TilE U. OF M. DAILY. i MYICHIGAN GCE Time Table (Revised) No Mal and Ex...3 08 Mail- N. Y. Special.... 5 15 N. Y. EasterE.....10 25 N.1 AM. Paific Atlantic E..-.7 47 D. N.Expres.... a54 Weste G. RI. Epres--11 05 Ci. N4 0. W. RGGLES, I.V G. P. & T. Ag., Chicago. A T., A. A. & N. Taking effect Snday, A Trains leave Ann Arbor on ard time. 7:18 a. m "12:25 p. m 4:5 p. m. .Tran rn between Ann A] only. Al trains daily excet Sud W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Tn ANN ARBOR & YPSILA Time Table, October Leave Ypsilanti from Conr and 11:0am.; 12:45, 2:1, 5:111 10:50 p. m. Leave Ann Arbor Junto 11:0a.m.; 1:15,2:45,5:0,7:1,~ SUNDAY TIM Leave Ypsilanti from Cong 5:0, 0:30 sd 0:0p. m. Leave Ann Arbor Jntia 7:00 and :0 p. m. Cars rn on city time. Far cents; round trip tckes 25 c W. F.. FLOWERS, FL For Everything and E COUSNS & ALL Florsts 26 DIETAS & SC V. OF 79. T.' Our Sprin and Sumn are now on sale. Pr Call and see1 48 S. State at., Second Flono 22 Years in the Busie CITY LAUN M. M5. SEABOLT No.4 MERCHANT TA) Cleaning, Prensing and dne neatly b AUG. SCFOENSWALI', 26 EXCELSIOR + Id 2d EAST HURON S7 Good Work Guaranteed.G and delivered A 'F.( ANN ARB STEAM DYE'I La dies' and Gents' Clot or Dyed. S W. HURON ST., A Member of Guarantee Ticks ciation of U. Coby & MKeon R. R. 'J 50 Adamo st., Chicago. Reds poins. atBranch AThe Kind $255.00 for a 51] pean Towu We are organizing a elect eer tone to Europe. leaving i2ldforLondon, AntwerN. PB toblent , Frankort. edel Bead.n-Bade, Paris and DI .ailing from London Auust will be: condnted by and une chare~f M.OTo EaOwnno well kown ao one of theI strtoruof America. and ag of lr~ge experienee in traye will ave a berth in a large stateroom, and Ie hpos 8,0 ton twin acrrownteame electric lights and steamI Itinerary and informationi -of slfaddresed stamped -pase eryepene of ig hotesevebull information mailed on receipt of elf-add ,Mention thin paper. WARDSRRC Gen. Tourist and St, 272 Low rates everywlere. v.28, 1814. ......84 Notice to 'Varsity Ball Mon. I BUSINESS LOCALS. Car r~an Hhirs, "'. F. 1.11. idPllt 'IVAC'ATION." ('oior fOls~ll, l~rl~ll, 10111e. For the U. of 1I. 709011117\11021101, liasllsris'o; 1st l., Itirl; 2ds1Ji., Btolr; the T.. A. A. & :v.t. will ilslke r1te1 odi K,. f'lmosslssrlinss oi.. tilfliOolD, ofoeand, on:sic1ird fare v:'forss i:ron CARTER TAILORING CO. OCHICAGO, APOTLLO PWhCO.. 8I. cial.... 7-I1c11a ,, V1. . lt ILU I~ il-, --. -lt'l, "~atll Limited.... 9-250. f., Faornhamlo; sc. f., luard: 1. f., St. t10111 I oit15)110ithis'e Il.atrlOF CICAGO, C Ex----1215 P. 1M '1l'11511r'f10i0 ssl~aion ls'rritsory u11onii 151 trnEx--.2125 s entatliolll o111101opecrtifi..ca. FAULTLESS PNSCON, CICGO . . . . . .----5 52 Haonsy, Sliowoills'r. lltuiOMills'r, ''ilekeo lo Basol) April 11,12th~l _____ 51, HATES, and11. Limlited 0:1 retuirni11)not SYLSHSUTSTOORER gt., Ann Arbor. Wootensi. lsatterlie4 lst ls., iMcKenzcie'; STYLISH ASUITSTOrORD189 X. ElY'. 2sd I.. Green; 3d.111 O.. isis0., "us- 12. S. (lI:lENWOOD, Agt. Aget for above firms nosw here at Cor. N. ag. 1,1894. sll; it. f., Sexton; c5. tf., Waite'; 1. f., MELII'AI. STULDENTS. University avc. and State t. Central Stand- Watkino. It will bse'to your :ilv aitalge to caill nOUTH. 'Thesiasove' iamied noilwill 11151e a21111o5theIMcial cases1100t01110lithe e7:l5a. m. ' ort ils1110 lists I"'ll0are nt "'n 1~ t 15:3 a: m:. 0,..rept1ol he 11musthsftern'oonl li1 nii1) 7'1 usllt I a , 9.00 P. M. no V ENS 1w. tor.. rbar and Toledo ' __________Eei0.-Btesen Fifthslve and Vi 1: sy. At the Grand Opera House. v ersity hall, weathl brooch eiia~ii: s1nOOP, Agentsli1101.1iilr1121.10111( )edo O. anrd.pearls.y Fi'nler pleaseotrotu0111'o:y ,Nr. un-Dehm auson fstewsirsoofficse. if i Nh TIS bei lsstsst kisoso.:isiniginig scomediennes'1 flV Ioot, a pall'of glasrs-, o ill aiblack NT T 1 I ie'Ameicsni 4taig, hls o r.elly- .tsiis'l 0' 2:setsgllsil 1:. :0 s'ts-case inUInivesity hasll 'huisrdaiy isthe LE01151 11H50L OF BS S andl osiSO?4 111711. Finlder 11lea00 leave st sts'w«- 5Stgifcs bi:s e 7, 184. 11117 old wom nani hgasar ln ' at1t11 ssesndaoce;ogood diseipline;: superir: wof. cm: ess st.,'soi's0otlic00.-oneinvcreceptions; open the entire year .se U, 6ns :4 5 ,: 50 "Ileantd iIoli isit iss'i onap atie~i sforplcing tdety osins z. :::. 1,14,95 dlike' '1gloves'It, is1101. giinrslly NOTICES.j i ovhc Ieplcsesss iti _______Bo.:r~id dsoornaris o5 75 per weel tos a,70,I93ltd nontatM ,lil wohs u--amie:r. Tkee raroes reduced toS$150 b y'~~ :5,0and1 kloills0t r. istis.wo' t NOTJIC:E TO INDErENDENTS. --'tan. For Caialogue saddresn Eont.1 bu350 r. of115 l':l irurslthriu boutllrtlgtlcoup- The Isnntil lleetinlg of the U. 01of ° R CUARY. Pv*,r________________ rest.13.330 InidepeIdetasosociation for the' HNE RPSD a,25 G~050(ermanlly, ill Germanslsill "U1111'.'om' CANESPRPOER '''('111400,5:011'ali," 1111110 the, dir:ection111of Isarretit prpse of electinog Daily editors for e: inge tip 5 rnd almr. liewil beat.the Grldthe 001011117ye'ar will occur Saturday, cants.. April (. Accorlilag to a rule of the Aedet oteCnttto 9: I'ARKaER, Sapt. opelra. 11ou1se' April 3.asosociation thse esditors shall be ap the U. of M. Independent Assn,, O'WE.RS M RH Y LE portione~d -1sfollows: Eleven 1to the At the:'annutal1m01010017of the>.o., erbd THE M R H B ICY LS ieaydprmntre otelw neednepartumeni, tsvo to (lieniedic21lslepari - 11Inp:detasoci'ation Apr' , lerlyne r15.lent, 0110 10 the pharmiacy 110d1one the' followingi. amendmlents t'telo l.-. to lth' dental"tdepartm~enlt. It is dec- tittllof:1"theoassociation will ise-po - :I Z _ iredh that all those wishing to try 1o0e:11: LO Sfor 111aces beginonOltributinlg at011eC. -- The work do0110will receive 1111, credit, (1) Sotsstitute' tbo word "slt6trlt ' ter Woolens -and thioso whioss' writinig' warrants a for " Independents" in section sI ices Low. lposition a01nl t'e boarswill be 00011 rtileit Acn Arisor.ooeht ti'l5(0ai.2) 'hiogc .Section 2 of Article.'1, . = } .....IHARY ("O1.E1IAN. so as to reod is follow's: "' 1'he s'l 85c 21 Il"n flflQl2 I Mtanaging Edlitor. tors shlall be apsportioned Ls ftlowa,- - PD use ssssi, s .8OUND RACER. All 111 1 01111temlasstingi ll 117for tis'Telo to tis',,literary cdcp rnnenl, .ti, . MAIIoDstS coCsbYCIkE CO 'arsity or scondlslev e ttsIsl1'Iycar0to thse'law departmessnt, two, to tes 10RCHAN. CY C LE CO., l williappea'rllast .1 ocloek iiifront of100115cal dpartmnot, 15111o000to d C,4C I00N.N.htinth..Chiage.1, this' gymnas1itum1every afte'rnoonl. As of the' other t,iartosnts re'prscmtes _ so00on10 asosible- it is slosiral)h' that ill thes assoociation: by at least tin sulo- ELOEN -1 . . . thisy shoutillidohandlthir IlileS with crit. l s. Repairing wei gilt l1s takeln by T'i'ner100Fitzt- . (Is)('hangs' Scction C of Artic1t~ 131 iy rhhis-hin111this' ym1. to lase. Staste'lso ts adh-ash Sfollowis: 'Theofo co'; a .11. Washingean J hosw' 1Muc-h, ifsany-, foo~tballhthey- ontis hoitoriail boairdshasllcoesistofa A.UNDRY t playesd aid what p"ositi'ons they are mana11ging ecdior and such. assist-ns TREET11-1tr11ng foi-. It is necessary- to be ill including a business manager, . 5 ti Goeds called for un~ifo11012a11111it is leairessby he Iie11111- board holy olect fromo its numbe0 r tl IVEOcT. Jrcp. .1g1'lllt thtlm11n1111not ill thhifOh'lhitioh'esecomendation of theo I snag0, OR RRE AR ...will tlease' 111tshinerfe'rec'with Ohio Irac- 1i117editor. tire0 745 ks. F. Ws. IiENNINGEII. Capt. Add thi follsoing section to - tiI 'ORKS.It: -Sectioni 1t--hf in tileo opinion eo' hing Cleaned - the mnailging editor a foregoing a,- N, ARBOR. l~tioll of this articlo intorfores w 3lt:, - ~ -- - the'prac-tic-al cmnsseloent of also. At Broker' Anna- ,j /fl _ f paper this' board may tohopolarlly- " - - _ B50UT P chaingesuosh section by a dhree-fonrflto. Ticket Agency t jFZAL L "JV tLE/BEST T' va001e upon his reconiioondsstion, iced rates to all Tergarten No. 3 Michigan. Days Euro. r. par ty for a sum- New York. Jane rnosehn, Cologne, berg. Stransbegg, lepp ,, rnring., b.2nd. The party der the personal ,oxof Coumbus, frst muial in- enlalgenstleman el. Each ptron prow enailedeck clecled are neaw as. provided with heaL. ;Complete, oailed on receipt envelope. 1259.0 khtn, travel. and and itinerary reined envelope. )THERS! eainshlp Ags., N. High cl., Columbus. Ohio. , . 51 ELM AMT Rn 'T5 l M1RP 1S D 'IFIti tVE OOELS " WfrtGpi 5 ° f8 Td3' POUNDS y pRtCES 85.TCi00; t' VERY MACHINE FULLY'CiUARANTEE0- CATAL44UE. DENT FOR T,.Jo CENT .STAMi? , ors , Ch Dlt LE'" CMIGAI o "/ 1AI1 I.OFHCEWID FACTORY LAKE Z HAL5TED 4 RETAIL SALEO ROOM O. 280#VAE5A5H x AvE = r " AST Eta ,y wsasxer ou READS ST., NEW-YORK -f PORTLAND fRANC.f F.S~' ,SANR PAN(- i5C0 . t ._ SALT" LA K f:'C 1 TY r AISE 3lOE ENYt9 CNt ' .--.._. (4),kSutbstittute Ohio followinlg fsf. Article III: Se'ction 1.-The memnbers of the edi. orisl bosrd of the U. of M0. Dal. s-Ill be' chose'n in O.hio ratio of foor Indepe'ndents to one iembeor of a. fraternity or 5srority0. Sction 2-Any memilber of the gdi-. torial boaird not an Indlependent sbli? lbe eligible! to any office of the board,~ exsc'pt (list of inanaginlg editor, whoe, shall be. an Inldepende'nt. Section 3.-Any Inidependent .'s-.. ber of thec boarsd of editors joining as fra-ternity thereby forfeits his p. - Lion on the board. Strike out lie second by-law, whsh45la is incorporated isn'(it proposed Se-. tion 3 of Article 111. Have you rooms to rent: If so, ad-. vertise (bems in the Daily.