VoL. V. No. 137. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, APRIL 8. 1895. SIX PAGES-PaICE 3 CENTS. SEASON'S FIRST BALL GAME ISI PRENTISS MADE PRESIDENT OF MICHIGAN'S EASY VICTORY. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATON. __________ _______Ir CO-EDS CONFIDENT OF SECUR- FLINTERMAN WON THE ANNUAL ING GYM ANNEX THIS YEAR. SENATE TROPHY CONTEST. Albion Defeated 21-3-Candidates $1,01317 In the Athletic Treasury Show Up Well-Co-ed Gym A. A. Officers-Winners of g Prospects Are Good. Contest Events. d The baseball season of 19 wts Tenna ionesIetn l opened last Saturday by a game wit lecino the Athletic assoeiationo Albien, which temn scsored three runs , atlayat1001 is cedsn to Miiciigoil's twenity-osse. The ame der beter auspices than ever before inc w'.as very good as a practice gamie the history of the sociation. Charles land gave a good opportunity to form Baruadi illlstlg..i.Pes ,In5 opinion 010 5015o0of the casdidates.ticsafor the pesideney; " ots who ore Abotit6010 people saw this first game, ct se h etsg ftbasea and the salo of season tickets was tion is past years know tht it los 1 fairly good. ent the utomn to pass as subscriptio Altton' toats is~si~e lac ofpaper to put baseball oitafinancialy practice, assd her mns were wak sound basis. We are not doing so ' both individualy atnd as a team. lhistsyear, andtiwiy? Becamee Cihe Theywererathr eay prctic forUniversity as a wole is beginning to . the three pitchers who were put stasd by athletics, and a sew srt antteMlentlpadWt fitrethsbe rue. agins .tta l o e Galup nd atro- oIneetiasbetaosd bins A otalof eveteesstrke- Treasurer Prestissade iis report j cuts was secured by tese three. sowing $,13.17 isste treasury. Te On Mchian' sie Mcenze pay-receipts fol tse past year were $,-I ed the best game isathe field, be- 613.17, divided as follows: Miesober- sides nmaking te logest it of the ship fees,$90; sbsriptions, $Si; day. Sexton had sos chances in the lee Club beelit, $131; receipts fromt field, but distisguishedIimoself a the gne,$,0;sasntces 120 bat asnd running bases. Russell andicietl,$31. heepntus Leewer alo romnen i thi cl-were $4ti00, s follows: Football 01111 f bse its Hosoos sid erycoach $20; trinisg table. $4-t; tsn- w~e11 behind the bat, cansideighsii n track. $111i); printing, $10; ore hand anti the cangisng of Iitels- trits and football expenses,$,30 ers. Miller, Gallp anti Watkins all Vieottmense cosstitutios, as tptut- showed upo well iso the box, but tee haled inthe issues of te Daily of bottes against thens were too easy _Alarcis 2. 2 and 28. was adotted ty, to make it smusch of at test. Miller thesmeeting. tpont rcommsesdiatioo got seven strike-ous and two is of Ar. Prentiss, a clause wyas insertei were soade off hoi; Gttshp, five reqsiring more strict acounting of srike-ousts an no hits; Watkins, ive the funds hasdledl by te treasurer. strike-outs and three hits. None Of Te following oficrs of the asoso the three gave a base eon alls, elation wre unaninootsly electd: Albioss withdrew Jocobs front the James H. Preniss, '91, president; 1I. box in the third inning, and Clark V Saint, '96 law, vice presidesnt; John wtot in, Jacobs tiaing Ssit's place C. Condos, 9, financial secretary; at center field. 'There were no earn- Mruis B. Eaton, '9, recording sere- ed russ, Albions errors beisg too tr; Wolter C. Friz, '9. treassrr. frequent. The filding record of tei 'lo c ses'e but nine directors of 'varsity ine shows it to be farther thog associsltionto be elected, as the advanced than ever b fore t ths stw costitutiona provies thitosthe tiute of the year. track ansi tessnis smanage r s asi the The score was as follows: assistant football asd baseball soeso- AS. R. O. . A. E bes shall be x-officio mesber of Deassb__-- 4 i 5 5 1 50Ithe board.- Toe s nsare apportioned Lee, 2b. . .52 1-10. 3.5 Hlms-, c.----- 4 a 0sL13a a six to te literary deprtment, two Bloensto. r. f to the law, and oen to thesmedica. Shields. c. f 1 5 . Before tking a ballot tiroe sseing Rsell .s 1MKesie, ...501 1 s s sade Charles Baird itssunasisous Miller, p. e-bs00 ~oie for director fros te senior Galop, p. 5 Wakiss, p --- 1 0 0 5 1 0 liteary class and W. ,. McCauley Totals...._____ 43 3t 10 a7, as 2 from the sedical department. The ALSS. fight was very warm for fle remain- A BH . . A. E. In,, seven pacson' the board. The White, 3L.._-places' 62 Narrn, lb ....5..4t 1 5 5 results of te balloting was the choice ack, c. - -30 1 2 12 0 Jacob', p.as I t s 1 s1-sos2a1of Ise following: James Sald,1 6; Foer f-.-----4 01 3 C Alhes .. . . . m .:Borland, '7;J. A. Leoy, 96; Leaff. 5t_ '50 500 1F- . X.Henninger, ."97; Evans Hol- Smitho c __ 1 0500505 5 Oa'b, p. -_ "2 0 a a: a 2 orbrook, '97 ; .C..Shield, '90: a; . De, lit. 32 0 0 12__4_3 I. Richards 91 law. Totals ---- i 3135 271 4 '1________ Isigs 1 1 2,; 4 5 6 7 8 1 FIRST ANNUAL CONTEST MichIgn M390 51i351il- -li1 . Albion .01. o5t 0'Q 0 4 « 3 For the Snt rpYCpNta Earned rus-Nose. TobaSe bits-e- Snt roh, .upNta to, Mc~esoe Lee Osles bes-eitea, --Exciting Event.' Sleldss3 Lee 2Easell ll er e da 2, Sack First base esu balls St' Mihigas 5. 0. - --' Clark , Jacobs 4. lilt by pitchee-5Vh 1 11sand Nerly 1,000people asemib d In Bck. Ste ckot-S3yfs+ltle 7.,by Gal,p1, by WathlssaJacobs1;ar~kl Gfassed balls te Waterlan gysosaslurcs Saturday -Buck 3,-rSolnes'S:WIld pihs sJs~tebs. Umpre -ArhurSeymouir' -' CONTINUED ON FIFTH PAE. i VNNUAL BANQUET OF '94. 3ABY ALUMNI EAT AND TALK IN THEIR OWN WISE WAY. -itlatory Reunion a Great Suc- cess-Witty Responses by Shining Literary and Polistical Lights. 'Tle first assosual toasulsot of tse graotuates of '9)4 fromth ie litrary dephartmenoit waslooeld Saurdayiosoeen- ig in Haisterfer's hail, andsod was oe of floe pleasaistest ando omost sue- cessful social ev-ents of tioe tTnivo'ssity year. About thoirty soemobers, of the class assemsbledt at this Isitiatory re- sunion, of whichs sev-eral were frost Detroit, Grandi tapids, and othoer eitios of the, state. After ass slastor ;e, senoadilien sserv-ed thoc folloiou toss were psoposed and responsded "The ('lass," by A. A. Pearsosn; "Ab- seut 2t'nobers5" by Stuarti H. Pterry; 'floe Girls," by Walter W. Drew; 'A iRetrospect." by George C. Trembls'; "Thoe Faculty by the Facutlv3'"toy tDsniel B. Luten; "Nincy--fossr iso Journalissm," by Elsnor 1. Ottawvay; "Nisoety-fous in Law,'"lsy Thomnasis. Biradfields; "Ninety-four in ti.to C("old, told World," by Hersman H. Hyotir; "Ninety-fosur in the Gradssate Scihool," by Delos iF. Wilcox; '"Ninety-four in Sports," by It. F. Hall; "Ninety-four iso Politics, 71st Ins," byAV. N-V. 'o t si- ssuuyer;. "Thoe Outs." by EdmundsssiC. Shoields. The last ros toasts soay byi usoterstood whess it is looows thaot bootho Mr. W'edessseyer and '21Nr. Shie'ls scvore candidates, for school cominsois- signerins thoeir respective cosn"os. ite forsmer only being successful. tDassiel F. Lyons, tresidient. of tihe class, seoted as toastmuaster. Amsong the best known of floe out- of-town smembhers present wtere \tEssrs. Eysmer anti Casniield, of Detrosit, Mlr. Tresmble, of Ellswtorth. -Ran., and Mlr. M1. S.May, of Grand Eapids. Manoy communssications wtore read fromso seo- bisrs of the class who wtere unaibl( to attentd.Vise banquet was arrasoge nsoderIte oirections of Itefolowving cosoositteecs: Arrangeslsests, 13. It Selling, choairmnan,. E. J. Ottaay aost D. B. Luten; invitation, A. A. P'ear :son, choais'n,It. he. Haoll asotiStmsasi H. Perry. EXCHANGE YOUR TICKETS. Annual S. L. A. Election Will Es Held April 27. All holders of season tickuets, to th NO GOOD STUDENT Trios to learn without books. Some people though try to use musical instrumnents wtith little or 1n0 tone. W~e Say Buy Those Which Nave lone, We sell that kind. 51 SouthNaen st. Employ Men to is tribute a~sis O poet psymestfrahgsadvertise- ment inpar payentfora hggaeasoAcme bicycle, whishtwsen adtem os approvah. No. wsek dose usstil te bicycle aeeives and peeves satisatosr. Young Ladies seerms.e If boys or elels appytey mstbe wellecom- mended. Wrter llepaeticsurs. ACME CYCLE COI'IPANY, ELKHART, IND. LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES + TUTTLE' S,. 48 S. STATE ST.~ Go to RANDALL for Artistic Photos. NEW GALLERY. LARGEST OPERATING BOOM IN STATl TNO, 15 WASHINGTON BLOCK,. Ann Arbor, Mich. ED. A. CADIBUX. Latest, Improved Barber Shop J Is the eity. F. fWashincton St., 1st deer east of Mass st. Asn Arbor. M AMMOTH ATPIPE SALE eJOLbwY & CO'S8i 15 SOUTH STATE ST. Don't fail to come. ost atod Cold Luanches at All Hoses. Stutdents' Lecture associatons eourse PRO p F n NA t e. 'S 3 are rs'spseste~d to putt ths'iroarn n 155,0 deparusnent upon the samanu.sd Ox- Illustrative Cases on change them at 3Vtahr's State at. book- store for single admission tickets to = lion. 3 J ..Daniel's lecture. Vis i' ils a d o e ntecessary in order 10 apportison tht proper'numnber of electors ho earls oh AND tto' departsnuts before tlssi ansna I OTO N BILLS ANED NOTES general olectioe tobeheltd Szttusday, NRTN. ,April 27. Make the'.oxchan, befotre 0 1 AEA vacation.NO 0 SAH T Senator Daniel's lecture one "Ante r canlAs;" and lbe Moniroe DoctrineP,-j . will. ,'p givenu Friday evening, May 3. ,. , Tos ________Up Tows, Dw on Prof. J3.14. Craig spoke on "The Per- Universty Bookstore,' opposteCourt House isonal Factot'In 'Life". at- yesterday's 2115. State St. 4 N. Halo St. S...C. A. meeting.., ANN ARBOR