THE U. OF M. DAILY. * t lu Published Dlly 'Sunday excepted) during te College year, t THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Or ioE: Times building N. Miumst., opposite post oilier. EDITORS. J. A. 1 nlto,'0, Mhanaging Editor. G. B. liAsueSOs', '00 L, Assitnt ' A. WI. SIT, pecil, Assistant. %W. A. Satsr., '90, Assistant. H. CteMA, '7, Atleic Editor. J. S. PrAise, '5.5i L, Business Manger. Associate Editors. 11 A. Dancer. '0. E. L. Evans, '05,.. E. R. Suderlusid, '0'. Carrie V. Smith,'00i. L. A. Pratt,T6. .. B.Hamblen,'00 L.. C. A. IHoughton, '9C0 D.G. A.JBoth, '00 P._ Minnie 'fhomp'.o,'7. i. B. Gammon 0000M. C. . arrell, '0. . E. Knappe, .00 J. A. ilay,'9.0 Subscrption pO~~eS42.5 0 peyar, invariably in advance: Single copies 3 cets. Suhscrip- tions may be left at te olico of te DALnY, at Stoili's, at Saste st. nesadnwiths any of the editors or authoricd solicitors. Communicaios should reads teseoffice by 7 o'clck p. m. if they sreets appear te net day. A derss sll matte intended for publi- cation to teseIsasagiog; Editor. All busisess commsunications shlold be sent to te Busi- ness lasagr. THE U. OF M. DAILY At)sItArbor, Mic. The eitors do ot soeld temsles realis- ible r t heopisioss or statoensotcorre- podent,:appearing in te DALY Iiis lIte1.r of regrt that tsc soutithein trite of the 1aball tei, so should lhie been Bmared by trouble ins twos gaess . As to tecflrst gelin' qut ion tiat wili tis.Ol o oStatr ' ii- vef.goi t,:00.olyn cecoacy to exincs rss~cgntt, liotMthtgsonfounde it neces say 'to' withdrlaw in list face of a delibcrate etffort o win the gaise fairly or foully. "Te gunisswas of snaom- portliunnaywyaid ail-b.e tlininsids 'sitl>ot' ciirtscoosi -irlio.'With Illinois, hliow VCo, it is differet, as oir athleltie',avations 'wth tlt ,uptcrsity are of isportasce to us._ Were it true, asn tlee uiesiper reports stated, tht Mieliigaii witidrew voluntarily at le Genst clone sdeciio l isn he giume Was a tie, it w old seem o bc the proper ocasiosi.1freqdc'rining or baseball rcpresentateieas'guihy 'f hasty sd rlitlicr childish actifo. 'Wismen, how- ever, say Cit Naien the uinlie aled o u'ap aise oii, rl ho ie'a oat no protest tle decision. Thue umpire would hear nthlng and on~ceel them back to thu gase. Wile.tho cptain was sil asking fora:. earing, hes~fee clatredl'Ihe'gamicifrdfeltd to Illiois. Thin; pust fleelufter in,+is eutirn light fnornitie statement that ou tean, when they bard thse decision, pacel upanlefl~t ill field, t;'az light te affair is rerlettl enough, and is made eepesially so when we received at the hands of an umpire hero last year.' A liuls conese to Ann Arbr t tp1'0th'ayesr,w lia anl op 11111 tosot rw',on ea- tins vi iliensop. Michgan is:n C a- INTER-UNIVERSITY TDEBATE COTtytED PROM FIRST PAtGE. a miemlber of the J ftersoiianiiite ry socity. He gaidusatedl from te Sg- mna' High Schiool, beig tie clas 5 libdicloriof. He woo bone in Noti- ('lst, P'a., iii 172. Ater his gaslia tli froiii the Sagiiiaw 11ig Shool i 18809, le stsdedct law nIlmi office of Mtinight, Humphrey ' Grait, comieg to thet'nieeriy lt year to comipilete his lgl educatio. Mtichignsthirds peakeri'will be C'leiient F. Kiimball, 'i95 0L, elndta ilembe15r of Webetri literary socisy. Mr. Kimsball receivedl the degree of M. lowat Agricliral tolge in 1889t. I, 191, the faculy ivited liiii bark to ladd~resos We studets of his Alma Mat 'r at coiiiiis nemenel t-1imc i'taught on eart5 i C'hicago Mtanual'Traiinigi.School, 01n(1another year ini Madisonist., before ciiiiis to thueUniversity. 'VARSITY BALL NINE. Tha Batting and Fielding Averages fr the Southern Trip. Thalet oiiiehierdlhitinig adgod fieldinig was doe on lhe sotheril trip of thii'bas.etball t am is s'videnced by the avserages. The battiig ier- ages for the trip re as follows: Sexton, 7 gamsel..43 Sields, a glles...... 2 111atkiis, 0iimei . .. .. ...' .7 Csiido, 4 goiies.... .....4 5 Holimies, ti gaiio .. . .. . ....4 Russell, 7 grsiue...411 Bioouiligstol, 6 gaul .. ....6 Butler. 7 galuleso" Mcenziiie, 7 gaiieo.......2 Dceanis, 7 gamels ..... . 321' Galeluep. 2gmel.i ....:....' 00 In fi(ldig Sexton also liads with a ht-,rfet record,.svwileIioiiie. Cos- del, Russell anedl Mcenzie fnlSO did e'xt'eptioaly well. Thle aseraee are: extoxi. 14"cliucc, 0 errors.... 1.000 Mtiller, 1 elance, 0 errors...{. 100011 Holelo,°, 71 cances, 2 erors. 1 72 Condon, 25 caices, 1 error MKeinzie, :))echances, 3 errors..B940 Shields, 9 cauce. 1 eriree...... :859 1t1155011 24chancecs, 38.erore...75 Bloomiing.tos, P0canes, 1 error. .8:4 Watleiii', S hanrces, 1 ero.Silts0 "Butler, 27 chlaiices, 6 errors. 77 Deasl, 25 chances, 'S errors....762 allup, 4 chasces, 1 error..... .750 "Schumann Evening" atUnily Club. Preparations have long bethnhmking for "the "Selmimansn Eseig" with which the Lnity club li eturo, cosro for the season will close, oh' nexioss. day evening, April 29. Thunrtaclin- not is in charge of Mit Milpaugi and Mtiss Sundrlandl and promgises to be one of lwe very but of the seison. Schumal -has perhaps no equal as a song witer slnd few,of any Suerors as a. compser for te piano and violin. Nearly twyety of iris sust Bautiful snugs will besung By Miss Mifipaugli and Mr. endingor,;and some of his very dflsff nisiefor the violin, piano andonrgan ovil be readesed by M. Bi- i F ' - 1d PNEUMATIC BICYCLE SADDL ES:{ VICTOR ATHLETIC GOODS I aediydeosrtn tlselrssupori- oiyIthsbeessneurimto niake Ithe et, asid n'e have siucceeded-so ae ore assured by a critical public-ine makeing ours'line of Baeseballs , Bats, Gloessnd Mets, Tennis.BBis, Rack- ets, Nets, osse g Glove's, Footballs, etc. the leaders 1 in uality. GUY VICTOR ATHLETIC GOODS. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. Msakeers og Victor ichycles. IBnstons. Pilalphirjssa, Drtroilt, NdreYork,Clis'ago, Dernver. San~lreiso~, Ls Angles, Portland Ms.. STAtsscnsl;, Ag;ent, 11 W. )WashisittonS t. DITSON MUSIC. "Six Love Songs," By F'sanklE.tSayer. Transslations of Sin of Hie'sfinhsestlyiss',isn exquistemusical settinsig. Heavy .Paper. 70 cents. "COLLEGE SONGS." The staendasd collection of Coilego Songs. Over 10000soald. Heavy Paper,500 centn; Cinth,. Gilt. $1.00. "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." Only bock of thso kisnd~ published. The snsgeof the leadisng colee for semen. Heavy Paper. $1.00. ,'1OYA[ [;OL[C1ICN INSTIM[UULCUITAd MUSIC., Eighty-twno pieces for theo guiter 'from thse beet surces. A splendid collection, Iland- om CoLvel. 00'cents. Any hooksnn postpaid on receipt of price. OLIVER ]XETSON CO., 4c53-463 Wnsshngtnn6tI, 1llnslns 0. H.Dtsone&Co. NY, R. E. NEWTON, AGENT, 7 VOLLANO ST "The 1hcrfeet" Infltbl eeaddle, preventse Chafing, Numbsnessnd Sadlle Ssorenesn. The, 'heapest. Fssie'st hislinSigad dle issthe World. F oe Mess. Womesnsnd Chilidrosn. Circulars Free. Addrs''s, PNEUMATIC SADDLE CO., 107 Chamers t ,, INewYorkn, THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE,. Thursday, April 25th. Only appleariance this sesn of THE TRAGEDIAN, Robert Downing Accompanired5by the beautimul and ac- HUGEN IA GLAIR. "THE + GLADIATOR.9" Prices, 35c, 50c, 76c and $1. Reserved seats on safeoat 'Watts' Jewelry FIRST NATIONAL. B ANK. OF ANN ARBuOR., Organized 18oi. Capital, $10t,000. Surplus and Profits, $40,000. Transacts a genorael basking bsisnrss. Foselgnexcraes bought andeeold. Furnish letters of credit. P. BiAtHiPres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. Tlo arrasnge for private or SPEIALCLASS lessons in Dancing;, call at Office. hours 11 lol aud.4toS$. No tairs to niount. NIBS, ANNIE WARD .-FOSTER'S School of Dancinig and Delsarte. Saturday, 10 a. os., Gentleman beglnhnjssoass. Saturday, 4dp. in., Lady heginnera chaos. MAonday, 7:30'p. in., Advanced Clas Ladies' and Gonslemon). Tuesday, 7ii1 . in., Beginners Class (Liadles- sAa sotlemosn). Private lensons by appointmtent. SCHOOL ,-46 S. STATE ST Lovell Diamond Cce Arie unsurpassed for BIEAUTY, SPEEDO AND, WORKi15ANSIP. Good allowancrniade on second- hau d awseels. GEO. F. FISHE. Ageuit, E. Only.,v HANGSTERFERI I'T'S HARD TO DO WITHOUT et urve fu T, ee-s esU CEO. S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN. 'Toueaslersis l]*tohaethem, see s nnt rt s anedsit send you tselnfornmtion yuan andi orhandsoesillustratnied aaoin ress .5 PARKERIN E TCOMP'ANY, , Jsaav~~lW I..W~ SHEEHAN & CO. Exclusive Agents for Ann Arbor. oO [ISK& CO. 00.00 G . ,POSITIONS FILLED IN 1894. See fr vSlr