4,C , . 1a . VOL. V. No. 140. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. MADE SOME LARGE SCORES. VARSITY'STRIP A GOOD RECORD BUT SPOILED BY TWO FORFEITS. Seven Games Played-Five Won, All EasytVlotories-Wrangles With O. $10. and U. of 111.-116 Runs to Opponents' 29. The game schled i at Detroit, Sat- urday, April 13, with tie Western League teams. of that city was re- vented by rain, and an alnost certain victory was lost, if the showing of the two teams in practice before the rain was any indication. Monday, April 1, a party of twenty including Manager Wei(ks and thirteen players, left on the early train over the Toledo road in the special care "Ann Arbor." This iuoriiind they re- turned with a record of sevrli games played, two of them being forfeited oi :iccount of the unpiring and the others won by the largest scores ever made' on the spring trip. In fth, first game,. of the trip, April 15, the 'varsity easily defeated Dent- son University 11-3, at Granville, 0. Ninetec lit .swgre made off the im- jortedhitcher, ire of which were two- ba es, lhil'e only two were made off Sexton anti four off Watkins. Sex- ton's work wa of the first order, and Watkins, though a litlec wild at first, soon steadied down. Butler played a good fielding game. and baited well. Holibes was spiked in the forehead by a'man sliding for home in the eighth, but finished out the game. Score by innings: , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 itichigan. 0 1 0 2 41115 0-13 Denison:.. 0 00 0 1 2 0- 3 Michigan, hits 18, errors 3; Denison, hits 6, errors 9.- Kenyon College, Gambier, 0., proved to be easier than Denison the day following, and the team made so many hits that they grew tired of running bases. Bloomingston did especially good work at the bat, securing two home runs and two three-baggers in five times at bat, Sexton and Rtussell also made home runs. Butler did good work in the field and at the bat, ant Deans was lively on the bases, making six runs. Miller was quite a puzzle to Kenyon, and was well supported by Condon, who made three hits in for times at bat. Michigan made ten sacrifice hits. 12 3456789 Michigan. 9 0 5,2 2 0 . 7 3-36 Kenyon .. .. ... 000 2 119000-4 hiiehigan, hits 23, errors 2'; Kenyon hits 7, errofs 10. Wednesday, April 17, the team maet wit a urp ise atColumnbus. in ,ae game with the Ohio State U lv"rity They combined with their god play ing qualities an evident determination to win by fair means or foul. Th game was greatly prolonged by con stant wrangling over the nmpire'$ dp clsions which, .ombined wih'the poor est fielding of the 'varsity f& $ar, made things close. In th sixth inning h gave OhIo tivo runs on a blocked blI which Michigan. claimed was not blocked. In the eighth PIitebwr Gaiui delivered three strike, all of whirl the umpire called ,hall, but wic CONTINUED ON SCOlD PAGI., I ,.....---- LEGISLATIVE INVESTIGATION. A SEVENTI DEPARTMENT. EE OUR WINDOW Another Party Visits the University Seeking Truth. ENGINEERING COULRSES MADE A Ten members of the legislature who did not come with the party which made an inspection of the Universty last month were in the city during the vacation. They were here on a private investigating tour and came withoutt an advanceo announicement. The nmembers of the party were Messrs. E. A. Wildey, J. W. Fitzger- aId, M. S. Curtis, E. S. Wagar, J. N. Clarke, G. W. Peer, D. B. Waldo, C. W. Richardson and Eugene Hicks. They visited the various buildings on the campus and the hospitals, and the ieeds of the University were explained to the visitors by President Angell ande Secretary Wade. The visitors were reticent about, giv- ng their views, but ltepresentative Curtis expressed it as his opinion that an appropriation of $80.000 for the ad- dition to the law building. the electric lighit plant a.nd the reimbursenicet of the deficiency in the general fummd sas all that was necessary. Ther 3ess to be little if any oppo- sition among the members of the legis- lature to an appropriation for these needs of the University. TRACK ARRANGEMENTS. Men Will Have a Training Table Soon. . A week ago yesterday outdoor train- ing oin the 'varsity track and field began. Until Friday of last week the weather was cold, and bss than a dozen men were out each day, not half those who were in town during vaca- tion coing out. Since then the num- er has bea increasing, but there should be several tumes as many out this afternoon. From now on candi- dates for the track teami will be ex- pected to appear every day for work without fail. Mir. Fitzpatrick will be on the field every afternoon from 3 to 0 o'clock, but other hours can be arranged for those who are unable te ineet these dates. A training table will be started soon, and those mer only who do faithful work will be taken to it. The track has been giver a new coat of cinders, and will soor be in better shape than ever before Take-offs for the jumps and vault: lhave also been fixed in new places Candidates for the team who are 'with out spiked shoes should consult the trainer before procuring any. MET BY CROWDED HOUSES. t Musical Clubs Having a successfu "QTrip. . Theue terl. trip of the Glee am - Baijo clulbs ts 4i vilng viy sucCess a ul and the programs so far have bee e refidered to large audiences. Tlii - Was especially so at Denver and ru - blo ELast night's copnert was given a Penver ,and totligit the clbs siq b at Lincoln, Neb. The remainder - L the trip will be a follows: Dre t lyfoines, Ia., Wednesday night; Grim p all, Ia., Thursday; Davenport, Io h Friday; Powagla;8 Satrday. A d h tailed -aeoaut of the trip will be give later' in the Daily. SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY. Regents So Decide at Their April Meeting-$25,OOO in Scholarships Presented-Other Business Before the Board. Con-siderable business of importance was transacted at the April mieetiig of the Board of Regents, held during the vacation. A resolution was passed, which is the first step towards estab- lishing a school of technology of the four courses in engineering now offered in th e literary deepartiment, thus adding.W seveinth department to tlie University. The time of making the change has not been fixed as yet, but it will probably go into effect next October. There are now about 312 Ondergrad- nates taking the engineering courses, is foltows: Civil engineertng, utilety- eight; i-Aechanical engineering, eighty- one; electrical engineering, 131; miii- ing engineering, two. The Regents did not make public any plan of organ- ization or selection of a dean. TI4ERE MAY BE SOMBTHING IN IT," 51 South Main st. We Employ todishtrbute' oadvte'rtise. sinesii pint paysestfore high gradesAcmi bicetw ihe rsesdthem as approvat. INso work done until the bicycle arrives and proves satisfactory. Young Ladies se*tegr"s. If boyor8eirtssppltytheyiamstbewellrecom- medd. rltesor particulars. ACME CYCLE COMPANY, ELKHART, IND. 130T T2 NHES President Angell reported to theFRESH LIOF Board a gift of $25,000 from Mrs. LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES Clara Harrison Stranahan, of Brook- JUs REcEIVED AT lyn, N. Y. This amount is to be used + for scholarships to be given to lineal .. descendants of Mrs. Stranahan's + 48 .S' ATE ST. fattier, Seth Harrison. If no lineal descendant has appeared at the end JUST ARRIVED. of any period of seven years, it is provided that the amounts accrued may be given to any needy student A SHIPMENT OF at the discretion of a faculty cons- imittee. By a resolution paset1 by the Board[ the homeopathic departiselit wit here- after be governed by its own rules, sPa z A homeopathic committee was ap- pointed, consisting of Regents Cook, Fletcher, Dean and Hebard. JACOBS & ALLMIAND President Angell announced that the aidgo Bhk, As Arbor. King of Slain had presented the Uni- . r SbOw Window. versity with a. set of thirty-eight volt-P times of Tripitaka or the Burrhist ED A. ADIEUX. scriptures. The books were forwarded PROPRIEToR OF THE by the consul-general at New York and Latest Improved Barber Shop are no w in the library. This gift was In the cii . NE. Washltos at last door made in commemoration of the twen- east of MailaSt..,n Arbor. ty-fifth anniversary of thine King'S reign. Similar sets were presunted to several other, universities. The proposed adoption of military instruction in the' University did not jQL lwy & meet the approbatiun o fthe Beard, t26SOUTH sTE ST on tat oame. and the matter was dropped. Plans Sot and Cold aunhe atAlours. are asked by the Board' fdr a 350,000 annex to the gymnasum. Thie re - ' quests of Prof. Calvin Thomas and LMr. Effinger for l ve of absence 'to Iliustriative C he On spendnex.t'year in stuidyiibroad, were left over until the Ma metoing. Prof. Bills and N otes Thomas desires' to ' to Germany In order to obtain data for his edition of AND the second book of Goethe's Faust, and in all proh'bility his request will NORTON OR BILLS AND NOTES . be granted. The legislative resolution Introduced by RepresentativeVWildey, NOW ON SALE AT m calling for an e planation of the em- s ploying of Charles It. Whitmuan a' -S - torney for the Board while Itegent was answered. ,Assistant Professor Up TTown, , Down own, - Cole, who has accepted a professoe -Uiversity-Bookstore, Opposite0ourt Housp . ship at Columbia, tenderd his resig. 118. state St., 4N. Main St. nation. ANI ANRBOR