THE U. OF M. DAILY. MJIGHIGAN G n'.A Time Table (Revised) Nov. 1S, 1894. EAST. WEST. P. MAM Mail and Ex..... 350 Mall -------8 43 N. Y. Special--- 5 15 N. Y. Special-7 30 Easters; Mx-- 025 1 N. S. Limited 0 925 A. Mf. Pacific Mx---12 i5 Atlantic Es --- 7 47P. sM Dl.N.Expreoo.---- S40 Western Ex.3-- 212 G. R. xpircoo .1t'055 0hi. Nt. Ex--.-10 25 GREx.----5 57 0. 5. RUGGSon, H. W. SHaYES, G. P. & T. A gt., Chicago.. Act.,, Ann Arbcr. Tb., A. A. &o N. Xo RY. Taking effect Sunday, April 7,1894. Trains leave Ann Arbar on Central Stand- ard time. NORITH. SOUTH. 7:05a.m. *7:15 a. m. *12:25 p. m, 11:30 a.m. 4:15 p. m. 9:00 p.m. *Trains ran between Asn Arbor and Taledo only. Il trains daily except Sunday. R. S GRENWODAgent W. HI. BENNMTT G. P. A. Toledo 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST, RY. Time Table, October 7, 1894. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., 7:00,0:00 and 11:00 a. in.; 12:45, 2:15,5:00, 6:45, :00 and 10:30 p. m Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:30,9-.110 and 1 :30 a.m. ; 1:15,2:45,5:30,7:15,9-30 and11:50p.m. SUNDAY TIMM. Leave Ypsilanti from Congressost.. 1:30,3:30, 5:00,6:30 and 900 p. m. Leave Ann Arbor Janction, 2:50,4:50,5:30, 7:0aod 9:30 p. m Cars ran on city time Pare: single irip 15 cents: round trip tickets 25 coals. WM. F. PxAKno, Snot. FLOWERS, FLOWERS For Everything and Everybody. P211712 & IllS. University are. CUIS&HLL, flrists, 2 Teleuhoue 115. DIETAS & SCHANZ, Our Spring and Summer Woolenis are now on sale. Prices Low. Callanod seS us. 48S. State st..SecndFlor, An Arbor. 22 Years in the Business...'m~zSll:, CITY LAUNDRY, Ml. 14. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. MERCHANT TAILORING Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing dene neatly by AUG(. SCHOENMWAL),i 26,-E. ashingtou EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY! 20 MAST HURON STPREET. Good SWork Guaranteed. Goods called g0i and delivered. A. F. COVEKtT. Drop. At the Grand Opera House. MEMORY SCHOOL., Prof. Schrsnis Menmory School is Jaguarina, the phenoininal swords- progrc-ssinig. e is tcachiing his seconid womasn, who plays "Count Fortuo and third classecs this week, andi givinig in Cas.H. ales "c~vst levl'sgood satisfaction. Hio students-grow Auction" stands alone aaiet without msore enthusiaistic as the classs psro- a rival iii her professio:. Aing tie fi Ecsses. many notedl expecrts whomialaguarina Hie has had pllcionicnal success ex- has encountered swords iii hanidimay tending over scvcn yc-ars, and is verny isa mentioned "Sword Prilic " ' Col' togy nosdb itnuse eo Tho. H InsteyCap. Cas.En-pie. .Educated at M1 oitcceal, Canada, glchrorhl. thc Danish Chamnpiion(Dec- un Mctill aiid Wesleyan YTheologicali orated hy thse:IBinig(of Denusisck), Collegcs, he srved iu the Christian Hugo do Lislc, MonnlIc Gasuche, ministry twcnty years, dutring whirlh Atigustus Schmiidt, Chas, leIluid, tulleshainado a ereftilstudsy of Otic Isavteir Orlofsoky. Anol.2g her mntal ac-ivities from tecplysiolog- triumuissmsay- he cited her victories teal. poiut (if view.Ie has inade s0ome ov-cc Capst. J. 1. itarshiall (insuntcol), valsmahle discovcrics in t1ha t fied and at Woodward Garden, San Framncisco, has subse-quenitly ha~d imorec thasnS,000 Cal., July 4th, 10811; overc Sergcant students. Wise eftect of his teachtng Oiwen Davis, .Secondlti. S. C(:nolcy is to place tic ols- ratiosis of attentioii (Chiamupion of tihe U. S. Army), in and recollection tinder volunitary coo- Mecisoisics Pavilion, SanilFc::ncisco, trol of theswill, ismtead of heinlg at Feh. 8, 1887; and over E. 13. hdnniogs, the caprice of involtuntary attention formserly -1. 1M., 8th Royal Irish Imus- as umost pe(ople mre. An imiportant oarns on Feh. 22, 18537. At thec (Sealld feature of his method is tha~t it coin- opera house one night only, Atpril 11.p~letely controls ulind-wandirilig. tHe Treatise on Journalism. enmahles the studen-lt to hix and hold tt- teistion eaisily uiponsthsesmatter to bei tBy Edwin L. Shsomaun, Ph. M.1 rememsh-red, without amy props or Ness, helpfult and practical hook hy other artificial tricks. It sases muchi a Chicago editor, for all younig svriters. timle and labsor to the stuidet. IS It tells hosv to get a start, hosv toCoon- ssork ssill continuie through isext seeck. i i i 1 , v t n s T r strtuct ainewspaiper article, a11151 ives a thousands details ini a delightfuil style. lp 230; Price, $1,2.5. "It is thsoroughily practicail. I knsosw of no other hook wvhichi ciii applroachi it ill reliahility, utility aldlllale.- S. C. Wade, -It. A., LL. t)., it. Critic for McClurg & Co. No paerson wsho expsects to svrite, even occasionally, for the, lrescoshiosul be wsithotut this inlvalulahle tre atise. It is universally coininendedl hy tile- ii:s-s papers of tile counttry. Addrcess: 0COtL. SCHOOL OFt.JOtR- NAL2S-M, Evaistssiy111l. 'P. OF M. SPRUtNG VACATION." For the P. of Al. Siing 'Vacation, the T., A. A. & N. 1. swill msake rates of one and on-third fare for them rounsd trips to all points within the Central traffic association territory sipon pre- sentation of proper certifieates. Wickets to hc sold April 11th, 12th and 13. Limited to return not lafT thasn April 23rd. 1805. R. S. GREENWOOD. Agt. Suhscrihe to. the Daily. Fiounid, oni State s t., Satturday, April 6, 00100elioney. Tfie loser can 1ohtaini the - samne tyapplying tos ltrs. tom- hard, SG S. Stalte st. Wanted-One stuidenst of each de- partmsent to wo-rk: for nos8.tturlays. Address ssithi stamlp, Star Mfg. Ce., -4 l\tonroc ave.. Detroit. TH A C 21 POUND ROADSTER. 18 POUND RACER. Manufactourud by thse MTARCH-DAVIS CYCLE CO., 100 N. Clinitos St.. Chicago, all. APMADOC a MANCHESTER, Accusis, 42 S. State st Prof. G. A. Sclram's SCHOOL OF M[ OBY Only three lesons-olne hour each Quadruples results -saves time Every day sork theionoly practice required. Lessons Private or in Class. ADRESS, AMERICAN HOTEL, ANN ARBOR. I. to LsAIGSCHOOLt 0EBSISISt::,:dSHT5 SONS. Magiicnsbilding ten teao coher; large a:scedane;s goosddisoip~i o;spericswok weil snpp Icdccoding room; dily lcouor.,. Sosray til asiitist or p:-ciong stdrns is psuaina ismo:c:. Tesreaes edced to ;c sehjby ctl- bctsg. h For Caaoeaddess n R fEARY. P-os THE "STANDARD' CYCLOETR RETAIL PRICE, ONLY 2,077. A Device for Accurately RIegister- illg the Distanco Travelled onl a Bicycle. htits asopecise i its opera teas sowstc; sitotsser fritee icylss. aiso 132 ounses isslhst p of,swter proo ad o 511- less: hatss wshite ecmeal dial, smc as a eand; reoisesccttc nsiad reeascsisasily and qu ksypi r :7:10i A: s.tstdble to ieadfruom ay posiioin is tlss s.slslioeu m:de foi24, 2,2.20 and- l0 icI ~chel-;::id is absolotely guaranteed -episedwithiotlharge Fm oh taeby sll ReailssBicycler Deales. SPALDINGfS Athletic Library Puhlished Monthly. Each Numehr Compte. Dovotod to all Kinds of Sports, PRICE 10 CENTS. N. 2. IsIAN CUS ND ss:DUss len. If J. IE. toughkrty, Amastur tCamphisn of A ,mourica-, Ns.c4. BINGs. This books is, wiout doubt. the mist vtalle- maual f its knd ever pabl-ised. I is flls illusrtd. s. 5. tGYMNATICiS. By Robet Slof, . Y. A. C~, Amerisa's haupi01on,0to Tlying Rimgs wicce 185. .. N0s.6f. LswN TNNI. By . . Cmpmbll, ilsampionsPlayer o As-ole. Valuable for eg imiers s oel as cxprts; rules of the gme complte. No. 7. BASe, BAsFi.. By Walter Cmp. Spec- holly adaphe o l emis-toamd pivarahery chools. Coplete history of colege baa bal. No. 8. Giicr. By J.1Start Blfour. Cm- tinsingof1Impemets aid their usrs, Gs- srosf lTechnsical frms ad Latest Rle- v' ise osf thc Gam. No. 9. AisuEovcs Gesuc.. A rilees on Tat- iom, by B.: S. Cocusish;: Sow to Trrin for Ihiltaunee husimig, lieT. P. (tonsoll: SprInt- ing, by flurry Jewet: Trosig Weights. iy James Mitic1,i tWuki, by S, Legold; l um ping, iHuri ,Pol o V al ingby A. A. Jordan: std u tleofor tbe Goeenosat of Aletic Gums. No. 2. 01rrt<;,A. hisv BALL, UrO9Von 1894. Edited Ly 7Walter Camop., Contains revised rules, potaits of eading players. etc N. 25. SwsuaosoG. Sy Walter G. Douglas.. Illustrated. No. 2i:ROoW O PLAY FOOv BALL. fy Waer +anto phil SKing std Laurio Ohm;ow t. Trmi, by J.>'Lt- rop, of Harvard.- No. 27. COclt1coo Avtis. By V. .Mur- pb ."Trainer a-Yale: Uhapts n General Atiles. Itonin, Jsmping. lirdling, Weight Thuowng. also Talslg and Start- log: onta~ns C o sottitron, fy-Laws and Athmei teu f the I uecclilgate Amesciation of Amter Athilehls of America a honk thotail ollege c atheeobosdrilla. No. 2. AvnsRtcAs f.M&ofuCumpied by Jas . Sullivan, Srrtry A. A. U of UT.s. -No. 2. IrtE.LEY WeeelTSvs ow o exrcis with them, anul bonuelts to e deried. By B t. . Anlidersou, Yate GymDnasnm.. Ne. 3. How vo u 'r O.AvnC Ot. fy w. PIL Corbot tevens institute. No. S. SeshIs FICIrLo1hASP BxsAt. 'GO ru O15.'-fully hhntrtdase ifui page helf-tone pc tures._ No. i. ow TO PLAY Atep BAL. Fully 11~tlluts.tS fy Arthurltee. TAMEICN SORTS PULIINGCO. c 241 rods w New Forl, ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS. Ladles' and Gents' Clothing Cleaned er Dyed. 3 W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR. Membors of Guarantee Ticket Brokers' Asso- ciation of U. S. Coshy & Mcgeon R. R. Ticket Agency 50 Adams st., Chicago. Reduced rates to alh points. Branch The Kindor-urten No.3 N. Halo st. Ann Arbor lc hhgan. $255.00 for a 51 Days Euro. pean Tour. . We are organizing a select party for a sum- me tone to Europe. heaving New York. June 22nd, for Londen, Antwerp, Brussels, Cologne. Coblente, Franhfort. Heidelberg, Stransberg, Baden-Baden, Forms and Dieppe, returning, nailing from London August 2nd. The party will be conducted by and under the personal charge of Mn.OTTo MNfwEusnoN,of Columbus, well hknown an one of the first musical in- structors of America. and a genial gentleman ef large experience in travel. Mach patren will have a berth in a large promenade dech stateroom, and" the ahips selected are new 8,4!01)Ston twin screw steamers, provided with electric lights and steam heat. Complete itinerary and information mailed on reuceipt -of self-addrmssed stamped envelope. 920.0 panyu every expense" of nights, travel and hetels. Full information and itinerary mailed on receipt of self-addrmssed envelope. Mention this paper.. WA='- BR~OTHERS?: Ghen. Tourist and Steamshp gtls., 272 N. Hligh st. (Lew rates everyllfwh). Colmbus,Ohio. If you wish to buy a '95 Bicycle for loss than regular price. Wait for our Bicycle Sale. Wo havo nc old stock to work off, lt all orsvhee's are new '9(5 patterns, fully guaranteed. Our steock includes ouch stndtrd swheels, as Tribunes,' Smalleys,' Warwicks, Waverlys, Mon- archs, Lindlsays, anod many others.a we also have a foll limie ,of -ladies wheels. Ladies, send us a: postal card antI we vill call. W ite will b~e iAnnr Arhor in'a few days to remain two weeks. s Address, CUT-=RA'TE CYCLE 'cos 1 ,. _. , Pa-S.--Olui-place of business will be an11t'ouuced in a fe'vi ta ,g.