THE U. OF M. DAILY. &challers Bookstore! 'Formerly with George Wahr, 19 H. Washington t. Headquarters for ssvrytling a Student needs in the ine of Text-Books, Stationery and miscellaneous Stock in general MARTIN SCHALLER, AE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, Itil" Washington st., one block east of Main st. '95 9 LAWS ! HAVE YOUR CANE ENGRAVED 'W .ARNOIAYS, Jeweler. THIME' T1LI3UNE," I. E. NEWTON, AENT, 7 VOLLAND ST BARS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of Dancing and Desarte. Saturday, 10 a m.,etlemanabegnersclass. aturlay. 4. ms~ Lady beginners class. tlkady ?30p. .,Advanced Clas.(Lades' ' sssay 7:85 p ms BegnesnClass Lades .and Ceutlenen). 'rivate lessons by appointment. !&01OOL 46 S. STATrB ST. UAUI!TEDFECD CTERR Sweaters -AT-- hlielian & Co.'s 'IRE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS ANK An Arbor, With. Capital Sock, $W60,00.. urpluss. $5000. Oriaulsed uderhe General Banking Laws 'fthisState. Reeves depusits, bus and clsechage us the pricipal citiesof the RJtutedi States,]Drats cashed upon proper ietl~catlou. Safey depcksit boxes to rent. Oresza: Chritan Hc, res.;W. D. Bs6ia aVie-Pis' Chas. -E. Hiscock, S asler &i . .Fit Assistant Cashier. ~FIRST ILASS CUSTOM TAIIQING Corer of Iate and William t., William t.etrace. . Platiuotypes The latet thng n PHTOGAPHY at TULRK ISH BATH SOAP FOR 5 CENTS A CAKE, Several other varieties of good toilet soaps at the saine prices. BATH SPONGES from 10c up to $1.25 each at Al E. MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE, Cior. Fourth Ave. and Washington St. FIRST NATIMNAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Organized 1803. Capital, $100,000.' Surplus ad Profits, $4,090. Transacts a ceseral bashing business. Foreign rxchasnges boughtadsold. Famnish letters of credit. P. BACH Pres. 5. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. MOORE & WETMORE 6 S. Main st., and State st., cor- ner of William st., have at complete stock of ONIVEBSIJY TEX1 BOOS New and Second Hand. Note Books and other Students' Stppiies Fine Stationery, Sporting Goods, etc., which tory oiler at the Lowest Prices. Call and see us before purchasing. 4AN3N ARBOR STEAM LAUNDRY CO. Htighs Glass and linusesrle Finias. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVRNUE. y _ _ . . '1 H-O'W"TO IBCONOIVIZBRE. Buy Dean & Co.'s Family Flour for $3.00 per Barrel. Buy Beat Western Patent Flour for $3.75 per Barrel. Buy Bolted Corn Meat for 23 cents per 1-16 Barrel. Buy Hulled Buckwheat Flour for 31 cents per 1-16 per Barrel. Buy Six Pounds of Crackers for 25 cents. Buy 7%d Pounds Best Rolled Oats for 25 rents. .. . - ... 1 IYERA & CO M2 .PAY. 44 South Main Street. _ UNIVERSITY NOTES. Biolieli I'oss, of Phlilaidelpihi, Newvberlry hill, Suniday t 0 4p. to. titI 'Tlot I'onfissions of Iliigersoll, or Quetition . Sugg;esled by his Leixoi," is thii'suitieet of I~ev. J. M. (leiston's discourse Sunday eveinlg. A4 ladie s' imasso itia ilgwill lie held ttt Nowlierry htall, Saturday ait 4 p. ini. All interestedinill tivi' I ltstiali wvork ire reiquestedi to atltendi. The fallowing', rogrolo will be given by' thi, ,Alphiat:No tomiorrow eveninig: PROF. COLE GOES TO NEW YORK. Receives a Professorship in Colum- bia College. Prof. Fraiik N.('oh'exviiltzsuthi' lio pirofessoirshipiiofdliiltt( (Coltiibia, trOllE NIeg,' net 34:ii' it a arT of $3,500. Prof. (Ctles slairy . assist.inlt lprofissor ini the IniiverSily hiere litis beeli only $1,0), midii i offer from (Columibia is signiliralst inl view of :the reeot disecussioni of thie (eises of liiiV. cif 31. THE '95 +VICTORS are models of strenght nd beauty. The staunchiest light wheels ever built. You de- sire notsimply a good bicycle, but the best; then you want a Victor. Eight styles, with almost any height frame, giving as sure a fit s if the wheel was made to your order. Call nnd examine them. Sold only at M, SJAEALER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM 11 WV Washington st. SWEATERS For Men and Boys, HADKAI LAMB'S -WOOL SWEAERS it black, navy, whvite, garnet ad gray, for Btoys, up to 32 iiich sizes, $1.50; For Men, all sizs, $2.00. Strawbridge & Clothier PHILADELPHIA. To arrange for private or SPECIAL CLASS lessons in Danin, call at Cra~goz"5 .&oeadmpy. Office hours 11 to 1 and 4 to . No stairs to mont. $95 $95 $95 $95 W ' 0 C I B Salesreom-Ol State st APMADOC & MANCHESTER. SANGER. CABANNEB Ameria's Greatest Rider have selected as their Mnut Cr 19 Yes, and there are others. This will be a Spalding year. XW'itted with Palmer Tirs. EBERBACH HARDWARE o. THE LA WK TAILO V(calsoclio, 3lios Vollind; reitlilio-i, I Inter-Collegiate Association. M1r. Rtosenbautm;ti: c(~t ieading.,J. fR. Sieean; vocal solo. 31r. Wiatonh; tiehi that theaGovo'rnmentt shiotild0o11aiid cotrttol the tailroads," aff., Mlessns. Voile tand ''uru~er, neg., 3lessrs. Dans- forth unit -Mertz; critic, 3Mr. C'hubb; violini solo, accomptaniied by'Mi1s Davis. 'Varsity Practice Yesterday. The candidiates for tlie 'var lt3' base- ball toam were lined utp for cetotactic, game yesterday afternoon. The play'- lng was spirited considering (lie cold- ness. Htolnies did s01m0goid work behind the btt and threw to second With speed and accuracy. McKenzie amid Green wvon (lie batting honors, but nothing definite cain te said at this early date. Carter, Itryant, Honey and Miller were given prac- tice in (ho box, while Condon,' Holmes, Gates and Wooten tplayed ,at (lhe other end. At the New' Grocery they give 7 lbs. granulated sugar for 25c. provided $ 3 -Woi'thi of other goods are purchased With the same order. BRADFORD & CO., td., 'Phione 156. 37, H. Washington at. BICYCLES. - Kenwood, I=u- perial and March.{ See them before buying.j Apmadoc& MIanchester; salesroom 'l2 Thoue eeilg of the heads of cedtec- tiontal institutions. of the niortii-ceentral statels for tie pturpose of forng an intte'r-collegiate lassociationi convenedi at Northwestern U'nive'rsit'yi'ostordiav. (O: mioion of Presidieit Angell tih' 1er- ritdory- of th,;' associaltiion was fixed is inichling till thie' northern lstates frmt Ohio to N obratska. '(le following lplac of orgamnizaitionirwas adtled: bership shall to' colleges antd secoiii- logy schools whichi prepare stuidenats (01' colleges. The offiers of thie associa- (lonll viiconsist of t preside'nt, two vie prisidemnts froinleach stati' repro'- seltecl In the association; a secretary amid treasurer; at executive colnmitter conlsistiig of the president, secretary, itea.'surer anid four othe-'r ineinhers shall be elected by (lie association. The officers sliacl to.cilogiellat tli-. annual meeting. logr11term of, one year.' Oflilers will be elected at' toda~y*,, session. It wats decithed to limit tile membership of the association to 150. All students who. are membersm of Odd 1,illow lodges ti'e invited to att- tend tihe regular nmeeting of Otseningo Lodge, No. 2)5, Tuesday eenfng, April 2. The 'lodge room Is over '.' Insoy's gi'ocery, corner Fourti ave. mild Huron st., opposite tlie Cook house. tf. The best advertising medium In the