THE U. OF M. DAILY. SchaIler's Goosloe! R I U.Wation st.Heaqartrsfr E M D S everything a Student needs i te ALLKINIDS line of Text-Books, Stationery and Miscetlaneous Stock in general. -T MARTIN SCHALLER, E.A.Mimmery' s E.l D, OWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, NEDRGSO, 19 E. Washington st., one block east of Main at. COR. WASHINGTON ST, AND FOURTH AVE. 'v95 LAW S' FIST NATIONAL BANK. oOF ANN ARBOR. HAVE OLTROrganized 1863. JIV O RCapital, $1000N0. Surplus snd Profits, $40,000. Transacts ageeral banklog businss . ENGRVAVED For~eigneane sghtad sld. Fureish etters of credit. 'W . ARNOLD' S, Jeweler. . HA~ O W TS . LAKO Cahir THZE "TP.I3U TE, Buy Dean & Co.'s Family Flour Buy Beat Western Patent Flour Buy Bolted Corn Meal for 23 cei Buy Hulled Buckwheat Flour fox Busy Six Pounds of Crackers for Buy 7 %/ Pounds Best Rolled Oat 44 South Main Street. -~ Law Notes. MOORE & WETMORE I I THE ~. E. NEWTON, AG ENT, 7 VOLLAND ST MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of Dancing snd Delsarte. fturday, 1tea. im., Gentlemn abegisners class. Saturday, d p. m., Lady begloners class. Shnas .7:30 p. om., Advranced Class (Ladles' sad Genlemes). Wesay. 7:30 p. in., Begnsers Class (Ladles ad Gentlemen). Private lessoss by appoistmnent. SOHOOL 46 S. STATE ST. lAannSTrnr ATRR, Sweaters 4 OFF --AT- Slieelian & Co.'s THlE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Ann Arbor, Mich. Capitsl Stock, $50,000. Surplus,55$135. Qegrsnted ender the Geseral Banking Laws 'eat this State. Receives deposits, buys ad Rtlis exchange us the principal cities of the Uatted States. Drafts cashed upon proper 4denttfcation. Safety deposit hoses to rest. Oruounas: Christian Mack, Pros.; W. H. Uarriman, Vice-Pros.; Chas. E.. iliscocic.j baier;:0. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. F5RST CLASS -CUSTOM TAILORING Cor net of State ad William sta., Wiiiaaserance. Platluotypes Th leatest thpg in PHOTOGRAPHY at, lPr'of Mechemo' Nosilllectuire':1)1 Plot- nersipiliat 4lo'tiock tis afterno Psof. Asigoll letuores to(1 lac, l~wsa lt the: s'egouliousstoday :1nd(1tomllorroow. Judlg,'C7'. 1 r.n(,rofst he1'li:'soipo': le coturt of this state Nvass Isisitor at thl- d1pal~rtmentsOpyesterda~y. W'iliamsiI:. Waitt, '9) 1law, wh oshbus isisi so s .riosisly ill for tlit- lust 005 oral weeks silithpnuonss~ia ansd 1Tslo-- r'isy. is eooiai:-st-ost ansd his loasy frinds is'e'gladsttoo's'1111i1Oit o' Tl'lst isue sof iieOGreater C(lose- lasid, of' (it'-: lusii.0..,scotainss x ('csi- pllmenstalry worite-sop of Euiwardl F. Slitlisey,.)'1l his, wisoIsha s oeedso law office it \o. 53: Suciey ift' Sav- ings' iililing l ev 'iselands. 6S. Sain st., and Stale t., cor- 95 V IC TO RS ner of William t., hasea complete stock of are models of treght ard UiNI[RSITY TE1[TT BOOS ly e ubitnbslg ssees ever bul. You de- sire not simply a good bicycle, New and Second Hland. but the bet; thou. you want Noe Books asd other Studets' Splies a Victor. ir Sttionery Sporting ods, etc. whicb 1ight styles, with almost tey otter at the Lowest Prices, aoy height frame, giving as sure a fit as if the wheel was Call and see us before purchasing. made to your order. 4125~sTA1R301;,'Call and exanine tiem. A~ AWSOIL Sold oly at STEAM LAUINDRY CO. 12SIABL[W'S CYCLE EMPRIUJM InhGasadB ~ xci iih . S. SERVISS, Manager,11W asigo t '38 SOUTH FOURTHL AVENUE.F. Caps and Gowns ®IONOIAIZE. v FOR MEN AND WOEN. for $3.00 per Barrel. for $3.75 per Barrel. We are prepared to furnish Caps sts per 1-16 Barrel. and Gowsn of the ihighest quality r31 cents per 1-16 per Barrel. to Universities, Colleges and Schools 211 cents. throughout the United States, at o for 25 cents. surprisingly low prices. Self smes- IAN & 001v1ZAASY' urement forms, containing all nec- essary instructions to secure per- __________________________fectly fitting garments without Sec, . I101a"10t'eour t.'im es ;lsvisiting the store, will be forwarded 01' Io -~'upon request. or loint r'urt~a os eolls'g a- fiu lIIII_____ satll is' slsets's at sihe otiliost possu RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS ble:1 iae y h ossiegs', I o fis'lle iii n l differnt widths, at moderate ttof sihs eolect i p hlit , Matt o e Str'aw'~bridge & C lothier Ssc. 7. 'i9'l"utie1s of ile t':1llallus5 PHILADELPH'IA. s11311 Is-: o toeloose' the:ir rsloetie'The largest exlueively Dry Goods 10:111:. 11110 011(7'shaoIiiis ll hae oo ololl -Douse in America p151o (of or llIallge-ol-o OVt lo'therl- To arrange for private or sspotiveo' o'loi ol the is' iis i0' 5 Th'liicapItin f llyItih0n,10SPiECIALC. I5LSS ply iso.r 110osI lby a 01110 10511ut (!)tel sos' f IllseOhors of Ill sctos lessons in Dancing, cll at Art. . Set. 1. t shatll r10u001101 1 Cra~g'' A C1ade . lla:jorityvsolo'of ol110embeo1'.s o thils assoc1iatinl to 111110 or0' llll1'lits 'n11 Office houros 11 to 1 and 4 to S. wa this sosilosioll. No stairs to monl~t. Sec. 2. 'rlposod lill- ,iioouo 01 $95 $95 $95 $95 IIIs'Idnrll o ttohiot'o-istiloslioooiImlst K S bes Postedon lo l bulle'tinlb13ardsit o B 111lclosrptlulslts 111ad pllO 111i0110e N ' C colle goopapelrs at I stl 00115wIe: k 1r11 6 Y 5351010t10 thiir t'1l110'0'ltun C L Ar't. XI. Secr. 1 Itobols 110111s o(01 Order1'shall goernl tils s oit101011 51S 1111 par'li-ent y lInatol'5 n lot odSalesroom-42 Staest. '0 for ill thils colnst~itutilAMADOC & MANCHESTER. 98 Baseball Men. SANGER, Is yest-l'lays Dily ape aot'ola TITU S AND notice caliiss0uposs all 18 iba1 Os iiC.A.B.A NNB Canddats t apear or raciceoil Americas Greatest Eders ave5 caiilidsso 50i~il~ti~t f~ lldttl 1011 selected as ter Mtnt for '9 teeirplnettc )n.allleeyday at 4 oclock. less sthanis ifteen 1me01 reported yt'ttrdilyaid Mlasager Hlealntes wishes all tiers to gt o- a fiit ones'.Ir response to his (sll forca-Ce- sl~an itluttalie re eisollthirtyejght nltmes', so enly about one-third of the ses re Yes, and there are others. This will aplpearinag for pracite. WNith 010. i- be a Spalding year. teret sowis by 18 s a 'class, ilfty W-itted with Plmier Tires. candidates swenld not be too sinall a nuinber to expet 10 conic out foi tie EBERBACHf HARDWARE CO. to-ais G. H. W ILD. Atthe New Goce' thy gve 7 ils grasu1-ted sugar for 2c. pm s dd$1T E .EAING wsorths of other goods are puscased AIO with the Saume ordei' and Importer has received the BRADFORtD & CO..lads., largest and most select stock o 'Plie 15*. _ 37 . Wsiniogton st IMPORTED ,AND DOMESTIC .WOOLENS 718183 will be delivered for Spring and Summer of 196 in D lY the city, and would be pleased at Your room 'the9 balance of -to ave you cal and examine the col lege year for $1.00. All the same. the baseball and other Uni- P'ull Dress Suits a specialty. Ivesssitv news. ;2 E. Washingto St. near Mai. Constitution of the Athletic Asso- clation. (tontitmsed fr-urn Yoterday.) Art. VIII. Seco. 4. Notice;; of 1a11 no-:etings salal be pooted on all thse bluletins boards of lall dep'iartniso'its 11111 purblihedl instsecolt'gse paplers lat leasat 0110w5-k Itpreviouts too reglalr mseetin~gs ansd at least thsroeetday;splor too spectiailmeetinlgs. Art. IX. St'. 1. Tiset'aptain of tile baseball teassall ton elected at thse close of thse baseball seasorntoy thse muemsbers of thse teamwohsase lalyed us any snisedled game, and it alit-hl1 tahkea stmajority of all thu memsbers eistitled to s-ole to elect lins. See. 2'. 'Tha captain of the footbasl toamshll be ented at the close of tho football seasaon. by men sthog shahl hoaves played in assy part of at least twvo Octeoer glintes. or erie Novemsber game, and it shsall take a majority of all mieibrs entitled to veoto to elect him. .Sec. 3. _Vise captain of she tracek team shall be elected at the cloer of the season by nien, who shall have entered and coimpleted is intereleg- late games. Sec. 4. In ease of a tie, the man- ager of the team shall cast thse' decid- ing vote. See. 5. Any person who is entitled I .A.IiS.Iabhe to be.p