e . of EDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1895. PRICE-TIPEE CENTS. VOL. V. No. 139. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WI TWO NEW FELLOWSHIPS. THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION WILL PROBABLY CREATE TWO. The Williams Professorship Fund to be Raised to $20,000, and Di- vided Into Two Fellowships-An Annual Alumni Banquet Proposed. "Tiltdiirctors of t~l_'. oci'It. Alitzi tietitg yrott'rility atfirnosi, shichl Neill tloiibtlt55 intlii in t"e cialsl- litclit of two newv fellowships for tlii 'University. Thiis will linst fol a tiest dispositionl of tihe IWillitiits pits- toi ,5 2,0tlt. It wais resslvto Isisit ti efort t raise'.$8.0001 mose lorthtis fundit is origititlly t iii', ,btt11i, if a Williamtts protfessor hits bls t"1'4iiei as inictalii abotve lot the ci sitilohi1n ci of a fellowshipi. It is iits it tthat tie S,201,0 w ill yi: Id '-'112111, or enistigl for 1 iris fellot'slti1ts. This iio'ttsiiott of te iucotie, it is Ittotglit, still Preotoimore 1titit-titit;c'.- tilts to tiii University thntsotily'.1 professor, as, the IUniversity toistaly ill iii 5 of tiirt'fetowoliiis.. It thts itly tite ntts, the Elisa.Stints fillows- tiiltert iv h'rsilies bhav e: tchido- Alsitil r mttrr unit tis diseols ii i~ycrittduring rotnintstts'ti'ntsvt'i'lt. 'its, 'if ueit, m-sti a 'the place of 'VARSITY'S SPRING TRIP._ TEAM WILL PLAY DETROIT WESTERN LEAGUERS SATURDAY Real Southern Trip Begins Monday -Dennhon the First Team Played. Notre Dame the Last-Team Not Yet Picked--Other Matters. Os Satiit-iy etixihit ti'nissl spring tvilaion trill if tl Xitsiiy tinie bt'- gil'us. The first; wii~'sill bts; st tthe tDetroit 71ksteitlc iagIItetain at Di'- troit til Sattirdaiy tilt ritooti. 'Tue Stiial2-ini AntiArbhor, stnxtitng lion- tttt3 onilii 'itirl stttthe'rn tripa. T~ie Vaation tdati'st'rits follssss: April 15.-DeioniU., it tCtrai- stileo, 0. Alitil itt.-Kenyttitt 'tllige, it Gaoi- ttii', ft. Aptril l 'f-Olio 84lait'0U., at 'slim- bust, t0. April 18.-Dt'u-t'ttTIS., at Gr. cii- rtis'ilt, IntS. Apitrl 19.A aashili(Colegent'.ttCraw- Ills. Aprtil 22.-No'trte Damtic U., at Netr~e 1tDait, Stil. 'Tih' tstist'CIVO nn i stit'sIe liti r sso liiwtill bet' tilcttoilflis trips ssill be pickdfo 'tisi-totis, titiit int \'oi lu cll. slomCnonadwo ifti to sSetoit, W tiiss, thallilt, MlITI-, Briyani tndAindersoni S irst lisi'-ll~t'ii ii anidt GSeen. SiConl lt ase-fI'e' snititltr . 'ThirdS base-lfeants. Sltittsfopr-itussel. ATHLETIC BOAR) MEETS. NO GOOD STUDENT MICHIGAN WILL JOIN THE WEST- Tries to luaniwsithiout boobs. ERN INTERCOLLECIATE A. A. A.' Sm oai itiihtyt s Calkins and Hughes, '9S, Elected Inh Usila instrtuncitsillitt le to the Board- Bourland, '07, Made ort itite. 'hc Track Manager-Baseball Men Are to Have a Training Table. We Sal U1 iTtse hih iave Tonie Tlil irsf t, otititigoftili ii tt 13 11 t- Are soil rt h iid. eit lboarsdof idirector's of Ihlt liiitie lissoiitiilititnw s iiiItt last it .. i S . I itotit-hinit3'57, ias elertedtio th il 51 Sooth Main st. er: steiS itlit' ,of track atlelticsiimaiii ager. '1'ss - s'sctt ies till thei'bitrtitS w toe filleditliy'the ctlettii io fI'S.'. it. EMPIOY2 telkins, "A8, antiS Itllits, ';?__ I'alkills 5.5 i t-itnteletledS tu ls mal- imM titet' ~~~Me fr tile enisuig year. ~~iiitit Thtrac~sk tsianagt -vsas s t'd$o i to,21 ii }..-eim- toe m dm~ i'sitrit diefray lttheeptist's of tg tlung tt-he icyce, wh~iihw end 'cothemoneapproeasN utaitgi sasgis i tilitiy o iaec Young Ladies se t~ermls liti-li 1cit tcl for a trainig tattle'. ti, mesded. Write tar particulars. is problebe that this tale,-sill.iibe ACME CYCLE COflPAN Y, slart'i i itlictlitely cuponthllyl ititi ' I ELKHAR T, IND. of iii" toiinfromitthe south' oltipI slit that liltteetior foturteei 551 i s =OT' TsTJ:TIES still bue tatken So it. i-nEon LINtE OF The coinsiitution of the Westeii Int- LOWNEY'S CHOCOLAT'E tersil ;iali' A. A. A. ssals tetad, alitSIt JUT RE OCEIttilAT ws dtecietdthat Ilirligtii ssisii c Ito + TUTTLE'S, 10111 the atsstciatioti sithli rtltre- i± 48 5.STAE ST. itat Michigan. itintei;theit swoci i GO to RA OA L for floe. still slisatid,-e lit ut It to , lii I rti ti c oto iaubl ' for 111y' tltt halt lii 1 be3 h t tt prided ctthe tissoirattitn hti'ctnts a fasiure:. As Mihigan hbathti-tigirt ii NEW GALLERY. thoe oti'cf t'astunt inii t'e , tot 1.1 tiis wasidcidedt tthto elvter omk LUG[SI OP[RATING RU(M I STATE, Ma ti se eoui an. a.ntitit O l AHNTN BOK ht'illthhhit, siltS.still us" ill tttnor of hit' Tist. xday'suprac'titce at thle atlottic 'ilitor'shandto wt5't'irunlthrninito hiltS wtas ihetudto bt tting ti'ndhfieldi- thu' alnini:t Atialumtiti banquetitt has ing g. ~tiin;iii iit the inieldkSatnd loot betinit: id ittAttn Arborr fir setai'isung chlaf~e' of fte worth iere. Leu- tilt tiiui' stoi lthpresi a niotabl6en''t t ilseme scry batdly surained ankhet, bhut ti b tientuled'bytItnz cf tie lt' ttt-f- 1bop's to get lnte shnapst'for thie tripi Tutw-t lihilill. 't'hitntttet-stilsrob- next _steelec. titly c- etled byt~tt~sillt~~iCt. Track Athuetic Work. 'fTttse' preseot 5-the die tt'Iatt ofst ttf thi eltsocialiex c-2Nayer 7 V. J. Smsart, The 'sarsity track still be compietetd if GrandIitRtapiths; VieTireciettt 5211- tisstelek, 5so11hsftratck:tmin canlbe- hiam St-ti'. of Spring; Laite; Prof. gil'lwrstoneIinday. The Caiptain anid Diaue', ttett'Sstry, antI .1. Al. Crostby, of tr~siier still be li- re tining vacationl GrnilnI llpis to .rc'antr, anti Dr. S'. S. andtirequiest all theuento1 rettlain in. 'tO;of Dctroit. tict-et, or at least to retu'iraty. M17. hiss of tlit 't arsity trick to trinlfohi the ceomitng interstitoitisties. 7'y ii i Ann Arbor, Mich. tenr wsltft heo1k ' tdiscretiton ofthIt ED. A. CAIDIBUX. trasckecatahin antS lililllgut. i'stOi'IETOil Or THE A comnniication tecitiul ftutiti I'll- Latest Improved Barber Shop tfotltltt hi-igfur final terwsi" bott-aInhthe uity. F. ttshintonist, istdootr mteat MpalnstI. Asn Arher". duhilild -tday stwittheitwsoleft Its-i M iss R ichards W il P resent the B ust. -S T-Ath n - i g of t e s n or il At ~ ~ ~ ~ . the)liItiigof iii snioOilsS 21 SOUTa STATF ST. Don't fall to elma. afftr chapel yestterday, _ Miss Aili HaRtt Clal Isim -ie);t i Al Msn-t. Lt-htards wti illlnilllohslyt'leceto itt t~ise i sueei.or cltigS' x ROF. JOH"NSON' tlent Anuge's boat to the t i lilt irsity This evet ilvl tatkoeplact' on tit, cto, Illustrative Cases on It wvas also voted to levy a class tarigt~ of five dollars to defray th3e eclaus suay and coentoc in nexpe'ns's. , vu'tyAN oscunber who pays this tax selt -be NRO ON BILLS AND "NOTES allowt'd thls pi4V-4leh of ,Punritalil" a NOW ,N .SALE ;AT ticket to the s eor to en lfof thI res' yuertu'y Dialuc .tstss instro1cted lto draft a reolntiou.-tllaikilig the Mtichi- gilt A-meos for. its eticient dhln- Iionsitep ef the interests ef the Albin i and assuriinlgttecedtor of thens heatti-, cyst supjsort of fluesociety. of tisalumt-! iii. Hie was also instrnetced te act: twtitSte conmittee ito endeavoring tor secure Gev Rich an3 lhils staff to be PlOseist at coosmleocetot.r Denn Kniewltu, of thityuSe'arw moot, at theo request =of ia noubsr of te class swill give an e pinion op tli' resent intoetstaxtllIei"sitlust pre. Ileeding the junieow INsoturos today. SFitzuatnriek is giving thte trackls his isersonal atton-tien. Loam wstill be illixeit withtftie. cinders anid t1hetime-cs still beo ltet inr the 'belt contititn that tho tume left still heinit. A ntan wvill be on haltSneat steele tb rub thie can- didates after pruictice es-cry afternoen: Take-offa for-:te Jmp's anld vault svill be 'isreptired at once, and itanimers and -shots swill he'readyuTriday. ntoety-seven's basc!b~ll candilaies T'oen out yesterdaIy for tie first tihie, ,8, oaral uw- a b ave show n hp and th t4 nw' l ndoubtely .be nroi ta last,_e~~ dollars , iplndillg a .colnpllnotar.y ;tickect. These tickis will hoei sold Sto, otergtsat= Ste tdollar scui. BuIrown - ]nivorsity diteatiel Boston U'niverssity at baseball 4loaty, 3221: WA4- IR'CS' U~niversity Bookstiore, OliposllleColurtSHouse 20 S. State St. -N.. Main,St, 'i-., ANN ARBOR.t 'e d se