THE U. OF M. DAILY. ,. _ i MICHIGAN GEni ' Tim Table (Revised) Nov. iS, 1894. EST. WEST. PM. AM Milland Ex__-_ 350 Maill-___--8 43 N. Y. Special.-- 51lb N. Y. Special..-_ 7 lb Eastern Ex.---10 25 N. S. LImited 9,21 A. M. Pacific Ex-----12 15 Atlantic Ex____7 47 P. M D5 N. Express.... S 40 Western Ex.___2 12 G. R. Express ___11 05 Cbi. Nt. Ex.---10 lb G. R. Ex--.--557 0. W. RUGGLnS, H. W. HAYen, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicagn. Agt., Ann .Arbor. T.,7 A. A. & N. 1~ RY. Tabing effect Sunday, Aug. , 1894. Trains leave Ann Arbor on Central Stand- ard time. NOnTH. SOUTH. 7:18 a.m. 7:15am. *12:25 p. m. 11:20 a. m. 4:15 p. M. 1:00 p. M. nTrains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo Altrains daily except Sunday.£5Agn W. H. BENNETT 85. P. A. Toledo U. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY, Time Table, October 7, 1894. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress t., 7:00,90:0 and 11:00 a. m 12:d5, 2:15, 5:00, 6:45, 9:00 and 10:30 p. m. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:30,9:30 and 11:0 a. m.; 1:15, 2:d5,5:30,7:15,0:iO0andll:O0p.m. SCNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congresat., 1:10, 3:30, 5:00,60:30 and 9:00 p. a. Leave Ann Arbor Janction, :00,4:00,5:30, 7:00and 9:30 p. m. Cars run on city time. Fare: single trip 15 cents; ound trip tickets 2 cents. Wa.F. PAsanoE, Snpt. FLOWERS, FLOW ERS For Everythi3ng and Everybody.' COVSINS &UtLI filits, 2 nvesti5ae DIETAS & SCHANZ, U7. OF M. TA.ILORS Our Spring and Suniler Woolene are now on sale. Prices Low. Gall and'see us. 48 S. Rtate .t., Seennd.Flnn, Ann Arbor. 22 Fears din th" 8u89iess- CITYLAUNDRY, Xt., M. SEAJSOLT, No.4 N. 4th' ave. MERCHANT TAILORING ! Cleaning, Presning and Repairing dnne neatly by AUG. SCMOENEWALIS,' 14.H.Washington EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY:1 24 EAST HURON STREET. Gocd Worb Guaranteed. Goods called for and delvered. A. F. VO QVERT. Prep. _ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS. Ladles' and Gents Clot~ng Clebised or dyed. 3 W. HURON ST.. ANN ARBOR. Members of OuarAt ~e Ticket Brokls' Asns lation og U. S. Cosby .& itcpon R. R. TicketAgency .0 Adamsp 5k, Ctstago. Rednced rates to all. points. .raasclh e KlodergLrlen 7No. 3' N: tai st. Aen Arbor Sicigan. $256.00 'for a 61,,Days Euro. dean Tour. At the Grand Opera House. BUSINESS LOCALS. Rhsea,-This Illgic word has. a p:ro- NO)TICE -TO MEI+DICS. fond charm for theaer-goers'. 11cr Call at Rloom No. 34, Maso:nic Block. appearcances a10 alwrays greced by and inspect those11110elhaned and pockrt crowded houses, and her sTngagollelt elt 131:t heAgs101 lid lorro will prove.,110 cxceptionl. Tub, cry. If you lhave!l lly specisIal esigO ill cononection with 11cr lalct.t01100 01, ill 101111 they will bc. ple'ased toee :- "'The Palrisianls," by Victo~rienl.Sa:reoulit100satne fot you inlleaith.r wink. will porove.a. double attractiionl. Two good solicitors wlantced at onace Tlio New Grdes Picayutne! 1a-n: for work ill Anl Arbor. Call atfIt.. "The Parislalnx," Oli play whcrein she; Ann st. beitwveen 3 andll8 o'cloc'k this 01111100so0brillianltly, 10s11n adaptaltionl n-ruing. .s:I'e tIlRE. of a clevcr comoedy by Vietorien Sair- AET ATD dou. It is flil of teowerfu cha~ralcters, AET Call a ieAgoIokBney o an111 althloughi 1101a particutlarly 0 'tnh. r Sat o el Agic BokBlock.,No 1ional 0110, the listou:'r cannot fail to 1MsncBok became, aboorbcd in a plot in whiichl "U. OF' 3. SPICING VACATION." Ithere: is s0oloony, deepest lltan 1 01110- For tbo U. of M2. Spring ,acation, tiocan. The 1p10tdrals of a. wealthly the T., A. A. & N. &I. wiillake rates olad "nonveaux riceis" who hasaocn. of one and one-tlaird far:' for the rond tenmpt of all senfliit'lt.sucaeedinag so trip to all points withinl the Crentral well that lie eradicates: this feeling traffic association territory upton pre- froma his famaily also. sentation of proper certificates. As a consequen-lce of this, lhis eldest Tickets to he sold April 11th, 12th maarriedl daughlter, tryilng to co111eal and 13. Limited' to return not la' Fr h~er extravagance fromo hier ausbaldthaan April 23rd, 1895. -h, ili,.. 11"11 t t" ,ui,,,,., R. S. GREENWOOD, Agt. tabtles, got still eeper ill her embitar- rassiarlt, 1and:1was relievedcib07-agenl- tleanem.who loaneld liar thae-10:011: y 110 an lot of eisinteresterl generosity. (Of coulrse, this cc:ated It secet b1: 'tNe( thie gentlma i ad lin wife, -whiich lerilit m1iscontstruledbythyeOh: usanda, likl,t0: 1many7 seriousn compallications. Theiotohear dlaghters also crelate Iatrule+, with the exception, of 11he hecroinec Clotilde. whao still haas faithtinl the of huanl~ity-,Iad1pl1ys the role' of peaceaiaker, eventllrllly, triolamphailag. 'T'he ioral lessona sl0ow s thaat nvonl 11 shola d.llnot ;2amb~le', her haave secrets fromlaatheir hutsblandsn. 1V. 11. Wilcox, '06 lit, was called inae 7yesterdhay 010 oill nlot retnrnOluntil after Ohl ' spsrinag v-i cationl. Tile library laad 00e0107tlyl la euv- iest day in its history. Nearly 1,000 volulias, besides periodiclals, were drawn. Thae following progriaml will taoroin- 01:1 tt thse JeflrsoOianL1iterar'y soci- ety this evening: iR:adinag, Mir. t'rlgil;. dre'llliation, Mr. Crosby; oratiosa SMr. Cioutits; speecla,AMr. Ha3-s; debate, "Ieo- solved,Ithait the Jotan Traleii-raver thxeory of negro coloniziation shaould baa adopted," alt., :Messrs. DeVault and Tolleson, neg., Messrs. Covert ad San- derxs. 13. L. Jacobts, '9G law,. nwill no to InianilT~territaory, wllere lie will take up Iriiltoatdvork. Prof. G. A. Scliram's SCUOO[ OF MEMORY Only, three lesons-on~e hour each. Quadruples results - saves time, Every day work the onlhy practice required. Lessons Private or in Class. AMERICAN HOTEL, ANN ARBOR. THE "STANDARD" CYCLOMETER RETAIL PRICE, ONLY $2.00. A Devico for Accurately Register- ing the Diotaiace Travelled on a Bicycle. It is as precise ina itsoeperation: as a wch;: will outwear five bicycles, weigbs only 3%4 ounces: is dust proof, waler proof and anoise- 1cms; baawite enameladial, sasme on::watch:; registers 1,000 mles and repeats; in easilyanad quicbly slppiee: adjustable to read fronm any position In th~e sadd e; miade for 24, 25, 29Asd 30 iel: wbeels; and is absolutely guaranteed -repaired without cbarge. For Sale by nlItetail Illele Dealers. 2100, CHOICE STYLES -of- AT $4, WORTH $7 .AND $8. Suits rc= $15 Up, DARTER TAILORING CO. APOLLO PANTS CO., CHICAGO. Agent for ab:ove firms now here at Cor. I. Univer-sity ave. and State s. THE MARCH BICYCLES..' 21 POUND ROADSTER. lB' POUND GALE. Mlanotactured by 'the MARCH-DAVIS CYCLE CO,, 100 N. Clinton St., Chicrago, 111 APMADOC & MANCHESTER,-gnt, 42 '. este b- filE YWABASU RD 0Ur HOT SPRINGS, ARK., TEXAS, LOS ANGELES -AND-- SAN FRANCISC. New Texas and California Slecphmg Car Line. THE WABASH AND IRON MOUNTAIN PbYs. Have tenaugurated a ne ally 1-sn toao FIRtST CLASS SLERPES frot CHICAGO TO LAREDO, TEX Vias Little Rack. Matvern, Ten cbsa Yk. estis , Austin and OSaiAsstosia. Pa a ; cor Slot Springs Save only one ~eka i ar s at M~alvern, 0:50 a. a. nest day:, ar vn at Hot Springs at 11:10 a, n. na ixos The qaiccestthbrough lepirrghcear line beaksse Chlica:go asd Malven:. Also:dalylirs wT Tourist Sleepaers, leavia~g 0'hicago en saisse train, througb to baa Franeisco viau len. Angeles Ca.. For maps. tickets and fall infslsaa&., apply to J. H. GREEN J. HALDERVAES Mli~gan Pass. Agt. Teas. Jran. .P, TICKET OFFICE: 101 Clark st., CI tg. ltQ F. H. Tristruam, P. E. Damas~ga Cen. Pams. Agt. Pus. & Ti)v Cor.. 7th aye, and Smith- 1610dlessas#,. field st., Pittsburg, P'a. Tsoleide, 0