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April 02, 1895 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1895-04-02

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r..jjQ4 aJ y At the Grand Opea House. Yeste days Electiont.
tilm Tabe (Oeviedi ov.1, ;Miss Rose Coghan and her admir- Rttrns from yskra' lcins
BAST. WEST. able company of playes will plaly tn far received Indicatote eleion of
Mail and Es....5 00Mall . 43eM ent of one~ night at thle Qan tld et 1cle mdBterilBt
N. Y. Spcial..5.15 N. Y. Secit~i 7 3Nopera lonso on WednesdayApil 3, f cakey'n uleielbt
Eatrn1x9__105; I. 1 51 Reputblians by lnjriles ranginge
EatrnE .15.5 N.S. l ..-t215 itesething.Sardon s pwru lyof
tI NrExres. 47. p n d iplpoma~tic life entitled "Diplomaecy." front 35000 to 40,000. The ,vote I
G. t Express ..t05 Ch. Nt.U --010 . MIss Coghans appearance's lhate, al- throgot tie sate was light co-c
G. a.Et . 5 °
O. W, Eu eiss, I. W. A s ways been: Inoted for the xcellenlce pared with 1110 fall election, bth par
. A gt. 'Chcago. Ak ~An Arbo.' of her poutosandthe1c brilliantI
0. P & gpr~du~tilICtie having sffeed froml the stay-at-
T. A . A, ' N. X. Ryeacting of her complany-. Sie is con-lisevtr
T.,A.A.&e.s ce otded to 1111ecthe best edramatti, cotO11011 ot
Taking effect~anday, Aug, 1, 1894. pang on the road. Ill ill writig In Livingston county, where Ed. C.f
Trains leave Ant Arbor on Otktal Stand aro ,,(higlse yhsitns hed eiete o
ard time. Snrlt s(i'tlnsldb ts totOiilsrsds h otty went. Re-j
500T. soovo.i dexterity in the cottriving tnd die pblican for Jodge Moore by 500c
:18 a. im. 17:15 a m
*12:25 P.im. 11030 a. m. playing of situationls, by his finest votes. Tils will probably defeat
4:1 pm. 9:00 p. M. skill in the stattel-lt and solution of
-Trains con between Ann Arbor and Toledo dranlatic, probletm. The persontgesi 1ils io'wsaeiddt o
oAl trains dalNy ootAgent this Oly ar e" deined with ite m~ost school cotutissioner on the Demtocra.
w. li. IsENETt Y. P. A. "Toledo 0. grapilt couch'and ae full of intest, :tickt. XVdemneyer. a member of
aleast while they lead thtir brief Sliteld!' classh probably faedbbtte,t
ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST 'RY. lives untder theo glare of the foolights. a i lcini hscul o
________The cohpany includelts ati omber of
TieTbOOtb07,19. metropolitan favorites , wito ae known shool comtnissionr is claimed by 3001
Tllte abl, Otobt 7 184. fromt New York to San Fratncisco. plrality.1
Leave Ysilat from Congress s..:090'Te
and 1100 a. mi 1:45,2:1, 000, 8:4, :00 andTIe are Joln 1. itltill, Ienry Athletic Association Membership.
15:111p.m. J.ewett, Courteay Thorpe ,Carles Tt ntiteeto'o leAhei
Leave Abe Arbor Junction, 7:00,9104 andThanulectnofteAltia
11:1a.m.: l:15,1:5,:0,:15,10:andll:00p00. Coote, Brenton 'hoary. ranklyll
SUNDAY TIME. tRoberts, Edwin Jam~es, 11:ttiellu8cel, association is to begin-at1:15 et1
Leave Ypsilan ti from ogrem't.. 1:0,20t,, Betrice \Moeland, Falie I'Seiain Satrday, so tat it will beove in
5:00,8:0 and 9:00p m. Rue tlALueadEdtul
Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 100,4:00.5:20, Io e lti- ylll'iil teri time::forte gimtet tie itleticfield
7:00 and 5:0. m. lioe A etr fHisCgl '
Cars run on city time. Fare: single trip 15 litr.A elr fMssCg~it' with Abion. 'There tre yet abutntou1:
cents: rund trIp tickets 15 cents. appearances is titexeuiste tttnner
W. F. PAnats, Spt. Atletice lsooiato itenilbersip tick,wihsec"~s h huati
FI 'WE S FLOWE.S suimpellSrsoattes. II this ply tileeaot, andI iolders of titkets wosee1
ittlillir RB 'pulic ill so somte of the lt st cea- nallis vwest" nulblished in the
For Ev ytlileg and Everybody. tions of tso Pariiaii dressi Hers. Daily 'itst have their amtes rut til
COUSNS & HALL Hfiwist, 28S. Uiversty are. ________
beposs Il. if not whyr nt? Btuy your flll'ii- te list In oler to vote at tie election.
DIETAS & SCIA.NZ, Oo no'vwlhen MAartin Haller offers T.rack and baeball cantiates arte rr-
I tat 2 pe cent less in order to make eii-lt triloltlleslptces
U.OFT M. T&LO . GMS ad u 100111mebrsi lloinoikesMM.AARTIN IIALLER. ad Writist do so at t nce it rter to
Our Spring -and Sng1Xmer -Woolens Lost a pair of glasses in a black vteti. All oters wtoo isl :t scuern
are nowe on sale. Prices Low. ese if University hal Thursday ialf-rates to .tie basball gtates will
Call and see us. night. inder please leave at stew-e
48 s. state et. 0eeoneiilier. AnisArbor. aid's office. - find tat tey will save moley. by
22 Years la the Busues. I~. f you eed a. folding bed, remembr purcasing Athletic 15501itioll tik-
Ilave a Splendid linto of than' from et.
CIY L*NRY -515 down as low at $8, the latter L .0I.
C1 L U DR y gtuaranteed a s well a' te highl priced All stdets wo are nme11thers of
K. X. SEN3ABOLTNo4N.thae ones. MAIRIN HALLEU. Odd F'llow lodgts are invited to ait-
SPRING WOOLENS. ted te regular mteeting of Oseingo
MERCHANT- TAILORING I Air. A. I+. tRose, of the (told'm Eagle, Lodgt, N. 295, Tuesday evening,
Gleaming, Pressig ad Repairing Detroit, will be 'at' the Ctok houise- April 3. Tire .lodge room is over U.
done nettiy by Tuesday, Aprii 2S, with a comsplete line RIseys grocery, coroer Fotheae.
AltG. 5V00OEWWALS,.',. Washington of spring suitings. - - and Iluroii t., opposite teo Cook
EXCELSIOR . LAUNDRY 1I Eainntious for tie rmo::val of los:. tf.
'14 EAST HURON STREET. 'condtitiosc reeived 1:st scit:ster in iGmaduatte sttdents ihaing fiter a
Good Work Guaranteed deeds called for Ily sections wlii occur at. 2 pit. enlmator otmtotr in Am~ecia is ttory
and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prmp. Slturdaly, April titd again ot Satlr- tare rqesmedl to mleet ill seminiary
ANtABOray, Aril 2, In roomtittt0 ' roomttWenieday ev'nimg, April 3,
STE M D E W RKS 'A. G. IALL. at 7:1) oclock.
Lale' ndet' Clothing Cleaned
Lis'ador Dyed.. a?-. .;
Members ofOsarass ee TickellBrokera' Asso- -,C . yk
athesn Of i. S.titI Ascnr
Cosby,& KcKeon R. R. Tcket Agency 0 4LL
M0Adams ".Chicago-.K ed ae oasi r L., .. -'.AA
pold .Branch T e lodergrtonN. a I'l'-E
N. Main st Ann Arbor Mlichigtan.-
$255.00', for, a ,51;nays Euro- -r- "
Wene organinlng a selecet partyfora sum-Y
mer tour toE nrpe eavhg New'ort-June
21 dfor London, AntwerpBrusselo: Coonee:, e
Coble nt .1rankfoo. iteideiber , Sir anaborg, ) . I
15 eni- a en, PaIN and Dieppe, rturning, ~
sling from Losdon Agust 2n. The paly[
si o llbee edis d b and ~i:a.ndet rp.er Yca_ 5 L1 iIJ
wel kow ais one of the ro musial tin-1
tictorso Amerea fand a geiat ge I n Et'~ EFtf
of lrge Sperlene iitrav01.FEch paron
willlave abherthI in arge roenadesk 0 L ";LOCM6Il o t3-Im ct-hr ros r 0 ctrr
staeroom, and the ships eled re new j~'PAiN ULY .RN E° r4A,&g!ETFp J ET"lA
,00 utwIn Screw seamer , provlI ~itli 41* iI
electric lights and ste"in eat. omplce r
tinelry aed nfemonmliS 0led on rreip, ! 1' ) -L' Q "l!1 %
of neit.adiesed ste end veIo. tS'i6.- 'i . 'f '
Gaa ery eese'of 'rg es.tray na: F~" fiEAf ID "ATORY Atff Z& hAL.4TED
ntl. ul ipfrto n and illseray RETAL 34 ALI it 8 ~A/ f al l4A"'
mailedon receip f l-addes ' enelope. Et T pER~ gWAE~r . p, f7$s -,sd T, Mf:Qtlt_"oi.f
etion tis paper~OTL
G~e'.Turisit d 0Seh Agta, '! - a L f ert
21N High s.,
(Low rates everywhsere), CoubssOhio:-- - - -

CallI at lt00m No. 1-4, ttfasolt ie s
and inspect: those tuinteu and IsocleRei
cass Inladeby the Argoa'3 - ii-od
ery. If you haver any s- 'idil-Ig
In tuind they will be 4ole°n to u-
cItto 'saioefor you In leatlo er vrk..
Lont.-A tortoiseshell hs. '7 a 40
Liberty, Staite.or 310111 0. - will!r v:
receive reward at 13 Mlonroe
Two good soilicitors wanted at 'once
for work in, Ann Arbor. ttil sf 44 IIl..
Aitu st. betctxen 7 attdl4S o'lock tlis
Call at thte ArgusITood: Biudia-y. No.
t4 Masonic Block.
For the U. of Mt. Spring; Vacation...-
the T., A. A. & N. MN. will ttsul r- to
of one and one-third fare for 'h rounds
trip to all points within thes CQ6i -ii1
traffic assooiation territory nIopa s
sentation of proper certiticates.
Tickets to b6 mold April. tAth, 1:2tlh
and 13. Lim ed to retuarbi uo,. kmT
than April 23rd,. 185,.
R. S. GRtE NWOODI1, .i
When yoto buy Caripet anud Lioc Ci.
talus keep your eye, on the ,precesit tend
the future. Buy somlethiu~n at thu
prices of the, present thildes a aia;' il-
ity that will prove well fet Us.Agt
To accomplish thtis yo (% re
Full inoroccoItoo-ie
to 3'onr order at tihe Ang a It 13I
cry, No. 14 Mlasonic Btlock-. Cal J l du'
see1 samleis.
It will be to your advattgt to'Bai
attt see thte medical: rasos :tt . htt's
Arguls Bookbindery are pult~luo Vii
now. ft
Ithave, on html a good rstsbae.got
book cases ranging in tiried 'from $1
to $9. t need thes roonul ' ra-y il~
and galher than to, carry th'-n ov er Z
will' sacrifice 25 i er cent on thoam fig
casht. A god chance for g n(14 mits.
Lest.-Between Fifthoaat-c anof UI-
versity hlosl, wreaith brooch, kuasnel
attd pearls. Ftndler please rttarnts o
steward'sr office. V
I itave matde special tiretearateton tir
taking c-tire of spring trade by z tC
a very= conmplete' line:of godz anetamr
insuire protttpt atte-ution. II - am1a'
tbook cases 1ar0sold 25 ptr 43 -to
muake roomt.

HAN0. Magnificent building;' te0
attendance; g5004 .hlsciptine; sipi
supplied reding room; daily It,
Oeeing rssepions; eruihe en i
lisnat faciliieorplaingssstuae
Bioardandenroomsu2lto$2.$1 perr
!amities. These rales reduced,
bhcusdinqg: FseCatlogeaddre
A -s

ta° smals.

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