.. ..... .. .. x !..x s*s. .. $j THE U.. OF M. DAILY. SchaIIers Botktome! Formerly with George Wahr, 1 . Washington st. Headquarters for 'everythxing a Student needs in the h..i of Text-Books, Stationery and Miscellaneous Stock in general. MARTIN SCHALLER, T~EDOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, IME Washington st., one block east of Main t. 195% LAWS ! HAVE YOUR CANE ENGRAVED VWM. ARNryOLD'S, Jewaler. 8. E. NEWTON, AGENT, 7 VOLLAND ST VIES. ANNIE WARD OSTER'S School of Dancing and Delsarte. Saturday, 1tC++.i., etem asbeginserrclass Saturday, 4 p. im., Lady beines clos. Mondr.ay, 7:30U p. c., Adaced Class (Ladies' and rseltderenl.. Ilteday, 7:3e) p. in, Beginners Class (Ladies and Gelean)s. ,Privete lessons by appitment. LaCHOOC~L. 46 1. STA'T'E ST. S E i 25 E. Wahing Sweaters -AT- lieelian & CO.'S 'T'HE ANJl AfDOR SAVINGS BANK 4Am Ar'or;yMich. Capital tck, S6lO0t. Surplus, ibtet.- Organined nder the General Banking Laws ef this State. Receives deposts, bys and se1ls exhange on the principal cities of the. inted States. Drafts cashed pn proper idetiic+tun. safety depsit buse to rent Os-esEns: Christian Mac, FE.res.; S9. 0. Harrimsan, Vice-Pres.; Chas. E. iscoc, Csier: M.T.5.Frite Assistant Cashier. $JRST.CLAS CUSTOM TAILORING dcuen of State and William sts., Wuliain 5k eeitrance. Plfthiotypes Thei6st titlogin PIIOTOGRAPITY BERIPYMAN'S. gK. Haron s Special Mtes to Senors. T-rURn IIS H MOORE & WETMORE SWEATERS QC~6 S. Mamn 51, and State st. cor- nerI'I of William st, have ne For Men and Buys, FOR 5 CENTS ACAKE: NVE II TIYT BOOS NA'HDKNiT LAMB'S Several other varieties of good IILII LII UUIJ toilet soaps at the samin prices. NeWn eodHn.~OOL SWE[ATERS- BATH S$PONGEIS Note Roohsaned other Students' Suplies in black, navy, white, from 1ic up to $1.25 each at Fine Stationery, Sporting Goods, ste , which garnet andgry they offer at the Loweat Prices,.o Boys, u to 32 A. E. MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE,___ inch sizes, Cur. Fourthi Ave. and Washington Ct. Call and see us before purchasing. $1.50; FIRST NATIONAL BANK. 4N-' A e~oeR For Men, nil sizes, OF ANN ARBOiR. STEAlM LAUNDRY CO. $ 2.00. Orgasnizerd1863. ,Hg ls n o ete1iih Capital. $1500. SuCrpioss osdFtr,?fits, $40000. HgsGus niOnosl ~nss _________ Tranoaexs a geneal bashcing bous Forriga rxchanges boshl and sold.Furnish 'E. S. SERVISS, MNanager, Strawbridge & Clothier letters of credit. H O 3CI [rs .W.l T O IEO NONCIMII)c vv .LLJ vvL Z Env.9.Nv Buy Dean & Co.'s Family Flour for $3.00 per Barrel. Buy Best SWestern Patent Flour for $3.75 per Barrel. Buy Bolted Corn Meal for 23 cents per 1-16 Barrel. Buy Hulled Buckwhoat Flour for 31 cents per 1-16 per Barrel. Buy Six Pounds of Crackers for 25 cents. Buy 74 Pounda Best Rolled Oats fur 25 cents. 1DJAN &Z OMZPANY. 44 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. I YESTERDAY'S PRACTICE. 'rIe campiisiiO rouiuli w tere ro d yes- 'Varsity Work Boot Vol Accom- torday, prep'iaratory to thle secliug. plished. llr. Lvi intenulo g ivilig (its Frenuch Tlii' u-ul l"i is still cold for base:- classes fit'iIII'iit ixaIIIiliialtionsiis harll, liiit yesiterday foiiil a laip', oig;hi; readiieg hereafter. crewdl of 'varsity and class team :e::ii- ibi account of lii'e istest at te(ledates sill on. the' camlptis. 'iii '"var- ..yiiiiilii. iite Adelpi w till hold its ally pro/Itie wais(lie best yet sil. Iii::hug i ler-n'itl:y es-culing. (Gallup aisd K: onoedcy were! gho I'l a r'i e iemiest" ini (is'Sliakespeaxe' sc liilary irliday at ito selslo. l'rof. Ileneli's class iii tourse (ii,. (.Eiiiinlihis fiiiishied Ipiiigonic, sod ivill tale' sit it:rmans: 11n(1Dorotheca. Dr. J. A. Smith, who took his sic- gtreu of l'h. D. in political ecoinomy isr cclast yeiar, tarts forthi.soascti The thurdltenure of the Epworth league course will be given! at thie IMethodist church, Saturday it S p. in. J. ham. 1B(01 will sleak on "Ford- inig a Fiurd." IMMORYSCHOOL. Prof. Schram's Memory School is progressinig. lie is teacing his sectonid and third claissi's this wveek, and giving g.ood satisfaction, Hos studenits grew uses ot~stoiastic as the class pro- : gieoses. lHe has had pheisomnenal success ec- toudiiig over seven years. and is vendy strongly indorsed biy distiniguioshed pes. pie. Educated at Monstreal, Canada, in :McGill aiid Wesleyan Theological Colleges, lie served in .thse Christian mninistry twenty years, during wvhich time he made a careful study of' lbe menotal activities frome the phsysiolog- (clpoint of vie'. lie has made suins valuable discoveries in that Odfd and has subsequently had moem than 8,000 studenits. Tiseeffect of his teaching is to place the operations of attention and recollection unuder voluntary run- tiol of the will, instead of beiing at lbs caprice of Involuntafy attention, is' most people arc. An inspostant featuro of his msethod is Ithit it duin- pletely controls_ mind-wande-ring. lHe enables the student to fix and hold*4at- tention easily, upon tile loatherto be remieinbered, -itilliout any props or olii-or artificial tricks. It sutvc s much time and labor to dle student His work will continue th.-ough Dext weelt. trtal iii liii'box. Shtids twas ii his old lace at ceuter fheld, :inidSexton amu dSt.t'laiir were tse othei'-suttielders en uho 'var- sity. Among the infildiers, MeIft czte at lirst,tDeains it thirdt andcultissiell anti flooiniiilgston at short, did sii fitrotulass work. Mcenzeite shiowvs ttonieal mrvmetoe ik st yeaor, amid twill imake a stroiig showving foira tpositilon lihe teami. St. Clatir stywit up)weul ini the field, anid Sexton anditilmeins tv -u' strong at the bat After Ilse lpl'ileic "Fusing there teat a half iouir of sarielhIding practiice. The shiotting made ttas mucl better than at any timi' before duriiig 1his Thierie are tvo orendaivs left for' practice befortilefheat ganmey of te year twith Albion lies-s next Satuirday. At that game the season lie-kits for the home schedule twill be, on sale iai the gate,.iMemsbers of the .Atletic associa.dion. can -secure season tickets for four ganmes for; $1 tie for then ganmes fur $2.30. It u-ill lie nees- sary for thieii to bring their imeuober- sip tickets to the: gates in orilc h41.5 the numbers may be csecid siP liĀ°rop- eily. - No muember wvill be allotwed: to purchase inurethiain one seaoi ticket, and ,ftits ticket twlll not be tran~sfer- able. Law Notes Prof. Griffin 'will lecture to the laws the rest of the. week. :Prof. Kn owlton will lecture to the junior laws on ContractstumulTow of- teno nat 4'clpck Section r 5will bh quizzed In An- drew's Stephen' F+riday at 3 o'clock. PHILADELPHIA. To arrange for private or SPECIAL.,CLASS lessons in Dancing, call at Cranger's Aoade~.y. Office hours illso 1 and 4 to S. No stairs to mount. Thse only wheel in uhe markel wicih ias hlcd up tou its last ,year's prices. Why? Re- coiuseeveryoine of them caiiihe said at that price and they are wouth it Pleasecoil and itispet my liuead see the molly deuided hepi-ovemensoversotherso calied hie grade whiels. See the Eiiiptic crank. W. P. DISTLER, 31 N. Cniversity ave A, 6. SPALDING & BROS. Athletic Supplies. BASEBALL, LAWN TENNIS,. GOLF. Tniformns for All Sports. RIDE THE SPALDINC BICYCLES-. THE LEADERFOR 18951 HANDSOME ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE SENT FREE..- NEW 'YORK, CHICAGO," PHILADELPHIA, BICYCLEsS KENWOOD, THE MARCH, IMPERIAL, 4 G RELAY. We Challenge Comsparison. APMADOC & MANCHESTER. Salesroom-2 State A G, H. WILID, THE LEADING-, TAILOR. f and Importer has, received the largest and most',select stock of IMPORTED 'AND DOMESTIC W OOLENS: for Spring and Summier of, 'C in the city, and would, he'pleased' -to have, you Ball and examine the samab. Full Drees 'Suits a 'Spediaty. 2 E. Washington st., near Main.