VOL. V. NO. 134. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. RECEPTION TO MLLE, RilEA A LECTURE-RECITAL IN UNIVER-1 1 SITY HALL MONDAY. -Tro Appear on Invitations of the Oratorical Association-Chance to Hear a Distinguished Actress. The Oratorical association, throug;h the kindness of lion. A. ..Sawyer, who telegraphed an incitation. t~ao he-!en ahie- to secure IlelRhea. to ap- peal. before tice studntns. She will give a leture recital on oom, subject con- nected with the Hitrionic art AMonday afternoon next. Arrangemntns are being mada to give tier a receptioni in tnihcersily hall, Moisday atfterinooni at 4:11) p. in. Similar receptions lone b, ni tenr.lere . MiNle. tthealit (ther schoolis. At a recent receptlioni giveniito e tcytho facuty andt stinleisls of tlie Kansas t Sty high school iioirfeihintwoathlous- and people weeiresent. Prinicipal Itnehanan ilitrodunlghter, s-aiid: "Not to knowc ite. Itlicha is to argu11e oneself unknown. It is to staaii iion;; lice unlculturced aiid to aekuooleelge us past 'interest iii thle histrionic art of tiii-'iineteeinthi century.' 1)n this coc- casion ile. Illiecire-iiin both recanEnls;hrNot" being receiviei with great ap1- plause. MleoIRhea tands amelig *ill-ti most brilliteut woniencii tie- stage. Tue world knows her as all aciross and a bieautiful womian. At University hail studentsi woill be afforded a ehaiice to seelie assay from the glare of the footights. Meety~- hi-re of the Oratorical aesocltiols oct11 lbe admsittedt on presentationi'if their tickets and others will be charged the nominal fee of ten cents. Inlander Out. An average number of the Inlander tias been placed on sale. It contains cocirthbutlons in prose and verse froii Loutse Kilbourne, L. A. Strauss, Hr rySinmons, Edward Field, F. P. Dan- -Iels, G. H. Barker, W. W. Drew, Kathc- aryne Stevenson, S. A. Jones, Gusavt 'TIS FOR CHARITY'S SAKE. ITHIS YEAR'S ATTENDANCE NO GOOD STUIDENT EXHIBIT AT HARRIS HALL TO- MORROW NIGHT. Will Be the Most Unique So- ciety Event of the Season-"Wil Aid the Fruit and Flower Mission. Decorators and florists are busy to- day iii Harris hail in prepsaration for the old blue waere exhibit, which is des'tinied to he the moot unlique socieity i-elit of thi season. The beaitiftel chiiiais to he idispllyedon tongtbles dooon the center of thi( rooms aind in iabinets ranged abot the w\alls. The table1s oct11 be takenI charge of by lice ladies of the faculty, andt studtent lteii- lbers of the Woman's Leaguxe soitt serve as al ntamits. Mrs. Angelt is to rL- cev io thlie guet-s assisted by Mrs. D'(log, Mrs. Vau glian, Mrs. Taft, -Mrs. tOlcetz, Mrs. Prescotiaid Mrs. Knioovi- tone. An orchestra oct11 furiishtimimic, light refresiimemntsoil he sero'ed aiid ini the evoinig it is itesireid to slalec this a full tres affair. AN INCREASE OF 156 OVER LAST YEARS ENROLLMENTi Number of Michigan Students Ex- ceeds Foreign Students by 270- 6eo Seniors in All Departments. The calendar for this year owifl give the nuisiber of studemits in the t ccwe- ily as 2,813, wochi is ant in-react- of 1:56 ov-er the attendansce last ye-ar. TIhe apeproximoate amiountowhichl the tniversity owill receiv e ini fes this year is <$107,038, of owbit-h the 1.;14; Michigan students psiy $4t,650 and the.1,270 stuenets filling fromt otior states pay $6(Y)'88. Of the 1,514 literary sttudenes, 80 are re sidelit gradtelit' s anit(.211 are select studtenits. There are 211 en- romlted iii the senior class. The juniors imnmeber 2h2,,ostitle tinere are 223i sotphomiores and 528 freshmectn. Inii Ilin edical edepartmeent Itcire are 37-1 sttudents, of whom firie oreI residlent gradtuates and twvo are se- siw vFFW v %owswass Th'leoworthy ipurpose for ohchl this lect students. The others are divided exhibit is to be giv-en seemis to appteal aioig theoarious classes as followso: to the Ii >arts 01a(1 turses of thie com-_ Seiiiors, 0S; jiuiiors, 70; sephomiores. muility, f or lnt only swere both Ness- 98; freshmen, 131. bierry aid Harris halls offeretd for the exhibit fret of charge, but florists, fur- ninaro, complanies, tindildecorators are giv'ing of the-ir best to make the affacr a success. 'flits is at practical sort of help that is appreciated by ltce flower Mission hoard. With a good rouind cciii in the treasury they c-anfl return the favors iii the shape of a hospital loans fund anil ambulance, whtitch oill undoubtedly be a great blesing to this city. Dramatic Entertainment. Ne-at'Mond ay night at High School hall, a draiiatic enter tain i untilt11be given undir the alispices of the Ujnity club. Two plays oill be presented, "All On Account of a Bracelet," and "A Ganme of Cards," owith the tact of owhich Mr. Felix Morris is making a great success this sceason. Unity club course ticketsoct11 admit, but those not holding such ticketsoct11 be The lass departmsesit has an cisrolt- nient of 648, 207 seniors amii 322 jun- tore. In -htits department then- ar-y ten grattuate stidents anid nine- ipecial etuidents. There are thr-ce-! resident graduate-s in lice department of phasermac-y, 23 se-condl year men and 51 in tih- first year, a total enrollcment of 77. Of thee 17 stidnits.il ic.te hoceco- pathic delpartment, threes are icc she third year, three in the second year and 11 in the first year clacs. Thee dtnts have an enrollment of 183. divided in classes as follows: Sc-liters, 48; juniors, 02; freshcmen, 72. These are twvo graduate students in the den- tal dep artment. WILL TALK IT OVER. Co-Eds to Discuss Their Gym An- nex Saturday, A mass meeting of the womoien stn- deistSsoill hoeiheltdSatucrday mninig at 10:30 oclocke in thee, gynasium. The meetingoill be held icc lie' inter- cot of the co-eds' annex and ill scen- students arc, requested to bep resent. Turn in Your Coupons. There are still .quite a number of cctui os for lockirs, in the gycuna- slum, that have net been turned in.. Tries to learn without books. Some people though try to use musical instrulments wcith little or no tone. We Say Buy Those WIhich Have Toner We sell that kindl. 51 South Main st. FASHIONABLETAILORING Elegant Graduating or light Suit' mnade from Impor ted or Finest 3Doz~estio + T7oolens for $22.00 and up, Full Dress Snit $27.00, wcork made at leisce lbeais inspection by any highc Class 'Tailor and Cutter. Will be ipleased to hrave yccu call and be coiivinced. JOS. W. KOLLAUF, 10 E. Washington st., up stairs. =OT zIjTJ2=OHZSS LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES + TUTTLE' S, t48 S. STATE ST. Go to RANDALL for Artistic Photos. NEW GALLERY. LARGEST OPERATINGl BOOM IN STATEr NO. 15 WASHINGTON BLOCK, Anm Arbor, Mich. BD. A. CADLEUX. Latest Improved Barber Shop. Is the city. E. washing~ton ct., 1st deer east of Male St. 'Ass Arbor. MAMMOTH PIPE SA+LE' 2t tOUTH STATE ST. Pos't fel to comes Met and Cold unceshes at All Moses. PROF. JOHNSON'S illustratiove Cases on, Bills and Notes AND NORTON ON. BILLS AND NOTES Knab and It. M. Btowmlan. "Et Ego charged the regulacr prie oc Unity Inl Arcadia Fin" (pocemn) by Dr. Jones club enteriainmacunta. The parts in and "Lina-A Sketch", by. Gustave tic-c two plays oct11 be taken by Mtis Knab are probably the best features of Bessie Dunster, Miss Anna Dunster, the numuber. Sir. Kuab's story,, espe- Srs. E. A. Static-son, Mr. Arthur elally, Is one of the host that has' ap- Smith, ' a. Jamoes H-andy and SMr. -peered in the Inlander this year. Karl,,Harrimlan. Prof. Selilotterbeck oct11 quiz the Notice to seniors. junior pharinic in botany Friday.. -- H+. C. Sutyder, of Yale, addressed- tlie - Seniolsocwho -expect to have their unenibers of the Prohibition' club 'yew caps, AndI gowns fr the swcill5-out -terday.- must. order tlcema lc)ef6re, ;the spyii ; The many. Tricts. of J'rofesshir "Au Vaciontien flipdattes' 9itlO~sying-mut M~rs. Dewey. wilt, be griee to-$0leIsom.has boon Itieik_'istb~~lsh-Thrss that their youngest child, Morris. has after 'the vacation. It will be hled at .dlead of diphthyeria in ,Europe. the vesper services. All. who have not toe so are, heIx NOW ON SALE AT for,;e- ested to hauntd in then loclss"r.u1yj?0 conptic to the janitor at oe. Pr'o,- H. Sclhram gave the irsi of ~ ~ I .'~ -l~weift -n hiiotml ini ---up Town. Dews Town,. before the Ministerial Band, at Neow- 208S. State S1. 4 N. Male St.' ber all, Tuesday night. ANN ARBOR