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April 08, 1895 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-04-08

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One of the Best Displays or. Blue
Ware Ever Given-Will Aid the
Fruit and Flower Mission's Work.
"China:-colletionl is nIot a mere facy
-it is a coflillee eduati0n.' lThs
statemient, which trcaed the' descri-
tive matter ill the dainty catahlogles
of the blue ware exhibit, was Inre
than borne out by tie exhibit itelf.
Htundres of piecs of "ole blue
were 01n exhibition ill Harris hlat;
Flrieay andi Saurday, and in addiitiol
to the sablishnnt of ai much neeeid
chariy fiud they prove to the most
casula observer tat collecting chia
is somethinlg 1m10n thall a mere fad.
Although thei exhibit was nt the
financial success that its projectors
had hnted, owing to tielnlumeols
eonlter atracions nit the bat
weathe r, yet it will give about .$75 to
tile Fruit andl Flower .-ission. Ill
every oilier rspect it mloe than real-
Tie, variousO piece vieccarragedi
011 tables andt)wre uunlilereil fee
reference to the catalogue. Tfhle gem
of Ill *etire colectiomi was Mirs.
Nrtlis lan of a s0u1.1 tureen, latle
rant platter Ameican lhistoricaliliee
-which are perfect secimlensl of Stat-
foretolire b1lu11ware. lie Chiese
poreilelaloaedtiy tiltI nivesity mlni
by Mres. Angell were sowi in the
center of tiele1111anl fomeil111il-
tcerestilig polrtionl o1 tieexibit. A
set of Iistes, a0 table Iadl a chaiir lt-
trlltest cosiderabemattentioll becalse
of their ihistory. They were lonlet
by lies. .. . Tolltso, whose gret
grandmoothier 11111useithtemlinillenter-
taininig Geeral tGeorge Wasingol
andet his stff.at ,Morristowvn, N. J.,
durinlg thettevolutionarly oar.
The deft ware, bothildali and 0101-
ern; tie willow patternl with its queer
design landt accompanllying love sory,
and tie "lowig blue" of the English
ware were, all on exhibitiol, nit some
of thern wre very old ad very rar,
and ble eloughl to pleas the mot
aesthetic critic. The exib~lit tcan be
mrked among the best ever held in
this cuntry. Ta~t it is a success is
due to fle untiringg.ettortsof .Dr. A.
S. Warthin, its origiator, and the
thers having it in charge.
Fraternity Men, AdnItted to the
The anuallmeetng of the UTlpvr-
alty of Mihigan Independent associa-
tion was held Saturdaylorlin, ad
all theo amendmets published in teO
Daily te past week were adopted
excepting the one making a new ap-
portieluept effills board of editors
by department Tshe mos important
action taken was that allowing fra-
ternity representatipno O: the bopard in
the ratio of one frtrlity man to
fou, independents. T,^ Daily wa.,s the
irith if strife betweenm the Indepe nd-
ents. andi fraternities, in 180 and has
since its foundation jalousyinoot
frarnity7 menOlof is bkros thSnbouli
the paper has not een strictly ,tlde-
pendent, btbhs etij4poe to repre-
sent fairly both fraeruitie and in-

didi also a number of ,representative
fraternlity lllei1 who were presenlt.
The necessary chlanges in the consti-
tultinwerev- readily madile, ant ien21cc-
forthl positonls 011 lie Dalily board are
op a to all studenmts, exceptt that of
lliilnlgillg edtor, 's-inoImust bie011
After theiwelral , cetion th i ie-
tog weas idividlediaccoring to deparllt-
ients, and the. electionls for tio,. bone-mi
took place, resulting as tollowov:
Ltterairy-hi. A. Dane 1, 'P5,. Misc
Cairie V. Smuithm, T..It. Sundierlandt
andil .. A. Leltoy, 't A. W. ;smith,
siso-tal; 1It. t'elemlan 111110 iss'Mtinnie
A.. l'inlay, '98.T h fle se cretary 'was
of theeIlin-etinig for S. iE. Kullilili 11
'P8, P'si ilionl, anld I.. A. Pratt, 'Pi,
Delta til:siloli, who thereby to-come
tin' Perst fralternity lllellillto lbeomell
etolrs li t s' Daily. -Mr. P'ratt was
onl the Daily before lie joismedt ml tI-eil-
Law-Ei. L. Evans, 'P95; G. B. Halr-
risonl anIA,. A. Spill, 'liii.
Denital---C'. A. iot01glItOl, 'till.
You see them everywhcre. s
(oiumbia l -cycles
the shove. It preaches the;
S econmy of buying the hst-a
wise economy 11101 every one "
ca practice witis Columbias ;
" at $100. The new Colanshias are
marvels of .strength, lightisess,
* symmetry, beauty and speed.
POPE MFG. CO, Hartford, Cann.
Boston ew ormk, Chicago;,
" San Frenciso,. Prvidnce Bufflo. "
As Art Caloigen ofColumbia'ecansbe had
frlee asIany tolumbia f
aencsy ' oritowilibe 9
mailed for twoa-c1
stabomps. 'Tells, teo, sf
To arrange for private or w
lessons 10 Dancin call at
011,ce oen shi1tol a 1.4 o.8.'
No stairs to msount.

We want ,to, uy stalap collections SWEAlRS
and will pay cash for the same on
receipt if price asked is satisfactory. For Men and Boys,
Collections should he senst by regis- e
tered mail or express with letter nam- - NI LAIYSV
tug price uniter separato eaver. Wle WAES
.end sulperior approval shieets to rce-B SiAIR
sponsible paties,. i lcnv;wie
W. J.LAIRECNCE & CO.i lcnvwie
Kialalnano Mich. garnet and gray.
_______________________for Boys, up to 32:
inch sizes,
SchatIe'r's B oo k stor'e! For Men, all sizes,
_Formerly weth George Wahr, 19 1 $ .00.

E. Washington st. Headquarters for
everything a Student needs in the
line of Text-Books, Stationery and
Miscellaneous Stock in general.
19 E. Washington st., one block
east of Main st.
6 S. Mfain st., and State st., cor-
ner of William st., have a
complete stock of
Now and Second Mand.
Note Books asd other Students' Supplies
Pine Stationery, Sporting CGouds, etc., which
they ulfer at time aowest Pices.
Call and see us before purchasing.

Strawbridge & Clothier
The only wheel in tile markletohhich liAs:
hi-Id'up to its, lost yeamr'oslices. whtys Be-
asse eveyoeofes themi coo 50 sold mt that
price mmd thicy- -me worthlit. Pleamse call1asod
immpoel my line asnd see the manyis decilid
improveectoso-e niheC so ce hiIge grade
woheels. See time Elliptic crash.
31m"N. Universiyso-c

I C 'L


IfYOU wishi to buy a '95 Bicycle for
$0.00 to'!$50.0
loss than regular price, Wait for our Bicycle Sale. Wo have ao
old, stock to work .off, hut all our wheele are now '95 patterne,
fully uaranteed. Oumr.stock includes such etaidard wheels
as ribisnep, Smalleys, tWarwicks, Waverlys, Mon-
archs, Lindsays, and many others.
We also hayv a full line of ladies wheels. Ladies, send
us a, postal card andl we will call. We will bein Ann Arhor
in a few days to reiiaains two weeds. Address,

glnners Class (Ladles'
ointent. p. S-Our place of business will be announced in a few
2-days. -
A~'hR It

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