THE U. OF M. DAILY. Schaller's Bookstore!I GRIP MOORE & WETMORE THE 6 S. Main st., and State st., cor- ner of William st., have a+ complete stock of Formerly with George Wahr, 19 E ! -E. Washington st. Headquarters for everything a Student needs in the .A.LL KINDS line of Text-Books, Stationery and Miscellaneous Stock in general. -AT- MARTIN SCHALLER, E. A. Mummery's E DOWA-TOWN BOOKSELLER, NEW DRUG STORE, 1CR S. Washington st., one block NWDU TR, east of Main st. COR. WASHINGTON ST. AND FOURTH AVE. 95 LAWS FIRST NATIONAL BANK. ' OF ANN ARBOR. VNIYEBSIJY TENT BOONS New and Second Hand. Note Books and other Students' Supplies Fine Stationery, Sporting Goods, etc., which they offer at the Lowest Prices. Caland see us before purchasing. 9.1N' NARBOR STEAM LAUNDRY CO. Iigi. Gloss and Donstle Finish. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, '23 SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE. are models of strenght and beauty. The staunchest light wheels ever built. You de- sire not simply a good bicycle, but the best; then you want a Victor. Eight styles, with almost any height frame, giving as sure a fit as if the wheel was made to your order. Call and examine them. Sold only at M, SIA[BLER'SYLE EMPORIUM, 11 W Washington st. RAVE YOUR CANE ENGRAVED aXM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. SCIENTIFIC ! SUPERB ! 'TRIBUNE IIYCLES LEAID. See the Tribune Cycloidal Sproket. 1. E. NEWTON, AGENT, 7 VOLLAND ST &, ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of Dancing aud Delsarte. Saturda ,10 a. m.,Gentleman beginnersclass. a urday,41p. ms., Lady begi naes cdab rody :y p. Am aned Class adies' snsdy. 7:34 p. m., -Beginners Class (Ladies and Gentleens). Pr vate lessona by appointment. 1 HOOL 46 S. STATE ST. CATERER, ANGSTERFER 25 E. Washing- Sweaters *OF AT- Sheehan & Co.'s VA HE IDE ELLIPTIC SPRING CRANK, to try them is to be convinced that .thsey are just what you have been looking. for. Fnr rough road. .hill-climbing and working 'upa qulek sport, they are onesqnailed. Each crak tested to )55 pounds. rice .00 per pair. Will ftany wheel. Before nechas ng ia wheel examine the Ide Line. wViiic sell on eash paymnsatif desired. W. P. DISTLER, 31 N. University ave plathnotypes Theatest thng in PHOTOGRAPHY at SrtMAWtSe ~&wes pecia Rtates to ~sers. Organioed 1863. Capital, $100000.SOurplus and Profts, W4,000. Transacts a general banking business. Foreign exchanges bought andsold. Furnish letters of credit. P. BACH Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. i I i i HOw TO ECONOMIZIE. Buy Dean & Co.'s Family Flour for $3.00 per Barrel. Buy Best Western Patent Flour for $3.75 per Barrel. Buy Bolted Corn Meal for 23 cents per 1-16 Barrel. Buy Hulled Buckwheat Flour for 31 cents per 1-16 per Barrel. Buy Six Pounds of Crackern for 25 cents. Buy 7% Pounda Bent Rolled Oats for 25 cents. ~EEANSI & OOMIPA.T- 44 South Main Street. Right of Students to Vote. ( U. OF bM. CALENDAR. The following letter from C. N. Mon., March 2 u.-M. Eugene saye, So"ers, 'R i"edic,f"r"' is"" sa a ee- violinist, before tilne iversity Musical ision on a niatter of inter0t to stu- society at University hall. dents: Tues., March 2t.-Annual election of Rditor U. of 3t. Daily: Choral Union officers. While I was at the University the Wed., March 27.--Annual S. C. A. election. tluestion of my having a right to vote Wed., Mach 27.-.Tunior lit social in there came up. The board of regis- Granger's academy. tration maiintuained that as I was a Wed., March 27.-Miss Octavia Wil- student, I was for that reason se- liais Bates before the Webster society prived of thi' right of suffra'ge iii 11-t at 7:30 p. mi. on "Darwin." Wed. and Thurs., March 27-28.- owls. Aftr a heated discussionitilClassical conference under auspices of the question, I was allowed to register Michigan Schoolmaster's club. and to vote. I had no desire to vote Fri., March 29.-' Varsity indoor meet on municipal affairs. but as I claitmOd in Gymnasium. a residence in Ann Arbor I thought Fri. and Sat., March 29 30.- Meeting of Michigain Schoolmasters' lub. it unjust to be compeliled to expend Fri., April 5.-Loan exhibit of old fifteen or twenty dollars to go to my blue ware at the home of Mrs. James former home to vote. B. Angell, for the benefit of the Fruit I have recently run across a decision and Flower mission. of the supreme court of Nebraska on Sat., April 6.-fleeting of U. of M. ts qtlesttn whiii tmy be of interest Independent association at law lecture room for election of Daily editors. to the readers of the Daily. The case Thurs., April 1.-Faculty recital a i is Berry vs. Wilcox, 62 N. W. Rep., Frieze Memorial hall. 249. Fri., April 12.-Spring vacation be- "Persons otherwise qualified as gins. Mon., Apil 22--Spring vactaion voters who came to the seat of a closesExercises resumed in all de- university mainly for tie purpose of partments. obtaining an education who are not Fri., April 26.--Intercollegiate debate dependent upon their parents for sup- between Northwestern and Michigan port, who have not' the intention of at Chicago. returning to their parental home upon: Frie MeMorial9. aculty recital at the completion of their studies, wLo Thurs., June 6.-Faculty recital at are accustomed to leave the seat of Frieze Memorial hall, the university during vacation. going NOTICE TO INDEPENDENTS. wherever they might find employment The annual meeting of the '. of and returning to the university when M. Independent association for the the term opens, regarding the seat of purpose of electing Daily editors for the university as their home, and the coming year will occur Saturday, have no purpose formed as to their April 6. According to a rule of the association the editors shall be ap- portioned as follows: Eleven to the, studies, are entitled to vote at the literary department, three to the law seat of the university." department, two to the medical depart- nient, one to the pharmacy and one Wisconsin's"Orators. to the dental department. It is de' The local oratorical contest of the sired that all those wishing to try University of Wisconsin was held Fri- for places begin contributing at once. day night, R. A. Elward winning ist The work done will receive due credit, place with n oration tin "The Wan- and those whose writing warrants a p~n wit an r a n "T Wanposition on tine hoard will he recom- dering Jew." A. H. Schmidt, whose mended to the association. subject was "The IronsChancellor," HARRY COLEMAN, was awarded second place. Managing Editor. i Caps and Gowns FOR MEN AND WOMEN. We are prepare/I to furnish Caps and Gowns of the highest quality to UniversitiesColleges and Schools throughout the United States, at surprisingly low prices. Self meas- urement forms, containing all nec- essary instructions to secure per- fectly fitting garments without visiting the store, will be forwarded upon request. RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS different widths, at moderate prices. Strawbridge & Clothier PHILADBLPHIA. The largest exclusively Dry Goods House in America PEACOCK STRIDE" + + AND + + WALTZ-OXFORD music and description of dance can be procured at GRANG[R'S ACADEMY Of DANCING, NO. 5 MAYNARD STREET. KENWOOD BICYCLS "Swift, Strong and Beautiful." Ketiwood's received the Highest World's Fair Award as Light Roadsters. Salesroom-42 State st. APMADOC & MANCHESTER. SANGER, TITUS AND CABANNE America's Greatest Riders have selected as their Mount for '95, Yes, and there are others. This will be a Spalding year. f*'Fitted with Palmer Tirns. EBERBACH HARDWARE CO. G. H. WILD.v THE LEADING TAILOR and Importer has received the largest and most select stock of IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS for Spring and Summer of '95 in the city, and would be. pleased to have you call and examine the same.' Full Dress Suits a Specialty. 2 7. Washington St., near Main.