Time Table (Revised) Nov. 18, i894d HE WIL RESON TOi VACTIN. -01'
EAST. WEST. H ILRSODT U FM o the( U. of -A. ltrinib SP IG ration, R U E ~r
Malad Px._ 0M. i __... A. 43 ATHLETICS' AT CHICACO. the 'P'. A..A. & N. Ml. Will inake rates. [!R N
N. Y. Special..., a 15 N. Y. Special-... 7 30 'Of one( and One-thirdi fare foi' tlii. round -
Eastern En----1 2 .. Lmit~ed..-. 925 The Toast to be Given at the Uni- hi 0iiPlloutioPetnri AT $4, WORTH $7 AND$8
A. M. Pacific En-- 12 15 ti oalpit ti h . ta
Atlantic En . 1.41. . .P. a vernity of Chicago Alumni Anno- tr'affic associtilonl lerritoly" u1pon pre-
1.N.Express .... 5 40 Western Ex -.-2 12 clation Meeting - He Goes to Fro=il~i 11115C setilaeS iit Jr
a. R1. Express --11 05 Chi. Nt. En...10 15 stnainof poe etfcts ut i+ = $ 5 p GREx.--- __5 37 Evanston Tomorrow - Baneball Tikets'l to be 00111 April 13th, 12th ___
O. W.RUGLS H. W. HAYS Tickets for thin Year-Treasurer
G. P. & T. Agt. Chicago. Aft., Ann Arbor. and lVt. Iiniited to rellrns notiC'TALRN
T. . .& N - Prentiss' Report- th1a11 Aprii 22rd, 1895 CATE CO }[(~ e
Takin efeSna. A ug 1,1804R~ At tilt imeetingi of il11, boardi of di- It. S. GiREENWOOD, Agt. APOLLO PANTS cot( 9HIA
Trainn leave Ann Arbor sn Cestral Stand-'etr fteAhei socainls EIA TDNS
srd time. evnig Treasurer i'reltis made1(i lilt It wtili beto 10u ad5 ltvanitlgto c ail Aget for above firms sow here at C'or.N
NORTH. SOUTH. 0131 0005 the mnedital cases tha il( University ave. and State st.
7:18 a. as. n:15a. m. report, in substance thein' a1s1 15w..i
t12:5 p m, 113 n.m. tisBobneyaeptngu
4:15 p, m. 9:00p. m, be prt'sented to thie annullal mee igo bokottr ~elslil i
*Trains ran between Ann Arbor and Toledo Dliv. f Pejj t
tn ris RBEN~O Agent lix) 7lli Lot.- 011tweel Fifthi ave anti isni- -
It B.a sirid'd sscr1110'.E.Itlrs v('rsify hill, wrath tbroochi, en11111el
W. . ENETT0.p.A. oldo0. to Cicago 1s file' reiuse:ttile of and ipearls. Finder p1lease return to
'he sorililion to thle annultt tbanqu~et stewilsitice111. if
ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. Of2the Chicaigo Atlumnlli assn, ation to. Lost, a pair of lasses in at black
TneTalOcoer7h89. 11t1. Ie will respi to thle to0s1cas Cin Ii Iliv easet leavel Thiursdaly t
Time Table October , 1894 011 "l iniversity of MIiciig cill Atlltr."'ngt ine lae
eaeYpiianti from Congress St., 7:00,9,0t0 ardl's office. i h ESN COLO tiE~s$OT
a1:0a~. 1245 ino50.t4,90 nd'oiorwiinltiiM.t~idsu The ibost advertising moedinin in the SLAND. Magnificeest building; ten teaisress lae
10:apvm Anoro ucin,?3,93 n ttendance; geod discipline; snperiot sink; wre-U
Lev n r~rJnto.73,:0adto Esv11S1011, Ill., to attind .1 iieot- oily is the D~aily, supplied reroding rosm; daily lectures; Saturday
li:30a.mi.; 1:15,2:455:307:15,:0asd1i:00p.m. -vngeetos open he etire_______~t
SUNDAY TIME. 1110 oh football officils ill Western --_______-eese eet~t pcng tentrinr. i30ee,
Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st.,l:30,3:30, tilliversit iet o1Is'liiinii'sht NOTICES. Ooetc o o t fb hl t h fieBad and rosin H zo 1o75 Per 'ee in prhSat
5:00, 5:30 and 0:00 p.mi. hom iilies. These rates reduced tn Sisso by ne¢
Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 1:00,4:00,5:30, o~f iii ' presisdont osf Northiwesterin ti- hetosdito. Poe Caalogue odderes Cs N~
7:00and9:30p.m.NOIET IDE NETS
Cart run on city time. Fare: single trip 15 voCit1y. .'s:tltissctril. Wilscosjint, 'I'hi annu51 meoting of the L. of---
cento; round trip tickets 25 cents.CHNE 6PSD
WM. F. PAnaan, Suet. 1.111e Fssrect, Mlilgall, Mliiiiisshsta sitd XI. Indepe'ident association for the CHNE PR OSD
perhapsp Nebra .skla, and1( towa, 0 iivil' purpose of electing Daily editors for
FLOWERS, FLOWVVERS' sitics will be rtresciltei Tile' Nsth the coining year will occur Saturday, Amendments to the Constitutfon of
For Everything and Everybody. April 6. Accordiiig to a role of tile the U. Of 1M. Independent As'n.
wto'~rli ilvcrsity footbssll itnltgo-
USi$ & ~J Flirlstse 2 S.univesity ave. association1 the editors shall is, op.'
STelephone 115. "tent1 s:et ouii liii call for thl , It't- portioned as follows: f'leven to theo Al lie anllii meeting of the id. ox
DIETAS & SCHANZ, inig, wischi is inis'iol'sl to "revis:' andc literary department, thiree to the law V. Indepetnde'nt as:soeialieu April C,
isor th111 lii'preent icida ofsi fisists'-l department, two to the, nmeical deport- .hlii folowing stllsi'iouts t the Cot-
UsO',"''IL .. itt Intot,- one to thei phairmaicy sand otie Sstiiltioof Ilth asi-lots n wiill bpo
Our Spring and Suiier Woolens Absistanlt Ba~sueball Miaagr Rich of to the dental deipartisient. It is o se::
are now on sale. Prices Low. siredl that ail those wishing to try
Call and see ubol500111 ir l: .lestisi for pierces begiin conti'butiniig at onee.
450 50..0 st... enloor, O..AOrbor balseball tickoes whicls wsv asdopted. The' work dnwilreceiv'e du-credit, (1) Substitute the nerd 'ttei5ot
dn t one woe iing durto ' for "Indepen~idents" it Section I1 o
22 Years in the Busess, -"' Allcl 11'.s's fI: isili'acii-sdtoe hs viigwrat
tin coil get 1110ne~i'sobt position 00 tile board will be rocolu- Alo i
Sa onno ended to ieIA Y asoitos ~ 'Iiis olei2o l''12
for hlfi sit,05f~ies:Setr AR COLEMIAN. ton ishl to read it0, fosllow: "a_ Th el
IT LA N R ticket ftr otirgies fo or toil Managing Edior. s,- a dprnoit w
>Y. X. SEABOL.T, No.4 N. 4th ave. gamtils, $2 -:O. 'fises net issiltittrs of Te '''lts the literary dettnentl'o, 'ye
the ascsociatiio usill pay thss ftil prigl to th la 1pr~i2Y, ~ the
MERCHANT TAILORING 1,m~ tut di.ld atnn m n oec
Cleaning, Preassing and Repairing fiftly ccols, it t~el gils: - - of lst e tbi 1 Isartnisite re'psr'senteds
done nieatiy by. ini lies ssstssissiisn by sat lst tert 'ub-
AnaC. SO~Cti4OIWA.J5.,'d5..wnhlngtnn Peniiisyil'aniao isis oinulis-igoi Wis- byorl' c
EXCELSIOR .- L.AUNIDRY toost Itsat a(tstrissnI'~cioi .h) Chantige section I6 of Article if,
20 EAST HURON STREET. wichol is thi: o1nl1 unives-rity iln tiie r 'ts rse-ad as follows: Tiseoffticeers of!
Good Work Guaranteed. Goods railed for NA'st Minsitaininiig so eoss-, will utio- ts' edOitoril boarids shaill esmtist of ia
and delivered. A. F. COVERIT. Prop. nrabt'hl lt~il iaigilig editor sond sucho assdtatts,
AXX~ ARBO A~ W LINK C UFF inoluding a business isaaer, asonfe
ANSRB Rubscribe for the Daily. bo,.*- :hard unai elect fronm its niumbr upoa
STEAM DYE WORKS. tltso reconi'nsaio in of tiso amunas-
Ladies' and Genats' Clothing Cleaned ill tditor.
W. HURON ST..d AN ABOR. .h Oid tii' follow-li .'to t 'm~
_____________________I1. Section lowinI sin o olsicl e,
Membera oh Ouaratee Ticket Brokers' Asso- L "' _- ; .. this lii.:llgillg esditor a forging RO
ciatlon of U. S. f k -~ / a~BOLUTL 1111 of 1111. article liset'es ' 1'it
Cosby & MC~etin R. R. Ticket Agency OF ALLY ,.-r1 RST. till practilt seiartal 'n elif ofth
00 Adams n ~Chicago. Reduced Palms to all bI M Aw. /I t pa'e the board isti's hly tenponlr sil
haits. Branch The Ehaide e;atea N'o.5 -' ii IwAge nb-'llnI ir'sc
N. Main s. Ann Arbor h eickian. - -' hagscseto yithrfulg
voes uipoin his recosmirnteih. i.
$25500 fr a51 Dys Bm-141 Snbstitute thse following .for
pean Touir. °f r
__ ( Sec'tiuon 1.-The iienbsor' the -l
We are orgasi leg a nselect party lop alum- to - or fteU ft ~ll
suer tn to Europe henving Nw York. ,June)n -: , t- .tirthbirofheI.f .Itiy
22d, for tondos. Aetwer BrMussels. Cologne. n. sheo1 be chseis in hio ratio, f 'for
Cobientz. Franhfort. Ilel elberg.Stran. e . ) N moh'snlnt ooeossirC
Baden-Haden, Parts-and Dieppe, returning. } -' r. rl 1 U
sailing lenin Loind Asgust, lad.' eespat ./ ' '"- ' t frateriiity or sorority.
1a lie con ticted s ad under the personal l! 5i p Sr 'te 2.Any minsibroto
well stown as one of the ,frst, mua i~h Is' .Mr II.MFFI'!. tona aotd on Iide peo' tlsi
stnrc rs o1 Amen .and a geali g u*ent16i Ms+
of large, experlence In travel. Eayhjtstron l ~ jI1u.1In~II.J ,s'--'A~. be oflii1:t o fieo u I
will have a brth le a large: o gtensue deck OEat WL I'4I5T, I$ rO 23 POUfIDS . $IlC~5;r io,
staterin suad the ships (elected I - t iTy MIACum FPS ~'i'UARAr1TID CA'iALi.9001 ISE I'll P05o cevrh STAkit 'ECept lust 5f ltiOgi trsb
8,1' tof4n twIn screw Steamners prov ided with -4 t''"' ' t shiall he aIdp et
electrc hight an Pam heat. Comlt rI ; (~I~~l~I4ffee5 mdp'met
Iinerany and information mailed on ree t ,/1Q iA I / j %*, Sectiots "-All nd hid ron A0i
01 Sell- Addi easedstampe envelop $2S'o XIX) VVa V' , 0
Elsye every nap toe of sghesi travel 'and "JIfII. OFsFIC. A DFATR AI(E .Z ?AL5JTED 5T3.0 her of time boord f'ecito sjol' ng a
1o le n lP of sell'a dressed eiv elspp r~ L54&eOHRORT A '7- fratrnit SToad forfeits12f0Eai
Stto P P paper. WAC-S - 97-\ PORT A D 'ST -'E ioii n h s rd
Gen.TosnltandSteatshipAgsi., ')ALT tAf CFTY1 ' Strk oat the second by-i, wite
(Low rates everywhIere). Columbus. Ohio. - at f!e