tt rVOL. V. NO. 131. UHICAGO'S MICHIGAN MEN. SEVENTH ANNUAL BANQUET HELD SATURDAY NICHT. :- esponses by Pres. Angell, Pres. H. W. Rogers, Dr. S. H. Peabody and Others- Dr. C. K. Adams Acted as Toastmaster. The seventh annual banqut of the Chicago Alumni tsocotion wvas held Saturelay night. Dr. Cares Kenttll Adams, iresidet of tin University of Wisconsin, ateed as toastmaster. ie gtests of the evening wvre Presint Angell, Dr. Selin Peabody, of tine University of Illinois; Professor Maiec W Harrington, of the Chicago wi ath- r breu; Presidett Atais of Wis- cosin University; Lhr. sident Henry WttadelRogero.,(of ortieete n Uo- rersity; Loos K. Sullivan. designer of the Chiettgo Alunmni mieal; H. H. Be- field, tirector of the Chicago aiutl training School. iRobert DMccrIty rsili t if the nssoeiation, and Samuel . Haley. secretar, sitke of the wonderful growth of the Utiversity suit told of wvhat is being accomplised by the President Ange-l sidtii his restotse that 'Miligen is the oly Attericuii instittion ivthic ulnct et't ltirt- acy with Hlarvard in poitt of ntm- hers. Oilier speakers were Dr. C. K. Adants, Dr. SelitaIH. Pebody, tous II. Sullivan Pces. Henry Vade htog- crs and ChuTls itt. Tie members of the association present .at the meeting were Ki. Young, XW. W. Augur, I-I. S. Oakly, M. A. Debanty, Dr. Higgins, W. A. Marlin. A. Millard, T. C. Ctrk, J. 13. Conrad, U. iH. Cleveland, 0...rie, . C. Simonds, E. L. Miller, i. iM. Shank. land, C. Harnian, L. I. Evas, W. P. Parkcr, G. i. Brandon, It. . Lamont, Dr. H. G. Oils, J. C. Moore, W. S. Hlden, W. HI. Johnstone W. A. Otis. F. W. Stevens, H3. M. Bates, J. i. Angell,(. A. Carmian, C. Chandler, A. Woodcock, A. Noble, G. A. Lederle, E. C. Leoel, B. Williams. G. E. Daw son, N. Macmillan, W. J. Abbot, J. II. Norton, Fred W. Job), J. Halsed, F. C. Smith, G. F. Rtush, E. A. Barnes, A., S. Hail, V. A. Gerringer, J. E. Gross, Otto Kaspar, XW. J. Brigham, C. TS. Claussen, G. B. Sprnger Vctrir Et diog, . J. NoonanA4. Jabcock, S F., Hawley, J.I).D ilb aid,H A Drake, J. B Herick ~C4 -.X hitCe P. B. Herr, W MI b'rwo dI.. About iwny'Glwbl lyr oerout frjlt i Str mlesy long. Some of the~. msi't nd was vvy- ' promising, and the h; li}a obpis t )l hove one of tis i bty bil iaos o iis season. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1895. PRICE-TI-REE CENTS. i i ADDRESS BY CLEVELANID. THE PRESIDENT MAY AGAIN VISIT THE UNIVERSITY. Will Be Invited to Speak In Chicago -His Acceptance Quite Probable -May Be Asked to Stop in Ann Arbor on His Return Trip. If clain] thinls wilcrti-' nv i- Viiteel ity nmy agate havete it- i tint i-it dhotioiiof lsitIiin-.tto ani tddiresIbyi'riesientt levland. I wrill accip n iiiviitioiitoi) -it I li- cago, wichtetwiill be tendotedimitniby a conmmittie- ow i-itrote tin Xlsht- ingtotn for that purposi. If te liii so, Mrl. Cleveland iilltpass CrotgiAnn beinductoed ittiddriss the stni -is. Chlica~go- No definite ptns inn--eibee ntuiai- tis yiet ini regato ithis mater.. W11 the iews of tti- liictigoinitation wtts ntricilveidat thlieUiersity until Sattiruday atefriioon. It lhts to-i-i uiscussediniformtallviy atnumiber of tho studelns,lhoever-i, inid if Pre i- (li-lt Cleveand soult id-ititoiia- cept the invitatio to visi Chicago a ittitinlg ofilii' studetsi will probabtly bo ctalli-ilfor fth iitm-ios- of iiitdtcing limn to edelivr tnt adress t t' Cii- I ierity.. EDUCATORS MET. Association of Colleges and Sec- ondary Schools. ~Thet coitchditig sssion of "Tih- North Cetral Associationt of (ollege and Secodary scools' as its orgaimo leers decided to call thec conv-ntion of eiducators at E~s-tson, isas IheliStt- urdtty. It ias decided in hold (leil- nual mteetings of the association in Novi-mtbr. Teuet te uetlegill h, (ti-d at tle University of Cictgo. President Angell was elected presi- dfiii of the association ad . L. Bliss, principtal of the Detroit high school, wcas made Its seceary. G. N. Car- men,