. THE U. OF M. DAILY DID YOU EVER HAVE A FIT? If not, see the Celebrated CHHEIMER FISHEL CLOTHING EQUAL TO TAILOR-MADE GOODS STAR SOLD BY LINDEN5-HII A P EL The New Clothing Firm are exhibiting The Finest Line of SPRING SUITS. All new and made especially for Ann Arbor fine trade. Every imaginable shade in light colors, Blues, Browns and A Complete Line of DRESS SUITS in Black, Clays and Worsteds. Buy your Easter outfit from 31 s. MAIN ST. LINDENSCHMITT & APDB _ a Sweaters ---AT---- 8lo ehan & Co.'s A4N N EEBOR? STEAM LAUNDRY CO. High Gloss and Domestic Finish. .. S. SERVISS, Manager, 0 SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE. TIE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Ass A.b o ich Capital Stock,$50,000. Sorplus,10,00 Organmised under the Geserai Banking Los o tis State. Receives deposits, buys sad seii-sexchasce on the principal cities of the United States. irafts cashedu pos proper idestificatlen. Safety deposit boes to rent. :4Otcrems: Christian Mack, Pros.; W. 0. Narriman Vice-Pres; Chas. E. Hiscock, ashier N. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. W2IM. na FTIE, FIRST CLASS CUSTON TAILORING Corner of State -ad Wlliam stes., Wilias st. entrance. Platinotypes The latest thing in PHOTOGRAPHY., at HOW* TO IECONOMIZB. Buy Dean & Co.'s Family Flour for $3.00 per Barrel. Buy Best Western Patent Flour for $3.75 per Bagrel. Buy Bolted Corn Meal for 23 cents per 1-16 Barrel. Buy Hulled Buckwheat Flour for 31 cents per 1-16 per Barrel. Buy Six Pounds of Crackers for 25 cents. Buy 74 Pounds Best Rolled Oats for 25 cents. 44 South Main Street. Dramatic Entertainment. I U. OF Al. CALENDAR. The,,ntity club's annual dramatic Thurs., April 11.-Faculty recital at eitertaiiment ktaes place tonightin ie Memorial11Mrs. Trebood's HighnSeichioilishl. ceryThe first pioy to bho Trs. Arcitals ruboo~ recital of her dramatization of "Silas preentd i a it'try nmixedl up tnone er" M. NI ciiurch. act farce caiied "Au1 on Account of a luarner Bracelet." This is an old amateur Fri., April 12.-Spring vacation be- piece and wherever it has been given gins. it has heen well eceived. Tues., April 23.-Spring vacation closes.Exercieswresmedecealled. The second play is an one' act com- closes. Exercises resumed in all de- edy called "A Caine of Cards." which partments. Mr. Barron, the dramatic critic, says Thurs., April 25.-Senior swing-out to b the strongest and cleverest one at vesper .services. act pice ever written. It is seldom Fri., April 2f.-lntercollegiate debate' that anateurs possess eiough onfl hetweenNorthwestern and Michigan dence in themselves to att'empt such at Chicago. works as is required to correctly pre- Thurs., May 9.-Faculty recital at sent "A Game of Cards," but those Frieze Memorial hall. who go to make up the cast tonight Thurs., June G.-Faculty recital at Frieze Me'morial hall. have all had, experience enough toFreeM oiahil warcant their handling of the parts NOTICE'TO MEDICS. in such a fay as to give a clever per C N o. T4 Maoic. B formasle.an st oos N1,Masonic Block. The. Unity cluh has decided to place and inspect those fioe hand and pocket the admission fee at 1 cents ad to cases made by the Argus Book Bind- give one-half the receipts to the High ery. If you have any special design School library. The performance be- in mnd they will be pleased to cxc- gins at b o'clock tonight at High cute same for you in leather work. School hall. Unity club coures tickets Wanted.-One student of each de- will admit. partment to work for us Saturdays. Address with stamp, Star Mfg. Co., 44. Officers of Socratic Union. Monroe ave., Detroit.' At the last meeting of the Socratic THE LATEST WOOLENS. Union the following officers, were Mr. Rose, of the Golden Eagle; will elected: President, Mr. Nothomb; vice be at. the Cook house .Tuesday, the president, Mr. Hicks; seofetary and 9th inst., with a line of the newest treasurer, Mr. Fritshaw; marshal, ;Browns, Greens, Bronzes, sld the Mr. Forrest. Nobby Effects in Checks for stylish wear. All students are invited to call. A. 6. SPALDING &BROSI Athletic Supplies. BASEBALL, LAWN TENNIS, GOLF, Uniforms for All Sports. RIDE THE SPALOINC BICYCLES- THE LEADER FOR 1895. HANDSOMEILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE SENT FREE. NEW YORK, CHICAGO, PHILADELPHIA, BATH SOAP FOR 5 CENTS A CAKE. Several other varieties of good toilet soaps at the same prices. BATH SPONGES from 0Ie up to $1.25 each at A. E. MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE, Cor. Fourth Ave. and Washington St. G. H. WILD, THE LEADING TAILOR and Importer has received the largest and most select stock of IMPORTED ANDDOMESTIC WOOLENS for spring and Slmmer of 196 in ths cityand.would he, pleased to hove you csall and examine , -