THE: U. OF M. DAILY. t i MICHIGAN GLnT Time Table (Revised) Nov. iS, 1814. Mal and Ex - 21- 0 Maill - 5______843 N. Y. Special- 51 N. Y. Special.... 7 30 Eastern Ex---10 25 N. S. Limited.-.. 9 25 A. Mt. Pacific Ex---12 15 Atlantic Exs.--7 47 P. at 1). N. Espress--_. 5 40 Western Es.---2 12 G. R. Express --_11 05 Ch1. Nt. Es.---10 25 G. R.Ex . 11-- 7 0. W. RUGGLES, IH. W. lHAvES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago.' Agt., Ann Arbor. T., A. A. & N. X. R"Y. Taking effect Sunday, April 7, 1814. Trains leave Ann Arbor ott Central Stand- ard time. NORTH. SOUTH. 7:0 a. m. t7:15 a. m. *12:25 p. m, 11:30 am. 4:11p.m. 9:00 p. M. *Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. All trains daily except Susnday. R. S. GREENWOOD, Agent W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toliedo 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST, RY, Time Table, October 7, 1894. Leave Ypsilanti from Congresxtst., 7:00,91:00 and 11:00 a. in.; 12:45,21:11,51:00, 0:45, 1:00 asd 10:50 p. M. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:30,1:25 and 11:0a.m.; 1:15,2:45,5:30,7:15,9:30andli:O0p.m. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from tCongresst., 1:30, 3:20, 5:00, 6:30and 9:00 p. mo. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00,4:00,5:20, 7:00 and 9:30 p.m. Caras:noocity time Fare. sngle trip 15 cents; round trip tickets 15 cents. WM. F. PAREon, Supt. FLOWERS, FLOWERS For Everything and Everybody. COUSINS & HALL: FIQil 26s, 05 5. Uore 1.y.see. DIETAS.& SCHANZ, Our Spriog arid Sumnier 'Woolens are flow on sale. Prices Low. Call and see ns. 48State st., Second IFloor, AnntArthor. 22 Y( aes in the Business.-"~ils CITY( LAUNDRY, XL. Mi. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. MERCHANT TAILORING Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing done neatly by AUtO, SCH5)IINEWALT),i 26_11 .Wa duigtse EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY! 20 EAST HURON STREET. Good Work Guaranteed. Goods culled for and delivered. A. F. COVECT. Prop. At the Grand Opera House. Tile Grand operia house will present Mtonday, April 15, one of the Stroingest attractions securabhle in Closs. 51. Yale's "Newest Devil's Auction:." Mr. Yale prolloc , o n end of niovelties ini the way of opecialties, balilets, cos. tunmes, scnery anti rinloolishitients. The conmpany of over sixty people, etishentg a score of well knoiwit artists, aniongwhtoin are Sadie Steith- es, tagnarina, Ner~t Vernon. Milred: Hlden, Maned King, Gus Bruno ,jr., Al 11. Decker, anti Ei. Snow, forms onie of the stro:ngest casts ever given 01:10 pi,-ce. BUSINESS LOCALS. "U. OaF 52. SMtLING VACATION." F~or the U. of Mi. Spring;Vaeation, tbe T.. A. A. & N. .M. wvillItiake rates of one and one-third fare for tbe round trip to all points within the .Cntral traffic association territoryl-upon tire. oentation of proper certificates. Tickets to he. oold April 11th, 12th and 13. Limited to retun not lai:er thain April 23rd, lOP. R. 5. GREENWOOD, Agt. Two good solicitors wainte'at once for work in AntiArbior. Ca111 :E.B Ann St. between 7 and S o'clocklithin evening. .1tieIU1ttt Do you use Good Writing tPap..r Do yen use SWNAN :IANLN? All trinting and 1Statimi ry tRoutses sell it. It's a Gooid tHonest Papeir. AGE.NTS WANTlEtD. ('all at the Argus ttooksPtBindery, No. 14 'Masonic Block. ' NOTICE TO MEDICS. ('all at [Room No. 140, Masoict Block. and iistpect thse. tine hantd andil locketi cases mad. by the Argu;s.Hootsitid- oiry. If 3001'have an~y spelcial design in imind they xiii be pleaetoOtext- cute oame for you in 1leather work. :oeunid, on State St., Saturdasy, Api) . ,111metoney. The losercanc ob:tin the s051510by tipplytig to Mir. 1ois: fbard, SG S. State St. Order yonr wheel before going htomn. We can oave youi $ .. t AUMIADOC & MiANt'iES'i'EIIt, " ~42 5. State'St. Prof. G. A. Schiram's 10__ 4 SCIOOL o1 MEMOBy you see them everywhere. -1895 " . Only three lessons-one hour eat h iollmbia OiCyCCeS* Quadruples results-saves time- Every day work the only proctics s g1oo.required. " TERE'S a whole sermon in"anr Ohs above. Itlpreachies the ALESSnRI va HTE orANN lA .. ec gonomy of buyag the best-a AMIANHTLAN AROf " wie ecooamy that evey otne " ran practice witht Colum bias at 100., The new Colaumbros are V marvels of strengthi lightiness,; a symmetry, beauty and speed. POPEIG O, Hartford, Conn. ,, . . Of~ SonSston, Nw orkoeSChicago, 8"SnFanicPoieneBfao 8 AnsArtCuatlgueofColombiaosnbe had "8G siec or it willbe ~istshe LEADING SCHOOL OF SUSIM~S and SHiilg mxaied fttc cento H~ AND. Magnifiens hoilding; ten tearos, sts.Fe ll:, too, of attendance ngod discipline;superior- works L G /n ~~Ho es ICYCLES "*suplied4rading room; doily lensures; Satr $80 $60 $50. " eveigtreeptions; open the entire yrue, t $00: "i tioauiiietsfor plaing studrntsnin Tositi- - 0-0.,0 "...Yot"S" U"" " loard and roomfi2 to $2.75 perwe I q f r r. a - - - - - - - - - - - - - I t 1 I a - x L. The Clover Leaf route AWPlease keep in mind thle Toledo. St. Lonis & Kansas City R.1R., Tile Clover Leaf Route, "F'ast: Line" for St. Louis, Mo., "and* tho West and 'Southwest leaves To. ledo Union Depot at 5 p. in. daily, arrives Now Union Station (the largeot in the world), Stk Louis early next morning. CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR and Michigan Central lines at Toledo. Buffet Recliningf Chair Cars Seats Free and Vestibuled Sleepers with- out change. CaC 0. TINKTNS ANN ARBOR j STEAM DYE WORKS. Ladies' and Gonna' Clothing lossed or Dyed.' 3 w. HURON ST., ANNf ARBOR. Members of Guarantee Ticket Brokers' Asso- ciatioof U. S. Cosby & Mceoen R. R. Ticket Ageacy 00 Adamo st., Chicago. Reduced rates to all poits. Brasnch The Einderg::brten No.3 N. Mainost. Ann Arbor Mlichigan. $255.00 for a 51 Days Euro. pean Tour. We are organizing a select party foe asusm- me tour to'korope. leaving New Yorkc, Jttne 22nd, for Losndon; Antwerp; Bs'ussels, Cotlogne, Cobteote. Franktort, Beidelberg, Sirsesbeeg. Laden-Baden, Psris and Dieppe, returning, sailing from Londons August 2nd. The party will be cotnducted toy sod undere the personal charge ofSn, OvvoExowitasN, of Colijimbus. veil known as ond. of *the Senst musical In structors of America. and n genial gentlemat" of lnrge experience in' travel. Each patron wilihave alterth insa large promenoae deck stateroom, and the, shipf selected are new 8,x'09 ton twin screw steamers, provided with. electric lights and l' steam hea( t.,hsoipiete Itinerary and information mailed on receipt of self-addressed st npd envetope. 525.tO~ pays every expense of ights, travel _and hotels. _Full intoemstlonsid' itih eray iled on receipt of setlraddeesned envelope. Mention this paper. WAR- 9RWTE, Gen. Tonrist and Steamship Agts., e2 N. igS.'St ,O (Low rates everywhuere). Columbus, Ohio.; Due hills for sale at a discount at _'l the Daily office. General Passenger Agk, Toledo, 0 If you wish to buy a '95 Bicycle for ass than'regnl ir price. Wait for our Bicycle Sale. WGelhatve 11 old stock to work off', hut all our whco's are new '95 patterns, 3 fully guaraitteed. Our stock includes such staiidard wheels a3 Tribunes, Smalleys, Warwicks, Waverlys, Xon- archas, Lindsays, and many others. ' We also have a full line- of ladies wheels. Ladies, send R is.a postal card and. we will. call. We ill heal n Ann Arbor mn a few days to remain two weeks. Adtdress, CUT- RA'TE CYCLE CO. =P. S.-Our place of business will be announced.'' aj few bcas-disi. Pur Catalogue address Q. R- C FARY . Prnss THE " STANDOARD " CYCLOMET ; RETAIL PRICE, ONLY,$2.00: A' Device for Accurately Rtegister-. ing the Dlisltince Travelled. on a Blicycle. Stio ox precise to: its eperalinra ms aVi wsil outwear five iciycle~s, wetghasthy ne;I ds rowae ro adn ar less; hay whiite en:::oiei dial, sameoas sa ~t a° c rcgi~ters 1,()omiles and: repeats; is esiiy s quicikly atpted : :adjuostable to read frosm anv- positiottin the sdle~; nmdecford, 261,2--s u. 30 ichtwhteels;stndtis abisoliuely guarantneul -epairedt tithout ochar. Fo Ge b iy all1 Reail BT ricleiDeaers. SPALDIG'S Athletic Library Published Monthly. Each Number Complete. Devoted to oil Kind's of Sports-, PRICE 10 CEN3TS. NtO. 2. lIDIAN CLttBS AND lUens Bnr~.s.Mr .. iihougherty, Ansiteur Chatmpiotn od America. Nit. 4. BibNG. This bok is, withosut doubt, the moset valuable matnualo! its kinid.,ssve poubliiied. It is fulii iisstratcd. No. 5. tivusASToto. lBy Robiert Sl, V. Y_ A. C., Anterica~.'s Chamipion ou thin Flyin Rtigs'itce 181). NtO. t. laws TENNIS. 1By 0. S. CAUmafet ll. Cha~mpioiniPilayer tof America, Yahsab'e.. eor bosiners 5 well as experts; rules ato the gaome comoplete. Ntt. 7. BSSLBsot:. ty SWatter Camp. Stoe i::ity adapted for colleges anei prepsrattrsl' scho:ols. tomeirie lhistory of college tre: Not. 0. Gtier, ty J. Stuart Balfour. dClo- iaitisgof Imptlemetntsanidtheir uxts, Gi1.- steof Tec'hical 'Terms and Latest, Io- vised Bolts of the Game. No.19. A'eTI~iEirrs' Groom Articles on t ira- Itig, by 1H. S. Cortnish; low to Teton feer istance hluoi:ing,blivT.1I.Ceossiest; Sprint- ing, by tiarrylewseet; Throwinsg tWeighlate ity JamsssM itcei; Wauking, by S. ILiehgold. Jumpig, Hunrdling, Pole Vaullelsseby A.A. .iordau; and Rules. doe the lGovernment o; Atletic Games. No. 24. OFICIALt.OTierBALL.aHr-ton Pilw; 1894. iEdited by Wcalter tamp. ('onsina. revised rates, potraits of leading play a,, No.5 0S WIstMING. By Waiter G. Deng-las.. hIllstrasted. No. 20. HttW T PLAY [FOvTBALI.. IBy Walter 'op, IlititIisog and Laurie Slims; BawIN Trait:, by J. tat ropt of Harvard. No. 27. ttitLtEnoeATHL~ETICS. By M. C;t.-.. ph y, Trainer ott Vale; Chapters en Gene"!l Ai hletitcs. REnniing, .Jurnpitng. iinedhzrg- Wveght Tht owing. ast Traissfng and Start-. toe; contattts eonstitutioon. By-Laws asit Athletics itt thInitercollegiate Assoiciate~s of Amasteur Athleti( s of America;'a Sbsoe. that all cotlege athletes shoulsd read. No. 00. ATVEuscAtLMsAAC. Compiled bry .Pu., E. Sllivaon,' Secretory A. A. U. of U. S. No. 29. PULLEY vW ETS;s.How to exerti. with them, and benefits to boe derived. Bg hi1. S. Anderson, FillsCrymaium. No.004. HOWeTOs'[sAT LACRStSE. Sy W. IN. Corbett, Stevens Institute. No. 31. SrAL.DISoP' res BSEs RACY GoUnDEFOn 1815. Folly HIlstratedU iaO"1 page half-tone pictures. No .2.HO(W TO PIAY RASE BALL e. F l~ insatale..By Arthue trwin. IVERICAN SPORTS P. GIc,," 241 Broanxay.NuwtYb..