THE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the College year, by THE 0, Of M INDEPENOEN ASSOCIATION, OFFICE: Times buliding N. Main st., opposite post ofsice. EDITORS. H. COLEMAN, Lit. '97, Managing Editor. G. B. HARRISON, Law '96, Assistant A. W. SusT', Lit. Spel., Assistant. W. A. SLL, Law '96, Assistant. J. A. LEROY, Lit. '96, Athletic Editor, J. S. PEAn, Law '95, Business Manager. H. W. LEvy, Law '96, Assistant. Associate Editors. S. B. Shiley, Lit.'95. H. A. Dancer, Lit.'95. E. L. Evans, Law '95. E.R.Sunderland,Lit'96. Carrie V.Smith,Lit.'96. L.R. lamblen,Law'96- C.AIlsughtsnDent5. C. 11. Farrell, Lit.un9. M Gibert,Engr . 7. L..'.Gamoledlc9 . Minnie M. Thompson, LeL 7. G. A. Heath, Pharmic'96. Subscription price $250 per year, invariably in advance. Single copies 3 cents. Subscrip- tions may be left at the office of the DAILY, at Stoffiet's, at State st. news stand,with any of the editors or authorized solicitors. Communications should reach the office by 7 o'clock p. m. if they are to appear the next day. A ddress all matter intended for publi- cation to the Managing Editor. All business communications should be sent to the Busl- ness Manager. . THE U. OF M. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Mich. We would once more call attention to the notice given out by Baseball Manager Wee-ks as to the season tick- ets for the baseball games. It will be seen that by puriasing these tick- ets one can obtain admission to the games for half pric. The privilege is restricted to members of the Ath~- letic association, who can thus save the price of their nemlersip tickets on admissions to the baseball gaies alone. It is accordingly a good in- oestment for anyone who intends go- ing to the gaies sthis spring to pur- chase Athletic association tickets, which also give thesn the right to use the 'varsity tesnis courts. As the election of the Athletic association is held Saturday, all who intend pur- chasing tickets should do so at once in ordter to nalke use of their right to vote. Entries Close Tonight. Entries for the all-aronnd gymnas- tic competition for the Seneat Trophy close tonight with Dr. Fitzgerald or Mr. Fitzpatrick The' List of event and method of scoring.the contestcsnts was published in Monday's Daily. Be- sides these events the forty yards dash and exhibition boxing contest promise to be very interesting contests. All th track team candidates for the sprints and hurdles have been put on the list for the dash and will be expected to compete in order to gain the eicxperience. All otheirs who wish to go into the dash Saturday night should hand in their names at once. As stated in yesterday's Dgvly iich- etis to the contest may b ~ otained free from Sc 'rt ry Vd by any student. Thy may also be obtained 1p1n ,ppliutoHii Dt . FZrdat the gy n asium. A-fter Satur yno CHANGES PROPOSED. Amendments to the Contitution of the U.of M. Independent Ass'n. At the annual meeting of the U. of D1. Independent association April 6, the following amendments to the con- stitution of the association will be pro- posed: (1) Substitute the word "students" for "Independents" in Section 1 of Article II. (2) Change Section 2 of Article 11 so as to read as follows: "The edi- tors shall be apportioned as follows- Ten to the literary department, five to the law department, two to the niedical department, and one to each of the other departments represented in the association by at least ten sub- s cribera. (3) Change Section 6 of Article II to read as follows: The officers of tlhe editorial board shall consist of as managing editor and such assistants, including a business manager, as the board may elect from its number upon the recommendation of the manag- ing editor. Add the following section to Article II: Section 10-If in the opinion of the managing editor a foregoing sec- tion of this article interferes with the practical cmnanagement of the paper the board may temporarily change such section by a three-fourths vote upon his recommendation. (4) Substitute the following for Article III: Section 1.-The members of the edi- torial board of the U. of M. Daily shall be chosen in the ratio of four Independents to one member of a fraternity or sorority. Section 2.-Any member of the edi- torial board not an Independent shall be eligible- to any office of the board, except that of managing editor, who shall be an Independent. Section 3.-Any Independent nem- her of the board of editors joining a fraternity thereby forfeits his posi- tion on the board. Strike out the: second by-law, which is incorporated in the proposed Sec- tion 3 of Article It. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION. The annual, meeting of the Inde- pendent association for the election of editors to serve on the board of the U. of M. Daily will be held in the law lecture room Saturday, April 6, at 10 a. 'm. A short business session will be held, after which the members will adjourn to their respective de- partncemts, making their choice fer editors. Only paid-up subscribers of the Daily will he allow,d to vote, this being a rule of the associatioss. HARRY COLEMAN, .Mianaging E ditor. Engineering Notes. Prof. Petteso will speak to the En- gineering Society next Friday night on the sbject of nine ventilation. Prof. Taylor will Ieture to the stss- s in woodw rk next Ssaturdy mor- Ial 1+ o lwac i roii 10of n< l+n- 1iJUSTI WVEDr THE VICTOR TRADE MARK is an absolute guarantee of quality It is never found on any but the best goods. Victor Athletic Goods rank with Victor Bicycles, and are becoming more popular every tay. Fiullline of Baseball, Tennis, Foot- ball, Gymnasium and Athletic Sup- pies. Send forcatalogue of Victor Athletic Goods, OVERMAN WHEEL CO. \iakers of Victor Bicycles. Roston. Philadelphia, Detroit, New York, Chicago. Denver. PACIFIC COAST: SanFrancisco,LosAngeles, Portland A SHIPMENT OF Gents, lin Tano Shoes JACOBS & ALLMAND Washington Block, Ann Arbor. P. S.-See our Show Window. THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE, MONDAY, APRIL 8th., THE CIIARMING ARTISTE, Me. Rhea And her compony of players. including M1. v S. IHAiT, in THE NEW MAGDALEN9F 3M. STAEoLE, Agent, 11 W. Washington st. Prices, 35c, 50c, 75c and $L D I TSON MUs Reserved seats on saleat Watts' Jewelry "Six Love Songs," By Frank E. Sawyer. Translations of Six of ieine's nest iyrics in exquisite musical settings. Heavy Paper. 70 cents. "COLLEGE SONGS." The standard collection of College Songa Over 300,40 sold. Heavy Paper, 5O cents; Cloth. Gilt. $1.00. "COLLEGE SRNGS FOR GIRLS." Only book of the kind published. The songs of the leading colleges for women. Heavy Paper, $1.00. "A YOL §L.COlIE0 IYSIMENIAL VIJAd MUSIC,' Eighty-two pieces for the g uitr from the brat sources. A ,splendid colliection. Band-' ome Cover. 50 cents. Any book sent postpaid on receipt of price. OLIVER DIT'SON CO., 453-413 Washing on St., Boston. C. IF. Ditson & Co. N Y, TepeSpecial., $AVE SAVE By buying a Temple Special STRICTLY HIGH ''GR4D~ Examine this wheel before purechasing your '95 mount. J. L' MEE 4 F. R. CUTSEON, 1 MONROE STREET. AGENgs The clover Leaf Rowae fgPlease keep in mind the Toledo, St. Louis & Nansas City R. R., The Clover Leaf Route, "Fast Line" for St. Louis, Mo., and the West and Southwest leaves To- ledo Union Depot at 6 p. m, daily, arrives New Union Station (the largest in the world), St. Louis early next morning. CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR and Michigan Central lines at Toledo. Buffet Reclining Chair Cars Seats Freer and Vestibuled Sleepers with- out change. C. C. JENKINS. General Passenger Agt., Toledo, 0._ THE oveld Diam d cycles Are unsurpassed for BEAUTY, 5PEED AND WORKMANSHIP. Good allowance made on second- ica diwheels. .E F. F'SHER. Agent, 55,E. Univ. Ay. .! ' IT'S HARD TO DO W J-IOqUT the"re"T"1b *"ar F "ed-heper CEO. S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN. Your dealer is likely to'have tem- ,iot e 't , writ6 tip a n l ii s fothe-n'normation you want ansI sur edsoe lustrated catalogue free. PAEE,1LJP.EN Co.PSANY, JmeanelW, Wi.. SHEEHAN_& CO. Ex'lusive Agents for Ann Ardor.