THE U. OF M. DAILY. M Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the iCollegs year, by THE 0. Of M INDEPENDET ASSCIATIO, OrFICE:simes building N. Main st., opposite post oie. EDITORS.' H. COEMuAN, Lit. 'i, Malnaging ditor. G. B. HRikSOas, Lao 'S, Assitnt, A. W. SITH, Lit. Spl., Asistat. W. A. Scot, Lass'i, Assistant. - J. A. Litos, Lit. 'ii. Atseiis Editor. J. S. PEARL, Law '11,lusincss Manager. H. W. Levy, Lao ', Assistant. Associate Editors. S. B. Shiley, it. '5. il. A. Dancer, Lit. E. L. Evanss, Lwo 5. ERWSunderland,Lit'96. Carrie V.Snith,Lit.'. LR. iamblen,LaW'l. C.A.Hougiso,Ient's. C. i. Farrell, Lit. '8. M GilbertEngr.'i. i.B.Gammo,liedi'8. Minnie M5. Thomson, Lt. '7. G. A. ieati, iharmic 'i. Subscription price Slt pryear, iarably in adace. Sigic copies 3 1cents. Subrip- tioss may be left at ;te ofice of the iAs, at Stoffit's, at Stae s. news stasdhwith any of te editors or authoried solicitors. Commusicatinsshould reas te office by 7 oclocks p. m. if they arets appear ele net day. Address all mastteristcsded forpubli- cation to te Maaing Editor, All bsisess communications should be sesst to te Busi- nes Maager. THE U. OF M. DAILY Anss Aror, ti. The birtmieing is thIs newly elect- eel Daily bossd will be hetO tuiseen- isgst 7 o'clock sharp. Asflicrs arc Is be eetd it is absolutely iec sry that cvery isesob ' be preent. Canditates for Olin'vasiy eansars' srislty lhanpertt by tils crosdwoi lerist i rosw'tig oer tile"ropes, thereby iterfring with the pate. Yestsrsay sestra l ln stoiroiluninto by playrs while ats'siptisio' to fii 101 their positions. It will be inecesary to place men around Olin -retis to kerpOlie crowid basis ulssatheOsrar tire is stopped. Linen Papers. Only te best of nesslien rags nie uselillthe mnssisl'stsre of good lisen papers Aipaerr tn be gosd, musatsre strong and of ine es'en tetreis' iliea firm surfare. Cheats paprs are made frmmstod and old dirty rags. They lae a glossy apriralse knd look swell, but are hardl lald bri~tie and not iletsintto swrit.01. -They swill stand very little hsndlingand will sois trn yellow. Good linela pe tissrs on the otbr band, hase a firns even srface very pleasant to wie on, and yet lias'e a nice soft appearane and look rir. Take for instance, sorb papers as Olin Swan -Linen and t(le ucesyn od, or any olier of te high grade papers. Linen papers, of 'ths class, are strong, durable and handsome asd sbosw0th perfection of paper mak- ing. A good linen paper of medim weight costs very little more' than a thick heavy paper of poor quality. Thesei facts areael worth remember- ing. Thre wvill hle a, cae tried in the pratce, court Wednesday evening, conmmencing, at T o'clock. Thin is on account of the law department's clo- ing Thursday evening. In order to finish the work in. anple time,''Judlge Boge contemplates, hearing cses In the excuing after the spring vacation. Mrs. L. R. Stowel In Politis. Mr. tLoiseeOtsd Stosell, 76d6lit, has bee'n apointdl sn sof tleboe lsss f shsssl trustees of thetDistict of Columiais. She thus has Olin ior of bseiiig one of th irt tso swo"e to orctsy ses-"iaspositistn. In spak- ssg of uhcrOte W-\liisgtots:imis says the folluswing: 'Mrs. Stoswell has lorestr associatetl swithi a numbehtr of societi, smotii.f this'is distiiictis'ely eucrational. PS' is all hosiord mseisber,asutet on sly Amle'ri sosiaii oiiit rolls, of tins Mis'liglsls tlisroas'rticl soity; 015 alisvt emerilt, land teol001'Assiri cans soissssioii its rolls, of the tloyl Mfis'l'oessl sitiety of London; ss mnsnser -of t' society for rxt'nsioi of uts'ersity ts'siniig; xtrsislnt itt the Esiioal Collegiate Alsimnaise assocsiatiosn of tis Disrit. "Miis. Sowell swasoa5memerlot of tss ists'riatissnsl t'osssst'l of Wessist, heist in this ity inIi 150, rreeir'stilg "Ills highsr t loatiosi of svsisi'." OiS' is this'sastorosf oeosnsie'hunessstupslae(rs on 'sedtisnal sbjets,ad aut sss fssi s-s's 1 ye'ars the riitor of asisohniir joturna~l. She' is also the atosr of a ssork s'siitle'sl"ltis'roastsirsl Diagnss- s1s,' thatihasld s aise cirulastio." The Dental Library. 'Thoot s hstfreqisenst OhrgmIeral 1i- brary hasie ben11heard to as-kwhstil'eit dental Ssituts rssotsn, to 51111 sxt'lt, ini that building. It is's a. r- tiont t'tsily aisswe're. for, osigtthtelt gilseosity of the late Dr. lord sisis otheir frileiis of that detstrtit ey 155 hiase ono.of lte most torughly dqipedrden'ittl liraris iOre coin- tr'y. Onitlheir catalogsue arr osertt00 voslmeils, ilulldinig 170text-oks, anid uring the presnt coleg year, ott to date, .104 books hae ben drassn andcoisulte illtsir litrr'in 11)' destal building. A comletseft ile of all dental journals is als, kept. EAS'1Eit YOUtTIt'SO 'liiPAI ON. Among the msany attatise ansi handsomne aster onimber solpola~lsr auioug rtisea's of loigazilis ansi liii per, 'Pie'Youth's Companio 'crs In atpprtrilt'niss to te s000011 and in the exetional quality of its read- tug motter. _"Tthe Sory of a State," by the lMar- quis of Loriss, irpared f or The ('om- panionl inicollaobration siti OlinPrin- cess Louise, is siastile of ae is- est. "oroty's Easter," and "A for- uner in Itggs," aretwso typical Easta' storisst-lisworh twicolsating "The Roance of a Shoal, an adven torn story by W. Clak ussesl, swould e. arl to duplicate. Each onun of the entire' collecion of stories deserves special mntisn, and wit lt ihemiscellany, ,poery, etc., tl- leted in this oe issue is worl h h price of Oihs' aser fsr the esstire yer. Tleo April.niomer of the Rand ,Mc- Nally Official Railway Guide for Olin Lniuted States and Canada is nosy out and on sale at the news stands. Thi nuir 'Cotains a. vast amount of valuable informiation for travelers; and if you are going on a trip this vscation, it will pay you to buy ai PI3l ,fore starting. Jbust-A '95 law cnos with the own- e':nme1. . Hall)Ougr av he- U. OF Al. CALEN DAR. JUT A 1IE Thurs., April 11.-tFaculty recital at 1 I Js R IE FrineetMemorial ball. Thurs., April 11.-Itro. Trueblood's r'ecitsal of lior dramatizathion, of 'Sihsas A SIPMIENT OF Mtarner,'"It. E. church. } Fri., April 12.-Spring vacation be -Lni -n 2 ~ ginls. U iI O Ill/b Tan. lIUoe~ Tues., Aplil 23.-Spring vacation closes. Exercises resunmed h ihall. e- FO . SP Zr C. psartmsnts. Thiurs., Aprit 25.-Sensior suing-out avesuser ;services. JA:COBS & ALLMAN D Fri., April 2.--Intercolhegiatc debate betsveen Northsvestern and Michigan Washington Mlock, Ann Arbor. at Chiceago. P. S.-See our Show Window. Thurs..,tiny19.-Faculty recital at __________________ Friseze Mtemorial hall. DITS01ONMU sic Thiurs., June Gs-Faciulty recital atIj Firieze IMemorial halt. STAMOP COLLECTIONS. We waat to btiy stamsp collections "Six LDve Songs," and will pay cash for tthe sswine 00 By Frankt E. Sawyer. Translations of Six_ receipt if price asked is satisfactory. of bleitte's finest lyries in eaq uisito musicaf Colhections sould be seot by regis- 'etsg.HayPpr Bcns tered msail or express 'wills letter nuns- ii COLLEGE SONGS."! ing price under separsate cover. X's 1 scoot superior approvl sheets toncc- The standard collection of Colege Songs. Over 30,0t0assld. Heavy Paper.,150 sponsilhs partirs. cents; Cloth, Gilt, $1.00. WT.J. LAWR IENCE & CO., R~alsunazon, IMich. "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS" Oely bosis of thelsesnd' published. Thte FIRS NA ION L B NN.songs of thse leadinsg rolleges for women. Heavy Pacer. $1.00. OF ANN AEBOR. Orgssnized 1811. 'KiOAL'"ThLLEGTIOITH UITAL CIUIIAR MUST. Capitsal, $1tt,000. Surplus and Profits, $0,000.. Eightty-two pieces for thte guitar from the Transascts ts general bushier btusiness. best sources. A shplendild collection. Hand- Fo.rign exchans ba ought and sold. Furnish oreCoser. 500cents. letters of credit. Assy books sent postpaisd on receips of price. P. BACHI Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. To arransge for private or OLV R IT O CO 4na-4sea sliugiusn St., Boson. SICIAL CLASS CuIn itson &oo. N Y lessons in Dancing, call at Granger's Aaadex3y. Office boors 11 in I and 4 to S. N~o stairs to msount. Y 4 G. r MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of Dancing and Delsarte. Saturday, 10 a. sn., Gentleman beginners class. Saturday, 4 p. in., Lady begin nerssclass. SYonday 71:30 p. mn., Advanced Class (Ladles' and Genthemeul. Tuesday, 7:00 p. ms., Begissners Class (Ladies and Gentlemen). Priv~ste lessons by appsohntment. SCHOOL~ 46 S. STATE ST A NEW LINK CUFF This space is reserved for the Grand Opera, House. THE Lovell Diamond Cycles Are unsurpassed for BEAUTY, SPEED AND WORKMANSHIP. Good allowance maode on second- isand wheels. GEO. F. FISHER. Agent, aa E. Univ. Av. T TEEWsHANSERFERI ATRR II IT'S HARD TO DO WITHOUT cotrnsluT, ~lFee~thu~e CEO. S. PARKER FOUN4TAIN PEN. sue hadsomesiulustad cataloguu' mue. PARKER -PEN (SOSPANT, Janesville, Win' SHEEHAN & CO. Exclusive Agents for Ann Arbor. ! 91FISK& M 1,00 :NUE IN 1894. Send' for Agency' Boston. New York 0hlca ILoasAngeles Toronto Washington,