VOL. V. No. 12 7. UNIVERSITY OF MCHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 185. PRICE-THRxEE CENTS. l~f v.&B G LUTB7 i TE1Y P ) CASSCALCONERECE. Professor Andrew F.!West, Coleg N tL1.CUS ETR RP CASCLCNEEC. of New Jersey. Princeton. 111 iUUV OO STil UDENIIIY T The sessions of tie Classical Coi- Professor Willianm G. Hale, Univeei GLEE AND BANJO CLUBS HAVE A ference commenced at Newberry iai sity of Chicago. Tries to learn without boos. GOOD TRIP THIS SEASON, at 19:30 a. in. today. All sessions of From the Point of View of tieIligh Some people though try to use AunAsoitos iiCooe-the confoence wiii be ed at New- Scho: musical instruments with little -Aluni Asocatios Wil C-Oye- Mr. A. F. Nightingale, Suerintetd- or no tone. ate--Pueblo, Co.. the Farthest bery alunless otherwise announcesl. et ftetihShos hcg. , Point West-List of Ciub Officers The programs for today and Thursday e~'fteHg colCiao h and Members-W ill Travel in Pull- is as follows: THURSDAY MONING's SESSION J o oueWhc aeln man Cars.OeigRm sByPcplI. (Commencing a1 0:30 o'clock oal time. We sell that kind. 14. "Constitution othlisi i c a The Utiversity Glee and Banjo clubs H. Butts, of tietOrhard Lake Mii- Sate." By Mir. W. Wl. Bishop. orth- ore devoting their utmsost eal aiid tary Academy.sPresideit of the ~icl- estern PUniversity. energy in preparation for their west- lan Schoeolmastrs' club. 1. "Te Credibility of Livy." By 1Suh alst cim trip which occurs during tie Address of Welcoimo. By PresideintAI. W. I. Pamer, Lake Forest Vii- spring vacation. The trip will coi- Jamtes B. Angell, Uiversity of Mih- versty. We il. "The Latinity of ile Vulgae as o loison most of the large cities in the igamo., illustrating the (olloqtial Latin of the E ip oy neighboriing estery states amd co- tb'imsarks on thePI utose and Scope Tine." By Sperintenoet F I A.Yon certs will be given ninc-operation witho of the Classical Conference. By Pro- Townsend, Marshall, icigan. e floe aluimni associationso of these fesor Francis W. eiwey, Univesiy 1. "Tie Duties of the 'Vestls.' lae.o icil.By Mitss Ester B. tan Den. Wll . one adeieskiut pics fMcia.esley ollege. icue c w en te o apovl. 4 The clubs will leave here Oii the OPENING SESSION 18. "n the atriuns and avuns i=n dossul te bicycle aries and proves saisatoy. morning of Apil 12 oer' the Mlicigan Commoacing at :30 ocal time, 9:03standard) edinn of a Ronan Dwelling." By Young Ladies eam ters Central, haiving two I'agner Iplacllte 1. "The Origiii of -Mytholoy." By Professor Sidney G. Ashmore, 1'iiol=Ifbyorilsapytemutewlleo coe o hi comtoaiu o-PrfeSsor C. E. Dixoi, Olivet ('ollege. COileg ,Schenectady, N. S'. mInded.wrtehuorlatoneuar te iecm cet wl b ivnasfllw: oth 2 Seine Aspects of the Worship Report of Olin committee oii "inn- ACME CYCLE COPPANY cet ilb i a olw:Suhof Augustus. By Mr. W. D. Bke, traive Material." ELKHART, IND. Bend, Ind., Atril 12; Bruton Haibor, Battle Creek Iigh School. ___________________I__ Mich., April 13; Chicago, Ill., April 1; 3.'"he Development of the Patra Capt. Henninger Wants Men. S.LtsMoAriit;TpkKsT'otes tas." By Mr. E. A. Bechtel. 230T I-TY OIHES AprLois17 Denver, Col ., Ar i 18; Nortlnvost~ru niversity.(Yesterday a few of the candidatos FRESHo LINE 0' 4. "'he Sources of our Kinosvhdge for next ye-'s< otal"iiweetu LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES Pueblo, Col., April 13; Colorado of the Prenoummcimtiomo of Latin" By oii the campus and practice. was com- JST RECEIVEO AT Springs, Coo., April 20; Denver, Cole, IProfessor John (. Rlole, PUiversity mnciced. 'ho most iotieable feaur" + UTLES April 22; Lincoln, Neb., April 23: Dsof Micligamo. was the very few mootn whoo were out. 48 S. STATE ST. Hoises4, Iowa, Atril 24; Grinnell, Iowa, 5. Notes oii Hidden (quantities hon Aprl 2; Dvenort lotsAprl 2i;Latin ." By Professor Chas. E. Ben- (ertainly the nmen wle contemplate nett, orell Puimersty. tlaying nxtyeo'adtesuet t Go to RANALfor Dowagia, Mich., April 27. Apoitmet of a. commoittec to con- large do mot apreciate how Imucho le Soes changes have been made in siter the question: "What should be success of next season depend upon. A rtistic Prnotos. the clibs lurce thoe beginning of the tie prparation of thse wile turtose this preliminary work. year. They are at present as follows: to tleach Latin amd Grek"Thprtiinywokxolcnoto NE V G L RY Ofier-hre H'C ri, C Appointumemnt of a cemnitten on Thprlmnrwokilcnstof N W G L E Y "Question Box."I' Cnrd, . kicking, falling on the ball and tmit prt idnt A.liunsr '6 -t FERONSSINg, in tll of whioch Mihigaim vwtg LAGEST OPEAIN ROOM I STAE tay; Il'ank P. Graves, p. g., mnager; AFENOESO Commencing at 2:0 oclock local time. woefully weak this year, noabl' mu Fred . Wadron, '97. assistant man- 6. "0mmtie use of the ifinitive kicking and falling on fle botl. Ite mis ager. after certain Verbs ton Greek." By fall there is no tme for such work NO. 15 WASHINGTON BLOCK, Executive Committe- Charmes H. Professo C. At. Mss, Uiversity of and this will e the case more than A nAbr ih Conrgd, '95, Henry E. Bdman, 'g9, llinis. A__ n__ Arbor,_____Mich. __ ."The ses of "prim" in ene- (vet net year because hard gimes ,G.D. ric, ':5 Rihar D.Ewigphon." By Principal J. . attengill, will of necessity be scheduled carly it ED. A. CADIEUX. "9,AtuG.Cumune, '96. POEOaF0THE5 -'9, rtur0.Ann Arbor High School. tie season,Ltetmpoe BabrS p Glee Club-Arthur G. Coume, '96, 8. "he Mfovenets of the Chorus In all probability there will h aouhot Inatetymroe. w ashntrbI. etSeer loader; . tD. Price, '9, H. B. (Gam- in Siging the Carnen Seulare." 30nIn takntotmet tunglbie assst Main tn.Ann Arbor. do mep . -.B etur,'8 .C y Mr. Walter Dennso, Jons Fel- 3 e ae otetann al ais is emr,'8 .C etya.Te ilhv ob ae A M T IE S L Davies, '96, first tenors; A. G. um- low of the Uiversity of Michigan, at nx er hy-l aet eLk Roue, during lbhe fiscollEegeesokto be A MO H PPE S L mee, '96 D. M. Ferry, j., '96, . H. 9. "Two of C'a-sar's Batle-gtounds." add to a, the captain maysee fct. lot Sulphen, '97, J. IReymolds, '95), econd By Mr. J. C. Hanna, ColumbuO., Hence it will be by a maons wok list JO LY & CO's tenors; W. A. Sptzley, '95, Karl I. High School. - fal an by his showimg in ping H6 Seem STATE S. Don't fIl to come. Miner, '96, Ht. W. 'Dunn, '95, W. H. 10. 'The Authenticity of te Mre- atadCt nae tAlHus Inn. " By Mir. W. S. Eldon, Uive- practice that he will be jodgel. ls n odIsee tAlHns Andrews, '95. first bass; T. E. Bland. sity of :Michigan. Several of the positions om last '95 E C.Woden '8,B. . e~sutt, 11. "Pliny's Villa at Laulrentum." year's team ae vacant and mitst hi' Heard'S '9, A. E. Mass;"97, second bass. By Professor H. W. Magoun, tOeli filled by new men. Every student wih Banjo Club-Henr E. Bodman, College. .tk tuoahmsi osuSotee '9,lae;H .Bdnn 9,W .12. "How shall we make- Instructiontk tuo isl osn u vr Starret,: '97, F. S. Gerrisr, '97, . S 1mm.Il Latin Prose Composition effecive.9" poiigcniaemn hn fmt rt ta By Mt. A. I. Dotey, High School No. games are Sceduled with eastern Cummings, 9, banjeaurines; 1R. D. 1, Idianrapts. teams we may be able to mantamintimPl ad n Ewing, '96, H. W. Sandart, '9t8, man- 13. "Review of Recent Latin Prose ecognition which -we ati ned iis ,dolios; B. S. Colburn, '95i, H. W. Cum- Books" By Principal E. L. Mason, year as one of the great foothll col wings, '97, A. H..SHunt, '95, A. S. Miait- CharIott e. NOW ON ALE AT land, '97, banjos; C. H. Corsd, '95, Report of the Committee on "Thin gsoeh snr.Patc sl High School Clasical Library." only last about two wee and Suely Ts H. Morse, '95, . F. HallI,;p. g., W-. J. EVENING SESSION every man can comec out if he will (I)A H t( S -O'Brien,'96, guitars. (Cemmencing at 7;.5 oclock ,ocal timel Practice takes place in front of the Dscussion: 'Shall we have a six Up Twu. Dwn Tow, Over forty-two per cent of the sn-yersHihgcholnatnsCurem from 4 to 6 evry lifter. dents at the University of Illinois are Fromn the Point of View of the Un151 noon. The ground work of next year's 2as, stt St. fN. ainSt. larmnegs . children. - vocaly: sucess begins now.ANARO