THEF U. 01F M. DAILY. IG I E T NOTICES. INTER-COLLEGIATE. Wanted A nusisular young man of L medium height to do0 i ht ork. Call Time Table (itevised) July 1 194 MSTER MASONS. Halrard lhas gadatiled over 20,000 between 12 anol-I p. m.todoayr at 14 EAST WEbS. flo . Lof A. Masonie Club will studet. N. Ingals St. Mlail and Es. - 4 t; bail ------ld-tohit--eeinginth8Maotie There re inearly 15,)00 studiiein ~For Sale-A PInemathic-irel ('0mm- N. Y. Special...- 5 10 N. Y. Special....or,0 Temple oii Wednesday, Oct. 17, t Eastern Es-_t10 2 N. S. bLiied. 9 I73 Boton atd vicinity. bIa bicycle. Weight .3)0Ipondls. Fine A.5.M. Petiac Es-i1.5 7:30 p. il., satrp. All iiatr imaons Atlantic Eu .r47 ir teUnseoiyaierelmteltoleEighteen idifferent ptbllicaions are einitiliui. Best offer 1ovr $0 itkesilt1N.Epes-590wtrnx---133 heUveiyaerqutetobk G. R. Ex press _.1103Cli t Ni.-E--..10 i5present. isoned at (Coluimbia (ollee i. Mitst sell by .Tesiay. (Grslt G. It. L - 5Eagins.lat1 .Inal t 0. WV. iii, 14I. I. IIAYES, tOt ltSS73, ETHIS. The -nv erity of Wisconsin ~ .Igll t G P& T mgt.,Clicago.o Ag,.,AlinArboner.Ote leltiltI 1 '01e ltl. fri'o ~tir:ir. also lilt __________________________I_ lilosolhy 3.rAccorin, or friiinai ltllrliir.class nubersash- s arra~~~ii ngemient of lors the claso iioiutorin'a1r hE As1 ItiihEhcOvi hetoiMtrly ne-thiril of Ailclesta radlato nglton s. i (iUl7C and A'Wedneday"s at 1 o'clock, rooiii27.lasve beeti ora~ined ministers. SITE, 15si. Thayi-,ls off cmiii A. IT. 7LLOYD. BSNESLCAS us. 1$2>Iaivek for tw0(1$0 fr ltle. DETROIT,MIH TRACK MEN. ____'L1\-tue' heewl ittiswell eore levtng home, whether All tmeni whlo expect Ii)do anythintg tbelall- learnsioniitethiDetroititStitur-ryt forlbusiesor pleutre, to deide upano~ netrdi hi ouni h.i{i hotel and thereby aoid econusin. ill the fall fildil(lay are reiquestedl ti il43 ces pr liar. Speciae roire"cr (I~t. '2y1 .'lrii tt i's .kiiiiArbor t When yu vsit tOroist wesewould e - 1ise ~inl eti i tiesfuiriised ity pplyit - pleased is buvenyu slap at the nld comae out for practice at the Atloiei at te I anY Otce. i "t. Ill. sarpll. Rlit-llriiiiitlais "Franklin Hause," c. Lamed field every afternooi. Airi.titzpatrick TO II'ENT. A plelsat suiti, far-Deitriit at -.;Ip.lil. IRtound trill ikts and Bates St., where yea will hive a god cns meal and a clen ed at mderte rates. will be 011 hand froti 4 to 06ane Isill nice heat, light ande bath, o111y $ter eitsr-ls The hue bas en renvatedrm top 15 retiter whali- tneIecni dl-ltdlnfrsl httem, adinnow inftrst-clasu noditian. awsitneli'ct nan-sel. 71. S. Stata' St.15 AbFrst;IClsslatiilifrsa' Repetully, tioti to taking are of tie footbatl Tw stilnafoitaehlofl''heilp. ('till afer 7 p. lin. tt 5i S. H. H JAMS. tami. 'The fall fielt day swil e heli Munate wanted to solicit Daily sub- 1layer at. 12 Strai, 33. tLndging, so. f it abott thri't'week. srpitsiita eiti.Labloratory 1toi iiil'li ilr Per tay, 8.5.saitinsintatshol.1.nsswimae A.rdr J. A. EttO, Cat. LOST.itndil liiinids f silg ati30Soi.Stirlb MU IA O D ~Ll-7t51IltSTFORtR lAS tIWTiON -A.i-. IHumphalry, ')5 his, lot ailrst., llltatirs. 1 lls ent epectinig to grdate iio odrlildeegaasbetel Don't forget to sbsbbclibe for the AT TilE anyiy glliofyeordlrtimtdreyeitatsto tilt'e U yea mstreorttoth (either 49 Fifthi t. adltle~city or the Daly. SIRE II flDE r s eistrar at the opeinitg of the eae a'~*~lndlascertaiti swhat pesrie w tk i aswbiling last Thursday. 7lii"Ontti'Dllr buys it first cias bult- S iLSi[E M SULprstiistrifinder niytleve themt at tis ollce or li tel, made by Eland, MNatly & Cheaper thatn anywhere else in any, is still lcking for lhe e ti'e reuens twil11 2t r thP outy tngh.siti te owner at 49ithi t. atd lie Ct tllhl!i vl 0430o tr the Count'y'tSNug't. wilbe liberalyriss-trded. (,)if 0110 lt WIilsey's Aitsic Store, No. 42 HA G T RE DFor filest bonretill tei'city- ullai a ttt olby SI~eiS )3 P atiAIhii . HDSE FR, luit The class football gmiies wllii be tel the 11010O11 (ONKvLING. - 5: y.uII'aliion y~st. Ibiuhiy0h t-utt oo Cga asb o -~ Played early ts yeat. lutunagrs and it yoitsnio\t-ICigarsbulye1m1anlust c- pain ar thgeelto et hei taiIOSC.OR CONEsLING is the biralt. T'tOiN iltatiGranlal -cultailnsoare. urged tyonti glbttttheirdalmlitnI retitItGermian coveraton circles, CIAIE 43I'acktrdit,it $2,0. 116 h-ceaiiiigclass German dralmati _ CARLS BAllll ,Agt'alb t be fornedi.Mrs. I. F. a- OrDE t~fored I tilersity is the 1log-t il Sr ' .('ii t iier4 ouit mantn~, of Be-lin, Gerimlatly, U. of 31. iii' -worltd, embhrtcia S tiug- - s and unsaetfllg~1aittso Dtuil ail ridiie', i'xdreih ltetcer.Iefel' 11115. ~ us ii lt be at lb'Col (oiuiitsr, Ioliay Oct. i'rcs-- trsieit Jme ', Angel, list 'uiit'it 1th, s-ihi atlll hiie o b~llllie5 t L. D. tro. ('11ill Tomas, A. A. - $(i00ttttt n,Ott thilia12,00)0)sittents. the late-tcvltiea t'ot-all and s-intr A NEW LINK CUFF Frsl ha o ah nuai _ U. OF 3l1. CALENDARt. tits anti overoatst. Teyii'ntt tradedlelttretl, ilt~lti ______miahig ta secialty ot collee rttei tired Co'tlmibit biccle. Gooi conti- Sat Oc. 1. Scohti ~eseliseihi hue all k'. of I. Stuene~t blolll clii. tetl. Ctl tafteroons, 74 N. Igllgls st. P lVNorasetutYSpianti. GRANGERI'S CLASSES IN DANCING It you wsih to have your rosiar'nt- Bi ~ ue Sat., Oct. 13.-'arty vs. Albio at If y0th sisli to letr to datitce ;jitbl ed, anivertise them il the Dail. 1-7 BIEST LIiNE TO Athletic field. the classes at tGrntgers Aademeyl, this The Diiy has been ellargeltnd ia INDIANAPOLISt, Octo 1.-Aa i~tNitmeets ii Alsvwee, next swi-r or at ainy timie' tost at nootietitiotn, but the sbscriptiot LOUISVILLE, 1p11a1Nut haluat 7:3t0 p. m, c onseniett to yorel. Stritly' a price rmainsa the stice, $2.0 ter col- and CINCINNATI. Atonl., Oct. 15.-Rev. Al. .J. Stvtge school. No 'tpu'li ollthowei. r. lege year. _________Opens_ 53~ Untiy club cours. Ltecture, IlitiAMrs. Roets iGrager istrct tall 'Th Dtaily hils tlready mlora sib- ELEGANT tut O'clock is it in Rlcigiot?' ltssis. scribes aiong the co-d thani ever ELGAT eednesdaly, Otr. 7, 'y\urSil7 vs. -ir. Livilgton, itt R. II Fyfe' & beforo ill ita histoy. Co-eds, stb- Through Sleeping Cars Olivset at Atlelticfe ldl. Co., Detroit, wil be ill Anna Aror, scribe, y01u are relrsented on the BETWEEN WIed., Oc. 17.-Ilon. 1'. It. Seed at the Cototos, ltondty, Tuedtay bori. opens SIL. A. course at Uiersiy and 'Wednestay.tOct. 1, 10 and 17, Three resosS1113'you should ae Petoskey, Louisville and hal. tad will be tpleased to sowv U. of A. ua do your laundrysork: 1. We are Cincinnati. Sit., Ot.-L27.-],till tiel Day. Alit- IDaiy readers a ftiiulline of stmplteofrapabl fa4rtceShistni Ilel-ouuns. 1a11 the latet anth best mletroptoitanuwliiireptace stme. 2.We sil returni ASK FOR 'TICKETS VIA _Styles of Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Rub- your work whei protiad.i3. ni - BI OU OU E . C. STEBBINS, besai(vrdus fllathvt- formly good work. Wagner & Co., 21_ uterwearAlsotheelebrted____e S. SMain St.. reresentitg 'uTle Latn- SHE'Foot-tornf' sho. Evey Atn Artur- dy Co. 1-13 E. O. McrCOiRICi, D. B MARINJ bie shoutlni aethese gon .Ddoasatbores i o d passegr rattic 31r. Get. I'. & T.~ iiiDoyouwatioarermfisiit HrRIA0 ~ [ 11[ s INU MANlTIV Str.A. EIRose, uersu'tiitg te vriciiteDiy G tolden Eage Coting Co., of Detroit,FISCLS CUTMTIOIGilbetNo30.Hun5t(a- Nobles tr Clothing ouse sells the FIRST LASS USTOMTAILOING Xill callfr iiteirtvrat$.0Dbyn tCorter of Stole ant ilihani sts, frannilie wr ad's former stand) the bltaunce of thi bet$.0Deb nte city. -12 l~lliiatt 51 nrvn and11 all of ntet waek, etli tt fill For the ne(xt tio weetsbto sseyil $ -ID E _-6G A R TR N - ineurof Smlehtts of ithel'ttued rines sow' oilthulargest actd bet lines BILIADSANDPOL. SATISFACTION GUARANTEEDfalland in ttte goods for the('custout of Suits t $12.00. Others sil cargi Choicest Line of Cigarn and Tobacco. trade. Students, it you ited to btuy you $13.50 and $1.00 for the saue No. :3 N. lain Street. a shtoercoat or mt eitoai, or iii thig. NBILE'St STAt COTING THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK 'A ' ..STTE 5--: tt :T. fact atyinlg in the Bieiu of loilii'oit IHOUSE. 1-dt Attiu Arbo, Sint.Cpial sa5,$.0000 THZEN 'sviwiba- -ouut give Si. Roesa tcatl. 'fle best in everything always Ivis U Sorluu,1150,000Il~e Isill Sate 3t1ttlioeyadttsltltuthue grettest sltisfacton. lte lIOSCOtS, Oi'ttni -zed undertlus Geuerti i knLaws gooeds of thu very bestiatiral sio NLG('graothbatah Ofi this rOtt,. te-~v cur-stt-lit ys n O~LN iasaetebs n uneisria,tgeu'ittthIe pruucpt 5 Ioftiechapytaltt ' hinerbuay-csnomethnifirbad. lTutica itrtes. II tta etuise cieupo.n.'escrbropteros n mre1IifeioNlrais idtitiiruuuttu Sifrytl-uuu~t slherrio. Ir also hs It tiur liue Of TJte 1ittrtlsui It-rr.t(hs E. Iliseori, rt'ia- to wetr toots it t otca t tht(' (tahlert3. J. Erit, Asastanuther t-. YPSILAN'T'I,I ICI salueplitre, wvichtIarteig Sols-cu-r- agnr &- C'., TSiors, 1ill ho SChiapt.DSr. Itose huls caerd oeat'uhset to nterest you in the many STEAM LAUNDRY CO. SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 O'CLOCK best universiy tradie for thur lst s inewthtings they are oferig for fall yers, anduIaways gists ther best of setr. 1-13 Highs Glotss andDoumeir'Finis. OStdenits and citzents Should makr tis satisftuctiolin t i, styli' anti prie. Tio Daily- xiii print ulh accounts of _____dther heduarterssshille iYsiatit, and ti I t9adohesae nie t a all fotbliinsthi. ll tssre ttem they will intd me, as er, Stleusautohraciiititocii hsfl. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, Moatcordatlly, and inspect his stock, whether they Wagner's & Co.'s U. of S. Collar, '3 SOIUTHt FOURTH AVENUE. W. H. LEWIS, Prop. desiro to buy or not. Do you wear it? 1-13