THlE U. OF M. DAILY. S hal Bs ookstore! Formerly with George Wauhr, 19 E. Washington at. Headquarters for everything a Student needs in the &,ine of Text-Books, Stationery and N-iscellaneous Stock in general. MARTIN SCHALLER, SAE DOWN-TOWE BOOKSELLER, 19 . Washington st., one block east of- Main st. ICCES. AETEHIGHEST Of ALL HIGH GRADES. Warranted superior to any Bicycle built la the word regardleso of price. IDo not be ieduced to par more mosey for asinferior wheel. Insst on t aigthe Wavnerley. Built andI guaranteed by the tudiana Bicycle Co. ' oa illion doltarcon(C~cr, whose bond ts as good is gold. 21 lb. SCORCHER, $85. 22 lb. LADIES', $75. H. J. IBROWNA, Exclusive Agt. BATH SOAP FOR 5 GENTS A CAKE. Several other varieties of good toilet, soups at the same prices. BATH SPONGES from t0e up to $1.2 each at A. E. MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE, Cur. Fourth Are. and Washingtou St. I 1 '9$LAWS! HAVE YOURC . C NE ENGRAVED WM ',. ARNOLD' S, Jeweler. For Men and Boys, HIAOKNIT LAMBS WOOL SMUMT in bitck., navy, white, , garnet andi gray, for Boys, up to 32 itich sizes, $1.50; For Meo, all sizes, $20. .Strawbridge & Clothier PHILADELPHIA.. ,Sweaters uheelia & Co.'s g 4 -LU E- 8OWL STEAM LAUNDRY Co. saigh lCous ani IDomestic Finshi. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, '13 souTH1 I FOURTH AVENUE. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Ass Arbor, Mich. Capital Stuck, $50,000, Surpiun, $15S,00S. Organised under the Generul Bashing Laws of this State. Reeines depusits, hays and sells exchange on Che principai cities of the Unaited States. Draf to rushed upon proper Iadentification. Safety deposit boxs Cu rust. OFurneus: Christian Much, Pres.; W. D. Harriman, Vice-Pes.; Chas. E. Idiseunk, Cashier: Mi. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. W M~. R. FUXDME, FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING Curser uf Slats and William sts., William it. Antrance. Platinotypes Thu latestthing in PHOTOGRAPHY at WANAMAKER tailtirs 20 miles of ciloth per tlay. HeIe iys -it enotrmotis discouttts. You Iiiy of him atnd ycet ivoid the profits of the snlolestler, the jeibbier, the mniddlemoan. 500 sampics. Up-to- lLt, tatiloiiing. Fit gaalranlteed. Sweell Sitits $MS VI I 'sO Y'S 01,D-)TSA :t)in. STTESTREPT. !I I Boy Dean & Co.'s Family Flour for $3.00 per Barrel. Boy Best Western Patent Flour for $3.75 per Barrel. Buy Bolted Corn Meal for 23 cents per 1-16 Barrel.; Buy Hulled Buckwheat Flour for 31 cents per 1-16 per Barrel. Buy Six Pounds of Crackers for 25 cents. Buy 7f Pounds Best Rolled Oats for 25 cents. TD A &8z OP0VLZT.AN T 44 South Main Street. Law Notes. .1. Stekietes, '113: L, svas aduiitt to tlio liar at his home in GiraindlRapilds dutrinig Ite sprinig vacationi. 'i. 'NV. wit:ic,(Jr,'95tI., who beft for his homet rtcently, will itot retutii s yiorIo account of sickness. inle yiterdaiylaftci' Is tunt-i':1011deril- eti to lpostponie the Clot: of liairiting in orattionIsfor t'e lite of class ora- tors. Dr. Ciadden's Addreess. Dr. Wallingltoll Gldden, of Colntm- bus, Ohlio, gave a s-cry interesting 1ta1k ott "City Gtos-ernmcnt" it Taippan hall 1last night. Drt. Gladdeii is a maui of wirvilsIxlirieilcc.Hi-Is letuttrcwssre- plet th viliinformatioii for thioe who are iinterestedl in betterinig our social ceiditions. He swoultd bave our mu- nicipalitieo freced fromth lesbondago of partty politics. Ite would leauve the city to itake its own chiarter. The wardl, whichl is the father of teswardi boss and wire puller, should be: done away with. Our police departnments should be iiodeled -after the . postal d~e- parltent, .l'[te corptoration should for- itishi light as swell as swater. Chiurity, swhieci is responsible, for the lot-2, ar-fy of tramps which infest out- coun- try, should be bestowcedl sith moore judgmnt. In conclonion Dr. Gladden said, that so long an the nmunicipality was gov- erned by puriles whose only interests wore thie spoils, we could never hope for a change for the better. Miss Caroline McElroy, '91 D, ha htaving a good practice at San Rafael, Calafornia. Mr. and Mrs. .J. D. Robertson, -of Jewell, Fana., are in the city, visiting their daughter Miss Georgia. Robert- C. O0C:1I. CALEN DAR. Titurs., Atpril 25.-Senior stwing-out at vesper ,services. Thiurs., April 25-Viarsity inie vs. Detiroit at1 Aini Arbtor. Gamle colledcti 4 o'clock. '[lirs., Atiril 25.--Meeting of (ita-t uate club at trot. Israicl C. Rtussell's, cot-ncr Oxford aiid Hill sts. 7:30 ti. ini., Prof. Thoimas will speak on "Tins Beglinings of Poetry" F~ri., April 21.--tntercollegiate debate betw'een Northwistern and Msichiigan Fri., Aprtil 21i-tev. E. W. tRyan, of Yplsilanti, wtill lecture iii M. E. clintcit on "Pale-stine." Fti., April 2tt-Debate betweei hirlihgait atd Nortliot-estern illClii- etigo. Fri., Alitil 20.--Wtiniiiu's leaguc, will gise "Antita's Trial" in iiight schtool hllt Opeii to menibct-s of the league aiid other ladtien. Sati., Alitil 27.-Aiinual election of thle Studeits" Lecture association. Sat., April 27.-'V amsity nine! va D. A. C. at Attn Arbor. Gaine cale at 3:30. Mlon., April 29.--"Schtumann Eveni- ing' 'at the Unity clnb, "closing this. season's cent-ne. Wed., May L.-Kenyon College base- ball train vs. 'varsity nine ut athletic field. Thtura., May 2.- Senior sot-ial at Ct-anger's academiy. Thiurs., May 2-Chuncey M. De- posyill University hull before OhsP Oratorica.l association at 5 p. m. Fri., May 3.-Northern. Oratorical- League intercollegiate contest, Iowa City, 'to.- Fri., May 3.-Lecture of Senator Johin W., Danieli in S. L. A. coursea Subject, "Americanism, and the Mon- roe Doctrine." Thurs., May 9.-Faculty recital at Frieze Memorial hall. Fri. antd Sat.. May 17 and 15.-- Ct-nod May Festival held under.anus- plce of the U'niversity Musical so- ciety. The Daily will be delivered, at vour roomn nthew hnlancm' i . 0 . SPLDNN&BRS a Athletic Supplies. BASEBALL, LAWN TENNIS, GOLF. Uniforms for All Sports. RIDE THE SPALDINC BICYCLES- THE LEADER FOR 1895, HANDSOME ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE SENT FREE. NEW YORK, CHICAGO, PHILADELPHIA. 1IICYCL1wES 1 KENWOOD, The IMPERIAL, MARCH, Big RELAY, '95 LEADERS. HighstCPossihle Grade and fully guar- anteed. Coa't he deceired by utnserupuloua agents it lute nlgsecond grade (rept-esented as highi grade)lbicy-les when we are offeritng wheels known tlhe worldi over as best in strength, beauty and eaoy runing. We earl save you $S$5. APMADOC & MANCHESTER, it S. State st., near cur. William. MOYORE & WETMORE 6 S. Main st., and State st., eor- ner of William st., have a complete stock of UNITEIJ XITI BOOKS New and Second Hand. Note Books amid other Students' Supplis Fine Stathonery, Spurting Goods, etc., which They offer 'at the Lowest Prices. Canland see ins before purchasing. G. 1H. WIL., THE LEADING TAILOR andI Importer has received the largest and most select stock of IMPORTED AND -DOMESTIC WOOLENS for' Spring and Summer of '195 in the city, and would be pleased to hav'e you call and examine the same. Fuill Drw Suits a Specialty. R Washington st.. near Main.