Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the Colege year, by THE U. Hf Mi INOEPENDEKI ASSHIATION. Gsoicn limes builitng N. Main st., opposite post office., EDIT'ORS. . H. COLEMAN. Lit. '57, Managing Editor. G. B. Haxsixasos, LaW '9H, Assistaat; A, W. SMITH, Lit..Spc, .Aotstlnt.. 'WA. SPILL,'Law '96, Assistp;sst. . A. LRoy, Lit. '56, Atlei Editor .1. 5. PeAHL, Law '9, HusinessManager. B, W. LEVY,: Law '96, Asstoant. Associate ,cidors.' S. B. Shiley, Lit. 'il. it. A. Dancer, LILT&M E. L. Evans, Law 'SI. E.5.Ssrldsisand,Lit'Si. Carrie V.Ssith,Lit.'Oi. LR. Hansbien,Law'96. C.A.HooghtosDent'9o. C. H. Frreii, Llt.'H8. M Gilbert, Engr. 'i7. H.B.Gamn,n.edic'sO. Minnie M. Thomnpson, Lit. '87. 'G. A. Heath, Pharsoic'06. So'bnrlthdn price n2M per, year,' invariabiy in strance. Singie copies Icett.' Suhbscip- tions mosy be left at the office of the DAILY, at"Stoffiet's, at-State s. nes stand,with any ofthe editorn or authorizeA solicitors. Coinossnications should reach the offieby 7 o'ce)CR p. ;m, if they are, to appear the net dis.'ddreoo ali matter'lntesdeld for guo1h- cation toe Managing.E4itpr.t1 All .busisess commnss0ications should ,be, sent totbe'Bsi- neon.>Manager. THE u . .11 1XLY. - , sa Arbor, Mip. . AsP, a tght iiave been expected, the confefeftee 'calied by Nothweterji 'to "refbida1' ;the footbalnti 'ltcn accoii-t pulshfedi ,D thinig of' practicai ''impor t- once. ' In 'the firset place, it may weii, be, sskod-,wiiere N'ortihwestern acquir- ed tile feetbali prewie .in the West' thsat made it devoiven spen her te call such, a nieeting Th f Mir from the1 first savored of demriunitien by tie'A Ciiicago Athiotie nosecation, aned fee- thermore ceuld nut climin te he In tihe ]elste rirse nttive of westein foot-1 bail Why the conferteie shouid r snd someone cost to 'urge its pt re- ' forms is net' plain, "hlenl tihey 'ceuidr Just as veii be wept litoy ai, 8e far a~s tueebject four whii 'a lwas caiied' is concerned, the mieting accomspisii- oil. noRthlkg. it 'did,, hiowevera affold1 ' was rn foothoul ma nngcs a ood op e portonity to get to'g t tl an d o som m husines1 ' psce uies tc,, and this i Vas iil tiia- Xi hi~M1 "iid looed for '