THE U. OF M. DAILY. 34 ( +lu Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the College year, by' .THE U. OF M. INIEPENDENT ASSOCIATION) OFFICE: Times building N. Main st., opposite post ofilce. EDITORS. H. COLEMAN, Lit. '97, Managing Editor. G. B. HARRIsON, Law '96, Assistant A. W. SMiTH, Lit. Spel., Assistant. W. A. SPILL, Law '96, Assistant. J. A. LEROY, Lit. '96, Athletic Editor. J. S. PEARL, Law '95, Business Manager. H. W. LtvY, Law '96, Assistant. Associate Editors. S. B. Shiley, Lit. '95. H. A. Dancer, Lit.'95. E. L. Evans, Law '95. E.R.Sunderland,Lit'96. Carrie V.Smith,Lit.'96. L.R. Hamblen,Law'96. C.A.Houghton,Dent '96. C. H. Farrell, Lit. '98. M Gilbert, Engr.'97. H.B.Gammon,Medic'98. Minnie M. Thomuson, Lit. '97. G. A. Heath, Pharmic '96. Subscription price $2.50 per year, invariably in advance. Single copies 3 cents. Subscrip- tions may be left at the office of the DAsIY, at Stoffiet's, at State st. news stand,withiany of the editors or authorized solicitors. Communications should reach the office by 7 o'clock p. m. if they are to appear the next day. A ddress all matter intended for publi- cation to the Managing Editor. All business communications should be sent to the Busi- ness Manager. THE U. OF M. DAILY. Ann Arbor, Mich. It is 'perhaps unfortunate for the Tribune that in its vindictive war upon le University of Michigan it has chosen a young and inexperienced man to attack a system conceived and operated hy men of large experience and profound learning. The Hypothetical propositions con- tained in thisnorning's issue of the Tribune are amazingly inapt and must be considered solely as the outgivings of a young person who knows a great deal that is not so. The University of M\ichigan is pe- culiarly a state institution. The Tri- bune undertakes to show that our uni- versity, independent of its relation to the state, should be judged by and made to conform to conditions exist- ing at Yale and Harvard, old estab- lishetd universities, and the Chicago University, the most richly endowel school in America. The injustice of such an undertaking is surpassed only by the presumptluousness of those making it. The regents of the University by practical experimentation have demon- strated that the tuition fees, both for home and foreiga students, are as high now as they can be raised with profit to the institution. The hypo- thetical vagaries of an inexperienced aged by men of wider learning and longer experience and better judg- ment than the Tribune can enlist in its unholy fight to cripple, hamper or destroy the one instittution which i Oichigan's pride and glory. The mere fact that the Tribune is so placed that it can publish the Irresponsiblt deductions of immature amateurs does siot entitle it to thse' resipect that it due the deliberate judgment of Pres- ident Angell, the, united faculty of the University, the entire board of regents and the opinions of the best educated and heaviest taxpaying citi- zens of the state.-Detroit Journal. Treatise on Journalism. rBy Edwin L. Shuman, eP. M.] New, helpful and practical book by a Chicago editor, for all young writers. It tells how to get a. start, how to con- struct a newspaper article, and gives a thousand details in a delightful style. pp 230; Price, $1,25. "It is thoroughly practical. I know of no other book whichcan approach it in reliability, ,utility and value."- S. C. Wade, Of. A., LL. D., Lit. Critic for McClurg & Co. No person who expects to write, even occasionally, for the press should be without this invaliable treatise. It is utiversally commended by the news- papers of the country. Address: COIt. SCHOOL OF JOUR- NALISM, Evanstoni, Ill., T. & A. A. BULLETIN. For the following mectings rates of one and one-third fare for the round trip on the certificate plan will be made: For the Woman's Foreigni Mission- ary Society and Woman's Home Mis- sionary Union at Grand Rapids March 26 to 29 inclusive. For the Amateur Athletic Union of U. S., Marci 19 to 22. Western Gas association, May 15 to 19. Genietal assembly Presbyterian church, May 16 and June 3, at Pitts- burg, Pa. Woman's Foreign Missionary society at Philadelphia, Pa., April 23 to 25. Rates of one and one third fare for the round trip will be made for te state convention Michigan Christian Endeavor Union at Bay City, March 26 to 28. Tickets to be sold March 25, 26 and 27, limited to return not later than March 29, 1895. it. S. GREENWOOD, Agt. W. H. BENNETT, G. P. A. Examinations for the removal of conditions received last semester in my sections will occur at 2 p. m. on Saturday, April G and again on Satur- day, April 27, in room 10.1 A.- G. HALL. Victor'Footbals1 JUST ARRIVED!. are made of the best material, and are guar- anteed better than any other make. Includ- ed with everyball is an inflator, same a sent with Victoribicycles. VICTOR "INTERCOLLEGIATE OR "ASSO- CIATION" FOOTBALLS, EACH $4, The public is requested to inspect our com- plete line of Sporting Goods, Baseballs, Bats, Tennis Balls, Rackets, etc. OVERMAN WHEEL CO., Makers of Victor Bicycles. Boston, Philadelphia, Detroit. -New York, Chicago, Denver. PACIFIC COAST. San Francisco. Los Angeles, Portland DITSO1N MUSIC. "Six LOVe Songs," By Frank E. Sawyer. Translations of Six of Heine's finest lyrics in ex uisite musical settin's. Heavy Paper, 79 cents. COLLEGE SONGS" The standard collection of College songs. Over 300,000 sold. Heavy Paper, 50 cents; Cloth, Gilt. $1.00. "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS," Only book of the kind pubished. The songs of the leading colleges for women. Heavy Paper, $1.00. ',ROYAL COLLCION IITMIKAL MW IflMUSIC.' Eighty-two pieces for the uitar from te best sources. A splendid cotlection. Hand-i ome Cover. 50 cents. Any book sent postpaid on receipt of price. OLIVER DITSON CO., 453-463 Washington St., Boston. C. IT. Ditson & Co. N Y. A SHIPMENT OF Cents',Himelao Shoes. J.ACOBS & ALLMANR Washington Block, Ann Arbor P. S.-See our Show Window. THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE, MONDAY, APRIL 8th. THE CIARMING ARTISTE, Mle. Rhea. And her company of players, including Hit. W S. ItA tT, in THE NEW AGOALENI Prices, 35c, 50c, 75c and $1. Reserved seats on sale at Watts' Jewelry Store. The Clover Leaf Roiute fAEJPhease keep in mind the Toledo:, Sk Louis & Kansas CityH. R., The Clover Leaf Route, "Fast Line" for St. Louis, Mo., and the West and Southwest leaves To- ledo Union Depot at b p. m. daily, arrives New Union Station (the largest in, the world), St. Louis early next morning. CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR and Michigan Central lines at Toledo. Buiet Reclning Chair Cars Seats Free ° m f pecil.]and Vestibuled Sleepers with- inn SAVE SAVE By buying a Temple Special STRICTLY HIGH GRADE ! Examine this wheel before purchasing you)' '5 mount. J, L. MEE & F, R. CUTCHEON, 1 MONROE STREET. AGENTs i out change. C. C. JENKINS. General Passenger Agt., Toledo, 0. THE Lovell Diamond Cycles Are unsurpassed for BEAUTY, SPEED AND WORKMANSHIP, Good allowance made on second- hand wheels. GEO. F, FISHER, Agent, 55 E. Univ. Av. IT'S HARD TO DO WITHOUT t,"hew"d"r"ul T bni --eed-Oeerf' CEO. S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN. Tour ealerislikelyntohent'em, i ihn'tnyriusnd we'l send youtheainformation you at na orhandaimiliustrated cstalogue tree. 1PARER.PENS COMPANY, Janmsvlle, Win. 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