THE U. OF M. DAILY. LIGHIG N AlJ T7 At the Grand ,Opera House. Tomorrow's Game.. U. S. cy T~Rw"R. Tim sTable (Revised) Nov. 18, 1894. XrDowning Is lhaidomiely equippedo -Tomlorrow after1no,01 tlhe second1 EAST. WEST. for tha part hie so well takes. His hone gaime of the Season will be poy-/ Mailand Ex 30 Mail - A8I43 g 1ll si uio faily towers iin the ed at 111e tti" I(I ( wilh ii - t i- N. Y. Special.... 5 11 N. Y. Speciail. 7 10 play. Mr. Downiiig has imadle a great Esenx -105NSLmtd 95tiolt West' tii ireigii tealil A ri') <, 77! A. M. pacific Na-,12 15 11 lite, andi it is dloutbtfull if aoy aletor= Atlnti Ex.. 47 - P M ilt rleonplsllfl ore1:iui ashe neoitest to almllost certatn, as, 1both11 0. N. N press.... 5 40 Westers Exs22I G. Ri. Eapress ___i1 55 Chi. Nt. Ex. 10 t0110 25 hisparicular p~ly. I is 111115 aly teamils .Ire ini goodl eoictili DlOW. O. W. RUGGES, H. W. HAYES, stipiportetl by his, bieautifiil wite knowli Shiields 111111s to hiaie hits a(1(1(1 whic 'liil o. P. &aT. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ass Arbsr. to 1110 stage as Eugenioe latir, anlt~ t a sprailn d1 10 theo lme 71(11 '11 WVit st nnorr iron who Stainds plc- 11t(iit tclfle T. , A. A. W N. M. BY. 11* pblli. Nlet is a itghily eiltiured liashin tilal to1) play 11 a lusit ttie Taking effect Sunday, Aprit 7, 1094. 'wonman. and 'gigves to the tage" aI S11- D A. C. Satiirday. 7H01111s 11a1 a Traiss leave Ass Arbor on Contcal Stand. l.~ .01, ' .$ ard time. perior~0 intelligencle not foundl~ 11 (oftel '1117 baly ilur dlinge whci was1((1(101 10,000 M~IL1ES. PRICE $300. 7:08 .a. m 15aaSOUTH. 110 it shoildi be. split 111111 !n ill gameli with 'Nore lRepeat o1r may t1 vsent' black. 7:09~~m 1 .:.s. 41:11p.m. ll:N p~m. Just a. Moment. Dalhli Sexton 11111 ((lloll will ileoll ONE tOtN CE. ONE INCH LONGa. 4:16p. . 900 . i. 12411nd0:0 1inch1 iteceh lsiiealble 1(11111 -Trains rsn between Ann Arbor and Toledo a1111 therefore forml tlhe b'attl'y. Y"' 'ire 117 geting extera piece at 25cents11. only 110av0 you ever triedtoil get a5 rIeal turdaly plractice (011 lilt tiliie so NO CHINESE PUZZLE TO SOLVTE. All trains daily except Suinday.1 Rl. W. GREENWOGID, Agest goodt, lioinest wvritingt paper11 (1111ha t titt eadls plalinly from addle W0. 11. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. suitedl 70ou? Tilho ot t11111 youl wvant ;slapply as 1151111 011 accoun1t of f atiguo. Least( lialtle tol injurly. Clomp-tonor1101 out pai~~~~~~crro ask recent trip.r1( lliie 1 A g0111 1d1a1 o, o 111e w1y awd c1111- from 10c010000. fromr 1111 ryturi trle'orp'llt't CacIse id Ger11 atie.0 shoe. Atll 01110 parts ANN~ f AR O& YPSILANTI ST iii. -hwyntiSainnocltetinwspadt_ atig_____ orrrsv.lns advrrtna~ ni ________________ it. Eery eter-1- testedi at 10 mile 110r 11100 _____get it ill lighit, lleldlill or healvy and;n11 an s~elle~d 1110110011. S((igills, itileil or iilrll-1 withi 111 neaiainfrth eoa fEeto~pcfiehdnapiain Time Table, October 7, 1894. ctolsonhditions r eiveli ill iy section"1 oIf BEAN & LANG, MS° Leasve Ypsilanti from Congres 'st.,7.00,9sl:0 i'0 o s 1111 nittlillilie 1 01111 tl ((i 11 111 lld (11)67-7111 M-ui "t. ( NI) 1(U1 AO C and 11 WN a. in.; 11.41, 21u.,o,00 , 1:00 and1 - 1 lile.5 111 511 i t < 1t0:00p. m folded it. mleks al1 1 leglit 51117t of r1o11 1J) at 2 p. in. on Stulrdayl, cprllh Leave Ass Arbor Junction, 7:10, 9710 and r.' AliI2TiI Il . 11711.. SUNDAY TIMlE. wviii it a squallre Swanl Linenl '110ope 111t' mhen 15 11. ess's 111 1t11efternoonlll Lea~vy Ypsilanti from Congress st., l:lt, 230, This 111k117 ai a 0111 110- lit the 071(1. Iill be secd 1to 1111.'. 1l5: 30l 1and 9:00 p. m esv peeo tt!ofea be'aye Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00,4:00,5:10, 1l'ii0iie f5~t~il'~ vwheli will 11r hldl i1 371)0 o'11o1111.t Cars ru110n 0107 time Fare, sinl 1rp1 hScn to pyia ruana cens rnd :10p.tikets 2 1019n1s. LA ST OiF T111E itl'72120 TI 'I. 01111x0 I 117511 ~l~ WMo; oa. tripn tikt'o Supt I tflns of 11111( 1111111 till (('111 wiii WM. h. P~nco, Ppt. uesday, April 30, 7i1171110'7 HIoio S0011er01 Excuristi to Virglinia FL W)S11WE S . IITrf7IiIAI.O. Dir (toIe LOWERSX~~ FI,~~ ia, Oio Central Lilies. (hie fill. fole w_________ Fsr Everything and Everybody. roouid trip., Tickeis gootd fole 13) 11117. All men11 clotemplaiting 117-11.2 for tile COMINS~ ~~5 & AL 5foits . Univrsity Ave, icet's at 0110 foiletfle roundl trlit),'vriyosendlvnnxtya ~OVSNS HAL, ~llltr Telephone Il1xri5.rSOllld~i 11771 limit '21 day's, 11100 011 sill) 7r 117110 will appear al 4 0(10111 ini front(If DIETAS & SCHANZ, 1101115 i11 1110 Sotht. CsODSnit ilgols thie gy'minasiium 1 ry afteroonl. As 0. C. ines. 00011a 110 l BI~ible it is Illsiril 111111ha U.o .T I0 S AiLI1p -07i x ' . hysol adtermw wtOr springe and Sumier Woolens Toledo. Ohlio. (001g11 110 111101 by Tralincr lilelolt- COTRELL & LEONARD, are tiow on sale. Prices Low. rick Iin the g7'ii. toI um. -t Slte- 11100) tL't 11', NIW YORK, Call and see us. NOTICE TO TRlACK MIEN. hoiioeiif07,701111117ls'N11es1.10ndO i-1 ieCl lt 48S5. State St.. SecondFloor,Ann AUrbor. All aidat~tlltes for the vars51ity oe. trac'k-t andtins ofvl~bgoat tram mutapa ntahei il tyn on ssnuafcs te r . STRIL Locai l Agnt 22 Yearn in the Busines.-~~ for 111(01100 e(v-ry 111'110(Il 1111trying for. It io to~e50' 11 111 i1n Il.2 o n110 II CIYlAeNRyM llbati Itw s ne~tvl 3 iiil tandl 441 1101 11111m Ill Annii Prof. G A.SlaMich hours wit0 01111110 hltei 'rf ,-l il b Il) riptru. I Pi pper rwithee. s. o it. Iiere witl he prlil- X. 1St.SEABOLT. No. 4 N. 4th ave. eve1y daly from no0w ton. tie- F.W.Il__I____ Cat___O L f H J. A. LE RIOY, (Capt1. STAI COIILI I I ION MERCHANT TAILORING I We have the celebratedi Swvah Linc We vaalt to lily stanlip collectionsO___ Cleaning, Pressing and Iespaheing paean rvladwilaycsfothsmei done neatly by 1110 ldnvopus to lialtch. an il~i al o b001001 Only 111000 Itso 011-1111 hone each ATGI, sC~JOOENIWA1I,. 26,11. WVashington's t01.01217 thAIt. receipt it p010rice t aske iatisfactory. - Qouadraphes results e tii0m1111 Suhscribe for the Daily. Collectlions olnd lie sent by regis- lEvely day work 1110 01117 lratice EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY I f___________________ocred mail or 0e1pres0 withileter 11111n-reied 20 EAST MURON. STREET. Jinig pric 001100 separate 00010. Jo- e Lsoniiredt.r n las Good Work Gnaranteed. Goods called for T1sendlAi ffII Sup5h~erior ahpproval sheets to to-- Lesn.rvteo nCas an dlierd A S11VEL Il~. II lfuful pofsilehi partie~s. AMERICAN HOTEL, ANN ARBOR. ANN-.ARBOR-: W. J. LAWRtENCE L CO., y. -_ STEAM DYE WORKS. -O -FORGS A-h- -~l~nzw c o e. Ladies' and Centn' Clothing Cleaned HO)PIGS R . 3 W. HURON ST., ANN, ARBOR, !" q "1TEXAS, Idolbee of unarantee Tickiet Blcers' Asneo LOS~ ANGELES _- a" ~ , a2. o~TmL, ", ci.ahios of U. -AND t" on®r Cosby s&McKeon B.=R. Ticket~gny S NF A CS O --19 N0 Adams St., Chicago. Reduced rte reo to all ° e flie cvcryw-- points, Blanch The Kindec- arlen No.1 New Texas aiid Califiornia Sleeping° N. Mlain St. Ann Arbor isellinan, Car Line. " ~ ih~ irr " is ithe LEADING SCHOOL OF BUINESand SHORT' ___________ Scce AND. Magnifcen hilding; en teachers;l lee $250 o 1fasEr.THE WABASH AND IRON MOUNTAIIA'MS. o 100. spoe reirom; piy thecturiesencSaurde peFTu. aeIRS CaeLSSe aLEPR sew m ilBoars inl 0110 1 d and room Sn tn $275 pee week in pri'St r__ - ~ I°HIES th tbv.e thl ro n 9mille. These rales reduced tn Snin5 by se We are ergaeleing a select a rty foes sm- lu u jj5-- 9,CLAYPe. taetone 10.rnp leavlng LARDO TEXAS thee abve I peacic Ik P.ldg Ree Galniee Pddres Eu. ianfrop eidaelyg Yoan rk, fo ti Rtb hav nonl oo elmggos als ofsngr buyin len bet ing for his illy~ln~l asegrss that every one THE"TNAD"IOOEE sallihn from London August 2nd. The parly ,ot Mlverln, 9:6e1 a. a,. next dayl, arrivin ® Cali prattice .Wit:: Columftbias e Hell kaownute as ase sndertllrperiosal It ljst Sprinsn at 1116 a.. .ix hones tile ah O Thns"lanisr * EALPIE NY$.0 cill~eleof Mn.Oo'ro Esowessowof Coismhlls, Ilutekett hrosgb lo Iilg car lirs ,-i sceno. tl -Tewoumisr " -REALPIONY$0, wel -kown asoneoLtle fist. muosal In- ,hicago lid b~lvtren. Also daily line of " naarvels of srnghl, lighness, strucetar .of Anoriges s0agenilhgentlema. Tourist Sleepers, leaving Chlilaco on satire ""- - uflorge soiperl'ene In' traver'l. bie~spoteo trtov throngh, ho San Francikeo via Los + symmetry, beauty and speed. "A Device for AittIratehy Register.. will hove a 'berth Inn large promenade deck Anilelen Cal. staterosm, and Ikesips noelce a5iles OEMP.C. hnod "on ilns the 'Distasee 'Travelled 8;05 ton twin scew seamers, pdovi ed withaPOEMGC.,Hrfdon.e eleecic lights nnd steam heat.--Cn Cowete For.mps tickets an~d full 1sformation., Bsnn, New Yec, Chicaee, "Dn icycle. - 111 5 sery andInformalien maills on reeit apply to a csisPsednnSnl. * Iissprie11iiOlrt's- eh' Of self-addrssed stamped envelope 25W 1 GEN 1 a teic~Poiec ufi ti speiei t prt-nsawte+ 75-v every expenp Sof sighe , tt:ae ve and J. H. 'GRE-EN J". HALDERN AAn14 I "01 mhnnn e wil1 sotwa ne t f rllyes, sl01y p -]oec el ifrain'n in aracy "chigm ar Caaoge o e olmin casehat" uncew; is llt proof I. or' prout ..n.d nise- 51 7e nj InfrmaG o n-d It;p,Att Te Fak..3snAg Srea anyfeiai * t whsIIc 5ite enulallel canlacne' Is ea U teh ilnnkhd '0 e f'SSI-addree'ned envelste, TI - --,on- t -agenncn or i b. *regictee. 1,miles oarrd cie; 1- sosiuyg n IC- - I KT OFFEz 211 Ci'm..CIAOaniled fo wo &emt " ul'-ly Jl pime 1 allintablo to ea ifromn anv Gea 'T'T octet B. .'- 0 Car C.IQ ntaps TllIIItone f postio nto sad. 1 nae for '4, 18 a r, WARM. BROTHER Tr- m P. ii B.Daaaah, ianseOenn Iln ihe whee ho; and inntlgaat - e u.~ p St whIp Int.,, len. Pass. Agt. Pas & Ticket Agl. $8, s,,$, - -rep lmed wvito on charg. -7"N G'sL mo. 7th ave. and Smith-. 307 IMadl at, Anl . .ttnbnmg, Per. .--!ldo, o. r "(I®. " Fo 41 0 balRil Bh c