THE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Duly (Sunday ecepted) during the Clleg year, by THE O, Of M INDEPENENI ASSOIAIO, OFICE: Times building N. Alain st., oppsite pstoaie. EDITORS. H. COs~rmA, Lit. '7, Mlanaging Editr. G. B. IkAnnISON, Lust'i, Assistant A. Vw. SIH, Li. Spel., Assistant. IVA. SrILL, Lan '55, Assistant. J. A. LlesoY, Lit. 'St. Atheic Editr. J. S. PnEAs, Ian '5, Business Mnger. H. V. LEVY, Lan '5, Assistat. Associate Editors. S. B. Shiley, Lit. '15. H. A. Dancer, Li. E. L. Evans, Law'l. EI.Suderland,Lt'. Carrie V.Smith,Lit.'i. L.iamble,Law'i. C.A.lgoughto,let'i. C. i1. Varrell, Lit. '8. Mt Gilbert, Engr. '1. if.B.Gamson,tedic'98. Minnie Mi. Thompson, Lt '7 G. A. ieath, Piasmic '5. Subscription price S2-lO per year, invariably in advance. Single copies 3 cents. Sbrip- tions may be left at the office of the DAILY, at Stollet's, at State t. ness sandswith any of the editors or authorized solicitors. Commnications shuld estis the office by 7 at'ch p. mn. 1tshey are to appear the net day. Address all matter intended tr publi- cation to the Managinsg Editor. All business commuicatios should be stt to the Busi- ness bManager. THE U. OF M. DAILY, AntsAror, Miche. Five 110y8 a' still lft for thoseo wiso wish to try for posiions on5 the Daily boatd. A recnt eritiorial inLthe' Duly r- gardinug(thedirtly expeisnetd by (le tax ollertoosoiiotsiuniing list fsnsliesitifor lass putrtoss hasb taled forths asirinttd 'ejoidter, as will be sens by a ossssisitsioss publ- lishied isanaioher coumnn. The eply is maisnly irelevastasisis it is eassily setn by the Issne' of the sriclti atsi the writr employed waosltthlh'provo ration e (ad for sMaking an aiswr- to idisorage ahleicis, rslher lha oulilfisig why eact ineiassbr of ths, raos clasossesiold sot pay Iis share towartlds tesuport of studs'st enterprises wises the taxis have beni duly authiorizesd. Whatlthewriter says about inpostors aid sekrs of charity has abot. as mus bauing en the subject which tie editorial trtattd as his ry of tprofessionalismi, Vie toleration of whirls is specially prhiitedl at this university. The article whirls provoked this ucltledtt for reply did tjustie to no sudsent whateceriis means. As the witer says, the statement was insde that 150 man was excusable from the payment of his share Vhen a reasonable sun lid been levied for class purposes. This assertion is again enpasized, and by obtaining the truth frons the collectors it is easily shown that it is not tse sorts who are the least able to pay lisa amounts who fal to re spend, but rather the ois who oppose every class enterprise, includig belts athetic and social event Let a tax he levied for debae, oratory and music, which he writer hints at, and, tbe same stdens who support thst ther affairs of college life would re- spond' as "redly and in a rach greater degree thaa he oes ho terms Inteloftay loyal The suporters of lie fssundslnresily to ait whatever is of lits lest anisntsented ferclaisissel- lowshipiiandsispiirit. tCavftl isvst- gsationsinsuithsis commicsiatini rea- iet us ahas shownisthat tlist sns who as'e de'pendenit:itupioildayla sbor tess ((sir college cosrso' aresin a a iijrit o1f casspasying thseir elast, twardl wat- ever, is aissthorzedsiby their class. 'Thosse'who are0optosed'to 10class sundsertakinigs ir st lib'ty t hoslw lbis n itissrls ithroughi(the iseiumi sst this papr, but it is prsfs'redthalit 1they Issve15notiutato 0teir pin- poes 5 iisakiig rplieslisi[ nt sisiisics isiigs'tnausc pitssit, wh-ninsi i.s'u It Iy thirirenal intentioni is to tislrcests' athliclsand oler stdset pivtils-i''. There Are Others. Editorc U. of M. Daily: Ass editorisl i Tlsrdsys )-ily finds fsault wills iii5gsne'rsl sirit of a. ".grsestsmajoriy" of (le stsiesits, bs- casess'of iIicsly ii colecting (th" "assmisst sf ttundss lvitd for suposrt of sathletics." hti 1(p11, 701ut resder wuldtisay thast msany siudsinsts csnnost se sisy reasonatle grssundslfortrying10o(sles mionie'y'frest thossei'who ari, not iii tlsid o costrihut. A trw ii''embsers os a csss will gst togs'llii r aidle1vy- t (sx suiossll imemiber of tecss'tis resis'sbri, 10 sssill ' hssst ssuci hss nst sa so evtry pennily, 110 lmatteri if le hsias tiesldtdgery for liigx pensesl, .is taledsuponlol10py7'ills'tI; anid musst sdo s,ortbse seouces siu impliostor. ''is is tuujst, nsi ts no hes ai long this sause of atileics. list editoral say "the',,(0s1n0 rsonssablse groutnsd for iiy ratas ii (iis isstiutiosn bsseig exuessfrossi tiwsmailsll 151- isenl." If thast editor colsl iisvs lookesd frosm his cozy roomsiasd besildli the' worthy 'stdsets who ais on- polletd to sai'wiood, waistialses, wis lisies, crry laundssry, etc., for fiteesn resnts ptrlhour, lie migt have lsss n generous enoughi to qsatiy tast as- ailsoates tes'plan:i sf s- pivhing deliquest sttssl of the trivileg s of athletic. Leirsthis be doise. A grat nisaiy goossildets wotuld refuse to sed very copious tears of grief. Ssposo(lire sossitibe aproposi- tioss to 'levy a class tax' to sppoto such iitellctuial enterprisss as debate, oratory, music, etc., whuat a lilies anud try woulsd otor fros thes saint fel- lows wiso now tdenounce otiers for not contribsting toward athletics! Sup- pe, for instance, list classes souls bes asked to levy sa tax to defray ex- ponses of sendsinglthetro sbbate~s to Chicago for the"reining intero- legiate debate. Would it Bt semn i odd tiing to do? Yt sonic good umens are inclined 10 rssik such Itel- lectual culure even above athletics. Tue men wise founsded the isitutiosn were of somiewhat similar opinos. No doubt, the good people wise now support it, hld like views 011 tie subject. While the writer would not dis- courage the right kind of college spirit is there not a tedecy to rank ath- letics above intellectual eterprie,? Wishile physical exercise Is essetial. yet; should we not discourage profes sonalism?, While liberal ecourage- met shoitd bs given college spirit, should we not be careful when In- dlined to denounce our fellow class- mates as Impostors "and seekers of CfrdDefeats Cambridge.; JUST ARRIVED ~~~~~~~~( JTime ussl otst rare lsetsveen Ox- ____________ fortd asiti asobridge Satssrday r« sullsci inHPMN the lsvcuty-.'iglstlvictsory tor Ox- ASIPMENT OF for's. Theo offi'iahltime os i liewiD,- ning bsosat .as520 sminusis ( s'osds. 'This'flrst rcseteets n'u ts se collsges was15rowvs'in ii1829. J. 1E. Beal will hlecture i ist the slisl Lea'sguercoullistomorrieow nilghst eli "'Ihir 'ssDomiain." comse heaeverywhere. 01(oumbia. l icycles $100. : lTHERE'S a whole sermon an Ik te above. It preachtes the economy of baying te best-a= swise economsy tat every onisc can1 practice withs Co'aambias 6 at a$u0o.'Thenews'Coloubias are mansets of strenigt, lightness, " symmsebry, beastly asid speed. 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