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March 30, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-03-30

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fl r eally has little more sympathy with(J S AR I E! i Q .p c t +iam beofnthrasehijanjj1
Viiie faithccseta'a
________Englishiian has with a. Fiji cannibal.
Published Dully (Sunday exceptedi during Michigan Ino, is not free firin Hoc- A SHIPMENT OF
the College year by yard's spirit of siiobbery aiid caste.
THE U. Of M, INDEPENHFNT ASSOCIATION, The fact that half of our men are et'ln a hy
OrrcEn: Times building N. Bain st uoposste allyitd with (Greek ltter ootc aft1 [o Sho es.
EDIos .Should not miake them utterly separate r1~~5 1T~f.
H. COLEMAN, Lit.57, Manuaging Editor. froms those outside of thisi imiaihit(e
G. B. HlARRISON Law556 Assistint fi ilowslip. They arc isein of tsil aime arc medelself strength aned beanty.
A. W. Sueve, Lit. Spel. Assistant.Tesanhslihwel,,vr A O S& L M NI
IV. A. SrPIL, Law'SI, Assistant. tillp00e, yet how iiaiiy of theiii re- bul. htlitweler
bul.Yen desire net !:Imply a B L M N
J. A. ELt, Lit.1) Buittetic Editor. iiemsber tnit tser's biesides those inu genii bieyclc, bet the best' theenahntnBurAnAhr
J. S. P. W.t Law '9,1, Busitnss Manager. _Wsigo lcAnAbr
Hi. W. LEVY, Lass'19Asitat. tie-ic imimietiate circle Isaaec laimis lii yee want L Vi(co.
Associate Editors. lh-rns, aven coiiiions thoughts and Eight styles, with ahmos~t . ny P. S-Sen our Show Window.
S. B. Shiiley, [At.'55. it. A. Dancer, Lit.'9. eonnluoi syisipatliles with them :tail height frame, giving a;sm- u - fit T EV\
E. L. Eavans, Law'sa. Elt.sunderiand,Lit'9. as itthe wheel was made In your THE GAD OPERA HOUSE,
Carrie V. Smith,Lit.Ot6. LII. tiambien,Law'96. should be thseir frieiids. dr
.C.A.Boughton,DlestV96. C. H. Farrell. Lit.'98. What the- Atdvocati slays oif ]fac- Catalog fee the asking. lten ONWHEWEKCM NIG
M Culbet, Engr.'97. H.B.Gammon,ltedic'98. N HL EKCMECN
MinieH.ThopsnLit 9. rants laik of fellowship is equally cents in stamps secures the Victor
C. A. Heath, lPiarmic 90. trsue at Michsigani. We eithler igice Pad Calendar.MO D ,IV A CI2.
Subscription price $f2.50 per year, invariably thioso outside our inuediat ecaste or OVERMAN WHEEL CO
In advance. Single copies 3 censts. Sobserip- sri-st them wils iiitolerane. Wlibit Maes of VitorBicycles and Aihiriic Coods.
tions may b et at the office of ~the IShanLy w edt e i f1,teuti hBos. Ne orkieS. Chim.gTT
at Stoffiets, at State st. news siancaii n i n i oglrdo stento iri. pne R O: 0 1C . .~-
of the editors or authorized solicitoro. that we ace iieii of tiii worlci, ail rostric co, . + . 'THE + + +r
Communicationis should reacs the office by Soc imancisc. LisAelesm. helloed. HYPNOTIST SUPREME.
7 ocloch p. m. if they are to appear the nest as such, issust be cselinii, osispielots
day. Address al ma tter Intended for pobli- mimii iiiitii Only of Oiiisevis; w luiar._____
cation to the 191-nagiig Editor. All businessAvusdtgehio16i on othtT C l M S . r@, - 1C,2 ,3c.
communications should be seat 1o01he Bush- WI mcit e it oi lhh i i i E TT Pie 5,2c 5.
ness Manager. i-iyis siartiness tve gcidlost liJ1 Y1Dt Reserved seats oii sale at Watts Jewelry
Anmi Arbor, Mich, had cordiohity whrichi is thie secet iif
so miiscl of Yaes success. anmds wihi ''Six Love Songs," L1T e
Thin last mieetimng -of tame pciSelf ass. iie tio foindi if coniteihhmpig swith yi scN orr r el~oso
boam-i of editors of the'Daily will tic oastyeii iiuhteihttof stinges. inesl lyrics ini rsigisiie musical iO e ~~
hseldt at thec othice at 7 n'clock tsmiglt.stiisHayPpr u s v r L a
It is imiportamnt that the memnbes of Meeting of U. of M. Silver Club, COLGESNG.
limo biorid wo desire In remim on. thsi Thin t of Mt. Silas-c cltub metl -s *xel- R i
The standard collecthin of College Songs.
staff mnext y9earc hi pci-senl as del-isiims c(1, aftcernonin himi 13 of ths law ever 30.,0 sold. Heavy Paper. 50
willbe aderegrdin th reoni buldin wih aoutsixt orsevntyA}¢Please keep in mind the Toledo1
memndatioms of- cititors. lit tile amnmumal maoibihers presentl. It wals reptieid ''COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIR $. t. Louis & Kansas City R. R.,
use-cling iof the lmndsemedets xi that Soniatnrs Wnou-t andi Camp-er. Only book of the ind published. The The Clover Leaf Route, "Fast
_songs of te le adhig coletes for women. Lie
tio. tx-Cngre~ssan Brcyon, aust lt-e other Heavy Paper. $1.00. Lie or St. Louis, Mo., and the
esiiillos whom mid beie askoed ho sit- West and southwest leaves To-
Clarase mems are dust hiow coussist-a IHHHHL SHILETIIHN INSIHIMENTHIHITII MSC. redo Unsiomn Depot at 5 p. in.
driss the Uhirsily slildemilo wa
Bring that was-it they termsed superc- umaiEolciiliui sns ensus _ Ehesl-o pieces for the taioafrom the daily, arrives New Union Station
tiuaio o acep an a iey- crnri±-beet sources. A splendid cnllection. Hand- telgsti th wod S.
bellty os-en their Yale beten nsamse-'C as hiihlidh ohsu u nor-sie Cover. 50 cents. (teireti h ol), t
ly-, tli( priailege of chioosing~ use-i- noan Aniy bosh sent postpaid on receipt of price. Luserynetmrig
erspoinne - sinsu sconce othlmens-i if CNETO IH h~ll
friends, biiing more imattpemdcnt, andt pnssibli. A nmibter ofi oilier it-tiers OLIVER DITSON CO., CNETO WIH ANN ARBORII
1havi-ng thuis own goosi tusm, is in 45-6 ahntnS. otn
aav-ncner rcosu trolls iffeemit sMOmi of upmosm-~ asaWsmmgmmS. hseh and Miichigan Central lines at
reality nt a matter fon great coeicl-. inmce os-i- use C-nmmtmy, Ccsimlal -th C. B. Ditson & Co. N Y. Toe.
imig. 'Juiy has-e fonmd lisa-f at Yale ling the clumb oms its exisfimist. and cm T m
onn mman has almsost supestitious no- itsstndpt Special. Buffet Reclining Chair Cars StatsFree
stied for another, simps~ly tuicause lie Thn if soms thi s olse lduauistiom and Vestibuled Sleepers with-
asis soe toonium iiiat chmange.
is a Yarle iman; and lis is mnat abound, im, foe opems discussion of ilse - s-i SAV
says time Ilarvamid Advocate: "If leaids questfin next Friday ev-sirim the m S AV liiiY 0 . E KI
Inoe healthier fc Aifg. l fong of in- law buildini, to which all tprofessons $lb i lGeneral Passenger Agt., Toledo, 0.
tens noe e~s n yi-amid stuts, easiecially uthose 0111)0 ti T l hHE
bitwey Wth Ysha ecell-bntt ian e nie.t hnds By buying a Temple Special. Lovell Diamond Cycles
buctasn ta-r e snm nm lnsim ou aler biflc mcosk s-r-r "STRICTLY HIGH (URADE !Are unsurpassed for
suc asIlernsi-ro mobeassem laamsadly of Prnofs. Adammms amid Taylor, Esanilne this wheei before purchasing your BEAUTY, SPEEt) AND WORKEMANSHIP,
blc-r un tnsn ieusui hcmenon it is clmsined thsey present only SGmot ood alownce made on secend-
imore, adtvancetd, seemsu lest heatthmy omie side of Cisc silver qtuestion, andt J, L. MEE & F. R. CUTCHEON, hand wheels.-
ml mao nbd h ateita hiya-e oical niuse on- llwo vno uno.GEO. F. FISHER. Agent, S5 E.7Univ. Av
temid the openimng discussion mext Fri
mmamn is a tiaraad msamn makes little enrsn H RX IT-O Tthe woederfa~ul ..bhr~eea-thnprfitihY
day. Mfessrs. Wasrd amid HedrorIT'S HA D TO DO WIT OU tehefed
difference Co his fellows unless soime' were selected to represent lt.e club ons CEO. S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN.
thing is already konown about hsim. that occasion. If is thin* it iton ofyuihiif Ot
Tho idea that a mans is- a Mass-stud the' ilub to hsold these oCien dsuns-
sisan of waho little is knloavm finds oiusfnumhyaleii sioi l urvondifrdestmeratdtou freel. sAsat KEet u N ~OMPAeeyut, snemaene, wst
himn looked upon waith suspicious anmd pleascs of thsi silve piroblemm waill hi- SHEEHAff & CO. Exclusive Agents for Ann .Arbor.
broughst out, andu argumuients 015 all
a desirc of as-aidance. In nice cases sides asill be heard. Thsere was also fl riu oirnX
out of Ccn if is nt said, "I don't talk of chsaltenging~ thin U. of -Ai. Rte :o ~U
kniowv him, but shmould like Co meet publicanl smit Deniocratic clhubs on ashy
hm"but tim3 case sall probably be, othser organizations to a joint debato,
"I don't: knows him end I don't avant and us public mneetinug to render a ii- " 1000,3 ;
to knouw limi HeC is probabtly a these eisenssios these as a deter- .e rga"wsdicse.I l POSITIONS IFILED
snueker' or a grnsd, on a chseap sporC uination expeessed'to dissemninate sll -. EN 1394.
or a aool, and I nan sure lis would be the knowledte amid argumient pos-ible ' a ,
dsgreeble; And .anyhot° thekrin onl the currency question. , Send for Agency
wol nouei;y nwn comnmitte waa appoinitee Co Manual.
yvotid e n useIn y kowin hi3."suoc tntelsd the further citculaion of
Th, ccsult is men are divided into peulhuiens and pit was reported that Reton- New Tork
castes and te castes ar oe ~lipB.)ther were nearly 200 meanhes, a a hicagoIn

into cliques. A ussiber of one castel number of whom waie -coeds. - w . - Toronto Washlatosi

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