THE U. OF M. DAILY. T GY MLJGHIGAN ( ENT1RAL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. CO-EDS WILL 11AVF A GYM Time Table tRevised) Nov. 181. CTINED FROM 550070) PAGE.RE NT HBAD ND A- EAST. WEST Trir Bn Townisend, 1-.B l'I..iile RGNS HBADADBR Sa . an u.35, Ml . .1 I\\Iownsend, C. It. lilrli. l. C. 1'ig- BOUR MAKE IT POSSIBLE. N. Y. Special.... 15 N. LmY. Speciltd -.----97.30 25 artXXW. P. o.I.lper P udo 3500Nwo ad Eastern Ex -_ -10 25 N. S. Limite'tpit Fn o 3500No n ad EX A. M. Pacfic E---.- 12 151J.-B.1Tillotsoii . I.\1. 1 rsloon, . IL. Womnen of the State Asked to Add Atlantic rEs.747rn O N. Express ....5 40 -Western Ex---2 12 \ ouliis, St.VanlIIeil, 1I. I.. Vai $15,000-May Be Built This Year. G .1. Lapres .11 5 Chi. Nt. Ex.__ 10 25 Tol1P 11. \erllor, W. 11I.\Vndlen, ___ G R.Ex. ___55 0. W. Roen1^. , H . W. HATES . 1'.X X oDnsen,1 trot. Xoresever V. (rom Ystrday's Special Ediion) G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. At., ASS Arbor 1 XX 11115110, X\.\. XX\) iioil. In iitie Ilitls"eof 110s lleefli lb t o r IB XXI lliOreI., W.aXldlron. X iIso 1i. Itl.eegisliois Prsideiir Agli an , A A. N Y. II XXihy, J. 2. X\\o bu hi rG(. 1, . gentel 115 uIl IIb:liin111 Takinc effect Sunday, Aug. 1, 1894 \111(1 A. IXt. XXolott, X\. 1.NNXuoleI. 1e5 I' Traissleave Ann Arbor on Central Stand 'I Vl , 'Hillrle" a rooiion i lrO rem(:~l rd tm.Xiil~ 9C ci, . . as.i NORSOUTH.5070 W oodrult.f, 1A. W eit~r. L. A1. Xtaloli.tas a-r: 5 i an01s11115 lI1I1to t e ,; ni- '1 7:18 a.m. 01:1 aWioio 1.Wes ).1.11:01irnlii 111 .1 112:2 5p.m.n, 11:0 a r viscn .C ~. ) 1 , i.D.Al edatle ram.111 4:15 p. m. 000. m. XXiit tEB. 8,.ordei, IL I. \)'Xiglt.frolo Mr. 12rll dsatslilaig 1:1:rillil ~Trains run between Ann Arbor and Tolede i. IT.X radoek. A. 11. Xoarii:. C. 1 111le eE.d t 11 71.9) il All trains daily except Sunday. \'tt,\.\' Dn;;t\.1. 'irill it. S. I2EEEN\IOOi, Agent X i:X.X.Xoo V the 11211d1 of thlieig uia for Illol- POPE MANUFACTURING CO., W. H. BENNETT G. p. A. Toledo . A. (1.losold.- Tile lllllll e~lecionof llfi:t, Allei r 91ili o~l(f suhlla l biliig. HARTFORD, CON. ANN ARBOR 8SC YPSILANTI ST. RY.ltosllitioo will beho:1.ldril l, Ri-ieatIBarbiour lts ili 2a oh 1in1BSON. Ens R. C~$eNneaG. BFN Are yoni usin~g 11ho1Cenlll:101111 Xl, auda $500 hihh nAt Ctaloge oColmbis SaS belad fieee Time Table, October 7,1894. Paper00 (0.s CELEBRATE) SAXAN itendedi to present to 11h: l iversity at.1any Colobis Ageocy, < i will be miled lee fIs two n tams. 1r11s, too, oi te relible Lease Ypsilanti from Congress t., 7:0,0:00 LINEN? It 15 it.ierfeet Rpie for t1 o elsed tiiward Sertiig !h111 (lel- IHrtfod ices $3Sc$1w$0. and 11:00 a. m. 1:45, 2:15, 5:00, 0:45, 9:00 and tylleritr r pen111. Illr saliy ery- ill( oul _______ 10130 p. oo 11 r uid n . D 1..g~ , _.. __. --..,. ......,... Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:0,9:.0 and ler ,sld(iti h lll i 10e~t ~i ~~llI lr 11:0 a. m.: 1:1, 2:45,715, 30 anddll:0p.m. Wliii/oty 151S.zE11a1 od $5 00Itoths 111111ol il SUDYTIEeavel211 2111 THhi 111,wr wl fE Vf1 HfUUIL LaeYpsilan ti from Conress sl.,1:30,3:0 I rlIlilrd111li lllillgllit 5:0, 6:20 and 9:lp m. --O Leave Ann A rbor Juncton, 2:00, 4:00,5:30,thfrtiootifheg)il1.-F0 7:00 and 9:0 p. m. - tefot7 u fterud tCaro runesn city time. Fare: single trip 15 It is prooed to make110tho lliiIItilg HOT SPRINGS, ARK., cents: round trip tcetenn25 cents. . WM. F. P~ARKER, Supt. 1110 wili t ill provide suiable T X S FLOWERS, FLOWERS 1quartes fr tileS Xolan1s L7 1 TEXAS, For Everything and Eerybody.]kindred organizations.LO .AN EE COSIS& ALH. s 6 no .fisriiyasr. NOTICE TO INDEPEUINDENS. -AN- CGSIS& o~FIIIS T~eillTho annulal iletillg of t(1 0.07f SAN FRANCISCO. DIETAS &SCHANZ, A--- ~ ~ 2.Lo:Inpendent asso001111 00r 0l1 IJ~r~c D f~Th~T iiOlI090 of eletig Daily editos for New Texas aid California Sleeping V. OF 24. TAILORS ,VICTOR MOD)EL thelonr~liug e ir will ocurSaturdal~y, Car Line. Our Spring and Suniner Woolens FIRST CLASS. Apr~il G. Acordino a1ule mof7 (leTHWASHNDIOMUTANR. are now on sale. Prices Low. Rdcd Price Please call and ex-lsIrhto heeltr hl 1il H AAHADIO ONANRS Call and see u5,aie pte.lortioned hs follows:Eleven to the HareIaugrated a no Duly Line of as6. Sate E,, Second loor, Ann Arbor, No.1388 . Min, Cr. XWiia~me 8n. literary d(il aL'lleil1, hliee tii lie lw lIEST CLAS SLEEERIS rom 22 Years in the Busnesses-' Ieplrttnlent, two to tlii iedial dipar- CHICAGO TO LAREDO, TEXAS, THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK -Iet, 000 to tie li llanra:cy 111111 0111Viat Lie lobk. Malrne, T xr a, P a1 CIT LA ' D n /// , Att Abor ie. Capital Stock, $5, 710 dentati deartm11111,.It 15 (1 estil, Austin and Stt Antonio Pasener j{ i! .rpla51o NH. sired tat 1111 thosi. wioing to try forfot Springs have otly oneltllgeof ca Or attt unerth Gnet BIn lt Lwsfolaces egi elntitribtiog tone(a avtn,9:50a.5. nrat dy, arvng N. N. EABOLT No. N. 4t ave.sells ewiLatte on tte pi il cities of tie The work coni will rirlite de Iridittihettrghleptgesltebtwn Cntted Sates. Drft cashed upatt proper qiks hog leigcrln ewe idetiatiott. Safey Ideposit boes o rent and those wh11110 writintg warants a icuag and Mlvearne. Also daily line of MERCHANT TAILORING 1OertcEus: Chrstan ack es .; . D, losiinen 111te 10a111will ho rerotti-Torit Sleeper, leaitg Cicago on ame C:leaning, Pressing and Repairing HriaVcCusCa.E.Hsok ,stler, M51. 1 IttA ssitant Cahier. mended to ihe asitin train, through to SuFatlc i o done neatly by Su rnic i o AVG. , sCBENFiWAT.,.x26,F. Washinsgton THE HIARY COLEMIAN, Angcles Cal. ri i aaglng Editor. Foe maps. tietansld lll ifrmation EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY ! Lovell Diamond Ciyces Mngn apply to 20 EAST HURON STREET. Are unsurpassed for All seniors desiring credit for their J. H. GREEN J HALERMAN, Good XWorb Guaranteed. Goods cahled foelBKAUTY SPEED) AND VOIKANSIIP 1111es()I ttwills Imtst file (1110111tes, and deivered. A. F. COSVEKT, S OP. Ce ho~tr iiiiiscn ~hcin tii011 ie tty Iicigan st 'c. At Tev. Pass. Ag Swhes. othece, romti 5ehiore tarehl >G. 00R ANGRO EO. F. FISHER. Agoet, 552 E. ti. As. 5 . 1FC iA TICKET OFFICE: 201 Clrb t., CICAGO STEAM DYE WORKS.7 F. H. Tritram, P. E. IDombaugh, Ladies' and Gents'Cothinc Cleaned CnPs. Ag. Pss. & Tiket Agt. or Dyed. ~~Co.711 .ave.and Soith- 307 MSiadhsts., 3 W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR _ 'arla iel st, iittsburg, Pa. Toledo, 0 Membersa of Gnarantee Tiet BrotersAsso K~iV ° 1- _T - - elation of UCS"'--Ab-OLULT Ir Cosby & NXeon R. R. Ticket Agency 0FAL i T pET 5Adams t, Chicago. Reduced rates to all points. Branch The Kindergarten So. 3 I4X I-v . _ NMans.AnAbrMcia._ - $255.00 for a 51 Days Euro. a pean Tour. We are orguniolng a selet pary for a sum- RDnax 1 mer hour he Europe'ing ds ewYr, hne f >< , d 22nd, for London, Antwerpy. Brusels, Cologne, r/ r-._ Coblentz, IFrankfort, ilel ehergSransberg. Baden-Biaden, Frs and Dieppe, reurning -Ht- ohigfrom Lo400nAgust 2nd The p.ary , .LI-I - ter- wil be cinducted b andi under the peronat "'""° --" ^ charge of MS.nO 0'lwE6Nusoof (oh mhsS E5GM LG nT" KAj~fI1 I S I flhDJ"E E5 well Stows as one . of the Sfis ulal n-- s,5te tw fAin cwa nteames pseeldedpth/LI L ALffiI I S -0 tCSog p~eh olrgexrineitrvlEahpto ' 1° fwill have apberth in a 1arge promenadldck b ' Ivt /F\ODEL.tEGb 1 O2 om5AIE8 T 0. stateroom, and the ships seltctd are new ),~ cstt~ E~T5I O21 0115PtCS5 Of0 electric ightsond saeam heatComrele t 0 6WI (L ^ ® C I/ itinerary and information muled on reiciptr 1V.a V." J ofL seiffualddesned ntamped envelope. .1 __" ^ nayus evesr epene. of ightstrael n .;TIif FIC"rD FACTORY LAKE Z& IAL9TDST; hotels. Full information and itinerary ~RtTA.'.AeteOROOM'lO e280y,JA5A5S As/C ;SheLEA ISCOOL OF BSiNBESS adSNhlRl mailed on eceipt of sefaddresmed envelope. - "tgyToLN,, ,s..o~urOUSe "87-99 RAE T, E pgYoRK:/f 440MagifceniSiuilding; ten teaherslarnge, Mentin ths papr. -,I Itedanee;god disiplie; sperior wor; well Metin. d ae.PORTLAND 55R. applied redinge ruem; daily lentures Saurdy 'WARD BROTHERS, RN iS S RAT1Ci2515~l05f c venrec~ep tons pe the enieSear 5 eP. T"u f ' I -"AL L _XCITY- o"a i deli esfr plcing sudents in pslti . Genuist aid steanmshp Agt., --. I 5cT ECTY' :ard and room $2uton 175 pe weetinupvati 272 N. High st., - wies These roes redced to t.o by SSWl ading Peer Catalogue address - Lew rates everywhere. Columbus. Ohio. LnnE----- - cs. oR CLAY. Ilte.