lime fable (Re-vised) Nov. 18, 1804.
Mail and Mx___ 3 50 Mail ________843
N. Y. Special.... 5 Ic N. Y. Special.... 7 30
Eaatern No.---10 21 N. S. Limited.... 9 21
A. M. Pacific Mx.---12 15
Atlantic Ex__._7 47 P. M
D. N. MExs.---.5 0 a westerana.____2 12
G. R. Express __'11 05 Chi. Nt. Ex.---10 25
GREx . 1_____51
0. W. tRUooLES, H. W. HAYES,
G. P. & T. A gt., Chicago. Agt., Aan Arbor.
T., A. A.& N. X. RY.
Taking effect Sunday, Aog. 1, 1854.
Trains leave Aoa Arbor oa Central. Seaed-
ard time.
*12:25 p. m, 11.30 a. m
4:15 p.m. 8:00 p. M.
*Traias roe betweea Ann Arbor and Toledo
All trains daily except Sunday.
W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo O:
Time Table, October 7, 1894.
Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., 7:00, 9:00
anei 11:00a. in.; 12:45, 2:15, 5:00, 0:45, 9:00 and
18:50 p. m.
Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:20, 9:30 and
1:0a.m.; 1:15,2:45,5:30,7:15,9:30 andll:O0p.m.
Leave Ypsilanti from Congress it., 1:2,3:30,
5:00,60:30 and 9:00 p. m
Leave Ann Arbor Janction, 2:00,40:00,5:30,
7:05 and 9:30 p. m.
Cars ran one city time. Fare: single trip 15
cenits; roand trip tickets 21 cenits.
WM. F. PAsER, Supt.
For Everything and Everybody.
COUSINS & HALL, florists, 6le ie irre y are.
U. OrF0 M.arAILOP.
Our Spring and Stimnier Woolens
are now on salo. Prices ILow.
Call and sen us.
48Ss. Stterit., Second Floor,ARionArbor.
22 Yearn an the Buine.- -*zSM§
Programsfour Thin Week's Meet- Eio .o .Diy
ings. Ti'o6(Classical Ctifereilc'elof 0::'
paist week, devotedl coisidelelineul:
Adelphii - Ienstrinentnl niussc; n. 0to thle:discuiosion of ilt;, rel~ilvo t ueit
of the cla:sico and the seocnos iii, ilte
trolnptspseechi; declaitioni, It. W. High ISelio:l. A few itiescsicer:ning
Levy; debate, "tResolved, thiat a three- their respective gradouates frsmnii O
fourths vote by jury shiouldl te. d0 -ri- University of llii'~n inn bet of
ive iii all civil catses at lass,"off., F. WV interest.
F+romn 1~ to .1884 inclusive, the'
Newtoi aind A. iH. McDoinaldl,nog., C. literary dt-itlrtitoiit gay 050 ti toli-
tIJ. tice aid Mr. Cook; story, H. S. elaros degrees. (Of tlieo, 10 pee 0:cent
Voorhaees. were A.iB. cdog:ees, ans ielii, tori,
--c:nt B. S. In 189)0, 1301 gratduiate,
Ariolia un-Vocal solo, 31r. Watson; 35 per cent A. B., 25 per cent B. S.
story, Mliss.tRichard~s; Sybil, Sir. Pauln; In 18191, 2(04 degrees given; :, per
cent A. Bi., aid 33 per cciit 1. S.
readeiing, Sliss Cad~y; reoiling, Mr. Ly. The total iiniib r of caiiidait-st for
man; vocal solo, 'Mr. 81 -tsois; debte, e. gree,, nithDe literary edepartininu
"Resolved, that JiohnlTi. Graves'.Solu- 1894, was 1,0791; of these 2= pe reict
tiots of the negro, ptootlelsi shiotildl iewereo candidates foe A. ft. aindl 3i
adiopted," aft., Messrs. Dancer and iter cent fo:r1B. S.
Daneds ng.,1l~sss. unan nd The above conpio~tson nixi t::ild-
Daiiescog, teor. Dinai ~ thio eninoring professio:ns, for 'tle
Rieynolds.. amlouiint otfpirely ltiteay tork r:
Pros. Cleveland IHonors on Alumnus oncd :ran ygitetgdgr--t
the saime is thii requi~rediifo~r the .A.
lUtel titeiprovisionis ot the s~iineiry B. d~e re.
appiroprtitioin bill, irerstoent Clotv: t:neI Th~eiproportionl of A. B. studntits
hias :appotnt'ed Alfedot Nei, of fli-lois tteii deeeased frotG0(0er-c':it
in 188)0 to 2:0 perci cit it 081)0; t'ie
cageo, atonie of athoard to hnv:sttgate propoortioii of B. S. sttideiits his in-
aid report uipoin ite f-ltsttuitl5, 10:ec- creased fromtoetgt peir-s-cent in 1881)
it:nnec anal (xl)iit( eof 01::, Ntir:.to 29 per c- iii ii 1514; aid of I'l. B.
111Mtcanati aceoooiig to tie routtetpro-aiid tB. L.,stueets frtom 3 pt- ce-nt
posedo by the constroiction compaonty . iii 1880 toy 38 to-cacnt iii 151. Te
it aeton for this decltitoe of lieo A. U.
Sir. Noble graduai~tedet fointt ii . U. d:egree tn poptular oiionio toet haord
of 1i. in 1S70).ad aiiwts foi a.0long to fGed. Itstainds for 80 ihouot(f
ttode -iigageei.iitte ontstructtoo:,: of classics, 101 hours of intli Hatitet i~td
01:: great leeks tat SatiteSi. loaie, almcositianth intg cet-t. tiat tticandti-
:titI 1h:10designedI ooait:-of :tte tinestdteiitelos.Ivitaoiciit-
git:g(5 are negleot-olxttitiiithe.Xt:rp-'
bigegs in the countiry. Ito is co:ts-Lion of e-tght houtrs of ii:ettl. 1L.
stoiceed a vaiaie ai:od tt I:e :army__________
attnd nvy eiigine-orsonoiltis ont:~its- U. of M. Silver Club,
Sion. ___________Ti: VU. of St. Sthv:r cliii htoitbdst
')lit-s yearsttPtlladtitt nill be iOttop00eintt -teitag forOttthdsc-ustootf tih-
latraes tlhitchiabit-eltiopublitsthedtfor:t ..: litt-.. in.e: . -V Stl-. - I'l-
(all at RtooniNi..14, Masttnic Block.
oiid inspetitcdlosesthue hand and pocket
ecases imad:, by the Argun Bliook Bitd-
-i-y. f you hiaixe any stecal dsign
in mintitlelty xi loolie isdto exi-
ocdox satte for you in icithec wovrk.
Waiited. Dii: student of each d-
lartliet: i tioork: for us Saturdays.
Addtress with stamiip, Star Slfg. Co., 44
SMoniroe ave., I~eiroit.
Twot goodl solicittrs wantitdt at once
for )w ork io: Aiii Arbor. Call tt 44 B.
Ann st. between 7 and s o'coci:k this
ovllig. 9SltcIlti.
Do youei oGt~oot Writing Paer?
D~otyttiiu51e0SWNVA INEN?
All P'rinting and Sationiry iltaseso
sell i.
Its a Good Itoiiettaper.
"Ut.OF' S. St'lItNt1VACATION."
For the U. of M. Spring Vcation,
the T.. A. A. & N. A.oc1iii mak rates
of oiie and one-third fre for the round
trip to all points withinilthei Central
traffie lassoiation trritory 11pon1 1000
senitatioll ofiproierc ertficats.
Tickets to ho sol April 11th, 12th
taidol13. Limiitedl to return nt lar
thian April 23rd, .189=)
0t. . IEO;NWDDOD, Ag.
Prof. G. A. Sclranm's
Dinly three lessons-onte hour each.
quadruples results -saves time.
Every day work ihe only practice
Lossonso Frivate or in Class.
A Device for Accraely R-egister-
hng the Disionce Travelled
on a Bicycle.
It is s preeise]itoits peratis as a watch;
ailt otwrar ive itleyles, wigs ny 334
oe; is dst prootf, wter proof acidnoese-
less; hiasehitt eniamtldial,saime aa waie;
registiers1,00iimies antd repents; is easily and
tlitoly appieed: adtjtstabliettreadilfromi any
i)t'sttin u the sallie; ita:de ftr 24,2,28an'd
.0 isclweels; atnd ais abotoleygarautrud
-repairet wthoitihageh.n
Feo- Sale by all iRtadilBrcyle Lelahr.
m :~ac;good disciplite;s iupeileeswork ell
::ppltid readieng roa; dily letes; at,,day
,:a. recetios;sopenvathe etire ear i-sep.
'on eiiine fee placingstudenie pnnttina.
itd adeoom $ouenSo perweret isprixats
".mikes. Tee rate redced t e5o ~by,el-
- ..lag. Fnr Catalgue address-
A" WAJ'RY. Pen
M. X. SBEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. I --na suac tisas aallsraoom ,-:0-ou e s1itov
severatl yeairs. 11cr:- twill tie t 001- tepasrtamenit t7:,(0 this ettiitt;. ITa:-
MERCHANT TAILORING! sidelibe amiounit of literairy e.atter club invits all fricisots aitd foes cof
Cleaning, Pressing and hRepairing inl-additioito toh usaloc matter:,0co111that xwhle- hootial andsllinternisutonatl
done neatly by
AUG. se>iCHONWAiL1', 26ev,. Wastiingtisu college orgaiiato nd iolthe, frest-ii- biittetatli sts toatieid the htteetiig tai
EXCE SIOR + LA NDRY tis. It is th- lilt lition of the. tboatrofreely iato-colangre 01: hr vietsisd1:
20 MAST HURON STREFET. too have the book onetsOtilt'yttime of aregnitss.
Gonad tork Guaranteed. Goads called fnr Ohio lay Fc stivath. Ti: - sit (f the
and delivered. A. F. CC)5EKtT. Prop. AGEtNTS VtAN-1'1,t).
________________________logo xiii bet tesaee- ate ,{ or. (l i h rgu otsIi ;~y o
ANN A RBO3R Snbscribe for the Dai. 14 Slasoiic hbloc.
Ladies' and beets' Clothig Cleaned orDyd
Mermbers of Cuarantee Ticket Brokoers' Asia--
clarioii of U. S.
Cushy & Mc~eon R. R. Ticket Agency °pOF LY
50 Adams st., Chin a. Reduced rates to alt
points. ranch The Kindergarten No.3 S
N. Slain it. Ann Arbior .5tlihian.
$255.00 for a 51 Days Euro- - --
pean Tour'.
We ares aihungnaselect arty fov a sum-= - 1H1 t~0 ~
mrer tour oe urope Ieving ewc Yarlo, Julie ic -r!p , " J '
22d, fcr London. Antwerp, tirsses, Cile-nesV °
Coitieta Frinkfout. Hal elberg, Sransttarg
Bides-HBaden, Pa~ris ap0d io-ppe, reurning, - -
sailieng from London.Al ostd. T'he party ,
wii to coaducied it and underthe persnitl
charg-eof M No 'csw .nsol, of Columbuas, ' __ s G n Ii afVAS' D
well knowui as one of elie first msalain- ! T TF ES
strsctors of America. and a g liltil gestiem- c
o large experience intravel. Mock "pserone 'I°'
will have a tbertho In a I;Ige pespwuuaode dec IIgO.EL)AoECM6 8T2j PfSbRG 5 (10
stateroom, and ,the ihips ae!le(co'0 - a e w , VEST gs~cu-iotFiLLY/ OARArItEED , ALOOO BENTFOR T-cOs 007 TA,RM
8,r ()0tontwli :screw. steamers, provided switii /
electriclights" anid :seam beat. '- ompteie d'.
itinerary asd information ni 51 0 lonu r 1eit M
payi every expense of sights, travel and : fFFI UA lD" FACTORY LAE & Hn AL ,TE[} ST
hotels, teFll Information and.itIinerary --I OO 4 8iWA S ,
mailedoeni ceript of self-addressed Qebveiope.* - -N d4 05> 79'RPD Tfi Y2
Mention this Jpaper. -I s -- --KEITR.C.eenub.P-9EAES, -~)-~(~g.
-WARDBI VERS, r RAWCJ15 } - h F4' At1ci(5LO
SALT-h1N. BlIS *
ILeowrates everywberet N-.elmbs, Io'. - -