Published Daily (Sunday excepted) dunng the College year, by THE OD OM INDEPENDENT ASSOIAIiON OFIE: Times building N. Main st., oppsite post office.- Let ev-rly subscriber of thils poper' he on hand at the meeting of the In- dependent association Sanurdsay nmorn- ing. It is onsly with a good bloard thiat the Doily cani be se essflly condiucted aid to insure this, the posi- tions mst be filled by the best slet in lhe- University. both fraternity and indeppndent. Dr.. A. S. Warthin, who is a eon- oisltoll on matters ipertaining to the exhibit of old blue cbinsi, whichi tubes pslace today, lias kinidly ftirnishs-d the Dailly with t-e following on the lrue significane of aesthietics as repre- seed in thie isottr'rs art. "Cr racme art is the chainit bintding the youth of hei world to its old age. The Irfnse of (lie :savage becomses veneraible to the '-ivilia d successor. A brokein potshierd fills the gap in (lie eustrucetison of some teutifiul theory of progressisn. Ass nnbrokeni chaini-no isotter ihet ever lived can lie overlooked-no wvare ilsrwever hisui- hle eon be despised. To handle an old piee of 11011ery is like shatking besnds with one of the piionerre of hutmlanlity aicross thes abyss of time. Eatcl old rode ptece reprcesents an- ids a--tilt resultls of the promptings of a seanse of beanty. tn thlat respect it reselibles, every oilier vessel prodneed by the potter's baud. It has a place in history, becansi.- it in itself is a reorsd. To the historical student then, every collectioii of psotery conveys ai in- terest as dop ao it does to the san-a flout of art. The aesthetic side, how- ever, is aso ltiitoriea.I in a deep way-- tbe evolution of mnu's ideals of beanty. Chiiia collecting is not at uner- fanlcy-it to, a compiilete edunca-l tion. Of Horace, Walpole it was said, "China's (lie passions of his soi."1 Oscar Wilde sighed in vain overe the iinpiossbiliiy of "trying 10 li-c nap to1 iis bloc and white ehina" Thu Boy Soprano Again. 14 fF Mastrr Frd Elis, woso ortri 7. ~ ~ ~ ~ r Go anherhn -Alaewl amirers whn erne sotan willks a, THE U. OF M. DAILY. LAW FACULTY M ETING. COTNEDtj FROM FIRST PAGE. wiek for ue first Seciscar. Lecurros anid cases by Professor Htiniis. Equity t'kniding aind Procedre.- ]Two hones a week for the second a- m uester. Thirty lectures by Professor Tisoiipson, the remnidr of the tiine to be occupliedi by tie qizmltaser. Corporations.-Twso ors a week fe-c (lie seconsd semser. Text-book and Scases. Class to be disided its.twoo 'RKtiols. Professor -- Evidece-Two hours a week for the second semester. Tiiry lectris by Professor Griffin, (le rmainder of tie tinme to lie occupied by (le quizmaster. This woulid gis(le scoisr yer sti- dfiC, ini leture aiid text-hook work. 12 hourls a week. Is additins to thue,,iso would hive Iis work wills the qui- marsters, at least twoouotrs a week. THtIR1) YRAR. Constiutional Law.-Two hours a week for tkt irst sesmestr. Thiry lectures by Professes- Agl, (lie re- minlder of the timei to hr occupied by the quizmasster. Corprtiois.-Two hoiusrs a week for (thesecondisees ster. Tiry letures tiy Professot- Chaumplin, the renaisde of tlie tme to tir occiied by tie qisi- miaster. Jilriltrlnnie of thi'.tUniedt Sttes.- One hour a sek-- foe the ,yert. Tirty- lectures by Proesosr Mechems, tile'ri- smainder of lii- tune to be occpied by floe quizmaistetri. DaIsages-TiwoIhoirs a week fesrtthe firsi sera(ot-. Thirty letiues tty Professor Hlelsr, (le rniiaindtt- of (lie Ctie to leochuiedrby thequizsi- master. Etmriay LglRmdo.Two hours a wek for (le seeeii se- mster. Text-hook. tCsiss to be divid- ed isto two setions. MyNr. Johlsisoi. Riquity Jurisprtiienrce -wo hours si week fr (le year. Letres asd roses. Professor Htiniis. Wills oan Aminisstratio. -Twe hours a. week for the ir-fs- siet . Thtrty lectuires by Professor Mtecem-i, the remainder of (le time to be seen- puel by (tia quizmsaster. Evidence.-tOne hor a wveek for te first, sonester. Te-book aidasts. Class to be divided into tso setins. Proft-osor - Asignisent for the Benefit of Cres- itoss and Frauitdulet Cosveyanes.--- One hour a week for hi- secondsider' rester. Text-book and ases. Class Is be divided into turs sections. Pro- fessor Knowlton. Suretyship and -Mrtgag ,- Two hoursaIs-eek ferr(ihe firt semester. Thirty. lectures by Proestr Tonp- Se, thse remiainider of (le tinse to be ocupised by the tuizmalisttr. The Science of Jursprndece.-Two lionss a week for tke seceind smsestr. Lectures or text-book. Professor Miechem. The third year student would hae,' In lecture and text-book work, 12 Nours a week. tHewould hae in addi- ion at east two -hours of quiz s-rotk. (tt nun-resident etu~es, prosiul primarily, for (le post-gIodates, will- bo open to him he aie as under (le present scheme. The faculty resolved to nt aside a seek at the,end of each senester for borough witen. examinatsions, upop ll theacwork of (e Semester. The - new Schome also pro-ides for fibison if (ho classes iinto setios for exT- sook= and quiz work, eand if thie e- nrems do nt fniplinmatter enough fitr, egular qiz work, (lao balance of t(lie hook; work.. It does not coisteinplatfe J S 1 R anOy . hagein (he post:-eraduate woi-k I U T A R I E for the nlext yeasr. Non-resident lee -________ turerls wiil he reininred. anid one, adidi- tionsal masident professor will ho ntc- A SHIPMbENT OF essary.I Class of '94 Banquet. The tirst, onl-hbrticuiiet of (lie class of '94 wvhichi takes place, Satura vnnbd art ea - Ssucce-ssful occasion. 1-aunsgterfers hail hias beeii engaged for. she oxr-nt. A. A. Pearsos;I, t. F. -1tandsus S. it. Perry constitute;11w insitatioin coil- mittee rand ticet-s maybtobttalied from isuly oftherse in. 'fhirty-inueii- hbess of tise class. aie still usncollcg-v and with those comuisng frois Detroit, Gramnsh Rapids auh other cities,(t-e oeeiisg vill ssely untite mhsc spirit of the clruss. Aidvertise isn the Daily. DITSON MIUSIC. "Six Lowe Songs," ByFPeash E. Sawyer. Translations of 5S ofl irinsies (et iyries iii essoisitemsia settiogs.IHeavy Paper. 70 cents. COLLEGE SONGS."9 The stasndrdscolecisonoh College Songs. Ovi- 0,00 161d.O st Heavy Paper, 50 t.~ts' rine Ian, Shoes JA COBS & ALMNAND W ansingeun Blnek, Ann Arbor, P. S.-See our Show Window. THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE,. MONDAY, ,APRIL 8th. THE CHARMIhNti ARTISTE, Mle. Re And hser comps-iiy oh ployero, iscluding It . IiiS. IHaIT, is IHE *NEWMAGDALEN, Prices, 35c, 50c, 75c, and $1.. hReserved seats ont sate at Watts' Jewelry' Stoerm The Clover Leaf "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." Rout1e Onlty bctsof the kied published. The ~amawaaa sonigs ofthe leading colteges fon women. Heavy Paper. $h.00. ADOPlese keep in mind the Toledo.;, riJEFL COLLECTION INS1PUM[NIOL GUITHu MUSIC.' St. Louis & Kansas City R. R., The Clover Leaf Ronte, "Fast Eihty-twao pieces for tse 'altin grew the Line" for St. Louis, Mo., and the, beat sear-es. A splendid collectioo. nasa-i XWest and Souhwest leaves To- om Cer.u50 cenuts. Any rook seat posttid on receipe of price. Ledo Unsion Depot at i5 p. m.. OLIV R DI aS O CO. daily, arrives New Unions Station OLIV R DTSON CO. (the largest in the world), Stk 453-463 IWan 5 i " St., 5hnston Louis early next morning. C. 11.hDitson & Co. N Y. CONNECTION WITH ANN ARDORTH AR H CC C E THE RCH BIC CLE. mnd M ichi an Central lines a -Buffest Reclining Chair Cars Seats Free N and Vesthbuled Sleepers with- out change. f r General Passenger Agt., Toledo, 0.. 21 UND.RQ S by the PONDRACER. Lovell -Diamond Cycles Manuactued b theAre unsurpassed for MA1WH-DAVIS ^CYCLERC0., BEAUTY. SPEED AND WORKMIANSmIP, 1005 N. Chinuton St.. Chin'agut huh. Coed ahlowance made on necond- APMADOC & MANCHESTER,.A eats isanil whees. 42 S. State't GL.F. FISHER. Agoeuut, hiE. Univ. Av. IT'S HARD TO DO WITHOUT e8'no~eITubkFenmprfS- CEO. S. PARKERI FOUNTAIN PEN. ue handsome hiumiratesaalogue free. PAR KER S]th 4LCOPANY, - Janesville, 1vi5 $I EE iII A & CO. ]Excdsive Agents for An Arbor. + ~1,000 , POSITIONS- FILLED mN 1894. - Send ' fnrAgency Manual. Bostes New Yonk Chicago Los Au. sls- T ooto Washington,