THE U. OF M. DAILY. schaIIe's Booksoe, Formerly with George Wahr, 19 &. Wshington st. Headquarters fr sverything a Student needs in the line of 'text-Boos, Stationery and Miscellaneous Stock in general. MARTIN SCHALLER, TDO~3WN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, 19 E. Washington st., one block east of Main st. '90 LAWS!g VEAVE YOUR CANE ENG*RAVED WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. It. E. NEWTON, AGENT, 1 VLLAND ST MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of Dancing and Delsarte. Saturday, 10 a.m., Gentlema beginercass. _aturday, p.i., Lady bmieses class. Monaday , 730 p. m., Adanced Class (Lades' u.5 entlemen)s. Tu vesday, 7:30 p.s., Begnners Class (Ladies' an'dlGentlemene). Private esos by aptontment. SC-HOOL 46 S. STATE ST. O3STERFER C20 E RR, Sweaters --AT- heelian & Co.'s IE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Ann Airbor, tMic. Capital Stock, $50,000. Surplus, $i50,00. Orga nied under the Geeral Bankng Laws of thes State. Receives deposits, bys and etsexcisange on the principal cities of the United States. rafts cshed upon proper Identification. Safety deposit bxes to reeL. Otrrinns: Christian Mack, Pres.; W. D. Harriman, Vice-res.; Chas. E. OIisesk, U~ahiers 0M. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier, WM. IR. FUMAIX 'fRTCLASS CUSTOM TAILORING Crner of State and William sk., William S. entrance. Platinotypes The latest thing in PiOTOGRAPHY at BERRYMAEIN'S, BTP4SHA FOR 5 CENTS A CAKE, Several oilier varieties of good toilet ooaps at the same prices. BATH SIPONGES from 10c up 1o $1.23 each at A. E. MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE, MOORE & WETMORE 6S. Main st, and State st., cor- nuer of William st., have a complete stock of UNIV[RSITY TEXI BOOKS New and Second Hand. Role Books and other Students' Supplies Flue Stationery, Sporting Goods, etc., which they sffer at the Lowest Prices. Use. Fourths Ave. and Washingtoo St. I Call and nee us before purchasing. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. gN RO OF ANN ARBOR. STEAM LAUNDRY CO. Organioed 18613. Capitol, $100,000. Srplus asd Peofts, $d0,000. iHiihOGlons suid Duonestir Finish. Transascts a general (sonkisso bsiness. Foreic,, esehances bouiht anddsold. Fueniosh E. S. SERVISS, Manager, letters of credit. P. BACH Fees.S. W. CIARRSON, tashier. 23SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE. WANAMAKER tiloors 20 miles of cloth per dlay. He buys at enormous discounts. You buy of him and you avoid the profits of the wiholesaler, the jiobber, the middleman. 500 saiuples. Up-to- idate tailoriug. Fit guaranteed. Swell Suits $18l. WAN.&AME . & BROWNY W\ILSEdY'S (OLD 'STAND). ''TATE STREET. H--OVI'TO IECONIOMIIE. Buy Dean & Co.'s Family Flour for $3.00 per Barrel. Buy Best western Patent Flour for $3.75 per Barrel. Buy Bolted Corn Meat for 23 cents per 1-16 Barrel. Buy Hulled Buckwheat Flour for 31 cents per 1-16 per Barrel. Buy Six Pounds of Crackers for 25 cents. Buy 734 Pounds Best Rolled Oata for 25 cents. DE N & COM&PAINYZ. 44 South Main Street. The Independent Associa- 'tustruictor issitli will quiz thlicviu-1 tiona meeting at 10 a. m. to- lers n:'xt wveek in Partniersip, is- morrow in law lecture room. cludiuig all tlie eac s5. Wiiorksns'n lie bsusy oil tile N. Uni- sUNIV[r.+-iC T\ i !'NO.T Lm C eet os' ssr tist s ips SWEATERS For Men and Bys, HANOKNI LAMB'S WOOL SWEAERS int black, nay, wite, garnet and gray, for Boys, up to 3 inch sizes, $1.50: For Men, all sizes, Strawbridge & Clothier PHILADELPHIA. To arrange for private or SPECIAL CLASS lessons in Dancing, call at Crarnger's Aoaden-7. Office ours 111o 1 anul 4 to 8. No stairs to imient. The only wied in te martt whielshass helid up to its lass yea's prices. Whiy? iBe- cause eveoe oftem c ess (osold sthts pise and they ar worth it. Pesecaol and insspect my lie ansi see he mnsy deied improvemnssover otser oealid ilerade scvhels. See the Rlliptic Cras. W. P. DISTLER, - 3 N. University ave A. 6. SPALDING & BROS. Athletic Supplies. BASEBALL, LAWN TENNIS, Uniforms for All Sports. RIDE THE SPALINC BICYCLES- THE LEADER FOR 1895. HANDSOME ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE SENT FREE. NEW YORK, CHICAGO, PHILADELPHIA. BICYCLES KEN WOOD, T'HE MARCH, IMPERIAL, B4 RELAY. We Challenge Comprison. APMADOC & MANCHESTER. Saleroom-d42 State at. G. ILD. THE L TAILOR and Imp eceived the largest an:' ect stock of IMPORTED A TIrC WOOLENS for Spring . er of '95 in the city, ,:- be pleased to haves y d examine the same. Full Dress Speialty E. Wash.; ear Alain. J ', 1 I , Prof. Griffins Will conclsise the sub- that ths will obviaite thes fall tand jects of Practice anid Pleattinig today. string floessoei SleesCiiisss. t'oee h ave finistied reainlg LAini s'srsity of ('lilcago is out, andi5i liritz. n<.tnt'sl "'ThicCap sansd ewli." at ten- A. A. Forsce,' 97t lit, supplies a twinms 41(1 pages. Balptist plpl~it every Suday, atlRe- 'riseFleldls club fosr cells'ctitnstile chstster. birdis ainsic ggs of Michigat i(5ssw An iron raiing has been plac'd 1in sngagesa iniacuys' work. Slpe'imsis' poisitlin along the walk netit the souths ares collecedsldeing thes week bsy sliss- wing ef t'niversily hll. bs'rs of the club andtt Mr. Worcester E. P. Laonoit, '97 lit.lhas beets eletct- tdirects the lsi:traties of the speei- t'd secrettory of the Atdelphi in plsacs'issemis in usheisisseumo, Saturday afts'r- of F. E. Irwyit, resiguetd. soens. Vise seii-semnester test in oratory WoenMas etig aiss elocutioin will be givenesi next, Wedinesdasy by Prof. Trueblood. President Angell will asdiresoathe Thse geiieral library ipeiodical list nieting of woiseii sttide'nts iii Sle now inscltiies 281 literatry aud scienti- gymnsasium tomnorrew nusruimog. Dell- lic publicaitions and 116t msdical pub- nite actieu will be taken looking to- licatous.wardl a subscription for the wsuiien's Mr. McClellan, organist of the annex to the gylsl. All womet'n stu- Chsoral Union. is conducting thuy vow-de'nts of the University are urged per chortus during the illness of Prof. to be present. The nieeting will he- Stanley., gin at 10:30 o'cloc'k.. There will be auseeting of the '97 What New York Has-Done. fotball team today at 5 p. m. in tahe___ chapel to elect a captain and manager Albany,. N. Y., April 4.-Special1 to for next year. the Daily-Tihe New York legislature 'rhe Detroit Tribune has a two-col- has appropriated $600,000 for aiew umn article in today's issue on this site, aud $575,000 for new buildings University in which it airs another of for time college of the City of New its pet schemses. York. . Rtandall, who has beena selected, as. The bill appropriating $105,000 'for photographer by the '95 laws, is also the State Mining- School waa recoin- official photographer for the senior mended to the house by the ways and means committee. TheO house after law class at Yals that order heiag sharp discussion aged to the appr.o-