THE U. OF Al. DAILY. MJGHIGAN GENT1 AL Time Table (Revised) Nov. 18, 1894. Mailand Ex...-350 MilS--------8 43 N. Y. Speci-- 5 15 N. Y. Special-7 30 Eastern Ex...10 2 N. S. Limited- 9 2 A. T. aciic Es.---12 15 Atlantic Es.---7 47 P.Stf D.NExpres---- 5 40 Western Es.-_2 1 G. R. Epress ---12055 Cli. Nt. Es....10 25 G. R. Es---. 7 . W RUGLES, H. W. HAYES, . P. & T. Ag., Chicago. Aft., An Arbor. T., A. A. & N. M. RY. Takieg effect Sunday, Ag. 1, 1894. Trains leave Ann Arbor on Central Stad ard time. 7:18 a.m.n 7:15 a.. 12:25 p. m 11:30 a.i. 4:15 p.m.n :00 p. m. "Trains run between Ann Arbor ad Toledo only Al trains daily ecept Snday. R. S. GREEN WOOlD, Agent W. 11. ENNETT G. P. A. Toledo . ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST RY. Time Table, October 7, 1894. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress St., 7:00, 9:0 and 11:0 a.m. 1245,2:15,5:00, :45, :00 and 10:30 pi. Leave Ann Art or Jncton, 7:30,9:0 a14 11:30 a.m.; 1:15,2:4,5:0,7:5,:0 and 1:00p.m. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st.,1:30, 3:0, 5:0,6:30 and 9:00 p. m Leave Ann Arbor Junction 2:00, 4:00,5:0, 7:00 ad9:0 p. m. Cars ran on city time rare: single trip 15 cents; round trip tickess5 crats. Wm, F.iPAKR, Spt. FLOWERS, FLOWERS Foe Everything and Everybody. RUSINS & AL l Fuits 6Teleph~eeA5. DIETAS & SCHANZ, V. OF X. TAILORS Our Sprinz and Sumnmer Woolens are now on sale. Prices Low. Call and see us. 48 S. State St.. SecondFloor, Ann Arbor. 22 Yearn in the Busiess.-'m1M. CITY LAUNDRY, K. M. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. MERCHANT TAILORING! Cleaning, Presing and Repairing dne neatly by . AVG~. SCHOENIIWALI',. 56)1. Wshngtn EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY! 0 EAST HURON STREET. Good Work Guarateed. Goods called for and delivered. A. F. COVET, Srp. ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS. Ladles' and Gens' Clothing Cleaned or Dyed. 8 W. HURON'ST., ANN ARBOR. Mlembers of Guarantee Ticket Brokers Aso- eation of U. S. Cosby & McKeon R. R. Ticket Agency 0 Adamn S., Chicago. Reduced rates to all points. Branch The indergarten No.3 N. Main SC Ann Arbor Michigan. $255.00 for a 51 Days Euro. pean Tour. We are orgnzng a elect party for a sum- me 1on 0oEuoe leaving New York. JTune 22nd, for London, Antwerp, Brussels Colone, Cohentz, Frankfrt.PHedelerg, Sranseg, Baden-Baden, Pars and Depp, returning. aling rom London Agust nd. The pary will be conducted bhy and under the personal chareof M. OvvEoewgaNo, of Columbs, well known an one of the first musical in- strluctors of America. and a genal gentleman of large esperlence in travel. Each atron will havea berth i a large prometde deck' stateroom, and the ship selected are new 8, M1 tsn twin crew steamers. provided with electric lghts and steam heat. Complete itinerary )zd information mailed on.receit of sefaddessed stanmpd envebpe . 150 p sys every expense of ights, travel and otel. ull. informaton and itinerary mailed on rceipt of self-addressed envelope. Mention this paper. WARD BROTHERS, Gen., Tourist and Steamshp Agt., 171 N.Riiht, (Low rats evrywere. Cumnebu, Ohio, At the Grand Opera House.. Piof. Rtoche, the greaot: of of i~lodlern inlent atthe 01 raisd -tondalysnighit. Thie isdioc sfully apriaOtlill:the: logoner .nfoichi:t-liys:- :1 lii :112a1. iou-rcs six leavy 15e1110to rry it, 1upoil lii:: b1rpast of ai iersoni whio is suiiport- edl lilly y t w:o chairs iuniierThis ic k 11111 10- is is a rare sight. This is justs sghst is idone- byPof. iRochi:-at0 li trnoerii a 11015hotiseevery night thiso wi ,,k. Aftertheli:per-formanctlhei you011111111an 1rises101111valksoffwvitlli- 1:110 Ills slighteislt1apparoutliijiury liavs- ilog; re-suted. 111:h professor espialhsly initeis doe-c iossnd ii:1 i hal studenits Isoe::iii 1:and taike si.toliiithe stage ol titioserve liii subjet. P'rof. itocegsill tic at tliitiarli:ld operallils010:every-iiigiit 4his8seek. No Class Photogapher Yet. t:"isis) mioiring to duieseoiiia ilass plslled coosisting of -M:-ssrs. lily, it: iiii:-sois 111110 eter-. flu-s es:ii. i)ill tt-\ilig.oileda rt a ~ All :footbalil iminoass regst 1d:tIs appeacir liiithe icampus115evcry <:1a3:1.r111I p. mi. foirregular practeie. (Class1.-am me n e~nesa h ueaesecially requiestd i:to ull:-out 110 la~siiilllair attenitionsil lii,, pail 0t: liii idis:101o11:ent if 11ew5 ihterialll fir next ,years *vlrs;ily t-aim. 1-lIED W. ICIENNINolI-7R, Capt. Subscribe for the Daily. BUSINESS LOCALS. Get a gootd lounoge, at 3IAtITIN 2AILEiRS for $1.75. ".. O)1XI.31. S :tl tl A(ATit)*,." Foi the U. of -Nt. Slirinog ,Ocailli. the: T. A.. k- & 2. . w sill o::lke ratsl trafic a ssociatlion tirritiory 1101:11 1121' siulatiiiis of liis ':11ilieales. 7ieikels. to ii: soil:dApri111, 12th t11111 April 23rd. 1115 IR. S. tltEt7'N1ttOD, Agt. I lhizeliinoely:- 11115:1101-1 1in111y stare than Ic1111taIle-(care of. If you hantdtsome.: antiques: l w-ih lar-ge e- 01110 bevel mll~irr it $1:0. l, lat- tresses aoniisp lrig:s o iiigi-lIt- :14.50. MEIltAL Sfl'DENTs. It oill ibe. to your11aileaul1gi- tocaiii a1110e011thei mdic~hal caises that 11he Argus Boo:kbind~ery iare puttligup ii no1w. tIf and111p1a1011. Fie-lr livase retulrni tc stewvard'ss ti:ie. If If yosocatab g a good:: oak rocker at $1.50,whvl ay moiri:? lA~tfIN IIALLE IIsells very ice:onsoat thiso price. Lost, a blair o:f gliss, s iniaslahck 11100 ill Viiversity 11111li Tursday lilgilt. Fiinder leaise leaye, it stew- ard's office. A0bo:ut fifty bliay Ilirriageslo :m1a11k 'on selections fromii at M.512flN CARTER TAILORING CO. OF CHICAGO. APOLLO PANTS CO., OF CHICAGO, FAULTLESS PANTS CO, CHICAGO. Agens for above firms no:w sere att toe. N. l iesiy ave. and Statest. STYLISH SUITS TO ORDER. is thle LEADING SCHOIOL OF BUSINESS and SHORiT- H0N0. Magnificent hbuilding; ten tachers; large attendance; good discipline; superior wnrk; well supplied reroding seem; daily lete; Saturdasy evrning recepions; opes tht entireytoar. Eseep. lieol i seililtes tee planing stodets in posiins. Boaed and roomes2Itos$275 per week in private Fam~iierr. Theserates redoced toe i5oabPpset h, :ding. Far Calolgue address o5R.CLEARY. 'row CHANGES PROPOSED. Amendments to the Constitution of the U. of M8. Independent Ass'n. th5 ii anual ii-Otigi f tliii:T'. Of stititllo f thei: so:iationwNill lie pro- 1100=-:1 i NOTICES. fir IIvedilluls" in Stetleo 1 of Artile-II. Al8.11 1n1 11 e11ltlllil ; Iiig 1,0117f:: 11 2)h 8? ClllilisSectioii 2 of',ArtileoIt 'N-rsity 01r0second11 l::n e xt 1111) y r so s ei s 1 II111110follews: 'Tihe edi- wNill iappear al 4 io'cloc:k illfrontii of tars 01111111:be ~I::lloii 110Isfollows- they shold handsii Cholir ii mm1es11 Avith llmlieili lpartliilin, 11111idlle 1tos-ach sveigltits10takenic by '1iiii iilntzp1-of the oitherii-ip.501r1111ts repireset(-i rick ini tiltgymi. tI:,i-. Stilt.11100 in 01h:.a0sIIeiaioinllbyitill I: so tleo sub- play.ed1,Indewht, poiionii:0 liy ,Ire {3} (illig: Sect-hion i)f Article, I1 Irs-lug for. 11 is necelsaryIst1:-eiilto eiad ias10followis: iii- ofiiesoof lid-hi lt thatill 11 1101not:1 in lunifo:rm l~ilsa#igilgeditor and1 os-chassistant'a, Avill hpleaseliot svithi liiiluric- iluiihg iitilnsines limager, 15s thIo tice. 5F. IN'.Ii ItNNI Nil 71, Ot. h:board miay -1:-s-ffromuit11 numl~ber upJon Tho best advertising medium in the tlog eior.ediiuof h aa city is the D~aly~. Add lb Y rflowing sectioinIten Articie A L K tycs ABSOLUTLY ° PaAL WICYCIE ° f p M ]" 01.E nT1loRn> n Eo - MATERI 1 k"" FINEST xv ./ ' ooU W 1fapT5 fa TO3 pp in- R% ES as. T 'i00:' . bERY,#*AAGHINE FULLY bUARANTEEI) --,TZ GATALP(jt)lr . SENT FOR T"-/o CENT STAMP -YCLE-Qq,,C -oti FFtGE A [t Fr .TORY I.AKL Z : f10leAcJo 4 t5TED - 5t 'RETAIL .5A LEZ) ROOM 2.80*WAGA5H*- tV*Lit t,, -VW tzkt Wf " 07-99,"READE ST., REW-YOltK-tr P4RTLAN D oowooi ' " r iRA "ICrI 1 E.5 :3 ~ ,SAN F P A N l_ (!)L0 , . f r.. . LANCSlO£ EM#,Cf Ci}l. thii a#in lle.1g11 ditiiiia fore(sgoing sec- tisos of this Selsti lilefI'l s swils- Paper isi iii-b(i iid hmly tltemorarily chaiige,: such scihio byha,5 lhire.-ourthsu rots511o111his ri-iluslllhhtitils 14) Sllbohilll-~ ite folini-eg for Article, l1t: Seethlion5-t I.- h liro iniie of this edi- lorial bisord iof thI':. of 11. Daily slhii: be hiossniin10hIllsio o .f four nldieplndintsiton c110e lined erof ia fratternity ir sorority. evstion 2.-Any'lineiber of tins cdi- isi-lal boficil nit 1115iuileprliiiet shall lie, eligiluki! to any tohice of tile board. except that of;i tllagilig editor, who shanlil1)0eis aiidpefidsof.. See tlois 3.-Any lildepsoudeoit ;nesli is-c of -the, bessl-I.of editors jobdug fraternity thereby forfeits his posI- tion 015 tile boerdt. Strike out hu eceond lby-law, owhich is incorporated to the proposed Sec- tiers 3 of Article 211. Slave you roomus to rent?. 1f so, ad - vertise them In the Dally.