TILE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the College year, at. THE UNIVERSITY- OF MICHIGAN. OrcE: Times building N. Main st., tppoite pst office. The editors do ot old thomelvs reon- siblo for the opinions or statemets of corres- podents, appearing in the DAILY EDITORS. J. A. Leero, ', Managing Editor. G.;. HAsiSN, 'OL, Assistnt A. W. Snoe, Special, Asistant. W. A. Srs,'50 L, Assistant. _ H. CoEnA, 'S, Athletic Edior. J. S. PEARL, '5 L, Business Manager. Associate Editors. . A. Dancer, 'S5. E. L. Eans, '5 L. E. R. Sunderand, '0. Carrie V. Smith, 'S. L. A. Pratt, 't. L. IR. Hmble, 'Li.' C. A. Houghton, 'SOD1. G. A. Heoath.'tie P. Minnie Thompson, 'O. . . Gammon 'OS M. C. H. Farrell, 't. S. E. ~nappeotS9.- J. A. Finlay 'O. The Dily will e dlivret ct your room for the reininder of the el. logo yer foirfit. All thebasebahll and other Uniivsersity news. In ai letter from C. A. Denson, '93- '4 nmliaginig eior of the Dily, lie says: "The new policy of the Daly, alllewiig frateriity represenation, is very 'else, as it reults in making it thoroughly retreentative of college f- fair. IHenceforh, in idicting a student's classo aiii departmlent, the Daily will fllow the plan adoptet in almost all oilier universities Studets in the lit. erary sdeprtment will' dsiecgnated simply by thiiir class numbller, '9, '6, 117 or '98; students iii other dep~rt- nients will e designted y their clos numiber wvith the iitial letter of the minme'of their sdeprtment as 1531,for a senior low, '963 At for a junior medi, '97 D) for a freohimon deit and '9 P for a entr plarni. Titl enumera- tion has the advantage of looking wll aitdlbeing concise, and shuld there- foe make ilo own way into favor. With this issueite Daily oard of editors of 189-r6 assutno control, and unuder htter auspices than ever efore. The Dily i~o 110 thoroughly relice- sentative, of te Uiversity in nakne as well as in fact, as the fraernity2x lr5- senlotiess on the staf' iniicates Fur- thermoe, we are, as has een 'en oft n said, entering upon 0 new era, and re seeing the rapid growth of.'a'helthy university spirit, In this te Daily re- joices anid-i th it expects to pros~er, Without omitting the work done' by former managing editors, much credit in duo to M-sss Lodle and Colemn for their weal in furheaing the inter- ests of the University during the pst year. liqib luve ee,,al~l ,exponets of our cherished institution, and to them the Daily and the University at large are mch.iidetd Recent olege Games. "' Chicago, 2; Noithwestern, 13 Wls- consin, 4;1304tt,3. Prdlue, il;'Lae Forest, 9. Yale, 14; Wilimis 4.' Trefts, 11; Harvard,'7.' 141w4', 14; Providlence, 8. St. Johns Military Academy, 4; Wisconsin, 0. Toronto 2, Cornell, 0. M ADE SOME LARGE SCORES. CONTINUED FROM FIRST PAGE. thle Ohio ater admitted were strikes. Captai Shielis callei in the team and left the field. A miob surronded the player, and it wavs only by the asistone of cooler eads aong the players that trouble was averted. Shields made four difficult rining calthles, aiid Sexton distinguished himiiielf runninlg bases. 123431378 Mtichigan ...20 0 0 11 00-1 Ohio ............ 1920900 10-4 Mihigan, hits 7, errors 5; Ohio, hits 8, errors 4. The DePauw team, which ws et at txreenoasle, Ind., April 18, waso veiry weaks, and there was a tetdeicy toward loos playing on the 'varsity sie in ots quece. Miller woo it freely, hut lieligano foling cnd tin' constantly improving temi work kept daown the score. Runssell and ioltes sid estecially good wvork, and Itusell hit the al ard. Iticiigan .... 35332 31 0 14-2' Detlauw ...t0000041 0-13 Michiigan, hits 20, errors 3; Dct'uw, hits 10, errors . Friday, April 19, Wabash College was defeateid at Crwfordville, Idi. 22 to . Thoughl the reslt woe the saime as at Detotiw, tie gsmie woo muich better, antl the large cor wo duo rather to atting thou errors. Hloles did weli behind the ht, Wat- kins 0and1Gtllup in tihe x 10111 tus. sell kept 'up ihis good ricored at lot't Shields trippuet 011first hse cd OtprOOuid i. 'ankle hbidly etutgito keep himt lame for sone titie, Me- Kenzie had a record at first of elevenm chances, several difficult, coil no t~r rors. tRtssll, Sielis, Sextoit cnd McIe~enzie idid tt, b'lnt-elk at te' bat. 1 2 3 4536i7 s9 Mllichigan.....3 81 2 0 033022 Wabatsh ...020220000-63 Michigan, hits 1, errors 4; Waboshm hits 9, errors . The closest gaiie of te~ trip was with Illinois at CamopaigiAri 20. Sexton was iii the hx, ut woo not in good foiii and Illinois mdii'eigt luts, three of themtIwo-hggers. 'fhie 'varsity hattedl heavily cc usua, ouch ing sip Hotchkiss for elevn hits. At the eid of the s eventi innliigtill score stood 13 to (i. In Illinois' half of thi ninith Umopire, Armostdelaredl a.runer safe oh third whom Gallupiscllid out, and Michigani left the fielil, Capt. Shields was lnabble to play on acount of his anlke and Condon payd right field, W'atkins 'going to centerT'f le fielding was sharp on both sides. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Michigan ......2 0 02 00-1 'Illinis ... .. ........30 01 0 02-(4 Mliclhlgan, 11 hits and 3 errors; I111- nois, 8 hits and 2 errors. .The vacation trip was closed yester- dloy by a shut-out of Notre Dom. Their nine was unable to make any- thing o[ front Watkins, who stuck pt thirteen men, The features of the game- were a fine double play by Chassaing, Funkhauser slnd Anson for Notre Dame- and the batting of Deans and the pitching of Watkins for Mic- IWa. 11 mt s was hurt in the sixth inning and gave way to Condon The smore: 123456789 Notre Dame .0000 00000-0 Have you rooms to rent! i so ad- vertse them In the Daily., Dental Notes, y PNEUMATIC BICYCLE SADDLES. Dr. Haidle is giving tile freiiea I, '"a very practical course in bridge, and toorechin crown wvorkh. Several mtemblers of the junior class art' aviingItietmselves of thue' oppor- tuinity to elect extra shtuies, the fav- orite work ehecteid seming to he, phy- siolonlical and orgcnic chemistry, J. WV. Kasheer, '1)3 D, is located at Normal lill ansi is having a. good practice. fTie new course in practical eOpera- "The Pertect"I"ltable Suddle, preyvmt. Chafing, Numtnss ted Saddle So reesa. The tive identistry for the jiuniors will begin thieapest, Ftasiest Bkidinmg Saddle inite Werld. For Meut, Women atnd Children. Circulars this week. Drs. Hall anud Vani Doitan Free. Address, . c will have. charge of the. cour'se andi will give se:every interesting tettiot- strations in the scine at 1 o'clock in lilt denial laboratory oit Wednesday coda Ftidaty. The text.-hook uset iii c'onnuection with thie work will lie W'eek's Manual of Opertivo Dent- istry. Newell will again coach Coruiell's football team next fall. lietohis been signed for eight wee-ls, upts o 'sowwm her 9. "Six Love Songs," ny Franks F. Sawyer. Translations 0goS of hiene's eutest lyrics in exqusisite musical settingos. Heavy Paper, 7a cents. "COLLEGE SONGS." The standarsd collection of College Songs. Over 300,000 sold. Heavy Paper, no cents; Cloth, Gilt, $1.00. "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." Onlhy beet orftte hied published. Thor sonse of else leading colleges for women. Heavy Paper. $1.00. Eighty-two pieces for the guitar from the best sourceo. A splendid. collection. Hand- sine Cover. B0 cents. Auny book sent postpaid on receipt of price. OLIVYER DITSON CO., 450-4613 Wamsington St.. Botstons. C. H. Ditson &Co. N Y. TempleLSpecial.' $18,0:: -$ 5O By buying a Temple Special STRICTLY HIGH GRADE ! Examine this wheel before purchasing your '05 mount. J. L. MEE & F. R. CUTCHEON, 1 MlOwNEn STRE. AGENTS' PNEUJMATIC SADDLE CO., 107 Chambmers St, Men' York. THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE,. Thursday, April 25th. Only appearasnce this season of THE TRAGEDIAN, Robert Downing Accomparled toy the be. utilul end ae- comptmohed artiste, EUGENIABGLAIR. "THE + GLADIATOR. '9 Prices, 35c, 50c, '75c and $I. Reserved seats out sile at Watts' Jewelry Store. FIRST NATIONAL BANIK_ OF ANN ARBOR. Organised 1865. Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $4,000. Transacts a general banhtsog business, Foreign exchangeasought andsld. Furnish lettera of credit. P. HACH h'rms. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. To arrange for private or SPECIAL CLASS hessens in Dancing, cull at Granger's .Aoaden'3y. Office boors 11 to I-and 4 to S. No stairs to muiount. MRS, ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of Dancing and Delsarte. Saturday. 10 a. me, entleman beginnersehlass. dauuy, 4dp. in., Lady heginners class. Monday, 1:23 p. in., Advanced Clams Ladles' and Gentlemen). Tuesday, 1:00 p. in., Beginners Clans (Ladles anld Uenlemen). Private lessons by appointment. SCHOOL 46 S. STATE S'T THE Lovell Diamnid Cycles Are unsurpassed for HEAUTY, SPEED AND WORKMANSHIP. Good allowamnmemasde on second- hand wheels. GEO. F. FISHER. Agent, 55 sE. Univ. Av. HANOSTRFERCATERER, HANGSTERF R, 20 Etoa nst. IT'S HARD, TO DO WITHOUT tbc NornlTbkrndlerfe CEO. S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN. Tour dealrhsbley t e temoifhemhasn'twrite em and weiilmend youthe Ifmattilon yeuntanset sue handsomen ilstrat~hedsaaunefre PARKEE FN CeUA'dT, Jus"Fmlel, WI.. SHEEHAN & CO. Exealusive Agents for Ann Arbor. t :r~ _ . I. ~1TF[I1 0 FISK &CO, 1.000 POSITIONS FILLED IN 1894. $end fer Agency Manal. Boston N~ew York Chicago 1LosAngeles. Toato Wassldgtoep 11-1