to conplete thce corner-stone be laid at commence- the fumd to finish ansi equip the build- ment. ilug. "Will every studint who knows of "Utesma mreceiving the thiamks of the any-tersonumwhociimay hle-i11, but Is Wouen's League, Regent Barbour. whom se has umad no appeal, please writes: I siumerely lisps thusNLeague send the address to Mrs. M. L. DOoge, andi other womnm in the state who 77 Washtenaw' ave.? Circulars may are especially interested in the edu- be had at the Uiversity office by any cation of women will do what elIt one who wishes to secure contribu- be dons to raIse the remaining $1,000 tions. Students' ontrbutions should huamediately, so that we may lay the be sent to Miss hKathueriune Punceon, conr-sone at or beforeĀ° commence- Treasurer of Women's Lague, 4 neent.' A well orgaunized movement Church st The finance committee to can do it, I believe, easily and prompt- assist the treasurer of the University, ly. The mors I consider the multi- consists of. Mrs. osph H. Drake, tlleid uses to which the gymnasiuum chairman, Miss May Souls ansi Miss mtay be put, the grander seems to me Katherine Puncheon." the sheme, and consequently the grander should be the building. $0,. The Daily will be delivered (00 seems to me little enough to put at your room the balance o into It. To myynmind it ought to cn- -ain everything -that a young woman the college year for $1.00. LECTURE BY JUDGE COOLEY SPEAKS TO THE LAWS ON THEI WEBSTER-HAYNE IDEBATE, Probably the Only Lecture by the Distinguished Jurist This Year- Causes of the Famous Deate Outlined. lucige' t'ooley 'livere-dwhn-keel li ipeobasly be his omit?' etuei kchuer this year to lie lawevstumeot, esit ie- itahy, Ilie' sac midcpa, seaking muponm "'lie'Webster-iimyne uiihiecionlDe- "tnmes nhis at this late cay essmeei' o ste-mis em such a. sutieet as iime- ice- is an excuise, as this has ieemma trite sumbject for more than ai a ieei' of a centur?. My excusew is that thil suetshas been. So cemploed be'eliy as- smaumei writcrs oci history as t is mm-leadm this tpubicmanmi to seomme exent tie'ee- rietioni mmcessary comicb mcaieiere- toidamy. Tie' Wester-iHayne sdibaste itself couc-tituted sn important listir- isal evemnt to the peoplle sum geat lia- tionmal pirinciles. It is seidl iy semi thou the' senutiments extressedt hy Hayinie'weretee--elinmamt ii tie' sout at the ihms of his .dc-lote. It ishun corruectionu cithatemiunsepresentaihtionm thaet 1 spleeckshere todaym.' "'lhme elictriums of muliuuhieiaion tok its birethm humthee iheys of lie reubli, whitnii11hmemmet of tie aien mamd se- ditioesn-lwexi'itemieut tie famoius 1e- tuucky-re'solumtiiommof 17960 nes dreaw, n'l b he1ol'ues. .leffemn.a aseumlheid'ltie' Kenucky' lgisatre. Btntwhin-Mai- ison together wh Thio. Jefle-con dew uvup this 'Virgiia ei isouions, iif ma siumiehmil lo iprt,malmost imem- iiati'y following, this word oslificaticemias dtropeped. 'l' id sea of Jeffersonm ne Mahdlisonm in refieringto tie- wvoridnul- lificatiiini wasO that this.-sates tegether auidt mit sepahrtey shoeuli inet mmmc imuuhly eh-uslve that this national governciiet shiould cease. Not a wont ie 'ther this Kcntuucky or Virginiam re'solutions conveys tie idea thit the- shoulit be oposition on thisIpart If mimy sigle stete to us federml lew. 'They rallier speamk w'rmlnhutmtc- ment to the conslitution, mnd the na- tisoal governmeent. Bimt it is on thise risolutions that the sate rights soe trimn' nas foundmied. "Oum theioilerhinsisttiesothir'states, ihode Islesudeleeding, replied wermly to this resolutisns of Virginiicaund IKenhucky, afihrming empntlaically the right of the federal power to pass, en- iorei'an-el eostrue federal leuaws. 'The" resal signiicance of these' resolutous wuas to enuncimte atltorumiariuni which thu.stsates rights party should rally amd we mmc bounud to tiniuk ta they containeed tieextri-eesviews of effersons who was a cadidat for the presidency at the tne. The- r- plies to these resolutions already spoken of were so nany and so poited that Mr. Madison deened it wise to make a long and careful re- sponse to theim, "A few years later Jefferson himself, in his inaugural address speaks of all being federalists ansi all being repu- licans and of all rushing to the sup- -pori of the federal auhoity, which he !l CONTINUED ON FOURTH PAGE. SEE OUR WINDOW! "THERE MAY BE SOMETHI-ING IN IT." 51 South Main St. ueto distribute Young Ladies espm e SIf boys o__ eir s plyr they muste welmeo- meded. ~t ohm pric-ulecas.- ACME CYCLE COI'PANY, ELKIIART, IND. HTOT LUNCOHE2S LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES + TUTTLE'S, 1 48 S. STATE ST. JUST ARRIVED! A SHIPMENT OF Coots' ine Ian Shoes JACOBS & ALLMAND WmashinmgtonmRlock, Asn Abo, P. S.-See our Show Window. ED. A. CADIBUIX. Latest Improved Barber Shop. Is Ike city. . tWasigtoSt., 1t der east of Male Si. Ann Arbr. MAMMOTH PIPE SALE JOLLY & CO'S 21 SOUTHS STATS ST. Dont fll to ome. Hot and Cld Lnches at All Mours. PROF. JOHNSON'S Illustrative Cases on Bills and Notes AND NORTON ON BILLS AND' NOTES NOW ON SALE AT WAHR'SP Up Town, Dws Town, University Bookstore, Opposie Cort Hoss 205a. sate St. 4 N. Main S. ANN ARBOR