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April 10, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-04-10

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Published Daily (Sunday exepted) dring
the College year, by
Orcats Times building N. Main t., pposite
pst office.
Thu ediorn do et hold temseles rss-
ibe for the opinions or statemetso eorres-
pndets, appearing in te DAIY
Thoto will b o smsore isss of tbt
Daily usstil after the vacation. Al
that timelthenlowly elected editors
will assumse control
While the greaer porion of he
studints of the Univrsity art enjoy-
ing next weeks vacation at their
homes, two iUiverity orgaiations
will ho representing us abroad. In
the sasme of the Uiverity, we wish
4-ho hbseall teassiasld the Ge and
Banjo lubs all posihle sucess and a
ilasant tril.
Caniates for lbs track athletic
teamshosisuld give especial atentiosn in
the reuest that they egiss work nel
Miosday anid contisue during vacation.
Quito a mnshr of them will remain
iii town anyway, and thlose who hve
not hitenued to should smake every
endeavor to cantige their plas. It
this is sot possible, lhy should retri
early i le. middle of next week.
There will e liletim hie left f tee va-
caion eforoelshe imsportant osip-
iioss of ele year. 'Varsity field day
will sot bti e s hani a mostsaway
asd the Wesern Isterollegateclini-
lilonships hit six woeks away. It is
for the interest of every asdidate to
conmply with the request of the traine.
If we are to winItse Wetetax Itercol-
legiatt, as we certainly must, we
have no time to lose during vacatios.
One hudred men should report on
the trace: sext Monday.
Wisconsin Ltter.
Mladison, Wei., April 9.(Specl
Correspondence).-The, past twe weeks
ave been, devoted to examinations
and vacation, and so hre has lien
lilte going n in university circles.
ThCe musical libsh, however, escaped
from the examinations and took a
two wde ks' trip. Severat concerts
were given ii this state and the re-
mainder in Iowa and Illnosa They
wre well received at most of tie
places they visited, but on account of
several per husen, khey will be be-
hind financially.
A joint dehate between the Forum
society of the College of Law and
the Mlwauknx Seorum, was held Sat-
urday, it which the university society
was vitorlous. Te question was n
the anti-peling preision of the inter-
slate commere act.
The lake opened yesterday and the
Crowd will be on the water in a few
da v.Thebseball men have been
outdoors for th past week~ and h
ne rek on tecompus will be

Dramatization of Silas Manr.I
Mms. Thea. C. Truelood wilt give
her drsasmatiatin of George Elitta
"Silas Starser, the 'Weaver of Ralv-
loe," at the Methodist Episcopal
churcvh, tonorrow evening.
The irgiasi is announced as fol-
lows: 1. nfroduction; 2. Dissstas
ansi Godfrey; 3. Dunstans sells Wild-
ire; 4. Mr. Brioe informns Godfiey of
fist death of Wildfire; G. Godfre;y's
confession to his father; 6. Priscilla
and Nancy; 7. A party on Nwv Yeara
eve; . Silas Warner surprises slit
guests; 3. Dolly Wisthrop helts Silas
outi with the care of the child; A
Dreas, by tasselsad "Thou art so
like a. ower," by Rtuhensteisn, Master
Fred Ellis; 10. Sixteen yers after
Silas Warnler foisd Iis new te-norie
on tho heath; 11. Eppie talks tl
"fathsir" Silassaout getting married;
12. Godfrey's cosfession to Nasicy; 1.
Godfrey insists on tapisg are of his
owna daughtev; 14. IWeddisg tels.
Tie charot-en will be Suas Wr-
ner, the weaver of taxaloe; Sqir
Cas, village suire; Goflorey and
Distan, aons of Squire Cas; Aaron.
sns of tDolly Winibreop; Nancy Lai-
meter, st ello of Iaveloc; Priscilla,
sister of Nancy; Dolly Winthop, a
good mother; Dr. and M s. timble,
Mr. Brice andilthe Rector.
General admission will te ten ents.
The estertainment will undoubtedly
heou ascof the isct of t(lie oason as
Mra, Truehiood has provess lerelt e-
tseoially' strougiii thin lise of work.
Krehiel on " Folk Songs."
The lectuesoiass"Folk Song in Tner-
la" hy tenry E. Krelbiel st the
Young Womans associaioss roomsn isi
Thursday evi-,is.povedi to be ass
interesting study. Mr. ttecbel in of
cosmsmasnuing iieence eaielhistsgenial
dispositions lit the audience- ipleas-
ant hunmor at octe. His arguments
areo good although at tunecs uncoi-
viingu. TeIleture proved that le
had worked diligenly asse had ni
let dificulties stasd in the way in hisi
Search for truh-eslirtaisisg to iis ssb-
ject. tie ksows what a folk-ronsg is,
and his powers of de scriptini are
groat. The lecture was ilusstratei by
the singinig of several Creole, slave
and Csnadian folk-sog by Thomas
Impe-t. The Chromatic club deserve-
the cnmnendation of alt music lvrs
foe the intllectual treat provided,
and hopes are expressed in all quart-
ers that ths is only the beginning
of a series of lectures or instrutive
talk on musical stbjets-Daly Newa.
Thur., April it.-Faculty recital at
Frieze Memorial all.
Thurs., April t1i-Mrs. Trueblod's
recital of her dramatiatlon of "Silas
Mairner," M. . church
Frt., April 12.-Spring vacation e-
Tus., April 23.-Spring vacation
closes. Exercises resumed in all d-'
Thurs, April 25.-Senior swing-out
at vesper services.
Fri., April 26-tntercollegate debate
between Norhwestrn and Michigan
at' Chicago.
- Thurs., May ,9.-Faculy recial at

- tUeots' Fine Ian Shoes,
The '95 Victors FrOR S:RINC.
arceumodels of strensgth and beauty.
The staunchest light wheels ever JA O S& LL N -
built. You desire not srimply a ' .
good bieycle, but the bes' ; 3then Washington Blank, Ann Arbar.
you want a Victor.
Eight styles, with l almstea-ny P S.-See our Show Window.
heihtfrme jin i.. L t HLOL GRAND OPLRA HOUSE.
as if the wheel wvax made to toner___'
order. ODYAPI 5h
Catalog for the asking. Ten M N A ,A R L1t
cnsin stamps secures the Vletor The One Ci extY Attraction, Chas. B
Pad Calendar.
OVERMAN WHEEL . ewest Ogi's Auctian
Miakes ofalVitreBicycles asd Asksetiecoeds.
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Detrit. Dnve.Posessngsemaoeactua5 novrrliy than all
racntccost otrtiecst-aches Combinssed.
San rrans. Lss Angls,. P_- ad. A GREAT BIG COMPANY..
X'ou mast seec the Shaft of tight. the Trol-
'A _L ley tars. LorerllasTruss, tes Freres Camsn, ist
Fours.Midget ttanceers, assthe kialta.
DITSON MUSIC. Prices, 35c, 50cm, 75C and $1.
______________ Deserved seats as sale at Watts' Jewelry
"Six Love Songs,"
BIlsrabnkE. wer. r Tanslations of Six FIRST NATIONAL BANK..
at lleine's hfsnest lerissexssqusisite mushia0COFANN AlRBOR.
settins.e Heavy Paper. 75 cents.
Organized 1053.
"COLLEGE SONS"Capital,0,000O.5 Srpus andtProfts, $551St0
Trasaats a generhl bankinmg businras.
The stasndard collection of Coiienr Songs. Foreign esxchanges baa--lit'ndnsold. Furnink
Over 300,000sold. Heavy Paper, SO letters ofecredit.
cents Cloth. Cilt. $1.00. P. BAC~H 'res. S. 5W. CLARKSION, Cashiler..
"COLLEGE SONGS FUR GIRLS." To arrange for private or
Only basis of the hind'?subised. The S E I L
songs off the leading coletes far women.
Heavy Paper,.00hO.SP 1A L S
uOYOL fJOLL[C1IOH INSFI[NIOL CO MOIC , lessens iii Dancing, call at
Eigbty-two pieces fsor thus gsltar from ths ~rne' tiC@7
best sources. A splenidid collection. iand-
ome coser. 50 cents. Odfice beurs 11 10 1 and 4 to S.
Any basic sent postpaid as receipt of price. NosarComut
453-d463lWaushngton 5.,, Boston.
C. H' i.Dtson & Co. Nh Y. School of Dancing and Delsarte.
Saturday, 1l a. m., Gentleman beginnersnclass..
Saturdday, 4Op. in., Lady beginners class.
TYemiip ep ec Il.Mnedayi7is0p ., Advanced Class (Ladies'
Tumap. 730p. mBeginners GCssn(Ladles
_____ _______ ana tenstlemen).
Paw Privatelssosandby appointment.
1 , _. i$18 t1 Lovell Diamond Cycles
Are unsurpassed for
Bty buying a Tempie SpeciliGoed allow'ance made on second-
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Examine thin wheeh before purchasng, your GD .FSE.Aet 5N nv w
'95 mount. ATR ,
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