TCHE U. OF M. DAILY. ShaIler's Bookstore! Ifesierly with George War, 1) S.Wash nton st. Headquarters for everythlizg a Student needs in the line f Tet-Books, Stationery and Miaeellaiaeous Stock in general MfARTIN SCHALLER, IE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, 7f911E. Washington st., one block east of Main st.. '95 s LAWS ! 10AN HAVE YOUR VlEENGRAVED 'WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. THE "TPIBUV'E," 1. E. NEWTON, AGENT, 7 VOLLAND ST VRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S Slol of Dancing and Tesarte. Starday, la. i., Clentlemanbegnners class. - "attrday, 4 p. m., Lady begnnes eas. el y, 7 d0p. is:, Advanced Class (Lades' and Gentlemnen). PCuenday, 7:30p. i., Beginners Class (Lades ansi Gentlemnen). Prvate lessons by appoinet. SHOOL~ 46 S. STATE ST. A GSTERFER,20EEEint Sweaters I 'F --AT- Bheelian & Co.'s TAlE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS ANK Ann Arbor ich CapItal Stock, $5000. Surplus $150,000 ntr eed ndr Ub General Bankig Lawn 'o hs ate. Receves deposits, bys and* iieschangnon the prncpal ctues ofthe teitedStt. Drafts cashed pon prper ltettcatlon. safety depoit bes to reaL. Orscnns: CrIstIazn Mack,tPren'. WD Itlurinman, Vie-Prs.; Chas. E. Hiscork, 'tasher: S.J.1 rtz Asistant Cashier WMS~. R_ FULLIXS, IIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING Corer of State and William nts, Willam t. entrance. P latiotypes Te ltst thing In PHOTOG AP1Y at '1a1P-RRV a N T PuRiKISH- BATH SOAP FOR 5 CENTS A CAKE. rev eral other varieties of good toilet soapo at the satne prices. BATH SPONGES from 10c up to $1.25 each at A. E, MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE, C'or. Fourth Ave. and Washington St. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR Organized 1863. Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Peofts, $40,000. Transacts a genera)libanking buslness. Foreigii exchaiiges boaght and sold. Furnish letters of credit. lBACH lies. S. W. CLARKSON, C'ashier. MOORE & WETMORE 6 5. SMain st., and State st., cor- ner of William st., have a complete stock of UNIVERSITY 1TBOOKS New and Second Hand. Note Books aed ether Students' Supplies Fine Stationery. Sporting gees, etc , which they offer at tbe Lawest Prices. Call and see us before purchasing. 030rtsi i 3nO R'o STE.AM LAUNDRY CO. Highs Glass and Dometic Finish. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, '23 SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE. THIE '95 + VICTORS~ are models of strenght and beauty. The staunchest light wheels ever built. You de- sire not simply a good bicycle, but the best; then you want a Victor. Eight styles, with almost any height frame, giving as sore a fit as if the wheel was made to your order. .Call and examine thlem. Sold only at M, SIAEBLER'S. CYCLE EMPORIUM, 11 W Washington st. SWEATERS For Xein and Boys, HAtNOKKI1 LAMBS WOOL SWEATERS in black, naivy, white, garnet anti gray, for Boys, uip to 32 inch sizes, For Men, all.sizes, $2.00. H-lo'w TO IECONO1VIZIB. Buy Dean & Co.'s Family Flour for $3.00 per Barrel. Buy Best Western Patent Flour for $3.75 per Barrel. Buy Bolted Corn Meal for 23 cents per 1-16 Barrel. Buy Hulled Buckwheat Flour for 31 cents per 1-16 per Barrel. Buy Six Pounds of Crackers for 25 cents. Buy 73 Pounds Best Rolled Oats for 25 cents. D)E.APN &z 00MEA TZ. 44 South Main Street. YESTERnAYS MEETINGS. G Iod." A cisk r:wned i li of ilila Addresses by ur. C. M. Cobern and sligl i eyn ld ~ltjss Prof. F. W. Kelsey. 111(ndsof 11t11einllny be' sc-i liii'symli si ruc'ifsiixiioi. Ills criss. 'II 's' 1Bi11o11C.. D. les, ifl'hlalde'lllpia. I olots o11 artull i n)' il bag wrsip~, hiadi bisil announlc.d lii 5101k atNew- onily I i'otln I-ttl''iinsl'lr Iho ;';1 -i bssr'ry hll, yesterdas,'btistat tIli' laisttrothls of ('blrisiionily, which11theii' I o). Inolnet:it aslerne tht r, oul eta~t churihsinI iiits grial dish',' toi Lu 1101 lii' prsent. Di'.(CoberntindItlylaway with ill sytmbisls, a1llsjecil's i'i115'lls'l li 5511k ii 'E'osysls, forsili ofii'is :iii iiiwill dos'.well toi ('sil Iiligiosis Lifei"uslhils steaid.i Drs. C('olsillniae a a .ry shisrt lbuf "'llis lis rlcs," l'i'if.Ke'lss'y posintedl tadsrss, sliosing lsy'niseans of sis.lthlo arliy if light upn 1)00sli anecdot'slsfstliatSusday wa.s ni llsiire llli simplfihofrsconilsiiii'cnuy ('irs- if a da~y fist esxe'tcise of Ills' isligiot2i tilliIX sld shoiss tiast(lie iiis'al natisi'sthnii15y' other'l sday, but (lhstit (C111s11anIws isnosidilfisleisi thou.thoul Wi~s a stay fit'restad 1)1117 1. Iles- nosssss'. ilsi inationis 511d11pe'ople1hay:' ligion of thi'e 511prayer s'e'tinlg 1 10is sd P11 id not uls sss hligher 'or Itor tini ttof Il,'isil ba leedstoissuers lsNl.lrss la lllins fdottesd 11.111 01' tlls'cricket i(,Id. hbelaunsd therte withi heapslOof I'lltiial It'econipared,'tItise Chuiasti's duties frosm whlich.thio1155t'lls' kit' ifts'i ltt t'1ll1'5li, at ll'psraer s'e'ting and oil trthsildigs IillpoofsIthe Silll'ruth the atletice IIl. "It htassnore)10taughlt 117' ('rist still r i'iun-i~ grl'i 5anilChristi is fortitudo:, lie ellgs saisd, "to 111a17 a goosd, hones't ,ali: of football than to '-pray ill class meet- UNIVERSITY NOTES. ing. :linof this t'lis''rsit7' wvlo want i41. E. Lotlissll antIh'. P. Saillei' as', to ido anythinsg for ('hrist hs'ro nave lilsuitiolLs~dIfom' ths' presiden1cy' of liii 1o loid.slfor inut 11ni'etrack, tillthe Oratoreil lassociation'. sliason ald th fsttisll eld'2~ A nieting of tile IDental society will usd asin iml~r7'e' lteil~. ''l~s'be hieldl this evenilig. Dr. C'.ar things wvhich iiake tile best leaderswildsus"Ih UeoCcan . of mnen illany like of svlor 1'play J. II. Simps~onl, '9,11lw, has1bee11 atd- are lioneusty, chastity cud;grlsci'." initted to O.hs'bar -at.liittsbsurg, I'a., Piof. Kelsey sisidressed thse Toniver- and 1has0decidled10olspen'101 inlcethin' aity Bible class of the First Metisodist instead, of returning to colleges. He chisreci yesterday upon "Some. le arly will probabsly retuirn for the flinal ix' ('Ilistia Lamlps" illustratinlg Oils lee- audnations i tie spril nuid graduate ture by'a nulaeir of speililns withl lilsclass. brought bsy liiii frill thi site of EXAMINATJION IN LA'f IN. anicien~t Cartilage. The're will be a. final examination ill Bsids's their" arch: ologIcal Svaleis, prepapratory Latinl for di ltal coild nmedical students Tucsday at 4 o' clock thlese lambts are of grejat interest as a ill roomi24. mteans of throwin~g light upon the II. A. IANDEII.- ealrly stages of Christianity. Each oneof hes reics'ha tin11 sybol At the New Grocery they give't I1161. on o thse rlic ha som sybolgranulated sugar for 25r. prov ided 3 of tho simple,' pulT' faith of the city worthl of other good are porch. .ed oft4. Augustine 'orked uponu it. On with Oheysame ordor.- one the fihsignlified to, tlt ownerIof Y. BRADF OD&CO., Ltd., twlamps, his public aceptance of 'Phone 1,56. 37;IE Washingten'st. Christ0 as hisnSaiour. On olbers a lit- 'Thhebet amvertisiiiz m'ediui i n 'Sn' Strawbridge & Clothier PHILADELPHIA. To arrange for private or SPECIAL CLASS lessons in Dancting, call at Cranger'e Acaden~y. Office boors 1110o 1 and 4 to S No stairs to miount. Kenwood, Imperial, March and Relay. "TH4_E BIG 42" We Challeige Cismparison. APMADOC & MANCHESTER. Salesroom-42 State st. A, 6. SPAIDING & BROSI SAthletic Supplies. BASEBALL, LAWN TENNIS, GOLF, Uniforms for All Sportn. RIDE THE SPALDINC BICYCLES- THE LEADER FOR 18951 HANDSOME ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE SENT FREE. NEW YORK, CHICAGO, PHILADELPHIA. G.H. WILD. THE. LEADING..TAIUO 'and Importer has' received the largest and most select stock of IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS for Spring and Summer of '96 in the city, and would be pleased t ay yo call and examine the same,. /'