Ije U. of , 1 1ai l'j. VOL. V. No. 1 3. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER i13. 1894. PIiCEt-TiiECENTS. LtlisALBION TODAY. Interesting to Laws. Dates of College Foundation. NO GOOD STUDENT LtlisKnown of Them This Year. A case was deciided Tuesilay by Thiere is given below seine statistics -improvement in Practice Judge Denevan ill the circulit court of whli lire of iuterest to all corn go Tre's tti learn withou~t b, Yesterday.Dtotwihiofitrettltit. Tueil(siiWihi i Sonie petiple tliouigli try t Titfobj li~ii yst~lfunior la c so neett tem .Ih usin ~iihi h.po - ws, as it is directly Inlineia'oldest c(eieior uiveintiy'?is lon imusicllinstruments with shlowed flit beot plying yet, in suit withi Prof. Autellfs lectures oiithie idiscussed, aiid almost as freiquieitly of the falling raiii and midldy ground. rights of mlinlors to imake contracis. is, in liii'minds of the dfisputaniits, a We Sq Bq t hose Which llave The reserves west stroug in ftelire, Charles Wf. Powcll 1(o0k a courst iii matttr (if iioipleftnucertlunty. aiid thie ' \aroit fouiii it 01 rdi t gil tolcglraiiiiy inii88i alt Ashley, icli., )"iii otto. sAit. STUDENaS. LOCTIO~N. W elta id 1?--An FttCl_39-- nhrtMs.through flthi. 'ihe lfineiltrlilli iiidertrheitnistruc'tioni of 'i. ft. Wei t i- 33--otonla -(37i. isa Aoi ass Mi.. 1)94---lfiiisiiti('ti 9r-_. sa t j,iii I fAle.51 South Ma was too1((iiiiieli foir fhi reserive s totimii. iSuit was afteruanril oIniiiiinecl _p 7T- 3o atn a> _.'oiec~L breaiksip, and was feottiteof ive i a justicecoeurt by 'ifeirii k andIle hi 17---tCol.i. ofN N_1t3i N y i oi 0 : ity. S'JTT:JJ7 l Z ii _olm irtn _53 N N wf r. it.toucido~llis. iclarils lid. soiiitfirst wiis iwarded ci l fg'iiii ttagains o m ''~ll 1t848 i'-- sonlii: i-_6t--iih ,a N . ity cliss ouchatirighit half. Hi is shioe- for a 011111of riouneyfortclollln. it'll_ Dfin losal Ilj 'ii441)lIHoniiiiiiii l. - -FIN: ig uii well. is a gutu dodger anid rtii- Tiitei'aset"is aaledItithfliricui u it 182i---- i 1' trv._55 -loriton'1i ( FOOIW[ ncr anilbgtso info initrfertieeinigod tu tr. It '1500 ilai itil ifylii'ilefeist lii___Lehli 'i _ 6--gSieil1Cn' shiapi.. ittatral uniwiiiiiiwere tilt andiithat lowell Was exeillf f'rau i e lii _I' as Sf1 I lo.ll5?_ ~ao loCa.AT showed liii will iiin ftereserves. teroio of lihi'alliged -l a il ii,.im 18>5---Noitilii 'noI i iI l iiiii-231__E rsoI ll. I The line tup ini tidays 1gaile it siiliiiiit, as lie was a.e oiiiiti s fbithi i);18:-- 1istie lii a i iii iiiii u0011iio Albion willi be as follows: tift eiii, ifftoo l:lc. 1fall---'"ft~''lf''li 11I Greenleaif; left fanhb' iarker; lift lililgi' iliiisaiiidShiniihis iiislii as ili g'uard, Carr; cciitei', Smufi; right tiios tliii' jury thatl aiiiminr i'iiuld7if -1 I i etouliii liii 111111 a n .JBE.AiL'S OE STC right end, Pilet:iquartiiilaird; left and1r1piiatili thieiiion'tracit iffter Ia-lii' 0 1'. C'o . ii't h N i liii8___ItTO "ft yO~TT OCAN ha~lf, thlttlliiitii; rit half, Oh iri 5iiiify, tielausei''55llievi i ir atitheliii' ia iii i'sluchuiuuii1 I30liii lilvaSi I Ill. S A.VEH aids; full bath.tfygcrl. timeli'liii contlracit was0 imarik. rvfit lat._iiifuel ai lt )--AiiiiAibo.ify Ililyilig yiiiun St litlic e 111lairnedl 110yi'et stii Slilgi'cited a decisoin iif theii' oil i bs ii l ii ii1 t I iii tiI'. " COO A.ID 0 i7'_ ofl it lt --iiii *i4f --i lilllli ____ ___ liii Albionnlemthalt it is useliss so court of this stale directly inIi 'itt.te1--tsa Clge43__1'u IkEpne laid_-_. it. 1i5 -t I mii 7rV.G. K.KELLY, 33 E. Huron I speulae bou te guw Ou tarsA erdct asretrnd gvii Wirck ;5___.0'ls .7251l e,11 i iletriltk ~rsntc il gooks. to use Slittle ain st. 4E- EAR ! )RE Street. A IN u i l V, Vii t,:t 1. A", i,..z . . Dieu 11.110 cannot pla- until they l a e lilt adc1111ls foler t151il tiiOly. Hlygienic prove'mein'lt. Albion11110 beth coachedll'i for a iionthi by;tG'age, the HiarairdI quallrte'rflack, 1and11is repsortedl tlibe a stronig tiam hisu yeair. IBeytnddtfis sistiilg can bleliarniidiiabout ftem. Pros. Angell at Madison. President Aigecl is atttniniiig itie mneetinig offteAiAmerican Bt'oard of Mlissions, which is beinlg held at Mutd- ison, W is., this week. Iii ani addrless iiadfe yesterdtay,lie refered toiilt coiminimiistake which is madeItIIi flunking that flit brightest hun must be retlainedi for city chiirciies, wilie cranks aiid dulluads mighittie setlt11 missionaries. IIt also spoke of flit imlportance of coimbiniig the labiirs of skidsind explerieniceuimeiiit1(thoiise of youth antd vigor. Junior Law Meeting. The junior law's held another meet. lug yesterday afternoon. Very lithle business was transacteuc awith the cx- ception of fteadoptio of a yell. Bloomn ;sgton, capitainilof the footbusl teens, iae iii aipieal to the('110as s isport and strengthein ftelevein. Very little has been accomlihediirIin this lutelis yet, bilt it is exiecedtilhilt stint gooud ,vork wilhlibedoninlet week. Brown iiade a.tiiishiiohwn on i ar- Tenrd on Thursday. The score wvit: Rairvaard, 15; Brewni, 4. Lecture Association 5chectuie. liedaesofth tfif'erenlltieneinl' .Sigllilics 1that1 liltsehiooi is cit 'n' Boarding House, ill~t i g-eu b'ylt Sltlh 'eisa. 11 M~~aynard St. (niewt to School settleif. liie'folliasing is thei'sceu'ble': Har'adilciimies first, OWiliamaund11 Hfon. Thio. It. heid,fOct. 1it. Mary aa'ondl, Yulethfirdn, trinetfon 71. B. Gorduon. Nut, 16. foutnhPennlvanh5lia ithf. Fon Ladlies 1an111Gehitlemesh. Robert J. Ihllnitti. lDeu' . Ii 619uhe) litirginll iiam nin = OT 'SIZJI 0I3]n :Murat Haulstead, Die'. 15. IEngland voteud t0t(t)b acres uf hundl fun Fiii w-LINO Ex-Gov. Will. I:. Russetll, Jan. .1. a semliary'f't learnimn i riginiat, LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES P~res. Talniage, tFeb. S. hut ltefulfillmenit ofthei'projhe t at JSTlCIVEDii) iAT 1'. of 'l.orecftoricl'lCotetif'Marlilong; delayed. + TUTTLE'S, 17111. ~~~Stanford University. 48SST ES. Lotus tilde t'hubh, sifli irsf. lurk __ hIperonlatr, March 22. Mrs. Leland Siinlord is i ilig ;an- --- Johnis'r. faniel, Aprilt. rnglt'l'lts Ito crry' otthfl' prtvis- SCHOOL OF DANCING, Exi-t1residicut Hauision, topeniiidate'. iinsoftfhit ailof helahtfe ihusband~li, i'lassenow operal. tiupils rneivedos)at any Senautoir Sanford, bequeathing $3,h00,- 011111.All elassc 'rcua aler ttepe'rsoinuii- Freshman Football. si tilct fioliflr anid firs.. RsimGranger'. No Sf10 hioflitStanufordI nisenoily. Some'stairls homsuit. 0111's 11111 Dancingf[hal on About 70 fresh lit fooutball 'slimus' Ift hitbiliiigsto fb1teeilced ure ia iitiauiii~~iis uliht fastst muet yesterday toital~sk suneriih'library bilidiiig, u ldingfortchtll siuto.Capt. Olsonogivesre in- aturalHistrillsiind bora- WAHl hS BOOKSIOIRE! hiliti' ilhOltii suith fgaei Md qiiti a tot', a11fIt nr'aliicapellalill's Ac- Heal fo poitins n te eeve. cinmoatin wll e povied or -, We offer discount on all fttsi fr suif1010111 tis ihia''i. eollllillf~ii til 15'hiililti fr ,.University Text-Books, praciceas-ll b hililIlilr tle yuli uti O (li elft.Law, Medical, Pharmaceutical ftday ifter flit close of flit Varsity Reserves vs. Normal Today; and Scientific Books. game itAsilAbion. A gaeiwsill 1mob''We buy anti sell second-hand books. ably hi' arranhged awith the ighii 'Teneservs, or seconidtelevei, still Mafthlematical I nstruments arid 1515)'afteNolulalo atY'silantfi this lDrafling Supplies of special Schutol eleven fornilet tFridayi. R rates. We offer Amleetingg sill beiltd Tuesidaiy'afte'nnil. '11he.followinilg 1111 nwill Bs ~ ae 0 e b afternoon to elect permnesineo tirn gt( BEfuSTl NgOTEe:BOOKtf, cFORr 25c. a andi comlluiete oganizaifion. 5Swaninelil, ihiuii'i, htuikesand 1111 111 ES OEBOKFR2c Tlit senlior luawsswill beiquized on the first four lecturets ini Wills anil flit three cases in iReesvess n o nti by tIonsctor Dwvyer. i 1 , quaritein;iKeeler, L'ettoy, (Gati'smidu Baurtletf, hauif-bun'ks; Spicer und iiu- OlOWIRI Tt'17:Ftms Olon f11-l'lsUivesitly Booksituore, IDoan Towns }hui llhtlce.os State St. Opp. t'urt house.