THIE U. OF M. DAILY. Shaillers ooktorl Formnerly 'with George Wahr, 19 ~.Washington t. Headquarters for everything a Student needs in the. line of Text-Books, Stationery and NXiscellaneous Stock in general. MARTMN SCHALLER, AVE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, 110 i. Washington st., one block east of Main s. ~'5,0 LAWS! HAVE YORI CtR~E ENGRAVED IWM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. SWEATERS For Men and Boys, HlA OKILAM' WOOL SEAERS in black, navy, white, garnet and gray, for Boys, up to 32 inch szes, $1.50; For Men, all sizes, $2:00. ltrawridge & Clothier PHILADELPHIA.. --AT alieelin &Co.'s STEAM LAUNDRY CO. HS~h ls and omeStic Finsh. E. S. SERV ISS, Mganager, -00911if'TH IIRTH AVENUE. H.ANN ARBOR SAYNS ANKr .AnnmAbor tirh, C(aptitStck, $5000. -OlgcahvIed undersheGenral BankinLawsT ,of this state. JReeiv e psits, buys sd setts exelangeon the "pid t ites of the 1 iTat50.t State. Draft ash a pm ropr eiH~lICaten.OSfety rxse t boxesoret. oetes: histlm acak, Pe.; W. D., Uarrimnnn V ce-r as. E lilac k, a'shio: . J.xritzo eAsi t tcashier. ARST GLAS t~JMUMTAILRING6' Corner o.f state aniliam ssa Wilam s- araat, l~at notypes PAUL MEYER'S has remove Street to his news stand from 26 South State 46 EAST WILLIAM STREET. Agent for all Nesaes A fall line of Candy, Cigars and (Cig'arettes, in addition to .the latest Mlagazines and Periodi- Old and new patrons are requested to remenm- her the change. WANAMAKER tailors 20 miles of cloth per day. He buys at enormous discounts' You boy of him and you avoid the profits of the wholestder, the joliber, .the middleman. 500 samples. Up-to- date tailoring. Fit guaranteed. Swell Suits $18. WILSEY'S OLD STAND. STATE STREET. 14HO TO EBCONOMIZB.. Buy Dean & Co. 's Family Flour' for $3.00 per Barrel. Buy Best Western Patent Flour for $3.75 per Barrel. Buy Bolted Corn Meal for 23 'cents per 1-16 Barrel. Buy Hulled Buckwheat Flour for 31 cents per 1-16 per Barrel. Buy Six Pounds of Crackers for 25. cents. Buy 734 Pounds Best Rolled Oats for 25 cents. DJ F N ,& z OMkEEANY_ 44 South Main Street. TURKISH BAT SAP FOR 5 CENTS A CAKE, Several 'other 'varieties of good toilet anaps at the saine prices. fromh 10c up to $1.25 ,each at A, E, MUMMERY'S*1 DRUG STORE, Car. Fourth Washngton St. TIME. iiTP.IBUITE,". GETiCATALOGUEtOF R; E. NEWTON, AGENT, 7 VOLLAND ST 3 A, 6. ,SPAIDING & BROSI Athletic Supplies. BSBLLAWN TENNIS, BSBLGOLF.. Uniforms for AM Sports. RIDE THE SPALDINO BICYCLES- THE LEADER FOR 18951 HANDSOME ILLUSTRATED CATAL'OIUE SENT FREE. NEW YORK, CHICAGO, PHILADELP01A. IMPERIAL, RELAY'. We tChalleage Compa risoa. NO CUTT-]LATE BICYCLES, bat everyone Is fully guasranteed, and worth the price. APMADOt & MANCHESTER. Saiesrcoomn--51Siatesi,. MOORE & WETMORE 65. M~ain*at., aridState t.,cor- nor -of, William' $t.; have a., complete stock of VI[SI1 TY 1 '0kS New and Second Hand. Note Books and othher, Student s'Supplles Pln Statlonery, Sporting Goads, etc., which they offer at the i&iet Pitcis. UNIVERSITY NOTES.. 'Prof. Angell lectures to the ° law-s Wednesday and Thursday. Pros. Lymna, of '95 lit, was v isit-. ing at Kalamazoo over Sunday. They quiz in Partnership that was peted for tils'week has, been post- poned. H. H. Eymer, 94 lit, was the guet of D. B. Luten while hore. for the .'94 banquet. Section 5 in Bills -and Notes will recite at 11 on- Thursday instead of Friday at 10. Prof. Stahle(,,VIs s entirely. recovrered 'from. bit, recent illness and will neet all his classes this week. F. H. Haltzhomier, 96Wlaw, "was salle d to By -City Sunday by the deathof a, near rolative. 'ie..-7 Tremble, "Zeta Psi '94,. of Efllsworth, Kanssas, is the guest of his fratg~ntty. Tlhe occasion of his visit Prof. Knowlton. will, lecture to the junior laws, at :1.10 every day, until announced to the contrary. Miss Pearl Colby,. 95 lit, was called io her home at Erie, Pa., :Monday, by the. serzious Illness of her father. Mrs. Mlarie Xedzie, assisted hy a number of college :girls, will give a song recitat soon after vacation for the oenefit of the woman's gymno alum. O~ne of the young ladies in.,college{ recently receive1d a letter which has a- very Interesting history, .having bWeen reacued from the walerealed Mail of 1 the. svokea,.",steamer lbte, -THE LAT'EST WOO'.lLE'NS.: Mr. Htose, of th e Golden Eagft will be6 at the Cock house' Tuesday, the Il 9th inst., with a line of> the newest ;Browns, Greens; ~B/8uzes, anod'the4 Nobby Effects in Checks for styli sb weafr, All students are invited to ca~ll. Price always the lowest. Subscribe for tlie Daily. iy.