THIE U. 01F M. DAILY. however, would be most stog, otv on lawn tenisi Published Diy(udyecpe)drn n otelrenme fsuet shall have charge of all detals "con- A SHIPMENT OF the Colege year, by whirls we oend out over all parts of nlectedl ith the inanagemnet of its * n THlE U OF M INOEPENOENT ASSOIAIIN, the country. Indeed, te.abttors of departneal of athletics. jl In aA~ OFFICEn Times building N. Mule t., opposite 'nittaryisli could sarcly find abet- At. VII. Se. .1. All elections HII~t 1011 IShoo post office. shall be by ballot. .CO~,EDITORS. icr way of disseloililtitlg their cdange- Sec. . he pr 'detlct.vice pres- 7Qn SPR$Iv C L.C it. '7, Munagng Editor tousdcleis. dnrcrig5eoayadfsnli . 13B.. HA rsitses, Luw ', Assistant "__________ et eotn ertr n ini~a A. W. SerOTa, Lit. pel., Assistant. soito tt secetary shall be electstiat the i- W. A. STIL, Low '9, Assistnt. AtltcrH iO v al iEitling of the a',ii Oec J, A. LeRoy, Lit. .1, Athletic Editor. Sc hr hl e ovtn J. S. PEARL, Lun '0,usiness Mnger. lint 'folloing' is5a1iepactof te Otn H. W. Levy, Lute'0, Asistut. rnewt U. of Al. Athletic assoc aiitoy tproxy. Wahingtn Blnek, Ann Arhr. Associate Editors. costittitiono which was iitd pubilishdoluAt. Vyll.Se. 1. Te animal mi n P.S eeorSwWid . S; b . . Shiley, Lit.'955 I. A. Dancer, Lit. bgo h soiali hl o hl n________________________ . L. Evans, Law '0. E.I.Susderlnd,Lit'95. yesterday, lt eaiicIgofteascainhalbwlbepbthseodStrainArlaeahT7 GR DOPACrreVmtL.'.LR.ImlnLw96 liepd on reniaiioyearillobrlull the seconds SinaurilyofainliTH GRND1PER HOUSE C.Alosghtos,Dest'Oo. C. H'. Frell, Lit. '0. -s i aain h e1~ hl ehl M ilbert, Engr. '7. l..Commos,Medtc'O. Art. V. ,See. 1. he biord ot i- inNvEeWHOLntheEeetinCshalEtCIhel Misnie NI. Thompson, Lit.'97. actors shaltl be iii proportioii to thesoni the Sattrday iiitiiedatehy prced N HL EKCMECN . A. Heath, Phrmic'9os slmitter of enlers of lt'assciation iig vaction. 5f(VT~~ f DLE f ineah eprten, roidd ha ay Se. 2. There shall be a egulillr Subsription price $.0per year, invariably ineah ltOia'tiiit, liAtRCt'tiOlst sll in udvance. Sige coipies Icests. Subsrip- dt'hoi'tnsnt hiaving fltets eors I ieting of the board of directors a tions may be eft at the office of the DAILY, the associaitioms be alowed ot' dirc-las once in every mionthi of the cl at Stoffet's, at State s. sews stusi,sith'any tot. lege year. of the editors or authorized solicitors. Art. . See, 2. This'board of oier- Se. 3. Thie'pesid lb sall lvs' +} +j THE f++ dCommus . )mIftnhya r ouldprea hr teoffice byto 7 oloc p.m.if heyaretospear henext tos shall hayv' gemneral ssmuisioit OWi'r -o call siecilnmeetigs of this' day. Addressll o tter intesded for pabli- anti tointol of mll athletic' affairs of lssorittittiiat any tine in tie, college HYPNOTIST SUPREME~c. cation to the Mtanagisg Editor Allbusiest the umivesily, shalliaveo' emtre'centt'iear, tindhit shall te his duoftto de cammunicatioss should be sent o thic us- teol of raising nisomoy foe athiletic pur s>Uon tiilei written reqemst of twenty Prices, - 15, 25c, 35c ness Manager. fv ebr f11,ascain eevdsaso aea at'Jwl THE U. OP M. DAILY., poss; shall hasve tower to filiivttan- i ssio ftitassaim. eevdsoto aea at'Jwly Ann Arbor, Aihels. s iti te hoartead it i hiostandthig Twett-ivOe members constitute a_________ Store________________ counisittees, providing' thaittino ittecQor Aui effort is beinig.niade' to introducse thisn six six tceano-es occur st any- Se. 4. Notices of 15alietings shalil The militaory drill ando instiuction imto till, urtin'tme, if mors' thanm six vrscc hob' ostsiton 1a11 the butletin boards insituion Cat.Garner pre tedocremi, they shail be 11tle tot- this'siso -of allodeartmenmtsmamiopuhlishedo. Cl er ea imititmtin. 'alt. oedicehirornc iiom; to miakie byAnts forte Oho b _ _ _ _ _ _ __ C o e ..a the matter to the regents at their last rneisnit of thio boarolandstantmdimg DITSON M U I C.meigadi il pnril o u Imitiadt elgt uho o t thter discussion and perhiaps final set- their pot0ir as luey toois properi too tdeient at theirilex. If the advs- fstb-commsittses. Duriiig intrvals be- "Six Love Songs,~ aaaawoaa rae fti sooei iltr otwi'eu meetimgs of Our assoetion il WPlease keep in mind the Toedo isall liase camiolexerise all powerso n ra esirn.SsyrTrsttonofis tLni&Knss iy Ohfeheimc fohrcloe mo hc fH i etyrics is equisite msica it.Lus&Kna iyR. R., th xpreceo ohrcolge n wihthe association posssos. setig. Heavy Paper. 75 cent. The Clover Leaf Route, "Fast institutions sinilar in characer to our Se. 3. 'list board of directoi'o t " OLG ± Line" for St. Louis, Mo., and the own they will finol that the mailsen- its first meetimig in shllh COLLEGE SONGS.",I West and Southwest eaven To. mimce of miitmtryudrill has provedl aseletmt football nanager (vhose trms The sadard collection of College Songs. ledo Union Depot at b p. m aruat fat'i's. Theis' roIncmtimtion i of ofice shall Begint on the fst sily of Over 300000 sold. Heavy Paper. 50 daily, arrives New Union tation Hii ~~~~~the follo'wimng January, aud extemd centn; Cloth. Gilt. $100. (h ags ntewrdS giiaiiu vok aslfnofedfor outs' year aiid who shal havetowr' CLLG+ SNS O n5 Louis early next morning for this slight deree of physical ex- to arrisnge foe gainesE andGSisiveGgRLs. erilse obtained through hio drill, real enilinagenteit, of the teami. Also Only ok of the ind published. The CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR sosgs of te leading collees for women. E'specially is this so at'orisei, hee atits regular Junime uetimg, tur boatrd Heavy Paper $1.00. tetnoitaitotiiltysii of directots shall elecO it basetball narl- and Michigan Central lines at agEr. a tennis mtanager, aid ataledsOAL COLLECTION INSRUMENTAL CSOIAMUC'Toledo. show byOls siial simisier ~t~ng sanger whose eem ofobie sallEighty-two pieces fr thec guiar frm the Buffet Reclining Chair Cars Seats Free' hio work as conmpared oithi gyina- begims oms the berst dlay of the following best sores. A splendid collectio, Hand- shm pacie tmy uh xeidfebteya.Ht ie over. 50 cents. and Vestibuled 'Sleepers with- Theqetohovveamoeta of thesei' misaagors shall have Power Any book sent postpaidsn receipt of price, out change. hs' seer localoefdrlonteil to arrmtmge hIis schedule for the season OLIVER DITSON CO., G " c. JEBNKINS. oneofdril r o dil ladtIshtmll have general management 4 453'Washington S.. Bston. inl our own Usniversity." of iis team. .~ .Dto . General Passenger AgOt., Toledo, . This tendency of one governiment atC.. isn&o.NY Sec. 4. The board of directors not present seems to be toward military- later than its regular meeting ini June, THE W'M _ 'U ,DE isi. Emormuus sums are freely aip- shall elect an assistant fooball man- Lovell Diamond Cycles FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING propruated by congrsess for the eon- agtr, whtose t('rms of offis' shaolAeusrpse oeCrexf-bt n il~m55 tend froiu tinic of election "till te uNAUTY SPEED AND WORKEMANSHIP. Wll~ i t nt nrane sircton f hih' f wr nd orfirst dainy of lbe folowing January. Good alowance matde o second- coast'defenise, and strong inluence is Also, not later tian ie regular see. aud weels. flfl pn pn NOW 11 being "brou ght to bear toward a great tug hut tanuary, tie board of dircors GEO. F. FISHER. Aget, 55 N. Univ. Av Q$1i U0 SUSCRIBE NOW $+ 100 increase iii the sandinigarnmy. This shaull elect an assistoat baseball sn- plc iscetydelrdb m a gr, whose term of offices shall ex- IT'S HAR TO DOU ITHOUT bttoeoL ut Tblr Ned-he neil?~y tohtupepeath netf icettemsd froni date of election to the first CE.S'AK R O NAN PN thouhtfu~peole a themastef~centday of tie following Jusy. This dutisGE "S PA K R F iNT W EI. ienus possible of getting ourselves of the asistant baseball amd footbuall .etangled in foreigut wars, not to anagrs shall be rescebied by this' Yorosn ersnmsounsavaestesanLnmsisw'lnsSsoininentanyssn 5 Speak of hio terrible burden whicll baseball and football sanpgrs. ne assmeitsttferalietes. PANNER YEN COMPAiNY. Jneills. Wi_ It will ho 00 this counry. This exper- 5 tis is meigi October the boardlofdirectors shl1t S' ence of Germny and Frances dos elect at properly man whose ierm of " no seemu to be a warning which hs ofiee ohsl1 extend for one yea, orm' in the least hietded.- But entirely aside util heis sncersor is elected, and ei frmtehee fspotnarmies 'hose duty it shall be o look aller 1.000. and avie, Ohre oes appar Oio d care for all propert' of thu ass- ceition except .suchi as is in: actual 'a ,PSTOSFLE slightest occsion for any, such, thing ~m rpryi ~,Oi uf- IN 154." 1mn the "cage of America, ichicli is s" agr of the teamn using it Shall ' o ,o entirely isolated geographically. The held responsible. m Send for Ageny lutroduction of mliary-- nluc ton Art. VI. Sec. 1. There . hail}e Mna. here would' iwa 'o a' tively small Ohle ollowng standing committees of - '. five mea each, the chairman of eachm Bofistn New YerS thing, but none the less would it be of which shall be, the manager of thle. Chicago LenAngeles- direstly in the line f the unfortunate 'department for wehichl the commitee Toronto Washigos.